GetFolderList()"); return array($this->StatFolder("contacts")); } /** * Returns an actual SyncFolder object with all the properties set. Folders * are pretty simple, having only a type, a name, a parent and a server ID. * * @param string $id id of the folder * * @access public * @return object SyncFolder with information */ public function GetFolder($id) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ExpressoContactProvider->GetFolder()"); if($id == "contacts") { $folder = new SyncFolder(); $folder->serverid = $id; $folder->parentid = "0"; $folder->displayname = "Contatos"; $folder->type = SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_CONTACT; return $folder; } else return false; } /** * Returns folder stats. An associative array with properties is expected. * * @param string $id id of the folder * * @access public * @return array * Associative array( * string "id" The server ID that will be used to identify the folder. It must be unique, and not too long * How long exactly is not known, but try keeping it under 20 chars or so. It must be a string. * string "parent" The server ID of the parent of the folder. Same restrictions as 'id' apply. * long "mod" This is the modification signature. It is any arbitrary string which is constant as long as * the folder has not changed. In practice this means that 'mod' can be equal to the folder name * as this is the only thing that ever changes in folders. (the type is normally constant) * ) */ public function StatFolder($id) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ExpressoContactProvider->StatFolder()"); $folder = $this->GetFolder($id); $stat = array(); $stat["id"] = $id; $stat["parent"] = $folder->parentid; $stat["mod"] = $folder->displayname; return $stat; } /** * Creates or modifies a folder * * @param string $folderid id of the parent folder * @param string $oldid if empty -> new folder created, else folder is to be renamed * @param string $displayname new folder name (to be created, or to be renamed to) * @param int $type folder type * * @access public * @return boolean status * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_FSSTATUS_* exceptions * */ public function ChangeFolder($folderid, $oldid, $displayname, $type) { // TODO: Implement ChangeFolder() method. } /** * Deletes a folder * * @param string $id * @param string $parent is normally false * * @access public * @return boolean status - false if e.g. does not exist * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_FSSTATUS_* exceptions */ public function DeleteFolder($id, $parentid) { // TODO: Implement DeleteFolder() method. } /** * Returns a list (array) of messages, each entry being an associative array * with the same entries as StatMessage(). This method should return stable information; ie * if nothing has changed, the items in the array must be exactly the same. The order of * the items within the array is not important though. * * The $cutoffdate is a date in the past, representing the date since which items should be shown. * This cutoffdate is determined by the user's setting of getting 'Last 3 days' of e-mail, etc. If * the cutoffdate is ignored, the user will not be able to select their own cutoffdate, but all * will work OK apart from that. * * @param string $folderid id of the parent folder * @param long $cutoffdate timestamp in the past from which on messages should be returned * * @access public * @return array/false array with messages or false if folder is not available */ public function GetMessageList($folderid, $cutoffdate) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ExpressoContactProvider->GetMessageList()"); $messages = array(); $ids = array(); $result = pg_query($this->db, "select given_names, family_names, last_update, id_contact from phpgw_cc_contact where id_owner = " . $this->_uidnumber . ";"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) { $message = array(); $message["id"] = $row[3]; $message["mod"] = substr($row[2], 0, strlen($row[2])-3); $message["flags"] = 1; // always 'read' $messages[] = $message; } return $messages; } /** * Returns the actual SyncXXX object type. The '$folderid' of parent folder can be used. * Mixing item types returned is illegal and will be blocked by the engine; ie returning an Email object in a * Tasks folder will not do anything. The SyncXXX objects should be filled with as much information as possible, * but at least the subject, body, to, from, etc. * * @param string $folderid id of the parent folder * @param string $id id of the message * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters parameters of the requested message (truncation, mimesupport etc) * * @access public * @return object/false false if the message could not be retrieved */ public function GetMessage($folderid, $id, $contentparameters) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ExpressoContactProvider->GetMessage()"); // Parse the database into object $message = new SyncContact(); $result_contact = pg_query($this->db, "select id_contact, id_owner, id_status, photo, alias, id_prefix, given_names, family_names, names_ordered, id_suffix, birthdate, sex, pgp_key, notes, is_global, last_status, last_update, category, web_page, corporate_name, job_title, department from phpgw_cc_contact where id_contact = " . $id . ";"); if ($result_contact == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_contact = pg_fetch_row($result_contact)) { if(isset($row_contact[3]) && $row_contact[3] ) { $message->picture = base64_encode(pg_unescape_bytea( $row_contact[3]) ); } if(isset($row_contact[4])) { $message->nickname = utf8_encode($row_contact[4]); } if(isset($row_contact[7])) { $arrayFamilyName = explode(' ',trim($row_contact[7])); if (sizeof($arrayFamilyName) > 1) { $message->lastname = utf8_encode($arrayFamilyName[sizeof($arrayFamilyName) - 1]); for ($i = 0; $i < (sizeof($arrayFamilyName) - 1); $i++) { $message->middlename .= " " . utf8_encode($arrayFamilyName[$i]); } $message->middlename = trim($message->middlename); } else { $message->lastname = utf8_encode(trim($row_contact[7])); } $message->fileas = $message->lastname; } if(isset($row_contact[6])) { $message->firstname = utf8_encode(trim($row_contact[6])); if(isset($row_contact[7])) $message->fileas .