source: 3thparty/jupload/target/classes/wjhk/jupload2/upload/package.html @ 3951

Revision 3951, 8.5 KB checked in by alexandrecorreia, 14 years ago (diff)

Ticket #1709 - Adicao de codigo fonte java do componente jupload

6This package contains the code that actually executes the upload (see below for a full description of the way the upload
7is executed in the JUpload code).
8It is structured around these main items:
10<LI><A HREF="FileUploadManagerThread.html">FileUploadManagerThread</A>: The main class. It controls the execution of
11the upload, manages the file preparation, the progress bar, the possible exceptions...
12<LI><A HREF="FileUploadThread.html">FileUploadThread</A>: The interface of the class the execute the successives requests
13to the server. The following class implements this interface:
14        <DIR>
15        <LI><A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html">DefaultFileUploadThread</A> is an abstract class, the provides the global
16        upload mechanism to send one packet of files to the server. The packet is created by FileUploadManagerThread,
17        according to the current upload policy, with parameters like: <I>maxChunkSize</I> and <I>nbFilesPerRequest</I>. All protocol
18        specific methods are implemented in the following implementation, depending on the applet parameter <I>postURL</I>:
19        <LI><A HREF="FileUploadThreadHTTP.html">FileUploadThreadHTTP</A> executes uploads to an HTTP server (http, https,
20        proxy or not...), by using POST requests. It implements the abstract methods of DefaultFileUploadThread.
21        <LI><A HREF="FileUploadThreadFTP.html">FileUploadThreadFTP</A> is the implementation for FTP servers
22        </DIR>
23<LI><A HREF="UploadFileData.html">UploadFileData</A> is an implementation of the
24        <A HREF="../filedata/FileData.html">wjhk.jupload2.filedata.FileData</A> interface, to add the
25        <A HREF="UploadFileData.html#uploadFile(,%20long)">uploadFile(OutputStream, long)</A> method,
26        which sends the file bytes to the server.
27<LI>The <A HREF="helper/package-summary.html">wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper</A> package offers various utilities to manage the upload.
30<H3>How works the upload</H3>
32<P>Here is a description of what occurs, when the user clicks on the 'upload' button, on the applet, or when the
33applet startUpload() method is called by javascript:</P>
35<LI>The JUploadPanel.doStartUpload() starts the job
36<LI>It calls the <A HREF="../policies/UploadPolicy.html#beforeUpload()">UploadPolicy.beforeUpload()</A> method. If this method
37returns false, the process stops here.
38<LI>It then creates and starts the FileUploadManagerThread thread. This thread is responsible to throw all necessary
39actions to execute the upload
40<LI>The fileUploadManagerThread creates the necessary queues and threads (see below)
41<LI>It then waits for the upload to finish, by comparing the total number of files to upload to the number of uploaded
42files, after each successful upload.
45<P>The upload is done by these threads:</P>
47<LI><A HREF="FileUploadManagerThread.html">FileUploadManagerThread</A>: The main thread of the upload, does these actions:
48        <DIR>
49        <LI>creation and start the queues described below.
50        <LI>creation and start the threads described below.
51        <LI>waiting for the upload to be finished
52        <LI>updating the upload progress bar
53        <LI>maintain the end of upload flag (with the isUploadFinished() method)
54        </DIR>
55<LI><A HREF="FilePreparationThread.html">FilePreparationThread</A>: This thread:
56        <DIR>
57        <LI>reads the list of files, from the FilePanel,
58        <LI>prepares each file for upload, by calling the <A HREF="../filedata/FileData.html#beforeUpload()">FileData.beforeUpload()</A> method.
59        <LI>manages exceptions that could occurs here. If one occurs, the user is asked if he want to go on with upload.
60        <LI>put the prepared file on the <B>preparedFileQueue</B>, if everything is ok.
61        <LI>put a <A HREF="UploadFileDataPoisonned.html">UploadFileDataPoisonned</A>, to tell the PacketPreparationThread
62        that the last file was sent.
63        <LI>contains the reference of the number of files to upload (as some files may be in error, while the upload goes on).
64        </DIR>
65<LI><A href="PacketConstructionThread.html">PacketConstructionThread</A>: This thread is responsible for grouping the
66files in packet of files, that will be sent in one request to the server. It: 
67        <DIR>
68        <LI>reads the files in the <B>preparedFileQueue</B>
69        <LI>checks if it can be added to the current packet.
70        <LI>put the packet in the <B>packetQueue</B> as soon as a packet is ready (or when the upload is finished)
71        <LI>put a <A HREF="UploadFilePacketPoisonned.html">UploadFilePacketPoisonned</A>, to tell the FileUploadThread
