external_srcs= ( isset( $external_srcs ) ) ? $external_srcs : NULL; $this->max_result = 200; $this->functions = new functions(); } // Using ContactCenter configuration. function ldapConnect($refer = false,$catalog = 0){ if ($catalog > 0 && is_array($this->external_srcs)){ $this->ldap_host = $this->external_srcs[$catalog]['host']; $this->ldap_context = $this->external_srcs[$catalog]['dn']; $this->bind_dn = $this->external_srcs[$catalog]['acc']; $this->bind_dn_pw = $this->external_srcs[$catalog]['pw']; $this->object_class = $this->external_srcs[$catalog]['obj']; $this->base_dn = $this->external_srcs[$catalog]['dn']; $this->branch = $this->external_srcs[$catalog]['branch']; }else { $this->ldap_host = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['ldap_server']['host']; $this->ldap_context = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['ldap_server']['dn']; $this->bind_dn = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['ldap_server']['acc']; $this->bind_dn_pw = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['ldap_server']['pw']; $this->branch = 'ou'; } $this->ds = ldap_connect($this->ldap_host); ldap_set_option($this->ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($this->ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $refer); if ($refer) { ldap_set_rebind_proc($this->ds, ldapRebind); } @ldap_bind($this->ds,$this->bind_dn,$this->bind_dn_pw ); } //Teste jakjr retornando o DS function ldapConnect2($refer = false){ $ds = ldap_connect($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['ldap_server']['host']); if (!$ds) return false; ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $refer); if ($refer) ldap_set_rebind_proc($ds, ldapRebind); @ldap_bind($ds, $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['ldap_server']['acc'],$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['ldap_server']['pw']); return $ds; } // usa o host e context do setup. function ldapRootConnect($refer = false){ $this->ldap_host = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['ldap_host']; $this->ldap_context = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['ldap_context']; $this->ds = ldap_connect($this->ldap_host); ldap_set_option($this->ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($this->ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $refer); ldap_bind($this->ds, $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['ldap_root_dn'],$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['ldap_root_pw']); } function quicksearch($params) { include_once("class.functions.inc.php"); $functions = new functions; // $search_for = utf8_encode($params['search_for']); //Testa se a busca foi realizada com aspas $search_for = utf8_encode($params['search_for']); $search_len = (strlen($search_for)) - 1; $quote_status=false; if((($search_for{0}) == "\"") && (($search_for{$search_len}) == "\"")){ $search_for{0} = " "; $search_for{$search_len} = " "; $quote_status=true; } $field = $params['field']; $ID = $params['ID']; if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['extended_info']) $extendedinfo=true; else $extendedinfo=false; $search_for = explode(" ",$search_for); $aux=""; foreach ($search_for as $search) { if(!$aux) { $aux=$search; } else { if (strlen($search) > 2) { $aux=$aux."*".$search; } else { $aux=$aux." ".$search; } } } $search_for=$aux; $contacts_result = array(); $contacts_result['field'] = $field; $contacts_result['ID'] = $ID; // follow the referral $this->ldapConnect(true); if ($this->ds) { if (($field != 'null') && ($ID != 'null')) { $filter="(& (&(|(phpgwAccountType=u)(phpgwAccountType=g)(phpgwAccountType=l))(mail=*)) (|(cn=*$search_for*)(mail=*$search_for*)) (!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)) )"; if($extendedinfo) $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "telephoneNumber", "mobile", "phpgwAccountVisible", "uid", "employeeNumber", "ou"); else $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "telephoneNumber", "mobile", "phpgwAccountVisible", "uid"); } else { if($quote_status){ $filter="(& (phpgwAccountType=u) (|(cn=* $search_for *)(cn=$search_for *)(cn=* $search_for)) (!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)) )"; } else{ $filter="(& (phpgwAccountType=u)(cn=*$search_for*) (!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)) )"; } // $filter="(& (phpgwAccountType=u)(cn=*$search_for*) (!