= ', ' . $message->firstname; else $message->fileas = $message->firstname; } if(isset($row_contact[10])) { $dataParte = explode('-',$row_contact[10]); $data = $dataParte[2] . '-' . $dataParte[1] . '-' . $dataParte[0]; $tz = date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $message->birthday = strtotime($data); $message->birthday += 3600 * 10; // Soma 10 horas para nao alterar a data quando mudar o Timezone date_default_timezone_set($tz); } // TODO:Incluir campo de Aniversario na sincronizacao. O BD do Expresso ainda nao tem esse campo :-( if(isset($row_contact[13])) { $message->body = utf8_encode(str_replace('\\n', chr(13) . chr(10), $this->escape($row_contact[13]))); $message->bodysize = strlen($message->body); $message->bodytruncated = 0; } //TODO:Tratar o conteudo do campo de categorias //if(isset($row_contact[17])) { // $message->categories = utf8_encode($row_contact[17]); //} if(isset($row_contact[18])) { $message->webpage = utf8_encode($row_contact[18]); } if(isset($row_contact[19])) { $message->companyname = utf8_encode($row_contact[19]); if (!isset($row_contact[6]) and !isset($row_contact[7])) $message->fileas = $message->companyname; } if(isset($row_contact[20])) { $message->jobtitle = utf8_encode($row_contact[20]); } if(isset($row_contact[21])) { $message->department = utf8_encode($row_contact[21]); } // Endereço Comercial $result_addresses_comercial = pg_query($this->db,"select co.id_address, co.id_city, city_name, co.id_state, state_symbol, co.id_country, address1, address2, complement, address_other, postal_code, po_box, address_is_default from phpgw_cc_addresses co join phpgw_cc_contact_addrs ca on (co.id_address = ca.id_address) join phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs tca on (ca.id_typeof_contact_address = tca.id_typeof_contact_address) left outer join phpgw_cc_city ci on (ci.id_city = co.id_city) left outer join phpgw_cc_state cs on (cs.id_state = co.id_state) where tca.contact_address_type_name = 'Comercial' and ca.id_contact = " . $row_contact[0] . ";"); if ($result_addresses_comercial == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_addresses_comercial = pg_fetch_row($result_addresses_comercial)) { if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[2])) { $message->businesscity = utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[2]); } if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[5])) { $message->businesscountry = utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[5]); } if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[10])) { $message->businesspostalcode = utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[10]); } if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[4])) { $message->businessstate = utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[4]); } if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[6])) { $message->businessstreet = utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[6]); } if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[8])) { if (isset($message->businessstreet)) { $message->businessstreet .= ":"; } $message->businessstreet .= utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[8]); } if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[7])) { if (isset($message->businessstreet)) { $message->businessstreet .= ":"; } $message->businessstreet .= utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[7]); } if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[9])) { if (isset($message->businessstreet)) { $message->businessstreet .= ":"; } $message->businessstreet .= utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[9]); } if (isset($row_addresses_comercial[11])) { if (isset($message->businessstreet)) { $message->businessstreet .= ":"; } $message->businessstreet .= utf8_encode($row_addresses_comercial[11]); } } // Endereço Residencial $result_addresses_residencial = pg_query($this->db,"select co.id_address, co.id_city, city_name, co.id_state, state_name, co.id_country, address1, address2, complement, address_other, postal_code, po_box, address_is_default from phpgw_cc_addresses co join phpgw_cc_contact_addrs ca on (co.id_address = ca.id_address) join phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs tca on (ca.id_typeof_contact_address = tca.id_typeof_contact_address) left outer join phpgw_cc_city ci on (ci.id_city = co.id_city) left outer join phpgw_cc_state cs on (cs.id_state = co.id_state) where tca.contact_address_type_name = 'Residencial' and ca.id_contact = " . $row_contact[0] . ";"); if ($result_addresses_residencial == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_addresses_residencial = pg_fetch_row($result_addresses_residencial)) { if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[2])) { $message->homecity = utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[2]); } if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[5])) { $message->homecountry = utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[5]); } if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[10])) { $message->homepostalcode = utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[10]); } if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[4])) { $message->homestate = utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[4]); } if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[6])) { $message->homestreet = utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[6]); } if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[8])) { if (isset($message->homestreet)) { $message->homestreet .= ":"; } $message->homestreet .= utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[8]); } if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[7])) { if (isset($message->homestreet)) { $message->homestreet .= ":"; } $message->homestreet .= utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[7]); } if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[9])) { if (isset($message->homestreet)) { $message->homestreet .= ":"; } $message->homestreet .= utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[9]); } if (isset($row_addresses_residencial[11])) { if (isset($message->homestreet)) { $message->homestreet .= ":"; } $message->homestreet .= utf8_encode($row_addresses_residencial[11]); } } // Emails $result_emails = pg_query($this->db,"select cn.id_connection, connection_name, connection_value, connection_is_default from phpgw_cc_connections cn join phpgw_cc_contact_conns cc on (cn.id_connection = cc.id_connection) join phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns ct on (ct.id_typeof_contact_connection = cc.id_typeof_contact_connection) where ct.contact_connection_type_name = 'Email' and cc.id_contact = " . $row_contact[0] . ";"); if ($result_emails == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_emails = pg_fetch_row($result_emails)) { if ($row_emails[1] == "Principal") { $message->email1address = utf8_encode($row_emails[2]); } if ($row_emails[1] == "Alternativo") { $message->email2address = utf8_encode($row_emails[2]); } //TODO : Atribuir o email3address. O Expresso ainda não tem campo para um terceiro email :( } // Telefones $result_tel = pg_query($this->db,"select cn.id_connection, connection_name, connection_value, connection_is_default from phpgw_cc_connections cn join phpgw_cc_contact_conns cc on (cn.id_connection = cc.id_connection) join phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns ct on (ct.id_typeof_contact_connection = cc.id_typeof_contact_connection) where ct.contact_connection_type_name = 'Telefone' and cc.id_contact = " . $row_contact[0] . ";"); if ($result_tel == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_tel = pg_fetch_row($result_tel)) { if ($row_tel[1] == "Trabalho") { $message->businessphonenumber = utf8_encode($row_tel[2]); } if ($row_tel[1] == "Casa") { $message->homephonenumber = utf8_encode($row_tel[2]); } if ($row_tel[1] == "Celular") { $message->mobilephonenumber = utf8_encode($row_tel[2]); } if ($row_tel[1] == "Fax") { $message->businessfaxnumber = utf8_encode($row_tel[2]); } if ($row_tel[1] == "Principal") { $message->business2phonenumber = utf8_encode($row_tel[2]); } if ($row_tel[1] == "Alternativo") { $message->home2phonenumber = utf8_encode($row_tel[2]); } //TODO : Permitir mais de um número de telefone para Trabalho, Casa e Celular. O Expresso ainda não suporta isso :( } } return $message; } /** * Returns message stats, analogous to the folder stats from StatFolder(). * * @param string $folderid id of the folder * @param string $id id of the message * * @access public * @return array or boolean if fails * Associative array( * string "id" Server unique identifier for the message. Again, try to keep this short (under 20 chars) * int "flags" simply '0' for unread, '1' for read * long "mod" This is the modification signature. It is any arbitrary string which is constant as long as * the message has not changed. As soon as this signature changes, the item is assumed to be completely * changed, and will be sent to the PDA as a whole. Normally you can use something like the modification * time for this field, which will change as soon as the contents have changed. * ) */ public function StatMessage($folderid, $id) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ExpressoContactProvider->StatMessage()"); $result_contact = pg_query($this->db, "select last_update from phpgw_cc_contact where id_contact = " . $id . ";"); if ($result_contact == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_contact = pg_fetch_row($result_contact)) { if(isset($row_contact[0])) { $message = array(); $message["mod"] = substr($row_contact[0], 0, strlen($row_contact[0])-3); $message["id"] = $id; $message["flags"] = 1; return $message; } } return false; } /** * Called when a message has been changed on the mobile. The new message must be saved to disk. * The return value must be whatever would be returned from StatMessage() after the message has been saved. * This way, the 'flags' and the 'mod' properties of the StatMessage() item may change via ChangeMessage(). * This method will never be called on E-mail items as it's not 'possible' to change e-mail items. It's only * possible to set them as 'read' or 'unread'. * * @param string $folderid id of the folder * @param string $id id of the message * @param SyncXXX $message the SyncObject containing a message * * @access public * @return array same return value as StatMessage() * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions */ public function ChangeMessage($folderid, $id, $message) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ExpressoContactProvider->ChangeMessage()"); try { $result = pg_query($this->db,"BEGIN;"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); // Obtem o id_contact $found_id_contact = false; if (trim($id) !== "") { $result_contact = pg_query($this->db, "select id_contact from phpgw_cc_contact where id_contact = " . $id . ";"); if ($result_contact == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); // tenta localizar id_contact para fazer Update while ($row_contact = pg_fetch_row($result_contact)) { if(isset($row_contact[0])) { $id_contact = $row_contact[0]; $found_id_contact = true; } } } // se não encontrou id_contact para fazer Update, define o próximo id_contact para fazer Insert if (!isset($id_contact)) { $result = pg_query($this->db,"LOCK TABLE phpgw_cc_contact IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result_contact_max_id = pg_query($this->db, "select max(id_contact) from phpgw_cc_contact;"); if ($result_contact_max_id == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $row_contact_max_id = pg_fetch_row($result_contact_max_id); if (isset($row_contact_max_id[0])) { $id_contact = $row_contact_max_id[0] + 1; } else $id_contact = 1; } // Procura o id_address comercial e residencial $result_address = pg_query($this->db, "select co.id_address, tca.contact_address_type_name from phpgw_cc_addresses co join phpgw_cc_contact_addrs ca on (co.id_address = ca.id_address) join phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs tca on (ca.id_typeof_contact_address = tca.id_typeof_contact_address) where ca.id_contact = " . $id_contact . ";"); if ($result_address == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $found_id_address_comercial = false; $found_id_address_residencial = false; while ($row_address = pg_fetch_row($result_address)) { if(isset($row_address[0])) { if ($row_address[1] == "Comercial") { $id_address_comercial = $row_address[0]; $found_id_address_comercial = true; } if ($row_address[1] == "Residencial") { $id_address_residencial = $row_address[0]; $found_id_address_residencial = true; } } } // Verifica se os campos de endereco estao preenchidos na mensagem recebida do dispositivo movel $isset_business_address_fields = false; if(isset($message->businessstate) or isset($message->businesspostalcode) or isset($message->businessstreet)) { $isset_business_address_fields = true; } $isset_home_address_fields = false; if(isset($message->homestate) or isset($message->homepostalcode) or isset($message->homestreet)) { $isset_home_address_fields = true; } // Obtem o ultimo id_address if (!($found_id_address_comercial and $found_id_address_residencial) and ($isset_business_address_fields or $isset_home_address_fields)) { $result = pg_query($this->db,"LOCK TABLE phpgw_cc_addresses IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result_address_max_id = pg_query($this->db, "select max(id_address) from phpgw_cc_addresses;"); if ($result_address_max_id == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $array_row_address_max_id = pg_fetch_row($result_address_max_id); if (isset($array_row_address_max_id)) $row_address_max_id = $array_row_address_max_id[0]; if (!isset($row_address_max_id)) $row_address_max_id = 0; } $next_offset_address_to_insert = 0; // se não encontrou id_address_comercial para fazer Update, define o próximo id_address_comercial para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_address_comercial and $isset_business_address_fields) { $next_offset_address_to_insert += 1; $id_address_comercial = $row_address_max_id + $next_offset_address_to_insert; } // se não encontrou id_address_residencial para fazer Update, define o próximo id_address_residencial para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_address_residencial and $isset_home_address_fields) { $next_offset_address_to_insert += 1; $id_address_residencial = $row_address_max_id + $next_offset_address_to_insert; } // Procura o id_connection de Emails e Telefones $result_connection = pg_query($this->db, "select cn.id_connection, connection_name, connection_is_default, cc.id_typeof_contact_connection from phpgw_cc_connections cn join phpgw_cc_contact_conns cc on (cn.id_connection = cc.id_connection) join phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns ct on (ct.id_typeof_contact_connection = cc.id_typeof_contact_connection) where cc.id_contact = " . $id_contact . ";"); if ($result_connection == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $found_id_connection_email_principal = false; $found_id_connection_email_alternativo = false; $found_id_connection_tel_trabalho = false; $found_id_connection_tel_casa = false; $found_id_connection_tel_celular = false; $found_id_connection_tel_fax = false; $found_id_connection_tel_principal = false; $found_id_connection_tel_alternativo = false; $tel_default = ""; $email_default = ""; while ($row_connection = pg_fetch_row($result_connection)) { if(isset($row_connection[0])) { if ($row_connection[1] == "Principal" and $row_connection[3] == 1) { $id_connection_email_principal = $row_connection[0]; $found_id_connection_email_principal = true; if ($row_connection[2] == 't') $email_default = "Principal"; } if ($row_connection[1] == "Alternativo" and $row_connection[3] == 1) { $id_connection_email_alternativo = $row_connection[0]; $found_id_connection_email_alternativo = true; if ($row_connection[2] == 't') $email_default = "Alternativo"; } if ($row_connection[1] == "Trabalho") { $id_connection_tel_trabalho = $row_connection[0]; $found_id_connection_tel_trabalho = true; if ($row_connection[2] == 't') $tel_default = "Trabalho"; } if ($row_connection[1] == "Casa") { $id_connection_tel_casa = $row_connection[0]; $found_id_connection_tel_casa = true; if ($row_connection[2] == 't') $tel_default = "Casa"; } if ($row_connection[1] == "Celular") { $id_connection_tel_celular = $row_connection[0]; $found_id_connection_tel_celular = true; if ($row_connection[2] == 't') $tel_default = "Celular"; } if ($row_connection[1] == "Fax") { $id_connection_tel_fax = $row_connection[0]; $found_id_connection_tel_fax = true; if ($row_connection[2] == 't') $tel_default = "Fax"; } if ($row_connection[1] == "Principal" and $row_connection[3] == 2) { $id_connection_tel_principal = $row_connection[0]; $found_id_connection_tel_principal = true; if ($row_connection[2] == 't') $tel_default = "Principal"; } if ($row_connection[1] == "Alternativo" and $row_connection[3] == 2) { $id_connection_tel_alternativo = $row_connection[0]; $found_id_connection_tel_alternativo = true; if ($row_connection[2] == 't') $tel_default = "Alternativo"; } } } // Obtem o ultimo id_connection if (!($found_id_connection_email_principal and $found_id_connection_email_alternativo and $found_id_connection_tel_trabalho and $found_id_connection_tel_celular and $found_id_connection_tel_casa and $found_id_connection_tel_fax and $found_id_connection_tel_principal and $found_id_connection_tel_alternativo) and (isset($message->email1address) or isset($message->email2address) or isset($message->businessphonenumber) or isset($message->homephonenumber) or isset($message->mobilephonenumber) or isset($message->businessfaxnumber) or isset($message->business2phonenumber) or isset($message->home2phonenumber))){ $result = pg_query($this->db,"LOCK TABLE phpgw_cc_connections IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result_connection_max_id = pg_query($this->db, "select max(id_connection) from phpgw_cc_connections;"); if ($result_connection_max_id == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $array_row_connection_max_id = pg_fetch_row($result_connection_max_id); if (isset($array_row_connection_max_id)) $row_connection_max_id = $array_row_connection_max_id[0]; if (!isset($row_connection_max_id)) $row_connection_max_id = 0; } $next_offset_connection_to_insert = 0; // se não encontrou id_connection_email_principal para fazer Update, define o próximo id_connection_email_principal para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_connection_email_principal and isset($message->email1address)) { $next_offset_connection_to_insert += 1; $id_connection_email_principal = $row_connection_max_id + $next_offset_connection_to_insert; } // se não encontrou id_connection_email_alternativo para fazer Update, define o próximo id_connection_email_alternativo para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_connection_email_alternativo and isset($message->email2address)) { $next_offset_connection_to_insert += 1; $id_connection_email_alternativo = $row_connection_max_id + $next_offset_connection_to_insert; } // se não encontrou $id_connection_tel_trabalho para fazer Update, define o próximo $id_connection_tel_trabalho para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_connection_tel_trabalho and isset($message->businessphonenumber)) { $next_offset_connection_to_insert += 1; $id_connection_tel_trabalho = $row_connection_max_id + $next_offset_connection_to_insert; } // se não encontrou $id_connection_tel_casa para fazer Update, define o próximo $id_connection_tel_casa para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_connection_tel_casa and isset($message->homephonenumber)) { $next_offset_connection_to_insert += 1; $id_connection_tel_casa = $row_connection_max_id + $next_offset_connection_to_insert; } // se não encontrou $id_connection_tel_celular para fazer Update, define o próximo $id_connection_tel_celular para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_connection_tel_celular and isset($message->mobilephonenumber)) { $next_offset_connection_to_insert += 1; $id_connection_tel_celular = $row_connection_max_id + $next_offset_connection_to_insert; } // se não encontrou $id_connection_tel_fax para fazer Update, define o próximo $id_connection_tel_fax para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_connection_tel_fax and isset($message->businessfaxnumber)) { $next_offset_connection_to_insert += 1; $id_connection_tel_fax = $row_connection_max_id + $next_offset_connection_to_insert; } // se não encontrou $id_connection_tel_principal para fazer Update, define o próximo $id_connection_tel_principal para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_connection_tel_principal and isset($message->business2phonenumber)) { $next_offset_connection_to_insert += 1; $id_connection_tel_principal = $row_connection_max_id + $next_offset_connection_to_insert; } // se não encontrou $id_connection_tel_alternativo para fazer Update, define o próximo $id_connection_tel_alternativo para fazer Insert if (!$found_id_connection_tel_alternativo and isset($message->home2phonenumber)) { $next_offset_connection_to_insert += 1; $id_connection_tel_alternativo = $row_connection_max_id + $next_offset_connection_to_insert; } // Incluir/Alterar registro na tabela phpgw_cc_contact no Banco de Dados if(isset($message->picture) && $message->picture) { $arrayContact["photo"] = base64_decode($message->picture); } if(isset($message->nickname)) { $arrayContact["alias"] = utf8_decode($message->nickname); } if(isset($message->firstname)) { $arrayContact["given_names"] = utf8_decode($message->firstname); $arrayContact["names_ordered"] = utf8_decode($message->firstname); } if (isset($message->middlename)) { $arrayContact["family_names"] = utf8_decode($message->middlename); if(isset($message->firstname)) { $arrayContact["names_ordered"] .= " "; } $arrayContact["names_ordered"] .