72        that the last packet was sent.
73        <LI>adds the file to the current packet.
74        </DIR>
75<LI><A HREF="FileUploadThread.html">FileUploadThread</A>: This interface is implemented by these classes:
76<A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html">DefaultFileUploadThread</A> is an abstract
77class that contains all non protocol-specific code. The <A HREF="FileUploadThreadFTP.html">FileUploadThreadFTP</A> and
78<A HREF="FileUploadThreadHTTP.html">FileUploadThreadHTTP</A> class implements the protocol-specific treatements, mainly:
79build the request and read the server response. These classes do these actions:
80        <DIR>
81        <LI>Reads the next packet in the <B>packetQueue</B>
82        <LI>Checks if the upload is in chunked mode or not. Chunk mode is activated when the packet size is bigger than the
83        maxChunkSize applet. There must be only one file in the packet.
84        <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#beforeRequest(wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFilePacket)">DefaultFileUploadThread.beforeRequest(UploadFilePacket)</A>
85        method, for any request preparation (server connection...)
86        <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#startRequest(long,%20boolean,%20int,%20boolean)">DefaultFileUploadThread.startRequest(long, boolean, int, boolean)</A>
87        method, for headers that need to be sent before the first file.
88        <LI>[Non chunked mode] Loops throught the files in the packet:
89                <DIR>
90                <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#beforeFile(wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFilePacket, wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFileData)">beforeFile(UploadFilePacket, UploadFileData)</A>
91                <LI>Calls the <A HREF="UploadFileData.html#uploadFile(, long)">UploadFileData.uploadFile(OutputStream, long)</A> to send the bytes for the already prepared files to the server.
92                <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#afterFile(wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFileData)">afterFile(UploadFileData)</A>
93                </DIR>
94        <LI>[Chunked mode] Loops throught the chunks for the unique file in the packet:
95                <DIR>
96                <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#beforeFile(wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFilePacket, wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFileData)">beforeFile(UploadFilePacket, UploadFileData)</A>
97                <LI>Calls the <A HREF="UploadFileData.html#uploadFile(, long)">UploadFileData.uploadFile(OutputStream, long)</A> to send the bytes for the current chunk of the already prepared
98                files to the server.
99                <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#afterFile(wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFileData)">afterFile(UploadFileData)</A>
100                </DIR>
101        <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#finishRequest()">finishRequest()</A> method, to clean any
102        resources about this request.
103        <LI>The <A HREF="../policies/UploadPolicy.html#checkUploadSuccess(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)">UploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(int, String, String)</A>
104        is called after each request to the server, to check that the server response contains the relevant success string.
105        It also checks if an error occurs (and then displays the message to the user). In this case, the
106        <A HREF="FileUploadManagerThread.html#setUploadException(wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadException)">FileUploadManagerThread.setUploadException(JUploadException)</A>
107        is called. This stops the upload. All threads will quit.
108        <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#cleanRequest()">cleanRequest()</A> method, to clean any resources
109        used by this request.
110        <LI>Calls the <A HREF="DefaultFileUploadThread.html#cleanAll()">cleanAll()</A> method when the upload is finished,
111        to clean any global resource for the upload.
112        </DIR>
115<H3>The resume facility</H3>
116<P>When a network error occurs during upload, the applet can have some retries to the server. These retries can be automatic
117or manually controlled. When an retries occurs, the whole packet is resent. That is: the apply re-execute the request that failed.</P>
121- The FileData.afterUpload() can only be called once the whole request is a success or a failure without retry. That is: the afterUpload
122is called after catching the exception, that may be resumed.
123--> The call to FileData.afterUpload() should be moved from doNonChunkedUpload() and doChunkedUpload() to doUpload, in a
124new finally block, in a finally block.
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