/*********************************************************************** ** Title.........: Online Image Editor Interface ** Version.......: 1.0 ** Author........: Xiang Wei ZHUO ** Filename......: EditorContents.js ** Last changed..: 31 Aug 2003 ** Notes.........: Handles most of the interface routines for the ImageEditor. **/ function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i-1 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")>-1)) { ox=0;oy=0;if(g.style.left){x=parseInt(g.style.left);y=parseInt(g.style.top); }else{var w1=parseInt(el.style.width);bx=(a<0)?-5-w1:-10; a=(Math.abs(a)<1000)?0:a;b=(Math.abs(b)<1000)?0:b; //alert(event.clientX); if (event == null) x=document.body.scrollLeft + bx; else x=document.body.scrollLeft + event.clientX + bx; if (event == null) y=document.body.scrollTop; else y=document.body.scrollTop + event.clientY;}} }else if (document.layers) {x=g.x;y=g.y;var q0=document.layers,dd=""; for(var s=0;s4){xx+="px";yy+="px";} if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")>-1){ xx+=parseInt(document.body.leftMargin);yy+=parseInt(document.body.topMargin); xx+="px";yy+="px";}e.left=xx;e.top=yy;} pic_x = parseInt(xx); pic_y = parseInt(yy); //alert(xx+":"+yy); } } var ie=document.all var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all var dragapproved=false var z,x,y,status, ant, canvas, content, pic_width, pic_height, image, resizeHandle, oa_w, oa_h, oa_x, oa_y, mx2, my2; function init_resize() { if(mode == "scale") { P7_Snap('theImage','ant',0,0); if (canvas == null) canvas = MM_findObj("imgCanvas"); if (pic_width == null || pic_height == null) { image = MM_findObj("theImage"); pic_width = image.width; pic_height = image.height; } if (ant == null) ant = MM_findObj("ant"); ant.style.left = pic_x; ant.style.top = pic_y; ant.style.width = pic_width; ant.style.height = pic_height; ant.style.visibility = "visible"; drawBoundHandle(); jg_doc.paint(); } } function init() { init_crop(); init_resize(); var markerImg = MM_findObj('markerImg', window.top.document); if (markerImg.src.indexOf("t_white.gif")>0) toggleMarker() ; } function init_crop() { //if(mode == "crop") { P7_Snap('theImage','ant',0,0); //} } function setMode(newMode) { mode = newMode; reset(); } function reset() { if (ant == null) ant = MM_findObj("ant"); ant.style.visibility = "hidden"; ant.style.left = 0; ant.style.top = 0; ant.style.width = 0; ant.style.height = 0; mx2 = null; my2 = null; jg_doc.clear(); if(mode != 'measure') showStatus(); if(mode == "scale") { init_resize(); } P7_Snap('theImage','ant',0,0); } function toggleMarker() { //alert("Toggle"); if (ant == null) ant = MM_findObj("ant"); if(ant.className=="selection") ant.className="selectionWhite"; else ant.className="selection"; if (jg_doc.getColor() == "#000000") jg_doc.setColor("#FFFFFF"); else jg_doc.setColor("#000000"); drawBoundHandle jg_doc.paint(); } function move(e) { if (dragapproved) { //z.style.left=ns6? temp1+e.clientX-x: temp1+event.clientX-x //z.style.top=ns6? temp2+e.clientY-y : temp2+event.clientY-y var w = ns6? temp1+e.clientX - x : temp1+event.clientX - x; var h = ns6? temp2+e.clientY - y : temp2+event.clientY - y; //alert(canvas.style.left); /*if (status !