* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library in the file LICENSE.LGPL; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA * * Alternatively, you may distribute this software under the terms of the * PHP License, version 3.0 or later. A copy of this license should have * been distributed with this file in the file LICENSE.PHP . If this is not * the case, you can obtain a copy at http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. * * The latest version of DOMPDF might be available at: * http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf * * @link http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf * @copyright 2004 Benj Carson * @author Benj Carson * @package dompdf * @version 0.5.1 */ /* $Id: attribute_translator.cls.php 186 2009-10-19 22:42:06Z eclecticgeek@gmail.com $ */ /** * Translates HTML 4.0 attributes into CSS rules * * @access private * @package dompdf */ class Attribute_Translator { // Munged data originally from // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/index/attributes.html // // thank you var_export() :D static private $__ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP = array (//'caption' => array ( 'align' => '', ), 'img_inner' => // img tags actually end up wrapping img_inner elements array ('align' => array('bottom' => 'vertical-align: baseline;', 'middle' => 'vertical-align: middle;', 'top' => 'vertical-align: top;', 'left' => 'float: left;', 'right' => 'float: right;'), 'border' => 'border-width: %0.2f px;', 'height' => 'height: %s;', 'hspace' => 'padding-left: %1$0.2f px; padding-right: %1$0.2f px;', 'vspace' => 'padding-top: %1$0.2f px; padding-bottom: %1$0.2f px', 'width' => 'width: %s;', ), 'table' => array ("align" => array(//'left' => '', 'center' => 'margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;', //'right' => '' ), 'bgcolor' => 'background-color: %s;', 'border' => '!set_table_border', 'cellpadding' => '!set_table_cellpadding', 'cellspacing' => 'border-spacing: %0.2f; border-collapse: separate;', 'frame' => array('void' => 'border-style: none;', 'above' => 'border-top-style: solid;', 'below' => 'border-bottom-style: solid;', 'hsides' => 'border-left-style: solid; border-right-style: solid;', 'vsides' => 'border-top-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid;', 'lhs' => 'border-left-style: solid;', 'rhs' => 'border-right-style: solid;', 'box' => 'border-style: solid;', 'border' => 'border-style: solid;'), 'rules' => '!set_table_rules', 'width' => 'width: %s;', ), 'hr' => array ( 'align' => '!set_hr_align', // Need to grab width to set 'left' & 'right' correctly 'noshade' => 'border-style: solid;', 'size' => 'border-width: %0.2f px;', 'width' => 'width: %s;', ), 'div' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', ), 'h1' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', ), 'h2' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', ), 'h3' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', ), 'h4' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', ), 'h5' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', ), 'h6' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', ), 'p' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', ), // 'col' => // array ( // 'align' => '', // 'valign' => '', // ), // 'colgroup' => // array ( // 'align' => '', // 'valign' => '', // ), 'tbody' => array ( 'align' => '!set_table_row_align', 'valign' => '!set_table_row_valign', ), 'td' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', 'bgcolor' => 'background-color: %s;', 'height' => 'height: %s;', 'nowrap' => 'white-space: nowrap;', 'valign' => 'vertical-align: %s;', 'width' => 'width: %s;', ), 'tfoot' => array ( 'align' => '!set_table_row_align', 'valign' => '!set_table_row_valign', ), 'th' => array ( 'align' => 'text-align: %s;', 'bgcolor' => 'background-color: %s;', 'height' => 'height: %s;', 'nowrap' => 'white-space: nowrap;', 'valign' => 'vertical-align: %s;', 'width' => 'width: %s;', ), 'thead' => array ( 'align' => '!set_table_row_align', 'valign' => '!set_table_row_valign', ), 'tr' => array ( 'align' => '!set_table_row_align', 'bgcolor' => '!set_table_row_bgcolor', 'valign' => '!set_table_row_valign', ), 'body' => array ( 'background' => 'background-image: url(%s);', 'bgcolor' => 'background-color: %s;', 'link' => '!set_body_link', 'text' => 'color: %s;', ), 'br' => array ( 'clear' => 'clear: %s;', ), 'basefont' => array ( 'color' => 'color: %s;', 'face' => 'font-family: %s;', 'size' => '!set_basefont_size', ), 'font' => array ( 'color' => 'color: %s;', 'face' => 'font-family: %s;', 'size' => '!set_font_size', ), 'dir' => array ( 'compact' => 'margin: 0.5em 0;', ), 'dl' => array ( 'compact' => 'margin: 0.5em 0;', ), 'menu' => array ( 'compact' => 'margin: 0.5em 0;', ), 'ol' => array ( 'compact' => 'margin: 0.5em 0;', 'start' => 'counter-reset: -dompdf-default-counter %d;', 'type' => 'list-style-type: %s;', ), 'ul' => array ( 'compact' => 'margin: 0.5em 0;', 'type' => 'list-style-type: %s;', ), 'li' => array ( 'type' => 'list-style-type: %s;', 'value' => 'counter-reset: -dompdf-default-counter %d;', ), 'pre' => array ( 'width' => 'width: %s;', ), ); static protected $_last_basefont_size = 3; static protected $_font_size_lookup = array(1=>"xx-small", 2=>"x-small", 3=>"medium", 4=>"large", 5=>"x-large", 6=>"xx-large", 7=>"300%"); static function translate_attributes($frame) { $node = $frame->get_node(); $tag = $node->tagName; if ( !isset(self::$__ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP[$tag]) ) return; $valid_attrs = self::$__ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP[$tag]; $attrs = $node->attributes; $style = rtrim($node->getAttribute("style"), "; "); if ( $style != "" ) $style .