var Xtools = null; function load(path,el) { currentPath = path; contentFolders = document.getElementById('content_folders'); for (i=0; i < contentFolders.childNodes.length; i++) if (contentFolders.childNodes[i].className == "sl") contentFolders.childNodes[i].className = "l"; el.className = "sl"; current_folder = currentPath; if(last_folder != current_folder){ lastPage = 1; current_page = 1; last_folder = current_folder; offset = 0; } toolbar.control('reload'); } function loadXtools() { if( Xtools == null ) Xtools = new xtools( path_filemanager + "tp/expressowindow/" ); } function check(element) { element.firstChild.firstChild.checked = true; } function validateFileExtension(fileName) { var error_flag = false; var fileExtension = fileName.split("."); fileExtension = fileExtension[(fileExtension.length-1)]; for(var i=0; i 1) for(j = 1; typeof(arguments[j]) != 'undefined'; j++) _value = _value.replace("%"+j,arguments[j]); return _value; } function newEmptyFile() { var name = prompt(get_lang('Enter with the name of new file/directory'), ''); var input_text = document.getElementById('newfile_or_dir'); if (name != null && name != '' && validateFileExtension(name)) { var fileExtension = name.split("."); fileExtension = fileExtension[1]; if (typeof(fileExtension) == 'undefined') input_text.value = name+".html"; else input_text.value = name; address = document.location.toString(); address = address.split("&"); document.location = address[0]+"&newfile.x=1&newfile_or_dir="+input_text.value; } } function newUpload( ) { var _newUpload = function(data) { loadXtools(); var pArgs = unserialize(data); pArgs.lang_add_file = get_lang("Add file"); pArgs.lang_click_here = get_lang("Click here"); pArgs.lang_more_files = get_lang("More files"); pArgs.lang_send_email = get_lang("Send email"); pArgs.height = 210; pArgs.path_filemanager = path_filemanager; pArgs.width = 450; var _html = Xtools.parse( Xtools.xml("upload_files"), "upload.xsl", pArgs ); draw_window( _html, 490, 350, get_lang("upload files") ); if( pArgs.emails_to != null ) sendNotification( pArgs.emails_to ); } address = document.location.toString(); address = address.split("?"); var url = address[0]+"?menuaction=filemanager.uifilemanager.showUploadboxes&path="+base64_encode(currentPath); cExecute_( url, _newUpload ); } function newAdvancedUpload() { for ( var i = 0 ; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++ ) { if ( navigator.plugins[i].name.match('Java') || navigator.plugins[i].name.match('libnpjp2') ) { close_window(); loadXtools(); var pArgs = { 'iframe_width' : 515, 'iframe_height' : 320, 'iframe_src' : path_filemanager + "inc/uploadApp.php?id="+parseInt(Math.random()*Math.pow(10,15)) }; var _html = Xtools.parse( Xtools.xml("upload_files_advanced"), "uploadAdvanced.xsl", pArgs); draw_window( _html, 530, 345, get_lang("Advanced Upload") ); return; } } alert( get_lang("You do not have Java installed, plugin not loaded") + "!" ); } (function( ) { // TODO: use DES, RSA, PGP, or something strong var sec_key = null; function encode( data ) { if (data == null) return null; ret = ""; for ( var i=0;(i < data.length && data.charCodeAt(i) > 31); i++ ) { ret += String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(i) ^ sec_key.charCodeAt(i)); } return ret; } function crypt( input ) { sec_key = input; } crypt.prototype.encode = encode; window.crypt = crypt; })( ); /* * base64.js - Base64 encoding and decoding functions * * Copyright (c) 2007, David Lindquist * Released under the MIT license */ function base64_encode(str) { var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var encoded = []; var c = 0; try { var slen = str.length; } catch (e) { write_error(get_lang('you do not have access to %1',currentPath)); return; }; while (c < slen) { var b0 = str.charCodeAt(c++); var b1 = str.charCodeAt(c++); var b2 = str.charCodeAt(c++); var buf = (b0 << 16) + ((b1 || 0) << 8) + (b2 || 0); var i0 = (buf & (63 << 18)) >> 18; var i1 = (buf & (63 << 12)) >> 12; var i2 = isNaN(b1) ? 64 : (buf & (63 << 6)) >> 6; var i3 = isNaN(b2) ? 64 : (buf & 63); encoded[encoded.length] = chars.charAt(i0); encoded[encoded.length] = chars.charAt(i1); encoded[encoded.length] = chars.charAt(i2); encoded[encoded.length] = chars.charAt(i3); } var retBuff = escape(encoded.join('')); return retBuff.replace(/\+/g,"%2B"); } function base64_decode(str) { var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var invalid = { strlen: (str.length % 4 != 0), chars: new RegExp('[^' + chars + ']').test(str), equals: (/=/.test(str) && (/=[^=]/.test(str) || /={3}/.test(str))) }; if (invalid.strlen || invalid.chars || invalid.equals) throw new Error('Invalid base64 data'); var decoded = []; var c = 0; while (c < str.length) { var i0 = chars.indexOf(str.charAt(c++)); var i1 = chars.indexOf(str.charAt(c++)); var i2 = chars.indexOf(str.charAt(c++)); var i3 = chars.indexOf(str.charAt(c++)); var buf = (i0 << 18) + (i1 << 12) + ((i2 & 63) << 6) + (i3 & 63); var b0 = (buf & (255 << 16)) >> 16; var b1 = (i2 == 64) ? -1 : (buf & (255 << 8)) >> 8; var b2 = (i3 == 64) ? -1 : (buf & 255); decoded[decoded.length] = String.fromCharCode(b0); if (b1 >= 0) decoded[decoded.length] = String.fromCharCode(b1); if (b2 >= 0) decoded[decoded.length] = String.fromCharCode(b2); } return decoded.join(''); } function setRestricted(name){ var continue_set = confirm(get_lang('This