= utf8_decode($message->middlename); } if(isset($message->lastname)) { if(isset($message->middlename)) { $arrayContact["family_names"] .= " "; } if (isset($arrayContact["family_names"])) $arrayContact["family_names"] .= utf8_decode($message->lastname); else $arrayContact["family_names"] = utf8_decode($message->lastname); if(isset($message->firstname) or isset($message->middlename)) { $arrayContact["names_ordered"] .= " "; } $arrayContact["names_ordered"] .= utf8_decode($message->lastname); } if (isset($message->birthday)) { $tz = date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $arrayContact["birthdate"] = date("Y-m-d",$message->birthday); date_default_timezone_set($tz); } //TODO: Incluir o campo de Aniversario na Sincronizacao. O DB do Expresso nao tem esse campo :-( if(isset($message->rtf)) { $rtf_to_ascii = new rtf(); $rtf_to_ascii->output("ascii"); $result_loadrtf = $rtf_to_ascii->loadrtf(base64_decode($message->rtf)); if ($result_loadrtf == true) $rtf_to_ascii->parse(); $arrayContact["notes"] = $rtf_to_ascii->out; } //TODO: Tratar o conteudo do campo de categorias //if(isset($message->categories)) { // $arrayContact["category"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->categories),20); //} if(isset($message->webpage)) { $arrayContact["web_page"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->webpage),100); } if(isset($message->companyname)) { $arrayContact["corporate_name"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->companyname),100); } if(isset($message->jobtitle)) { $arrayContact["job_title"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->jobtitle),40); } if(isset($message->department)) { $arrayContact["department"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->department),30); } if (!$found_id_contact){ $arrayContact["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContact["id_owner"] = $this->_uidnumber; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact', $arrayContact); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact', $arrayContact, array('id_contact' => $id_contact)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Incluir/Alterar Endereco Comercial na tabela phpgw_cc_addresses no Banco de Dados if(isset($message->businessstate)) { $result = pg_query($this->db, "select id_state, id_country from phpgw_cc_state where LOWER(to_ASCII(state_name)) = '" . trim(strtolower($this->removeAccents(utf8_decode($message->businessstate)))) . "' or LOWER(to_ASCII(state_symbol)) = '" . trim(strtolower($this->removeAccents(utf8_decode($message->businessstate)))) . "';"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $row = pg_fetch_row($result); if(isset($row[0])) { $arrayAddressComercial["id_state"] = $row[0]; } if(isset($row[1])) { $arrayAddressComercial["id_country"] = $row[1]; } if(isset($message->businesscity) and isset($arrayAddressComercial["id_state"])) { $result = pg_query($this->db, "select id_city from phpgw_cc_city where id_state = " . $arrayAddressComercial["id_state"] . " and LOWER(to_ASCII(city_name)) = '" . trim(strtolower($this->removeAccents(utf8_decode($message->businesscity)))) . "';"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $row = pg_fetch_row($result); if(isset($row[0])) { $arrayAddressComercial["id_city"] = $row[0]; } } } if(isset($message->businesspostalcode)) { $arrayAddressComercial["postal_code"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->businesspostalcode),15); } if(isset($message->businessstreet)) { $arrayAddressComercial["address1"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->businessstreet),60); } if($isset_business_address_fields) { if (!$found_id_address_comercial) { $arrayAddressComercial["id_address"] = $id_address_comercial; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_addresses', $arrayAddressComercial); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactAddressComercial["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactAddressComercial["id_address"] = $id_address_comercial; $arrayContactAddressComercial["id_typeof_contact_address"] = 1; //comercial $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_addrs', $arrayContactAddressComercial); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_addresses', $arrayAddressComercial, array('id_address' => $id_address_comercial)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_address_comercial) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_addrs", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_address' => $id_address_comercial)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_addresses", array('id_address' => $id_address_comercial)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Incluir/Alterar Endereco Residencial na tabela phpgw_cc_addresses no Banco de Dados if(isset($message->homestate)) { $result = pg_query($this->db, "select id_state, id_country from phpgw_cc_state where LOWER(to_ASCII(state_name)) = '" . trim(strtolower($this->removeAccents(utf8_decode($message->homestate)))) . "' or LOWER(to_ASCII(state_symbol)) = '" . trim(strtolower($this->removeAccents(utf8_decode($message->homestate)))) . "';"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $row = pg_fetch_row($result); if(isset($row[0])) { $arrayAddressResidencial["id_state"] = $row[0]; } if(isset($row[1])) { $arrayAddressResidencial["id_country"] = $row[1]; } if(isset($message->homecity) and isset($arrayAddressResidencial["id_state"])) { $result = pg_query($this->db, "select id_city from phpgw_cc_city where id_state = " . $arrayAddressResidencial["id_state"] . " and LOWER(to_ASCII(city_name)) = '" . trim(strtolower($this->removeAccents(utf8_decode($message->homecity)))) . "';"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $row = pg_fetch_row($result); if(isset($row[0])) { $arrayAddressResidencial["id_city"] = $row[0]; } } } if(isset($message->homepostalcode)) { $arrayAddressResidencial["postal_code"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->homepostalcode),15); } if(isset($message->homestreet)) { $arrayAddressResidencial["address1"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->homestreet),60); } if($isset_home_address_fields) { if (!$found_id_address_residencial) { $arrayAddressResidencial["id_address"] = $id_address_residencial; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_addresses', $arrayAddressResidencial); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactAddressResidencial["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactAddressResidencial["id_address"] = $id_address_residencial; $arrayContactAddressResidencial["id_typeof_contact_address"] = 2; //residencial $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_addrs', $arrayContactAddressResidencial); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_addresses', $arrayAddressResidencial, array('id_address' => $id_address_residencial)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_address_residencial) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_addrs", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_address' => $id_address_residencial)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_addresses", array('id_address' => $id_address_residencial)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Email Principal if(isset($message->email1address)) { $arrayConnectionEmailPrincipal["connection_value"] = $this->truncateString($this->formatMail(utf8_decode($message->email1address)),100); if (!