source: 3thparty/jupload/maven-translation-plugin/src/test/resources/lang.coppermine.utf-8/slovenian.php @ 3951

Revision 3951, 3.5 KB checked in by alexandrecorreia, 13 years ago (diff)

Ticket #1709 - Adicao de codigo fonte java do componente jupload

3 *******************************************
4 plugin JUpload for Coppermine Photo Gallery
5 *******************************************
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
11 ********************************************
12 $Revision: 185 $
13 $Author: etienne_sf $
14 $Date: 2008-03-12 20:26:16 +0100 (mer., 12 mars 2008) $
15 ********************************************
16 *
17 * Allows easy upload to the gallery, through a java applet.
18 *
19 * Up to date version of this script can be retrieved with the full JUpload package, here:
20 *
21 *
22 *
23 * Directly here:
24 *,100.0.html
25 *
26 * Support is available on this forum:
27 *
28 *
29 * The applet is published on sourceforge:
30 *
31 *
32 */
35// Thanks to Wojtek Semik: wojteks at pvd dot pl
37if (defined('JUPLOAD_PHP')) {
38        $lang_jupload_php = array_merge (
39                $lang_jupload_php,
40                array(
41                  'perm_denied' => 'NimaÅ¡ pooblastil za izvedbo tega opravila.<BR><BR>Če ni povezave, se najprej <a href="login.php' . ( isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? '?referer=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : '') . '">prijavi</a>',
42                  'select_album' => 'Prosim, izberi album, v katerega ÅŸeliÅ¡ naloÅŸiti slike',
43                  'button_update_album' => 'OsveÅŸi album',
44                  'button_create_album' => 'Ustvari album',
45                  'success' => 'Postopek je uspel!',
46                  'error_select_album' => 'Prosim, najprej izberi album',
47                  'error_album_name' => 'Prosim, poimenuj album.',
48                  'error_album_already_exists' => 'V galeriji ÅŸe imaÅ¡ album s tem imenom.<BR><BR>Prosim, klikni gumb <I>Nazaj</I> v svojem brskalniku in vpiÅ¡i drugo ime za svoj novi album.',
49                  'album_name' => 'Ime albuma',
50                  'album_presentation' => 'Izbrati moraÅ¡ album, v katerega ÅŸeliÅ¡ naloÅŸiti slike. <BR>Če albumov ni, je seznam prazen. Uporabi gumb \'Ustvari album\' in ustvari svoj prvi album.',
51                  'album_description' => 'Opis albuma',
52                  'add_pictures' => 'Dodaj slike v izbrani album',
53                  'max_upload_size' => 'Največja dovoljena velikost slike je $1 KB',
54                  'upload_presentation' => 'Če se v spodnjem polju ne pokaÅŸe programček, brskalnik pa opozarja na napako na strani, moraÅ¡ namestiti <a href=\'\'>javo</a>.<BR>Uporaba je preprosta! Klikni <B>Išči</B> in izberi datoteke ali pa uporabi \'povleci in spusti\' v raziskovalcu ter nato klikni <B>NaloÅŸi</B> in poÅ¡lji slike na streÅŸnik.'
55                        . "<BR><U>Staro stran za nalaganje</U>, <a href='upload.php'>najdeÅ¡ tukaj</a>.",
56                  'album' => 'Album',
57                  //Since 2.1.0
58                  'java_not_enabled' => 'Your navigator doesn\'t allow java. The upload applet need java. You can easily download it from the <a href="http:\\\jre\">java web site</a>',
59                  //Since 3.0.0
60                  'picture_data_explanation' => 'Click on this link, and enter data in the fields below, if you want these to be applied to all pictures in the next upload.',
61                  'quota_used' => 'You are currently using $1 MB ($2%) of your $3 MB of storage.',
62                  'quota_about_full' => 'Remove some pictures, or ask the admin to make your quota bigger.',
63                  //Since 3.2.0
64                  'need_approval' => 'The gallery admin must approve these uploaded pictures, before you can see them on the gallery.'
65                )
66        );
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