# This is a template for making a theme file to run through # template2theme.pl # Any line STARTING with xxx=yyy # will be included in the output. All others are ignored. bg_color=FBF1C5 bg_text=000000 vlink=blue alink=red link=blue row_on=F7E58F row_off=EAD688 row_text=000000 th_bg=C8A63B th_text=000000 navbar_bg=F7E58F navbar_text=000000 table_bg=EAD688 table_text=C5AA2B font=Arial, Helvetica, san-serif bg01=FBF4D3 bg02=F9EDB3 bg03=F5E28B bg04=F0D866 bg05=EDCD39 bg06=D5B211 bg07=CCAB12 bg08=C58C13 bg09=B69910 bg10=AC9010 cal_today=FBF1C5 cal_dayview=F9E99F em_folder=EAD688 em_folder_text=000000