package nu.fw.jeti.applet; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.JApplet; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import nu.fw.jeti.backend.LoginInfo; import nu.fw.jeti.backend.Start; import; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.Backend; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.JID; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.UnknownJIDStatus; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.elements.IQPrivate; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.elements.InfoQuery; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.elements.InfoQueryBuilder; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.elements.Presence; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.elements.RosterBuilder; import nu.fw.jeti.jabber.elements.RosterItemBuilder; import nu.fw.jeti.ui.AddContact; import nu.fw.jeti.ui.JIDInput; import nu.fw.jeti.ui.StatusButton; import nu.fw.jeti.util.I18N; import nu.fw.jeti.util.JavaScriptServerExpresso; import nu.fw.jeti.util.Popups; import nu.fw.jeti.util.Preferences; import nu.fw.jeti.util.ProxyIM; import netscape.javascript.JSObject; // Crypt Password import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /* * @author E.S. de Boer * Jeti, a Java Jabber client, Copyright (C) 2003 E.S. de Boer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * For questions, comments etc, * use the website at * or jabber/mail me at * * Created on 14-nov-2003 */ public class Jeti extends JApplet { private Start start; private static Jeti applet; private URL exitURL; private static String groupchatRoom; private static String groupchatServer; private Backend backend; private boolean started = false; private SecureMethodRunner secureMethodInvoker; private Thread initIM; public static JLabel from; public static LoginInfo loginInfo; public static String USERID; public static String SERVEREXPRESSO; public static String NAMECOMPANY; public static String USEHTTPS; public static String CNNAME; public static List GROUPSUSER; public static String SERVERJABBER; public static String COUNTRY; public static String LANGUAGE; public static String JAVAPLUGINS; public static JSObject WINDOWAPPLET = null; /** * @Author : Alexandre Correia - * @date : 10/06/2009 * @Brief : A variavel DEBUG_APPLET_VIEWER = true, para usar o appletviewer */ public static boolean DEBUG_APPLET_VIEWER = false; public void init() { splash(); loadApplet(); } public void loadApplet() { applet = this; String keyCrypt = "DefaultJava1234@"; String _mcrypt = applet.getParameter("FIELD17"); _mcrypt = _mcrypt.toLowerCase(); String server; String portText; boolean ssl; String user; String password; String resource; String host; String serverExpresso; String useHttps; String nameCompany; String cnName; String country; String language; String javaPlugins; if ( _mcrypt.equals("true") ) { server = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD12"), keyCrypt ) ); portText = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD10"), keyCrypt ) ); ssl = Boolean.valueOf( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD13"), keyCrypt ) ).booleanValue(); user = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD16"), keyCrypt ) ); password = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD09"), keyCrypt ) ); resource = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD11"), keyCrypt ) ); host = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD05"), keyCrypt ) ); serverExpresso = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD03"), keyCrypt ) ); useHttps = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD14"), keyCrypt ) ); nameCompany = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD08"), keyCrypt ) ); cnName = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD01"), keyCrypt ) ); country = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD02"), keyCrypt ) ); language = new String( Crypto.decrypt(applet.getParameter("FIELD07"), keyCrypt ) ); javaPlugins = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD06") ); } else { server = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD12") ); portText = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD10") ); ssl = Boolean.valueOf( applet.getParameter("FIELD13") ).booleanValue(); user = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD16") ); password = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD09") ); resource = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD11") ); host = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD05") ); serverExpresso = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD03") ); useHttps = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD14") ); nameCompany = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD08") ); cnName = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD01") ); country = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD02") ); language = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD07") ); javaPlugins = new String( applet.getParameter("FIELD06") ); } /** * @Author : Alexandre Correia - * @Date : 20/10/2008 * @Description : - Nome Servidor IM-Jabber para Constant SERVERJABBER * - Nome da Maquina Expresso para Constant SERVEREXPRESSO * - Nome da Empresa para Constant NAMECOMPANY * - Informa qual o tipo de protocolo a ser usado http ou https. * - Passa ao java o cn do ldap do servidor expresso. * - Carrega plugins para o Java. * - uid expresso; */ SERVERJABBER = server; SERVEREXPRESSO = serverExpresso; NAMECOMPANY = nameCompany; USEHTTPS = useHttps; CNNAME = cnName; LANGUAGE = language; COUNTRY = country; JAVAPLUGINS = javaPlugins; USERID = user; // Reinit languages incase they changed I18N.init(language, country); groupchatRoom = getParameter("GROUPCHATROOM"); groupchatServer = getParameter("GROUPCHATSERVER"); Start.programURL = getCodeBase(); Start.applet = true; final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); start = new Start( getCodeBase().toString(), panel ); backend = start.getBackend(); backend.getMain().translate(); if( server !