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)) )"; if($extendedinfo) $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "telephoneNumber", "mobile", "phpgwAccountVisible","jpegPhoto", "uid", "employeeNumber", "ou"); else $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "telephoneNumber", "mobile", "phpgwAccountVisible","jpegPhoto", "uid"); } $sr=@ldap_search($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese, 0, $this->max_result + 1); if(!$sr) return null; $count_entries = ldap_count_entries($this->ds,$sr); // Get user org dn. $user_dn = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['account_dn']; $user_sector_dn = ldap_explode_dn ( $user_dn, false ); array_shift($user_sector_dn); array_shift($user_sector_dn); $user_sector_dn = implode(",", $user_sector_dn); // New search only on user sector if ($count_entries > $this->max_result) { // Close old ldap conection ldap_close($this->ds); // Reopen a local ldap connection, following referral $this->ldapRootConnect(true); $sr= ldap_search($this->ds, $user_sector_dn, $filter, $justthese); if(!$sr) return null; $count_entries = ldap_count_entries($this->ds,$sr); if ($count_entries > $this->max_result){ $return = array(); $return['status'] = false; $return['error'] = "many results"; return $return; } else { $quickSearch_only_in_userSector = true; } } $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); $tmp = array(); $tmp_users_from_user_org = array(); if (!$quickSearch_only_in_userSector) { $catalogsNum=count($this->external_srcs); for ($i=0; $i<=count($this->external_srcs); $i++) { if ($this->external_srcs[$i]["quicksearch"]) { $this->ldapConnect(true,$i); $filter="(|(cn=*$search_for*)(mail=*$search_for*))"; if($extendedinfo) $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "telephoneNumber", "mobile", "phpgwAccountVisible", "uid","employeeNumber", "ou"); else $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "telephoneNumber", "mobile", "phpgwAccountVisible", "uid"); $sr=@ldap_search($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese, 0, $this->max_result+1); if(!$sr) return null; $count_entries = ldap_count_entries($this->ds,$sr); $search = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); for ($j=0; $j<$search["count"]; $j++) { $info[] = $search[$j]; } $info["count"] = count($info)-1; } } } for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) { if ($quickSearch_only_in_userSector) { $tmp[$info[$i]["mail"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["telephonenumber"][0] . '%'. $info[$i]["mobile"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["uid"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["jpegphoto"]['count'] . '%' . $info[$i]["employeenumber"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["ou"][0]] = utf8_decode($info[$i]["cn"][0]); } else { if (preg_match("/$user_sector_dn/i", $info[$i]['dn'])) { $tmp_users_from_user_org[$info[$i]["mail"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["telephonenumber"][0] . '%'. $info[$i]["mobile"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["uid"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["jpegphoto"]['count'] . '%' . $info[$i]["employeenumber"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["ou"][0]] = utf8_decode($info[$i]["cn"][0]); } else { $tmp[$info[$i]["mail"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["telephonenumber"][0] . '%'. $info[$i]["mobile"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["uid"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["jpegphoto"]['count'] . '%' . $info[$i]["employeenumber"][0] . '%' . $info[$i]["ou"][0]] = utf8_decode($info[$i]["cn"][0]); } } } natcasesort($tmp_users_from_user_org); natcasesort($tmp); if (($field != 'null') && ($ID != 'null')) { $i = 0; $tmp = array_merge($tmp, $tmp_users_from_user_org); natcasesort($tmp); foreach ($tmp as $info => $cn) { $contacts_result[$i] = array(); $contacts_result[$i]["cn"] = $cn; list ($contacts_result[$i]["mail"], $contacts_result[$i]["phone"], $contacts_result[$i]["mobile"], $contacts_result[$i]["uid"], $contacts_result[$i]["jpegphoto"], $contacts_result[$i]["employeenumber"], $contacts_result[$i]["ou"]) = split ('%', $info); $i++; } $contacts_result['quickSearch_only_in_userSector'] = $quickSearch_only_in_userSector; } else { $options_users_from_user_org = ''; $options = ''; /* List of users from user org */ $i = 0; foreach ($tmp_users_from_user_org as $info => $cn) { $contacts_result[$i] = array(); $options_users_from_user_org .= $this->make_quicksearch_card($info, $cn); $i++; } /* List of users from others org */ foreach ($tmp as $info => $cn) { $contacts_result[$i] = array(); $options .= $this->make_quicksearch_card($info, $cn); $i++; } if ($quickSearch_only_in_userSector) { if ($options != '') { $head_option = '' . '' . str_replace("%1", $this->max_result,$this->functions->getLang('More than %1 results were found')) . '.