=null) { status.innerHTML = "x:"+x+" y:"+y+" w:"+w+" h:"+h+" can_h:"+pic_height; status.innerHTML += " can_w:"+pic_width+" px:"+pic_x+" py:"+pic_y; status.innerHTML += " pix:"+image.style.left+" piy:"+image.style.top+" obj:"+obj.id; }*/ /*jg_doc.clear(); jg_doc.fillRectPattern(0,0,Math.abs(w),Math.abs(h),pattern); jg_doc.paint(); */ if (ant != null) { if (w >= 0) { ant.style.left = x; ant.style.width = w; } else { ant.style.left = x+w; ant.style.width = -1*w; } if (h >= 0) { ant.style.top = y; ant.style.height = h; } else { ant.style.top = y+h; ant.style.height = -1*h } } showStatus(); return false } } function moveContent(e) { if (dragapproved) { var dx =ns6? oa_x + e.clientX-x: oa_x + event.clientX-x var dy =ns6? oa_y + e.clientY-y : oa_y + event.clientY-y /*if (status !=null) { status.innerHTML = "x:"+x+" y:"+y+" dx:"+dx+" dy:"+dy; }*/ ant.style.left = dx; ant.style.top = dy; showStatus(); return false; } } function moveHandle(e) { if (dragapproved) { var w = ns6? e.clientX - x : event.clientX - x; var h = ns6? e.clientY - y : event.clientY - y; switch(resizeHandle) { case "s-resize": if (oa_h + h >= 0) ant.style.height = oa_h + h; break; case "e-resize": if(oa_w + w >= 0) ant.style.width = oa_w + w; break; case "n-resize": if (oa_h - h >= 0) { ant.style.top = oa_y + h; ant.style.height = oa_h - h; } break; case "w-resize": if(oa_w - w >= 0) { ant.style.left = oa_x + w; ant.style.width = oa_w - w; }break; case "nw-resize": if(oa_h - h >= 0 && oa_w - w >= 0) { ant.style.left = oa_x + w; ant.style.width = oa_w - w; ant.style.top = oa_y + h; ant.style.height = oa_h - h; } break; case "ne-resize": if (oa_h - h >= 0 && oa_w + w >= 0){ ant.style.top = oa_y + h; ant.style.height = oa_h - h; ant.style.width = oa_w + w; } break; case "se-resize": if (oa_h + h >= 0 && oa_w + w >= 0) { ant.style.height = oa_h + h; ant.style.width = oa_w + w; } break; case "sw-resize": if (oa_h + h >= 0 && oa_w - w >= 0) { ant.style.height = oa_h + h; ant.style.left = oa_x + w; ant.style.width = oa_w - w; } } showStatus(); return false; } } function drags(e) { if (!ie&&!ns6) return var firedobj=ns6? e.target : event.srcElement var topelement=ns6? "HTML" : "BODY" while (firedobj.tagName!=topelement&& !(firedobj.className=="crop" || firedobj.className=="handleBox" || firedobj.className=="selection" || firedobj.className=="selectionWhite")) { firedobj=ns6? firedobj.parentNode : firedobj.parentElement } if(firedobj.className=="handleBox") { if(content != null) { if(content.width != null && content.height != null) { content.width = 0; content.height = 0; } //alert(content.width+":"+content.height); } resizeHandle = firedobj.id; /*if(status!=null) { status.innerHTML = " obj:"+firedobj.id; }*/ x=ns6? e.clientX: event.clientX y=ns6? e.clientY: event.clientY oa_w = parseInt(ant.style.width); oa_h = parseInt(ant.style.height); oa_x = parseInt(ant.style.left); oa_y = parseInt(ant.style.top); dragapproved=true document.onmousemove=moveHandle; return false; } else if((firedobj.className == "selection" || firedobj.className=="selectionWhite")&& mode == "crop") { x=ns6? e.clientX: event.clientX y=ns6? e.clientY: event.clientY oa_x = parseInt(ant.style.left); oa_y = parseInt(ant.style.top); dragapproved=true document.onmousemove=moveContent; return false; } else if (firedobj.className=="crop" && mode == "crop") { if(content != null) { if(content.width != null && content.height != null) { content.width = 0; content.height = 0; } //alert(content.width+":"+content.height); } if (status == null) status = MM_findObj("status"); if (ant == null) ant = MM_findObj("ant"); if (canvas == null) canvas = MM_findObj("imgCanvas"); if(content == null) { content = MM_findObj("cropContent"); } if (pic_width == null || pic_height == null) { image = MM_findObj("theImage"); pic_width = image.width; pic_height = image.height; } ant.style.visibility = "visible"; obj = firedobj; dragapproved=true z=firedobj temp1=parseInt(z.style.left+0) temp2=parseInt(z.style.top+0) x=ns6? e.clientX: event.clientX y=ns6? e.clientY: event.clientY document.onmousemove=move return false } else if(firedobj.className=="crop" && mode == "measure") { if (ant == null) ant = MM_findObj("ant"); if (canvas == null) canvas = MM_findObj("imgCanvas"); x=ns6? e.clientX: event.clientX y=ns6? e.clientY: event.clientY //jg_doc.draw dragapproved=true document.onmousemove=measure return false } } function measure(e) { if (dragapproved) { mx2 = ns6? e.clientX : event.clientX; my2 = ns6? e.clientY : event.clientY; jg_doc.clear(); jg_doc.setStroke(Stroke.DOTTED); jg_doc.drawLine(x,y,mx2,my2); jg_doc.paint(); showStatus(); return false; } } function setMarker(nx,ny,nw,nh) { if (ant == null) ant = MM_findObj("ant"); if (canvas == null) canvas = MM_findObj("imgCanvas"); if(content == null) { content = MM_findObj("cropContent"); } if (pic_width == null || pic_height == null) { image = MM_findObj("theImage"); pic_width = image.width; pic_height = image.height; } ant.style.visibility = "visible"; nx = pic_x + nx; ny = pic_y + ny; if (nw >= 0) { ant.style.left = nx; ant.style.width = nw; } else { ant.style.left = nx+nw; ant.style.width = -1*nw; } if (nh >= 0) { ant.style.top = ny; ant.style.height = nh; } else { ant.style.top = ny+nh; ant.style.height = -1*nh } } function max(x,y) { if(y > x) return x; else return y; } function drawBoundHandle() { if(ant == null || ant.style == null) return false; var ah = parseInt(ant.style.height); var aw = parseInt(ant.style.width); var ax = parseInt(ant.style.left); var ay = parseInt(ant.style.top); jg_doc.drawHandle(ax-15,ay-15,30,30,"nw-resize"); //upper left jg_doc.drawHandle(ax-15,ay+ah-15,30,30,"sw-resize"); //lower left jg_doc.drawHandle(ax+aw-15,ay-15,30,30,"ne-resize"); //upper right jg_doc.drawHandle(ax+aw-15,ay+ah-15,30,30,"se-resize"); //lower right jg_doc.drawHandle(ax+max(15,aw/10),ay-8,aw-2*max(15,aw/10),8,"n-resize"); //top middle jg_doc.drawHandle(ax+max(15,aw/10),ay+ah,aw-2*max(15,aw/10),8,"s-resize"); //bottom middle jg_doc.drawHandle(ax-8, ay+max(15,ah/10),8,ah-2*max(15,ah/10),"w-resize"); //left middle jg_doc.drawHandle(ax+aw, ay+max(15,ah/10),8,ah-2*max(15,ah/10),"e-resize"); //right middle jg_doc.drawHandleBox(ax-4,ay-4,8,8,"nw-resize"); //upper left jg_doc.drawHandleBox(ax-4,ay+ah-4,8,8,"sw-resize"); //lower left jg_doc.drawHandleBox(ax+aw-4,ay-4,8,8,"ne-resize"); //upper right