* * sponsored by Thyamad - http://www.thyamad.com * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \***************************************************************************/ class bo_contactcenter { /*! This var holds the actual catalog level. */ var $catalog_level; /*! This holds the instantiated catalog class; */ var $catalog; /*! The Security Manager */ var $security; function bo_contactcenter($catalog=false) { $this->tree = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('bo_contactcenter.tree','contactcenter'); $this->catalog_level = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('bo_contactcenter.catalog_level','contactcenter'); $this->security = CreateObject('contactcenter.bo_security_manager'); if ($catalog) { $this->set_catalog($catalog); } else { if ($this->catalog_level[0]) { $this->set_catalog($this->get_branch_by_level($this->catalog_level[0])); } else { $this->catalog_level = array('0.0'); $this->get_catalog_tree(); $this->set_catalog($this->catalog_level[0]); } } } /* * * @function is_external * @author Mário César Kolling * @abstract Verify if a catalog is external * @param (mixed) an catalog array or a catalog tree level, a string in the form 0.sublevel.subsublevel * @return (boolean) true if it is an external catalog false otherwise * */ function is_external($catalog) { if (is_array($catalog)) { $level = $this->get_level_by_branch($catalog, $this->tree['branches']); } else { $level = $catalog; } $lvl_vector = explode('.', $level); $id = $lvl_vector[1]; if ($this->tree['branches'][$id]['external']) { return true; } return false; } /* function get_letters_filter($catalog) { } function get_numbers_filter($catalog) { } function get_search_filter($catalog) { } */ /*! @function find @abstract Performs a search in the DB based on the parameters @author Raphael Derosso Pereira (algorithm and code) @author Vinicius Cubas Brand (algorithm) @param array $what The list of fields to be returned. The format is: $what = array( 'contact.company.company_name', 'contact.names_ordered' ); @param array $rules The restrictions. The restrictions format is quite complicated, but is very complete. As defined here, there is the possibility to do almost any type of search (tell me if you can't do any). For example, imagine the following search: and(a,or(d,e,and(f,g))) That is represented by the folloowing tree: and | .--------------------. | | a = 5 or | .---------.------------. | | | d != 10 e LIKE %a and | .-------. | | f = 5 g < 10 The rules that should be passed to the find function for this tree is: $rules = array( 0 => array( 'field' => 'A', 'type' => '=', 'value' => 5 ), 1 => array ( 'type' => 'branch', 'value' => 'OR', 'sub_branch' => array( 0 => array( 'field' => 'D' 'type' => '!=', 'value' => 10 ), 1 => array( 'field' => 'E', 'type' => 'LIKE', 'value' => '%a' ) 2 => array( 'type' => 'branch', 'value' => 'AND', 'sub_branch' => array( 0 => array( 'field' => 'F', 'type' => '=', 'value' => 5 ), 1 => array( 'field' => 'G' 'type' => '<', 'value' => 10 ) ) ) ) ) ); The restriction type can be: =, !=, <=, <, >, >=, NULL, IN, LIKE, NOT NULL, NOT IN, NOT LIKE Value of branch can be AND, OR, NOT @param array $other Other parameter to the search $other = array( 'offset' => (int), 'limit' => (int), 'sort' => {ASC|DESC}, 'order' => (string with field names separated by commas) 'fields_modifier' => (COUNT|MAX) ); @return array $array[][] */ function find($what, $rules=false, $other=false, $area=false, $recursive=false) { return $this->catalog->find($what, $rules, $other, $area, $recursive); } /*! @function get_catalog_tree @abstract Returns an array describing the available catalog-entity-view tree and their respective values and types @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @author Mário César Kolling (external catalogs and optimizations) @param (string) $level The level to be taken @param (boolean) $recursive Retrive the whole tree from the level specified until the leaves @return The format of the return is: $return = array( 0 => array( 'name' => '', 'type' => '', 'class' => '', 'class_args' => '', 'find_args' => '', 'sub_branch' => array( 0 => array( 'name' => '', 'type' => '', 'class' => '', 'class_args' => '', 'find_args' => '', 'sub_branch' => array(...) ), 1 => array(...),... ), ), 1 => array(...),... ); can be 'catalog_group', 'catalog' or 'view'; is the name of the class that is capable of handling the information for this catalog/view is an array that holds the arguments to be passed to when it is instantiated is the string that should precede the search string If the branch is actually a leaf, than 'sub_branch' is false; TODO: This method is hard-coded, but it should grab the