' . $this->functions->getLang('Showing only the results found in your organization') . '.'; '' . ''; $contacts_result = $head_option . $options_users_from_user_org . $options; } else { $return = array(); $return['status'] = false; $return['error'] = "many results"; return $return; } } else { if (($options_users_from_user_org != '') && ($options != '')) { $head_option0 = '' . '' . $this->functions->getLang('Users from your organization') . ' ['.count($tmp_users_from_user_org).']'; '' . ''; $head_option1 = '' . '' . $this->functions->getLang('Users from others organizations') . ' ['.count($tmp).']'; '' . ''; } $contacts_result = $head_option0 . $options_users_from_user_org . $head_option1 . $options; } } } ldap_close($this->ds); return $contacts_result; } function make_quicksearch_card($info, $cn) { include_once("class.functions.inc.php"); $functions = new functions; $contacts_result = array(); $contacts_result["cn"] = $cn; if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['extended_info']) $extendedinfo=true; else $extendedinfo=false; list ($contacts_result["mail"], $contacts_result["phone"], $contacts_result["mobile"], $contacts_result["uid"], $contacts_result["jpegphoto"], $contacts_result["employeenumber"], $contacts_result["ou"]) = split ('%', $info); if ($contacts_result['jpegphoto']) $photo_link = ''; else $photo_link = ''; $phoneUser = $contacts_result['phone']; if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['voip_enabled'] && $phoneUser) { $phoneUser = ''.$phoneUser.''; if($contacts_result['mobile']){ $phoneUser .= ' / '.$contacts_result['mobile'].''; } } //verifica de existe o celular do funcionario ($contacts_result["mobile"]), se nao, $phoneUser fica vazia; $mobileUser = $contacts_result["mobile"]; if($mobileUser && !$voipMobile) { $phoneUser .= " / $mobileUser"; } $empNumber = $contacts_result["employeenumber"]; if($empNumber) { $empNumber = "$empNumber - "; } $ou = $contacts_result["ou"]; if($ou) { $ou = "
$ou" ; } // Begin: nickname, firstname and lastname for QuickAdd. $fn = $contacts_result["cn"]; $array_name = explode(" ", $fn); if(count($array_name) > 1){ $fn = $array_name[0]; array_shift($array_name); $sn = implode(" ",$array_name); } // End: $option = '' . '' . '' . $photo_link . '' . '' . '' . '' . $empNumber . $contacts_result['cn'] . '' . '
' . '' . '' . '' . $contacts_result['mail'] . ''. ''. '
' . $phoneUser . $ou . '' . ''; return $option; } function get_catalogs(){ $catalogs = array(); $catalogs[0] = $this->functions->getLang("Global Catalog"); if($this->external_srcs) foreach ($this->external_srcs as $key => $valor ){ $catalogs[$key] = $valor['name']; } return $catalogs; } function get_organizations($params){ $organizations = array(); $params['referral']?$referral = $params['referral']:$referral = false; $cat = $params['catalog']; $this->ldapConnect($referral,$cat); if($this->branch != '') { $filter="(&(".$this->branch."=*)(!(phpgwAccountVisible=-1)))"; $justthese = array("$this->branch"); $sr = ldap_list($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); if($info["count"] == 0) { $organizations[0]['ou'] = $this->ldap_context; } for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) $organizations[$i] = $info[$i]["ou"][0]; ldap_close($this->ds); sort($organizations); return $organizations; }else{ return null; } } function get_organizations2($params){ $organizations = array(); $referral = $params['referral']; $this->ldapRootConnect($referral); if ($this->ds) { $filter="(&(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(!