$found_id_connection_email_principal){ $arrayConnectionEmailPrincipal["id_connection"] = $id_connection_email_principal; $arrayConnectionEmailPrincipal["connection_name"] = "Principal"; if ($email_default != "Alternativo"){ $arrayConnectionEmailPrincipal["connection_is_default"] = 't'; $email_default = "Principal"; } else { $arrayConnectionEmailPrincipal["connection_is_default"] = 'f'; } $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionEmailPrincipal); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactConnection["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactConnection["id_connection"] = $id_connection_email_principal; $arrayContactConnection["id_typeof_contact_connection"] = 1; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns', $arrayContactConnection); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionEmailPrincipal, array('id_connection' => $id_connection_email_principal)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_connection_email_principal) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_connection' => $id_connection_email_principal)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_email_principal)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_email_principal)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Email Alternativo if(isset($message->email2address)) { $arrayConnectionEmailAlternativo["connection_value"] = $this->truncateString($this->formatMail(utf8_decode($message->email2address)),100); if (!$found_id_connection_email_alternativo){ $arrayConnectionEmailAlternativo["id_connection"] = $id_connection_email_alternativo; $arrayConnectionEmailAlternativo["connection_name"] = "Alternativo"; if ($email_default != "Principal"){ $arrayConnectionEmailAlternativo["connection_is_default"] = 't'; $email_default = "Alternativo"; } else { $arrayConnectionEmailAlternativo["connection_is_default"] = 'f'; } $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionEmailAlternativo); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactConnection["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactConnection["id_connection"] = $id_connection_email_alternativo; $arrayContactConnection["id_typeof_contact_connection"] = 1; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns', $arrayContactConnection); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionEmailAlternativo, array('id_connection' => $id_connection_email_alternativo)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_connection_email_alternativo) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_connection' => $id_connection_email_alternativo)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_email_alternativo)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_email_alternativo)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } //TODO : Atribuir o email3address. O Expresso ainda não tem campo para um terceiro email :( // Telefone Trabalho if(isset($message->businessphonenumber)) { $arrayConnectionTelTrabalho["connection_value"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->businessphonenumber),100); if (!$found_id_connection_tel_trabalho){ $arrayConnectionTelTrabalho["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_trabalho; $arrayConnectionTelTrabalho["connection_name"] = "Trabalho"; if ($tel_default != "Celular" and $tel_default != "Casa" and $tel_default != "Fax" and $tel_default != "Principal" and $tel_default != "Alternativo"){ $arrayConnectionTelTrabalho["connection_is_default"] = 't'; $tel_default = "Trabalho"; } else { $arrayConnectionTelTrabalho["connection_is_default"] = 'f'; } $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelTrabalho); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactConnection["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactConnection["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_trabalho; $arrayContactConnection["id_typeof_contact_connection"] = 2; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns', $arrayContactConnection); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelTrabalho, array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_trabalho)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_connection_tel_trabalho) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_trabalho)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_trabalho)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_trabalho)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Telefone Celular if(isset($message->mobilephonenumber)) { $arrayConnectionTelCelular["connection_value"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->mobilephonenumber),100); if (!$found_id_connection_tel_celular){ $arrayConnectionTelCelular["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_celular; $arrayConnectionTelCelular["connection_name"] = "Celular"; if ($tel_default != "Trabalho" and $tel_default != "Casa" and $tel_default != "Fax" and $tel_default != "Principal" and $tel_default != "Alternativo"){ $arrayConnectionTelCelular["connection_is_default"] = 't'; $tel_default = "Celular"; } else { $arrayConnectionTelCelular["connection_is_default"] = 'f'; } $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelCelular); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactConnection["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactConnection["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_celular; $arrayContactConnection["id_typeof_contact_connection"] = 2; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns', $arrayContactConnection); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelCelular, array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_celular)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_connection_tel_celular) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_celular)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_celular)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_celular)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Telefone Casa if(isset($message->homephonenumber)) { $arrayConnectionTelCasa["connection_value"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->homephonenumber),100); if (!