tree from the DB using the View Manager... */ function get_catalog_tree($level = '0', $recursive = false) { if ($this->tree) { if ($level === '0') { return $this->tree['branches']; } $lvl_vector = explode('.', $level); $id = $lvl_vector[1]; $branch =& $this->get_branch_by_level($level); $info = $this->get_info_by_level($level); if ($branch['type'] === 'unknown') { if ($info['type'] === 'ldap') { $ldap = CreateObject('contactcenter.bo_ldap_manager'); if ($this->tree['branches'][$id]['external']) { // if it's an external catalog $new_branch = $ldap->get_external_ldap_tree($info['src'], $branch['value'], $recursive); } else { // if it's not an external catalog $new_branch = $ldap->get_ldap_tree($info['src'], $branch['value'], $recursive); } if ($new_branch) { if (!empty($new_branch['timeout']) && !empty($new_branch['msg'])) { return $new_branch; } // Necessary for the new way the catalog tree is built at initialization $new_branch['name'] = $branch['name']; $new_branch['external'] = $branch['external']; $branch = $new_branch; } else { return false; } } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('bo_contactcenter.tree','contactcenter',$this->tree); return $branch; } else if ($branch['type']) { return $branch; } return false; } if ($level !== '0') { return false; } $this->tree = array( 0 => array( 'type' => 'sql' ), 1 => array( 'type' => 'sql' ), 'branches' => array( 0 => array( 'name' => lang('People'), 'type' => 'catalog', 'class' => 'bo_people_catalog', 'icon' => 'people-mini.png', 'sub_branch' => false ), 1 => array( 'name' => lang('Groups'), 'type' => 'catalog', 'class' => 'bo_group_manager', 'icon' => 'people-mini.png', 'sub_branch' => False ) ) ); if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['contactcenter']['shared_contacts']){ $this->tree[2] = array('type' => 'sql'); $this->tree['branches'][2] = array( 'name' => lang('Shared'), 'type' => 'mixed_catalog_group', 'class' => 'bo_shared_people_manager', 'icon' => 'people-mini.png', 'sub_branch' => array( 0 => array( 'name' => lang('People'), 'type' => 'catalog', 'class' => 'bo_shared_people_manager', 'icon' => 'people-mini.png', 'sub_branch' => False ), 1 => array( 'name' => lang('Groups'), 'type' => 'catalog', 'class' => 'bo_shared_group_manager', 'icon' => 'people-mini.png', 'sub_branch' => False ) ) ); unset($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['contactcenter']['shared_contacts']); } $ldap = CreateObject('contactcenter.bo_ldap_manager'); $ldap_srcs = $ldap->get_all_ldap_sources(); if ($ldap_srcs) { $i = count($this->tree['branches']); //os Indices dos tipos tem o mesmo numero do de ramos. reset($ldap_srcs); while (list($id,) = each($ldap_srcs)) { if (($tree = $ldap->get_ldap_tree($id, $ldap_srcs[$id]['dn'], $recursive))) { // It isn't used anymore, but does no harm! // It may be usefull later for use with search timeouts, or another ldap error if (array_key_exists('error_msg', $tree)) { if (isset($this->tree['branches']['msg'])) { $this->tree['branches']['msg'] .= "\n" . lang('Catalog %1 not showed due to error: ' . $tree['error_msg'], $ldap_srcs[$id]['name']); } else { $this->tree['branches']['msg'] = lang('Catalog %1 not showed due to error: ' . $tree['error_msg'], $ldap_srcs[$id]['name']); } } else { $tree['name'] = $ldap_srcs[$id]['name']; $tree['external'] = false; array_push($this->tree['branches'], $tree); $this->tree[$i]['type'] = 'ldap'; $this->tree[$i]['src'] = $id; } } $i++; } } // external LDAP sources $ldap_srcs = $ldap->get_external_ldap_sources(); if ($ldap_srcs) { $i = count($this->tree['branches']);//os Indices dos tipos tem o mesmo numero do de ramos. reset($ldap_srcs); while (list($id,) = each($ldap_srcs)) { // External catalogs are now identified as type unknown during initialization. An optimization change. $tree['name'] = $ldap_srcs[$id]['name']; $tree['type'] = 'unknown'; $tree['value'] = $ldap_srcs[$id]['dn']; $tree['external'] = true; array_push($this->tree['branches'], $tree); $this->tree[$i]['type'] = 'ldap'; $this->tree[$i]['src'] = $id; $i++; } } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('bo_contactcenter.tree','contactcenter',$this->tree); return $this->tree['branches']; } /*! @function get_branch_by_level @abstract Returns the branch and it's informations given the level @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param (string) $level The level to be used */ function & get_branch_by_level($level) { $path = @explode('.',$level); $n_ways = count($path); if ($n_ways <= 1) { return false; } $code = '$branch =& $this->tree[\'branches\']'; for ($i = 1; $i < $n_ways-1; $i++) { $code .= '['.$path[$i].'][\'sub_branch\']'; } $code .= '['.$path[$i].'];'; //echo 'Codigo: '.$code.'