(phpgwAccountVisible=-1)))"; $justthese = array("ou"); $sr = ldap_list($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); if($info["count"] == 0) { $organizations[0]['ou'] = $this->ldap_context; $organizations[0]['dn'] = $this->ldap_context; } else{ for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) { $organizations[$i]['ou'] = $info[$i]["ou"][0]; $organizations[$i]['dn'] = $info[$i]["dn"]; } } ldap_close($this->ds); sort($organizations); } return $organizations; } //Busca usuarios de um contexto e ja retorna as options do select - usado por template serpro; function search_users($params) { $this->ldapConnect(false,0); //Monta lista de Grupos e Usuarios $users = Array(); $groups = Array(); $user_context= $this->ldap_context; $owner = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['owner']; $filtro =utf8_encode($params['filter']); $context =utf8_encode($params['context']);//adicionado if ($this->ds) { $justthese = array("gidNumber","cn"); if ($params['type'] == 'search') $sr=ldap_search($this->ds, $context, ("(&(phpgwaccounttype=g)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1))(cn=*$filtro*))"),$justthese); else $sr=ldap_list($this->ds, $context ? $context : $user_context, ("(&(phpgwaccounttype=g)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1))(cn=*".$filtro."*))"),$justthese); $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) $groups[$uids=$info[$i]["gidnumber"][0]] = Array('name' => $uids=$info[$i]["cn"][0], 'type' => g); $justthese = array("phpgwaccountvisible","uidNumber","cn"); if ($params['type'] == 'search') // $sr=ldap_search($this->ds, $user_context, ("(&(phpgwaccounttype=u)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1))(phpgwaccountstatus=A)(|(cn=*$filtro*)(mail=$filtro*)))"),$justthese); $sr=ldap_search($this->ds, $context, ("(&(phpgwaccounttype=u)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1))(phpgwaccountstatus=A)(|(cn=*$filtro*)(mail=$filtro*)))"),$justthese); else $sr=ldap_list($this->ds, $context ? $context : $user_context, ("(&(phpgwaccounttype=u)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1))(phpgwaccountstatus=A)(|(cn=*$filtro*)(mail=$filtro*)))"),$justthese); $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) { if ($info[$i]["phpgwaccountvisible"][0] == '-1') continue; $users[$uids=$info[$i]["uidnumber"][0]] = Array('name' => $uids=$info[$i]["cn"][0], 'type' => u); } } ldap_close($this->ds); @asort($users); @reset($users); @asort($groups); @reset($groups); $user_options =''; $group_options =''; foreach($groups as $id => $user_array) { $newId = $id.'U'; $group_options .= ''."\n"; } foreach($users as $id => $user_array) { if($owner != $id){ $newId = $id.'U'; $user_options .= ''."\n"; } } return array("users" => $user_options, "groups" => $group_options); } function catalogsearch($params) { $cn = $params['search_for'] ? "*".utf8_encode($params['search_for'])."*" : "*"; $max_result = $params['max_result'] ? $params['max_result'] : $this->max_result; $catalog = $params['catalog']; $error = False; if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['extended_info']) $extendedinfo=true; else $extendedinfo=false; $this->ldapConnect(true,$catalog); $params['organization'] == 'all' ? $user_context = $this->ldap_context :$user_context = $this->branch."=".$params['organization'].",".$this->ldap_context; if ($this->ds) { if ($catalog == 0){ //os atributos "employeeNumber" e "ou" foram adicionado ao vetor de busca; if($extendedinfo) $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "phpgwaccounttype", "phpgwAccountVisible", "employeeNumber", "ou"); else $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "phpgwaccounttype", "phpgwAccountVisible"); $filter="(&(|(phpgwAccountType=u)(phpgwAccountType=l))(cn=".$cn."))"; //$user_context = "ou=".$params['organization'].",".$this->ldap_context; }else { //os atributos "employeeNumber" e "ou" foram adicionado ao vetor de busca; if($extendedinfo) $justthese = array("cn", "mail", "employeeNumber", "ou"); else $justthese = array("cn", "mail"); $filter="(&(objectClass=".$this->object_class.")(cn=".$cn."))"; //$user_context = $this->branch."=".$params['organization'].",".$external_srcs[$catalog]['dn']; } $sr=@ldap_search($this->ds, $user_context, $filter, $justthese, 0, $max_result+1); if(!$sr) return null; $count_entries = ldap_count_entries($this->ds,$sr); if ($count_entries > $max_result){ $info = null; $error = True; } else $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); ldap_close($this->ds); $u_tmp = array(); $g_tmp = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++){ if((!$catalog==0)||(strtoupper($info[$i]["phpgwaccounttype"][0]) == 'U') && ($info[$i]["phpgwaccountvisible"][0] != '-1')) //aqui eh feita a concatenacao do departamento ao cn; $u_tmp[$info[$i]["mail"][0]] = utf8_decode($info[$i]["cn"][0]). '%' . $info[$i]["ou"][0]; if((!