property will change the visibility of all users that have access to this file, continue?')); if (continue_set) cExecute_('./index.php?menuaction=filemanager.vfs_functions.setRestricted&file='+base64_encode(name)+'&path='+base64_encode(currentPath),handler.restricted); } function presetComments(el){ if (permissions['edit'] == 0){ el.blur(); write_error(get_lang('You have no permission to access this file')); } oldValue = el.value; } function setComments(el){ if (el.value == oldValue) return; var filename = base64_encode(; cExecute_('./index.php?menuaction=filemanager.vfs_functions.editComment&file='+filename+'&comment='+base64_encode(el.value),handler.updateComment); } function enterComments(e,el) { if ( e.keyCode == KEY_ENTER ) { el.blur(); } } function EditColumns( args ) { if( args == 'close' ) { _winBuild("window_tools_view","remove"); } else if( args == 'save') { var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByName('prefView'); for ( var i = 0 ; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) { if( checkBoxes[i].checked === true ) preferences[checkBoxes[i].value] = '1'; else preferences[checkBoxes[i].value] = '0'; } cExecute_('./index.php?menuaction=filemanager.user.save_preferences&preferences='+base64_encode(serialize(preferences)),function () { toolbar.control('reload'); EditColumns('close'); }); } else { loadXtools(); var pTools = { 'checkList' : preferences['viewList'], 'checkIcons': preferences['viewIcons'], 'check_created' : preferences['created'], 'check_createdby_id' : preferences['createdby_id'], 'check_comment' : preferences['comment'], 'check_mime_type' : preferences['mime_type'], 'check_modified' : preferences['modified'], 'check_modifiedby_id' : preferences['modifiedby_id'], 'check_owner' : preferences['owner'], 'check_size' : preferences['size'], 'check_version' : preferences['version'], 'lang_cancel' : get_lang('cancel'), 'lang_created_by' : get_lang('created by'), 'lang_created' : get_lang('created'), 'lang_comment' : get_lang('comment'), 'lang_modified_by' : get_lang('modified by'), 'lang_modified' : get_lang('modified'), 'lang_owner' : get_lang('owner'), 'lang_save' : get_lang('save'), 'lang_size' : get_lang('size'), 'lang_type' : get_lang('type'), 'lang_version' : get_lang('version'), 'lang_view_as_list' : get_lang('view as list'), 'lang_view_as_icons' : get_lang('view as icons'), 'onclickCancel' : "EditColumns(\'close\')", 'onclickSave' : "EditColumns(\'save\')" } var winTools = { id_window : "window_tools_view", width : 250, height : 290, top : 100, left : 400, draggable : true, visible : "display", resizable : true, zindex : zIndex++, title : "Expresso FileManager - " + get_lang('View'), closeAction : "remove", content : Xtools.parse(Xtools.xml("view_config"), "view.xsl", pTools) }; _winBuild( winTools ); } } function searchFile(){ var inputText = document.getElementById('em_message_search'); if (inputText.value.length < 4) { alert(get_lang('Your search must have at least 4 characters')); return; } cExecute_('./index.php?'+inputText.value,folderList.drawSearch); } function selectAll(el){ checkBoxes = document.getElementsByName('fileman'); if (el.checked) for (i=0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) checkBoxes[i].checked = true; else for (i=0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) checkBoxes[i].checked = false; } function borkb(size) { var kbyte = 1024; var mbyte = kbyte*1024; var gbyte = mbyte*1024; if (!size) { size = 0; } if (size < kbyte) { return size + 'B'; } else if (size < mbyte) { return parseInt(size/kbyte) + 'KB'; } else if (size < gbyte) { if ( size/mbyte > 100) return (size/mbyte).toFixed(0) + 'MB'; else return (size/mbyte).toFixed(1) + 'MB'; } else { return (size/gbyte).toFixed(1) + 'GB'; } } function addNewInput() { var newElement = document.createElement('div'); newElement.innerHTML = '' + '' + ''+get_lang('delete')+''; document.getElementById('uploadOption').parentNode.appendChild(newElement); } function removeInput() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var _parent = arguments[0].parentNode; _parent.parentNode.removeChild(_parent); } } function sendNotification() { var _div = document.getElementById('sendNotifcation'); var _SendNotification = function() { var pArgs = { 'lang_delete' : get_lang('delete'), 'lang_send_notification_email_to' : get_lang("Send Notification email to:"), 'value_email' : ( ( arguments.length > 0 ) ? arguments[0] : "" ) }; loadXtools(); _div.innerHTML += Xtools.parse( Xtools.xml("send_notification"), "send_notification.xsl", pArgs); } if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var emailsTo = arguments[0].split(","); _div.innerHTML += "
" + "" + "
"; for( var i = 0 ; i < emailsTo.length ; i++ ) { _SendNotification( emailsTo[i] ); _div.innerHTML += "
- " + emailsTo[i] + "
"; } _div.innerHTML += "
"; } else _SendNotification(); } function sendFiles() { var _formUp = document.getElementById('form_up'); var _uploadFiles = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); var _flagSend = true; for( var i = 0 ; i < _uploadFiles.length ; i++ ) { if( _uploadFiles[i].name.indexOf("upload_file") > -1 ) { if( _uploadFiles[i].value == "" ) { removeInput( _uploadFiles[i] ); _flagSend = false; } } } if( _flagSend ) { cExecuteForm_( _formUp ,handler.upload); } else write_msg(get_lang("No file(s) to send") + "!"); close_window(); }