'; eval($code); return $branch; } /*! @function get_info_by_level @abstract Returns the information about the catalog, given the level @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param (string) $level The catalog level */ function get_info_by_level($level) { $path = @explode('.',$level); $n_ways = count($path); if ($n_ways <= 1) { return false; } $info = $this->tree[$path[1]]; return $info; } /*! @function get_level_by_branch @abstract Returns the level of the given branch @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param (array) $catalog The catalog @param (array) $branch The reference to the branch to be searched */ function get_level_by_branch($catalog, &$branch, $branch_level = '0') { // echo '
'; reset($branch); while(list($level, $bcatalog) = each($branch)) { // echo 'Parent Level: '.$branch_level.'
'; // echo 'This node Level: '.$level.'
'; // echo 'Catalog: '.$bcatalog['name'].'
'; $found = true; foreach ($catalog as $property => $value) { if ($property !== 'sub_branch' and $bcatalog[$property] !== $value) { // echo 'Property '.$property.' differs.
'; // echo 'Expected: '.$value.'
'; // echo 'Found: '.$bcatalog[$property].'
'; $found = false; } if (!$found) { break; } } if ($found) { // echo 'FOUND
'; return $branch_level.'.'.((string) $level); } else if ($bcatalog['sub_branch']) { // echo 'Not Found
'; $search = $this->get_level_by_branch($catalog, $bcatalog['sub_branch'], (string) $level); if ($search !== false) { // echo 'Returning level: '.$branch_level.'.'.$search.'
'; // echo 'Sholud it be '.$branch_level.'.'.$nlevel.' ?
'; // echo 'Or '.$branch_level.'.'.((string)$search).' ?
'; return $branch_level.'.'.$search; } } } // echo 'Not Found in this Branch
'; return false; } /*! @function get_actual_catalog @abstract Returns the information about the Catalog that is instantiated @author Raphael Derosso Pereira */ function get_actual_catalog() { $catalog = $this->get_branch_by_level($this->catalog_level[0]); return $catalog; } /*! @function set_catalog @abstract Sets the actual catalog @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param array $to_catalog The catalog in the format returned by get_available_tree or the level */ function set_catalog(& $to_catalog ) { if(!is_array($to_catalog)) { if (is_string($to_catalog)) { if (!($t =& $this->get_branch_by_level($to_catalog))) { return false; } $level = $to_catalog; $catalog =& $t; } else { return false; } } else { $catalog =& $to_catalog; $level = $this->get_level_by_branch($to_catalog, $this->tree['branches']); } $lvl_vector = explode('.', $level); $id = $lvl_vector[1]; switch($catalog['type']) { case 'unknown': $level = $this->get_level_by_branch($catalog, $this->tree['branches']); $catalog =& $this->get_catalog_tree($level); case 'catalog': case 'catalog_group': case 'mixed_catalog_group': $this->catalog_level = array($level); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('bo_contactcenter.catalog_level','contactcenter', $this->catalog_level); $call = '$this->catalog = CreateObject('.'\'contactcenter.'.$catalog['class'].'\''; if ($catalog['class_args']) { foreach($catalog['class_args'] as $arg) { $args[] = is_string($arg) ? ($arg{0} != '$' ? "'".$arg."'" : $arg) : $arg; //$args[] = is_string($arg) ? "'".$arg."'" : $arg; } $call .= ','.implode(',',$args); } $call .= ');'; // print_r($catalog); // echo '

Setando Catalogo '.$catalog['name'].': '.$call.'
'; eval($call); return $catalog; default: return false; } } /*********************************************************************\ * Methods to set general fields * \*********************************************************************/ /*! @function add_vcard @abstract Insert a VCard to the squema @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param string $uploaded_file The path to the file that were uploaded. */ function add_vcard ( $uploaded_file ) { } /*********************************************************************\ * Methods to get general data * \*********************************************************************/ } ?>