$catalog==0)||(strtoupper($info[$i]["phpgwaccounttype"][0]) == 'L') && ($info[$i]["phpgwaccountvisible"][0] != '-1')) $g_tmp[$info[$i]["mail"][0]] = utf8_decode($info[$i]["cn"][0]); } natcasesort($u_tmp); natcasesort($g_tmp); $i = 0; $users = array(); foreach ($u_tmp as $mail => $cn){ $tmp = explode("%", $cn); //explode o cn pelo caracter "%" e joga em $tmp; $name = $tmp[0]; //pega o primeiro item (cn) do vetor resultante do explode acima; $department = $tmp[1]; //pega o segundo item (ou) do vetor resultanto do explode acima; $users[$i++] = array("name" => $name, "email" => $mail, "department" => $department); } unset($u_tmp); $i = 0; $groups = array(); foreach ($g_tmp as $mail => $cn){ $groups[$i++] = array("name" => $cn, "email" => $mail); } unset($g_tmp); return array('users' => $users, 'groups' => $groups, 'error' => $error); }else return null; } function get_emails_ldap(){ $result['mail']= array(); $result['mailalter']= array(); $user = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['account_lid']; $this->ldapRootConnect(false); if ($this->ds) { $filter="uid=".$user; $justthese = array("mail","mailAlternateAddress"); $sr = ldap_search($this->ds,$this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); $ent = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); ldap_close($this->ds); for ($i=0; $i<$ent["count"]; $i++){ $result['mail'][] = $ent[$i]["mail"][0]; $result['mailalter'][] = $ent[$i]["mailalternateaddress"][0]; } } return $result; } //Busca usuarios de um contexto e ja retorna as options do select; function get_available_users($params) { $this->ldapRootConnect(); //Monta lista de Grupos e Usuarios $users = Array(); $groups = Array(); $user_context= $params['context']; $owner = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['owner']; if ($this->ds) { $justthese = array("gidNumber","cn"); if ($params['type'] == 'search') $sr=ldap_search($this->ds, $user_context, ("(&(cn=*)(phpgwaccounttype=g)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)))"),$justthese); else $sr=ldap_list($this->ds, $user_context, ("(&(cn=*)(phpgwaccounttype=g)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)))"),$justthese); $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) $groups[$uids=$info[$i]["gidnumber"][0]] = Array('name' => $uids=$info[$i]["cn"][0], 'type' => g); $justthese = array("phpgwaccountvisible","uidNumber","cn"); if ($params['type'] == 'search') $sr=ldap_search($this->ds, $user_context, ("(&(cn=*)(phpgwaccounttype=u)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)))"),$justthese); else $sr=ldap_list($this->ds, $user_context, ("(&(cn=*)(phpgwaccounttype=u)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)))"),$justthese); $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) { if ($info[$i]["phpgwaccountvisible"][0] == '-1') continue; $users[$uids=$info[$i]["uidnumber"][0]] = Array('name' => $uids=$info[$i]["cn"][0], 'type' => u); } } ldap_close($this->ds); @asort($users); @reset($users); @asort($groups); @reset($groups); $user_options =''; $group_options =''; foreach($groups as $id => $user_array) { $newId = $id.'U'; $group_options .= ''."\n"; } foreach($users as $id => $user_array) { if($owner != $id){ $newId = $id.'U'; $user_options .= ''."\n"; } } return array("users" => $user_options, "groups" => $group_options); } //Busca usuarios de um contexto e ja retorna as options do select; function get_available_users2($params) { $this->ldapRootConnect(); $context= $params['context']; $justthese = array("cn", "uid", "cn"); $filter = "(&(phpgwaccounttype=u)(!(phpgwaccountvisible=-1)))"; if ($this->ds) { $sr=ldap_search($this->ds, $context, $filter, $justthese); $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); for ($i=0; $i<$entries["count"]; $i++){ if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['account_lid'] != $entries[$i]["uid"][0]){ $u_tmp[$entries[$i]["uid"][0]] = $entries[$i]["cn"][0]; } } natcasesort($u_tmp); $i = 0; $users = array(); if (count($u_tmp)) { foreach ($u_tmp as $uidnumber => $cn) { $options .= ""; } unset($u_tmp); } ldap_close($this->ds); return $options; } } function uid2cn($uid) { // do not follow the referral $this->ldapRootConnect(false); if ($this->ds) { $filter="(&(phpgwAccountType=u)(uid=$uid))"; $justthese = array("cn"); $sr=@ldap_search($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); if(!