=null || resource != null || portText !=null ) { int port = Integer.parseInt(portText); ProxyIM.setProxy("http://" + server); String proxyServer = ProxyIM.getProxyServer(); String proxyPort = String.valueOf(ProxyIM.getProxyPort()); loginInfo = new LoginInfo(server, host.trim(), user, password, resource, port, ssl, proxyServer, proxyPort); backend.autoLogin(loginInfo, 2); if( loginInfo != null ) { secureMethodInvoker = new SecureMethodRunner(backend); secureMethodInvoker.start(); backend.addExtensionHandler("jeti:prefs",new PreferencesHandler()); try { backend.addListener(StatusChangeListener.class,new StatusChangeListener() { public void connectionChanged(boolean online) { if( online ) { backend.send(new InfoQuery("get",new IQPrivate(new JetiPrivatePreferencesExtension()))); if( !nu.fw.jeti.applet.Jeti.DEBUG_APPLET_VIEWER ) WINDOWAPPLET = JSObject.getWindow(applet); } } public void ownPresenceChanged(int show, String status) {} public void exit(){} }); } catch(NoClassDefFoundError e) { e.printStackTrace(); } new Popups(Jeti.this); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setContentPane(panel); validate(); } }); started = true; } else { started = false; } } } private void splash() { /** * Splash - Inicializador - * Modificado by Alexandre Correia - */ JLabel label = new JLabel( "" + "Expresso IM " + "
" + " Jeti - ", JLabel.CENTER ); label.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255)); getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(255,255,255)); getContentPane().add(label,BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255)); from = new JLabel(NAMECOMPANY, JLabel.CENTER); from.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255)); from.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Serif,Verdana,Arial",1,10)); panel.add(from); getContentPane().add(panel,BorderLayout.SOUTH); } public String getStatusMessages(int status) { List messages = Preferences.getStatusMessages(status); return messages.toString(); } public String getGroupsToExpresso() { String[] Groups = applet.backend.getAllGroups(); String groups = ""; for(int i = 0 ; i < Groups.length; i++ ) groups += Groups[i] + ";"; return groups.toString(); } public void changeStatusfromExpresso(int status, String msgStatus) { switch (status) { case Presence.AVAILABLE: StatusButton.changeStatusExpresso(Presence.AVAILABLE, msgStatus); break; case Presence.FREE_FOR_CHAT: StatusButton.changeStatusExpresso(Presence.FREE_FOR_CHAT, msgStatus); break; case Presence.AWAY: StatusButton.changeStatusExpresso(Presence.AWAY, msgStatus); break; case Presence.XA: StatusButton.changeStatusExpresso(Presence.XA, msgStatus); break; case Presence.DND: StatusButton.changeStatusExpresso(Presence.DND, msgStatus); break; case Presence.UNAVAILABLE: StatusButton.changeStatusExpresso(Presence.UNAVAILABLE, msgStatus); break; case Presence.INVISIBLE: StatusButton.changeStatusExpresso(Presence.INVISIBLE, msgStatus); break; } } public static void showURL(String url) { try { applet.getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL(url),"_blank"); } catch (MalformedURLException e){} } public void destroy() { try { if( secureMethodInvoker != null ) secureMethodInvoker.stopRunning(); start.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void exit() { applet.getAppletContext().showDocument(applet.exitURL); } public boolean isReady() { System.out.println("ready " + started); return started; } public boolean isLoggedIn() { if( !started ) return false; return backend.isLoggedIn(); } public void openChat(String jid) { try { JID j = JID.checkedJIDFromString(jid); secureMethodInvoker.addData(new Object[]{"openChat",j}); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void addContact(String jid, String name, String group) { /** * @Author(s) : Alexandre Correia - * @Date : 24/04/2009 * @Brief : Adiciona novos contatos e ja pede autorizacao. */ try { JID Jid = JID.checkedJIDFromString(jid); backend.send(new Presence(Jid, "subscribe")); RosterBuilder rb = new RosterBuilder(); RosterItemBuilder rib = new RosterItemBuilder(); rib.addGroup(group); rib.jid = Jid; = name; rib.ask = "subscribe"; rib.subscription = "none"; rb.addItem(; InfoQueryBuilder iqb = new InfoQueryBuilder(); iqb.addExtension(; iqb.setType("set"); backend.send(; } catch(Exception error) { error.printStackTrace(); } } public void login(String username,String server,String password) { if( backend.isLoggedIn() ) { JID j = backend.getMyJID(); if( j.getDomain().equals(server) && j.getUser().equals(username) ) return; } secureMethodInvoker.addData(new Object[]{"login",username,server,password}); } public static Class getPlugin(String name) { try { return Class.forName("nu.fw.jeti.plugins."+name+".Plugin"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(I18N.gettext("main.error.{0}_plugin_not_found"), new Object[]{name})); return null; } } public static void getPrefPanel(String name,Map loadedPreferencePanels) { Class prefPanel = null; try { prefPanel = Class.forName("nu.fw.jeti.plugins."+name+".PrefPanel"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return; } loadedPreferencePanels.put(name,prefPanel); } static class SecureMethodRunner extends Thread { private Backend backend; private LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); private volatile boolean isRunning=true; SecureMethodRunner(Backend backend) { this.backend = backend; } public void addData(Object method) { synchronized(queue) { queue.addLast(method); queue.notifyAll(); } } public void stopRunning() { isRunning = false; synchronized(queue){queue.notifyAll();} } public void run() { Object[] method; while (isRunning) { synchronized (queue) { if (queue.isEmpty()) { try { queue.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //bug when thrown? called when interrupted e.printStackTrace(); return; } continue; } method = (Object[]) queue.removeFirst(); } String m = (String)method[0]; if( m.equals("openChat") ) backend.getMain().startChat((JID)method[1]); } } } } /* * Overrides for emacs * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * End: */