// JSLitmus.js // // History: // 2008-10-27: Initial release // 2008-11-09: Account for iteration loop overhead // 2008-11-13: Added OS detection // // Copyright (c) 2008, Robert Kieffer // All Rights Reserved // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the // Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (function() { // Private methods and state // Get platform info but don't go crazy trying to everything that's out // there. This is just for the major platforms and OSes. var platform = 'unknown platform', ua = navigator.userAgent; // Detect OS var oses = ['Windows','iPhone OS','(Intel |PPC )?Mac OS X','Linux'].join('|'); var pOS = new RegExp('((' + oses + ') [^ \);]*)').test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : null; if (!pOS) pOS = new RegExp('((' + oses + ')[^ \);]*)').test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : null; // Detect browser var pName = /(Chrome|MSIE|Safari|Opera|Firefox)/.test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : null; // Detect version var vre = new RegExp('(Version|' + pName + ')[ \/]([^ ;]*)'); var pVersion = (pName && vre.test(ua)) ? RegExp.$2 : null; var platform = (pOS && pName && pVersion) ? pName + ' ' + pVersion + ' on ' + pOS : 'unknown platform'; /* Enhanced version of escape() */ var urlEscape = function(s) { return escape(s).replace(/\+/g, '%2b'); }; /* Find an element by id */ var $ = function(id) {return document.getElementById(id)}; /* Show a status message */ var status = function(msg) { var el = $('jsl_status'); if (el) el.innerHTML = msg || ''; } /* Convert a number to an abbreviated string like, "15K" or "10M" */ var toLabel = function(n) { if (n == Infinity) { return 'Infinity'; } else if (n > 1e9) { n = Math.round(n/1e8); return n/10 + 'B'; } else if (n > 1e6) { n = Math.round(n/1e5); return n/10 + 'M'; } else if (n > 1e3) { n = Math.round(n/1e2); return n/10 + 'K'; } return n; }; /* Copy properties from src to dst */ var objectExtend = function(dst, src) { for (var k in src) dst[k] = src[k]; return dst; }; /* Like Array.join(), but for the key-value pairs in an object */ var objectJoin = function(o, delimit1, delimit2) { var pairs = []; for (var k in o) pairs.push(k + delimit1 + o[k]); return pairs.join(delimit2); }; // IE workaround - monkey patch Array.indexOf() if it's not defined if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(o) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (this[i] === o) return i; return -1; } } /** * (private) Test manages a single test (created with * JSLitmus.test()) */ var Test = function (name, f) { if (!f || !/function[^\(]*\(([^,\)]*)/.test(f.toString())) { throw new Error('"' + name + '" test: Test is not a valid Function object'); } this.loopArg = RegExp.$1; this.name = name; this.f = f; } // // Test - static members // objectExtend(Test, { // Calibration tests for establishing iteration loop overhead CALIBRATIONS: [ new Test('empty (looping)', function(count) {while (count--);}), new Test('empty (non-looping)', function() {}) ], /* * Run calibration tests. Returns true if calibrations are not yet * complete (in which calling code should run the tests yet). * onCalibrated - Callback to invoke when calibrations have finished */ calibrate: function(onCalibrated) { for (var i = 0; i < Test.CALIBRATIONS.length; i++) { var cal = Test.CALIBRATIONS[i]; if (cal.running) return true; if (!cal.count) { cal.isCalibration = true; cal.onStop = onCalibrated; //cal.MIN_TIME = .1; // Do calibrations quickly cal.run(2e4); return true; } } return false; } }); // Test instance members objectExtend(Test.prototype, { INIT_COUNT: 10, // Initial number of iterations MAX_COUNT: 1e9, // Max iterations allowed (i.e. used to detect bad looping functions) MIN_TIME: .5, // Minimum time a test should take to get valid results (secs). /** Called when the test state changes */ onChange: function() {}, /** Called when the test is finished */ onStop: function() {}, /** * Reset test state */ reset: function() { delete this.count; delete this.time; delete this.running; delete this.error; }, /** * Public(ish) method