$sr) return false; $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); return utf8_decode($info[0]["cn"][0]); } return false; } function uidnumber2uid($uidnumber) { // do not follow the referral $this->ldapRootConnect(false); if ($this->ds) { $filter="(&(phpgwAccountType=u)(uidnumber=$uidnumber))"; $justthese = array("uid"); $sr=@ldap_search($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); if(!$sr) return false; $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); return $info[0]["uid"][0]; } return false; } function getSharedUsersFrom($params){ $filter = ''; $i = 0; //Added to save if must save sent messages in shared folder $acl_save_sent_in_shared = array(); if($params['uids']) { $uids = explode(";",$params['uids']); $this->imap = new imap_functions(); foreach($uids as $index => $uid){ $params = array(); //Added to save if user has create permission $acl_create_message = array(); $acl = $this->imap->getacltouser($uid); if ( preg_match("/a/",$acl )){ $filter .= "(uid=$uid)"; if ( preg_match("/p/",$acl )){ $acl_save_sent_in_shared[ $i ] =$uid; $i++; } } } } $this->ldapRootConnect(false); if ($this->ds) { $justthese = array("cn","mail","uid"); if($filter) { $filter="(&(|(phpgwAccountType=u)(phpgwAccountType=s))(|$filter))"; $sr = ldap_search($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); ldap_sort($this->ds,$sr,"cn"); $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); $var = print_r($acl_save_sent_in_shared, true); for ($i = 0;$i < $info["count"]; $i++){ $info[$i]['cn'][0] = utf8_decode($info[$i]['cn'][0]); //verify if user has permission to save sent messages in a shared folder if ( in_array( $info[$i]['uid'][0],$acl_save_sent_in_shared) ){ $info[$i]['save_shared'][0] = 'y'; } else $info[$i]['save_shared'][0] = 'n'; } } $info['myname'] = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['fullname']; //Find institucional_account. $filter="(&(phpgwAccountType=i)(mailForwardingAddress=".$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['email']."))"; $sr = ldap_search($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); ## # @AUTHOR Rodrigo Souza dos Santos # @DATE 2008/09/17 # @BRIEF Changing to ensure that the variable session is always with due value. ## if(ldap_count_entries($this->ds,$sr)) { ldap_sort($this->ds,$sr,"cn"); $result = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); for ($j = 0;$j < $result["count"]; $j++){ $info[$i]['cn'][0] = utf8_decode($result[$j]['cn'][0]); $info[$i]['mail'][0] = $result[$j]['mail'][0]; $info[$i]['save_shared'][0] = 'n'; $info[$i++]['uid'][0] = $result[$j]['uid'][0]; } } $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['shared_mailboxes'] = $info; return $info; } } function getUserByEmail($params) { $expires = 60*60*24*30; /* 30 days */ header("Cache-Control: maxage=".$expires); header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: ".gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$expires)); $filter="(&(phpgwAccountType=u)(mail=" . $params['email'] . "))"; $ldap_context = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['ldap_server']['dn']; if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['extended_info']) $extendedinfo=true; else $extendedinfo=false; if($extendedinfo) $justthese = array("cn","uid","telephoneNumber","jpegPhoto","mobile","ou","employeeNumber"); else $justthese = array("cn","uid","telephoneNumber","jpegPhoto","mobile"); // Follow the referral $ds = $this->ldapConnect2(true); if ($ds) { $sr=@ldap_search($ds, $ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); if (!$sr) return null; $entry = ldap_first_entry($ds, $sr); if($entry) { $obj = array("cn" => utf8_decode(current(ldap_get_values($ds, $entry, "cn"))), "email" => $params['email'], "uid" => ldap_get_values($ds, $entry, "uid"), "type" => "global", "mobile" => @ldap_get_values($ds, $entry, "mobile"), "telefone" => @ldap_get_values($ds, $entry, "telephonenumber"), "ou" => @ldap_get_values($ds, $entry, "ou"), "employeeNumber" => @ldap_get_values($ds, $entry, "employeeNumber") ); $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['contact_photo'] = @ldap_get_values_len($ds, $entry, "jpegphoto"); ldap_close($ds); return $obj; } } return null; } function uid2uidnumber($uid) { // do not follow the referral $this->ldapRootConnect(false); if ($this->ds) { $filter="(&(phpgwAccountType=u)(uid=$uid))"; $justthese = array("uidnumber"); $sr=@ldap_search($this->ds, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); if(!$sr) return false; $info = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $sr); return $info[0]["uidnumber"][0]; } return false; } } ?>