= ";"; foreach ($attrs as $attr => $attr_node ) { if ( !isset($valid_attrs[$attr]) ) continue; $value = $attr_node->value; $target = $valid_attrs[$attr]; // Look up $value in $target, if $target is an array: if ( is_array($target) ) { if ( isset($target[$value]) ) $style .= " " . self::_resolve_target($node, $target[$value], $value); } else { // otherwise use target directly $style .= " " . self::_resolve_target($node, $target, $value); } } if ( !is_null($style) ) { $style = ltrim($style); $node->setAttribute("style", $style); } } static protected function _resolve_target($node, $target, $value) { if ( $target{0} == "!" ) { // Function call $func = "_" . mb_substr($target, 1); return self::$func($node, $value); } return $value ? sprintf($target, $value) : ""; } //..................................................................... static protected function _set_table_cellpadding($node, $value) { $td_list = $node->getElementsByTagName("td"); foreach ($td_list as $td) { $style = rtrim($td->getAttribute("style"), ";"); $style .= "; padding: $value" . "px;"; $style = ltrim($style, ";"); $td->setAttribute("style", $style); } return null; } static protected function _set_table_border($node, $value) { $td_list = $node->getElementsByTagName("td"); foreach ($td_list as $td) { $style = $td->getAttribute("style"); if ( strpos($style, "border") !== false ) continue; $style = rtrim($style, ";"); $style .= "; border-width: $value" . "px; border-style: ridge;"; $style = ltrim($style, ";"); $td->setAttribute("style", $style); } $th_list = $node->getElementsByTagName("th"); foreach ($th_list as $th) { $style = $th->getAttribute("style"); if ( strpos($style, "border") !== false ) continue; $style = rtrim($style, ";"); $style .= "; border-width: $value" . "px; border-style: ridge;"; $style = ltrim($style, ";"); $th->setAttribute("style", $style); } return null; } static protected function _set_table_cellspacing($node, $value) { $style = rtrim($td->getAttribute($style), ";"); if ( $value == 0 ) $style .= "; border-collapse: collapse;"; else $style = "; border-collapse: separate;"; return ltrim($style, ";"); } static protected function _set_table_rules($node, $value) { $new_style = "; border-collapse: collapse;"; switch ($value) { case "none": $new_style .= "border-style: none;"; break; case "groups": // FIXME: unsupported return; case "rows": $new_style .= "border-style: solid none solid none; border-width: 1px; "; break; case "cols": $new_style .= "border-style: none solid none solid; border-width: 1px; "; break; case "all": $new_style .= "border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; "; break; default: // Invalid value return null; } $td_list = $node->getElementsByTagName("td"); foreach ($td_list as $td) { $style = $td->getAttribute("style"); $style .= $new_style; $td->setAttribute("style", $style); } return null; } static protected function _set_hr_align($node, $value) { $style = rtrim($node->getAttribute("style"),";"); $width = $node->getAttribute("width"); if ( $width == "" ) $width = "100%"; $remainder = 100 - (double)rtrim($width, "% "); switch ($value) { case "left": $style .= "; margin-right: $remainder %;"; break; case "right": $style .= "; margin-left: $remainder %;"; break; case "center": $style .= "; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"; break; default: return null; } return ltrim($style, "; "); } static protected function _set_table_row_align($node, $value) { $td_list = $node->getElementsByTagName("td"); foreach ($td_list as $td) { $style = rtrim($td->getAttribute("style"), ";"); $style .= "; text-align: $value;"; $style = ltrim($style, "; "); $td->setAttribute("style", $style); } return null; } static protected function _set_table_row_valign($node, $value) { $td_list = $node->getElementsByTagName("td"); foreach ($td_list as $td) { $style = rtrim($td->getAttribute("style"), ";"); $style .= "; vertical-align: $value;"; $style = ltrim($style, "; "); $td->setAttribute("style", $style); } return null; } static protected function _set_table_row_bgcolor($node, $value) { $td_list = $node->getElementsByTagName("td"); foreach ($td_list as $td) { $style = rtrim($td->getAttribute("style"), ";"); $style .= "; background-color: $value;"; $style = ltrim($style, "; "); $td->setAttribute("style", $style); } return null; } static protected function _set_body_link($node, $value) { $a_list = $node->getElementsByTagName("a"); foreach ($a_list as $a) { $style = rtrim($a->getAttribute("style"), ";"); $style .= "; color: $value;"; $style = ltrim($style, "; "); $a->setAttribute("style", $style); } return null; } static protected function _set_basefont_size($node, $value) { // FIXME: ? we don't actually set the font size of anything here, just // the base size for later modification by tags. self::$_last_basefont_size = $value; return null; } static protected function _set_font_size($node, $value) { $style = $node->getAttribute("style"); if ( $value{0} == "-" || $value{0} == "+" ) $value = self::$_last_basefont_size + (int)$value; if ( isset(self::$_font_size_lookup[$value]) ) $style .= "; font-size: " . self::$_font_size_lookup[$value] . ";"; else $style .= "; font-size: $value;"; return ltrim($style, "; "); } } ?>