for running the test. We call the actual run method, * _run(), in a timeout to make sure the browser has a chance to finish * rendering any UI changes we've made, like updating the status message. */ run: function(count) { count = count || this.INIT_COUNT status('Testing ' + this.name + ' x ' + count); this.running = true; var me = this; setTimeout(function() {me._run(count);}, 200); }, /** * Run the test */ _run: function(count) { var me = this; // Make sure calibration tests have run if (!me.isCalibration && Test.calibrate(function() {me.run(count);})) return; this.error = null; try { var start, f = this.f, now, i = count; // Start the timer start = new Date(); // Now for the money shot. If this is a looping function ... if (this.loopArg) { // ... let it do the iteration itself f(count); } else { // ... otherwise do the iteration for it while (i--) f(); } // Get time test took (in secs) this.time = Math.max(1,new Date() - start)/1000; // Store iteration count and per-operation time taken this.count = count; this.period = this.time/count; // Do we need to do another run? this.running = this.time <= this.MIN_TIME; // ... if so, compute how many times we should iterate if (this.running) { // Bump the count to the nearest power of 2 var x = this.MIN_TIME/this.time; var pow = Math.pow(2, Math.max(1, Math.ceil(Math.log(x)/Math.log(2)))); count *= pow; if (count > this.MAX_COUNT) { throw new Error('Max count exceeded. If this test uses a looping function, make sure the iteration loop is working properly.') } } } catch (e) { // Exceptions are caught and displayed in the test UI this.reset(); this.error = e; } // Figure out what to do next if (this.running) { me.run(count); } else { status(''); me.onStop(me); } // Finish up this.onChange(this); }, /** * Get the number of operations per second for this test. * normalize - if true, iteration loop overhead taken into account */ getHz: function(normalize) { var p = this.period; // Adjust period based on the calibration test time if (normalize && !this.isCalibration) { var cal = Test.CALIBRATIONS[this.loopArg ? 0 : 1]; // If the period is within 20% of the calibration time, then zero the // it out p = p < cal.period*1.2 ? 0 : p - cal.period; } return Math.round(1/p); }, toString: function() { return this.name + ' - ' + this.time/this.count + ' secs'; } }); // CSS we need for the UI var STYLESHEET = ''; // HTML markup for the UI var MARKUP = '
\ \ \
\ Normalize results \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
' + platform + '
\ \
'; /** * JSLitmus API */ window.JSLitmus = { _tests: [], _queue: [], params: {}, /** * Initialize */ _init: function() { // Parse query params into JSLitmus.params[] hash var match = (location + '').match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/); if (match) { var pairs = match[1].split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); if (pair.length > 1) { var key = pair.shift(); var value = pair.length > 1 ? pair.join('=') : pair[0]; this.params[key] = value; } } } // Write out the stylesheet. We have to do this here because IE // doesn't honor sheets written after the document has loaded. document.write(STYLESHEET); // Setup the rest of the UI once the document is loaded if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', this._setup, false); } else if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('load', this._setup, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', this._setup); } return this; }, /** * Set up the UI */ _setup: function() { var el = $('jslitmus_container'); if (!el) document.body.appendChild(el = document.createElement('div')); el.innerHTML = MARKUP; // Render the UI for all our tests for (var i=0; i < JSLitmus._tests.length; i++) JSLitmus.renderTest(JSLitmus._tests[i]); }, /** * (Re)render all the test results */ renderAll: function() { for (var i = 0; i < JSLitmus._tests.length; i++) JSLitmus.renderTest(JSLitmus._tests[i]); JSLitmus.renderChart(); }, /** * (Re)render the chart graphics */ renderChart: function() { var url = JSLitmus.chartUrl(); $('chart_link').href = url; $('chart_image').src = url; $('tiny_url').href = 'http://tinyurl.com/create.php?url='+encodeURIComponent(url) $('chart').style.display = ''; }, /** * (Re)redner the results for a specific test */ renderTest: function(test) { // Make a new row if needed if (!test._row) { var trow = $('test_row_template'); if (!trow) return; test._row = trow.cloneNode(true); test._row.style.display = ''; test._row.id = ''; test._row.onclick = function() {JSLitmus._queueTest(test);}; test._row.title = 'Run ' + test.name + ' test'; trow.parentNode.appendChild(test._row); test._row.cells[0].innerHTML = test.name; } var cell = test._row.cells[1]; var cns = [test.loopArg ? 'test_looping' : 'test_nonlooping']; if (test.error) { cns.push('test_error'); cell.innerHTML = '
' + test.error + '
' + ''; } else { if (test.running) { cns.push('test_running'); cell.innerHTML = 'running'; } else if (JSLitmus._queue.indexOf(test) >= 0) { cns.push('test_pending'); cell.innerHTML = 'pending'; } else if (test.count) { cns.push('test_done'); var hz = test.getHz($('test_normalize').checked); cell.innerHTML = hz != Infinity ? hz : '∞'; } else { cell.innerHTML = 'ready'; } } cell.className = cns.join(' '); }, /** * Create a new test */ test: function(name, f) { // Create the Test object var test = new Test(name, f); JSLitmus._tests.push(test); // Re-render if the test state changes test.onChange = JSLitmus.renderTest; // Run the next test if this one finished test.onStop = function(test) { if (JSLitmus.onTestFinish) JSLitmus.onTestFinish(test); JSLitmus.currentTest = null; JSLitmus._nextTest(); } // Render the new test this.renderTest(test); }, /** * Add all tests to the run queue */ runAll: function() { for (var i =0; i < JSLitmus._tests.length; i++) JSLitmus._queueTest(JSLitmus._tests[i]); }, /** * Remove all tests from the run queue. The current test has to finish on * it's own though */ stop: function() { while (JSLitmus._queue.length) { var test = JSLitmus._queue.shift(); JSLitmus.renderTest(test); } }, /** * Run the next test in the run queue */ _nextTest: function() { if (!JSLitmus.currentTest) { var test = JSLitmus._queue.shift(); if (test) { $('stop_button').disabled = false; JSLitmus.currentTest = test; test.run(); JSLitmus.renderTest(test); if (JSLitmus.onTestStart) JSLitmus.onTestStart(test); } else { $('stop_button').disabled = true; JSLitmus.renderChart(); } } }, /** * Add a test to the run queue */ _queueTest: function(test) { if (JSLitmus._queue.indexOf(test) >= 0) return; JSLitmus._queue.push(test); JSLitmus.renderTest(test); JSLitmus._nextTest(); }, /** * Generate a Google Chart URL that shows the data for all tests */ chartUrl: function() { var n = JSLitmus._tests.length, markers = [], data = []; var d, min = 0, max = -1e10; var normalize = $('test_normalize').checked; // Gather test data for (var i=0; i < JSLitmus._tests.length; i++) { var test = JSLitmus._tests[i]; if (test.count) { var hz = test.getHz(normalize); var v = hz != Infinity ? hz : 0; data.push(v); markers.push('t' + urlEscape(test.name + '(' + toLabel(hz)+ ')') + ',000000,0,' + markers.length + ',10'); max = Math.max(v, max); } } if (markers.length <= 0) return null; // Build chart title var title = document.getElementsByTagName('title'); title = (title && title.length) ? title[0].innerHTML : null; var chart_title = []; if (title) chart_title.push(title); chart_title.push('Ops/sec (' + platform + ')'); // Build labels var labels = [toLabel(min), toLabel(max)]; var w = 250, bw = 15; var bs = 5; var h = markers.length*(bw + bs) + 30 + chart_title.length*20; var params = { chtt: escape(chart_title.join('|')), chts: '000000,10', cht: 'bhg', // chart type chd: 't:' + data.join(','), // data set chds: min + ',' + max, // max/min of data chxt: 'x', // label axes chxl: '0:|' + labels.join('|'), // labels chsp: '0,1', chm: markers.join('|'), // test names chbh: [bw, 0, bs].join(','), // bar widths // chf: 'bg,lg,0,eeeeee,0,eeeeee,.5,ffffff,1', // gradient chs: w + 'x' + h } return 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' + objectJoin(params, '=', '&'); } }; JSLitmus._init(); })();