jg_doc.drawHandleBox(ax+aw-4,ay+ah-4,8,8,"se-resize"); //lower right jg_doc.drawHandleBox(ax+aw/2-4,ay-4,8,8,"n-resize"); //top middle jg_doc.drawHandleBox(ax+aw/2-4,ay+ah-4,8,8,"s-resize"); //bottom middle jg_doc.drawHandleBox(ax-4, ay+ah/2-4,8,8,"w-resize"); //left middle jg_doc.drawHandleBox(ax+aw-4, ay+ah/2-4,8,8,"e-resize"); //right middle //jg_doc.paint(); } function showStatus() { if(ant == null || ant.style == null) { return false; } if(mode == "measure") { //alert(pic_x); mx1 = x - pic_x; my1 = y - pic_y; mw = mx2 - x; mh = my2 - y; md = parseInt(Math.sqrt(mw*mw + mh*mh)*100)/100; ma = (Math.atan(-1*mh/mw)/Math.PI)*180; if(mw < 0 && mh < 0) ma = ma+180; if (mw <0 && mh >0) ma = ma - 180; ma = parseInt(ma*100)/100; if (m_sx != null && !isNaN(mx1)) m_sx.innerHTML = mx1+" px"; if (m_sy != null && !isNaN(my1)) m_sy.innerHTML = my1+" px"; if(m_w != null && !isNaN(mw)) m_w.innerHTML = mw + " px"; if(m_h != null && !isNaN(mh)) m_h.innerHTML = mh + " px"; if(m_d != null && !isNaN(md)) m_d.innerHTML = md + " px"; if(m_a != null && !isNaN(ma)) m_a.innerHTML = ma + "° "; if(r_ra != null &&!isNaN(ma)) r_ra.value = ma; //alert("mx1:"+mx1+" my1"+my1); return false; } var ah = parseInt(ant.style.height); var aw = parseInt(ant.style.width); var ax = parseInt(ant.style.left); var ay = parseInt(ant.style.top); var cx = ax-pic_x<0?0:ax-pic_x; var cy = ay-pic_y<0?0:ay-pic_y; cx = cx>pic_width?pic_width:cx; cy = cy>pic_height?pic_height:cy; var cw = ax-pic_x>0?aw:aw-(pic_x-ax); var ch = ay-pic_y>0?ah:ah-(pic_y-ay); ch = ay+ah0 && s_sh.value.indexOf('%')>0) { sw = cw/pic_width; sh = ch/pic_height; } if (s_sw != null) s_sw.value = sw; if (s_sh != null) s_sh.value = sh; } } function dragStopped() { dragapproved=false; if(ant == null || ant.style == null) { return false; } if(mode == "measure") { jg_doc.drawLine(x-4,y,x+4,y); jg_doc.drawLine(x,y-4,x,y+4); jg_doc.drawLine(mx2-4,my2,mx2+4,my2); jg_doc.drawLine(mx2,my2-4,mx2,my2+4); jg_doc.paint(); showStatus(); return false; } var ah = parseInt(ant.style.height); var aw = parseInt(ant.style.width); var ax = parseInt(ant.style.left); var ay = parseInt(ant.style.top); jg_doc.clear(); if(content != null) { if(content.width != null && content.height != null) { content.width = aw-1; content.height = ah-1; } //alert(content.width+":"+content.height); } if(mode == "crop") { //alert(pic_y); jg_doc.fillRectPattern(pic_x,pic_y,pic_width,ay-pic_y,pattern); var h1 = ah; var y1 = ay; if (ah+ay >= pic_height+pic_y) h1 = pic_height+pic_y-ay; else if (ay <= pic_y) { h1 = ay+ah-pic_y; y1 = pic_y; } jg_doc.fillRectPattern(pic_x,y1,ax-pic_x,h1,pattern); jg_doc.fillRectPattern(ax+aw,y1,pic_x+pic_width-ax-aw,h1,pattern); jg_doc.fillRectPattern(pic_x,ay+ah,pic_width,pic_height+pic_y-ay-ah,pattern); } else if(mode == "scale") { //alert("Resizing: iw:"+image.width+" nw:"+aw); document.theImage.height = ah; document.theImage.width = aw; document.theImage.style.height = ah+" px"; document.theImage.style.width = aw+" px"; P7_Snap('theImage','ant',0,0); //alert("After Resizing: iw:"+image.width+" nw:"+aw); } drawBoundHandle(); jg_doc.paint(); showStatus(); return false; } document.onmousedown=drags document.onmouseup=dragStopped;