$found_id_connection_tel_casa){ $arrayConnectionTelCasa["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_casa; $arrayConnectionTelCasa["connection_name"] = "Casa"; if ($tel_default != "Trabalho" and $tel_default != "Celular" and $tel_default != "Fax" and $tel_default != "Principal" and $tel_default != "Alternativo"){ $arrayConnectionTelCasa["connection_is_default"] = 't'; $tel_default = "Casa"; } else { $arrayConnectionTelCasa["connection_is_default"] = 'f'; } $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelCasa); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactConnection["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactConnection["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_casa; $arrayContactConnection["id_typeof_contact_connection"] = 2; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns', $arrayContactConnection); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelCasa, array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_casa)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_connection_tel_casa) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_casa)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_casa)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_casa)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Fax if(isset($message->businessfaxnumber)) { $arrayConnectionFax["connection_value"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->businessfaxnumber),100); if (!$found_id_connection_tel_fax){ $arrayConnectionFax["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_fax; $arrayConnectionFax["connection_name"] = "Fax"; if ($tel_default != "Trabalho" and $tel_default != "Celular" and $tel_default != "Casa" and $tel_default != "Principal" and $tel_default != "Alternativo"){ $arrayConnectionFax["connection_is_default"] = 't'; $tel_default = "Fax"; } else { $arrayConnectionFax["connection_is_default"] = 'f'; } $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionFax); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactConnection["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactConnection["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_fax; $arrayContactConnection["id_typeof_contact_connection"] = 2; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns', $arrayContactConnection); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionFax, array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_fax)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_connection_tel_fax) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_fax)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_fax)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_fax)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Telefone Principal if(isset($message->business2phonenumber)) { $arrayConnectionTelPrincipal["connection_value"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->business2phonenumber),100); if (!$found_id_connection_tel_principal){ $arrayConnectionTelPrincipal["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_principal; $arrayConnectionTelPrincipal["connection_name"] = "Principal"; if ($tel_default != "Celular" and $tel_default != "Casa" and $tel_default != "Fax" and $tel_default != "Trabalho" and $tel_default != "Alternativo"){ $arrayConnectionTelPrincipal["connection_is_default"] = 't'; $tel_default = "Principal"; } else { $arrayConnectionTelPrincipal["connection_is_default"] = 'f'; } $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelPrincipal); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactConnection["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactConnection["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_principal; $arrayContactConnection["id_typeof_contact_connection"] = 2; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns', $arrayContactConnection); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelPrincipal, array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_principal)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_connection_tel_principal) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_principal)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_principal)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_principal)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } // Telefone Alternativo if(isset($message->home2phonenumber)) { $arrayConnectionTelAlternativo["connection_value"] = $this->truncateString(utf8_decode($message->home2phonenumber),100); if (!$found_id_connection_tel_alternativo){ $arrayConnectionTelAlternativo["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_alternativo; $arrayConnectionTelAlternativo["connection_name"] = "Alternativo"; if ($tel_default != "Trabalho" and $tel_default != "Celular" and $tel_default != "Fax" and $tel_default != "Principal" and $tel_default != "Casa"){ $arrayConnectionTelAlternativo["connection_is_default"] = 't'; $tel_default = "Alternativo"; } else { $arrayConnectionTelAlternativo["connection_is_default"] = 'f'; } $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelAlternativo); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $arrayContactConnection["id_contact"] = $id_contact; $arrayContactConnection["id_connection"] = $id_connection_tel_alternativo; $arrayContactConnection["id_typeof_contact_connection"] = 2; $result = pg_insert($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns', $arrayContactConnection); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } else { $result = pg_update($this->db, 'phpgw_cc_connections', $arrayConnectionTelAlternativo, array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_alternativo)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } elseif ($found_id_connection_tel_alternativo) { $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact, 'id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_alternativo)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_alternativo)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection_tel_alternativo)); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } //TODO : Permitir mais de um número de telefone para Trabalho, Celular e Casa. O Expresso ainda não suporta isso :( $result = pg_query($this->db,"COMMIT;"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); if (!$id) { $id = $id_contact; } } catch (Exception $e) { debugLog("exception -> " . $e->getMessage() . " - ARQUIVO: " . $e->getFile() . " - LINHA: " . $e->getLine()); pg_query($this->db,"ROLLBACK;"); return false; } return $this->StatMessage($folderid, $id); } /** * Changes the 'read' flag of a message on disk. The $flags * parameter can only be '1' (read) or '0' (unread). After a call to * SetReadFlag(), GetMessageList() should return the message with the * new 'flags' but should not modify the 'mod' parameter. If you do * change 'mod', simply setting the message to 'read' on the mobile will trigger * a full resync of the item from the server. * * @param string $folderid id of the folder * @param string $id id of the message * @param int $flags read flag of the message * * @access public * @return boolean status of the operation * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions */ public function SetReadFlag($folderid, $id, $flags) { // TODO: Implement SetReadFlag() method. } /** * Called when the user has requested to delete (really delete) a message. Usually * this means just unlinking the file its in or somesuch. After this call has succeeded, a call to * GetMessageList() should no longer list the message. If it does, the message will be re-sent to the mobile * as it will be seen as a 'new' item. This means that if this method is not implemented, it's possible to * delete messages on the PDA, but as soon as a sync is done, the item will be resynched to the mobile * * @param string $folderid id of the folder * @param string $id id of the message * * @access public * @return boolean status of the operation * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions */ public function DeleteMessage($folderid, $id) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ExpressoContactProvider->DeleteMessage()"); $result = pg_query($this->db,"BEGIN;"); try { $result_contact = pg_query($this->db, "select id_contact from phpgw_cc_contact where id_contact = " . $id . ";"); if ($result_contact == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_contact = pg_fetch_row($result_contact)) { if(isset($row_contact[0])) { $id_contact = $row_contact[0]; } } if(!isset($id_contact)){ return true; } $result_contact_addrs = pg_query($this->db, "select id_address from phpgw_cc_contact_addrs where id_contact = " . $id_contact . ";"); if ($result_contact_addrs == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_contact_addrs = pg_fetch_row($result_contact_addrs)) { if(isset($row_contact_addrs[0])) { $id_address = $row_contact_addrs[0]; $result_delete_address = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_addresses", array('id_address' => $id_address)); if ($result_delete_address == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } $result_delete_contact_addrs = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_addrs", array('id_contact' => $id_contact)); if ($result_delete_contact_addrs == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result_contact_conns = pg_query($this->db, "select id_connection from phpgw_cc_contact_conns where id_contact = " . $id_contact . ";"); if ($result_contact_conns == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); while ($row_contact_conns = pg_fetch_row($result_contact_conns)) { if(isset($row_contact_conns[0])) { $id_connection = $row_contact_conns[0]; $result_delete_connections = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_connections", array('id_connection' => $id_connection)); if ($result_delete_connections == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result_delete_contact_grps = pg_delete($this->db,"phpgw_cc_contact_grps", array('id_connection' => $id_connection)); if ($result_delete_contact_grps == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } } $result_delete_contact_conns = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact_conns", array('id_contact' => $id_contact)); if ($result_delete_contact_conns == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result_delete_contact = pg_delete($this->db, "phpgw_cc_contact", array('id_contact' => $id_contact)); if ($result_delete_contact == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); $result = pg_query($this->db,"COMMIT;"); if ($result == FALSE) throw new Exception(pg_last_error($this->db)); } catch (Exception $e) { pg_query($this->db,"ROLLBACK;"); debugLog("exception -> " . $e->getMessage() . " - ARQUIVO: " . $e->getFile() . " - LINHA: " . $e->getLine()); return false; } return true; } /** * Called when the user moves an item on the PDA from one folder to another. Whatever is needed * to move the message on disk has to be done here. After this call, StatMessage() and GetMessageList() * should show the items to have a new parent. This means that it will disappear from GetMessageList() * of the sourcefolder and the destination folder will show the new message * * @param string $folderid id of the source folder * @param string $id id of the message * @param string $newfolderid id of the destination folder * * @access public * @return boolean status of the operation * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_MOVEITEMSSTATUS_* exceptions */ public function MoveMessage($folderid, $id, $newfolderid) { // TODO: Implement MoveMessage() method. } /** * Authenticates the user * * @param string $username * @param string $domain * @param string $password * * @access public * @return boolean * @throws FatalException e.g. some required libraries are unavailable */ public function Logon($username, $domain, $password) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ExpressoContactProvider->Logon()"); $ldapConfig = parse_ini_file(EXPRESSO_PATH . '/prototype/config/OpenLDAP.srv' , true ); $ldapConfig = $ldapConfig['config']; $sr = ldap_search( $GLOBALS['connections']['ldap'] , $ldapConfig['context'] , "(uid=$username)" , array('uidNumber'), 0 , 1 ); if(!$sr) return false; $entries = ldap_get_entries( $GLOBALS['connections']['ldap'] , $sr ); $this->_uidnumber = $entries[0]['uidnumber'][0]; $this->db = $GLOBALS['connections']['db'] ; return true; } /** * Logs off * non critical operations closing the session should be done here * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function Logoff() { return true; } /** * Sends an e-mail * This messages needs to be saved into the 'sent items' folder * * Basically two things can be done * 1) Send the message to an SMTP server as-is * 2) Parse the message, and send it some other way * * @param SyncSendMail $sm SyncSendMail object * * @access public * @return boolean * @throws StatusException */ public function SendMail($sm) { // TODO: Implement SendMail() method. } /** * Returns the waste basket * * The waste basked is used when deleting items; if this function returns a valid folder ID, * then all deletes are handled as moves and are sent to the backend as a move. * If it returns FALSE, then deletes are handled as real deletes * * @access public * @return string */ public function GetWasteBasket() { // TODO: Implement GetWasteBasket() method. } /** * Returns the content of the named attachment as stream. The passed attachment identifier is * the exact string that is returned in the 'AttName' property of an SyncAttachment. * Any information necessary to locate the attachment must be encoded in that 'attname' property. * Data is written directly - 'print $data;' * * @param string $attname * * @access public * @return SyncItemOperationsAttachment * @throws StatusException */ public function GetAttachmentData($attname) { // TODO: Implement GetAttachmentData() method. } function escape($data){ if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $data[$key] = $this->escape($val); } return $data; } $data = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $data); $data = str_replace("\r", "\n", $data); $data = str_replace(array('\\', ';', ',', "\n"), array('\\\\', '\\;', '\\,', '\\n'), $data); return $data; } function truncateString($string, $size) { if(strlen($string) <= $size) return $string; else return substr($string, 0, $size - 1); } function formatMail($mail) { if (preg_match('/[^\W][a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}/', $mail , $mat )) return $mat[0]; else return ''; } function removeAccents($data){ $data = strtr($data,"ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÜÚÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùüúþÿ","aaaaaaaceeeeiiii noooooxouuutbaaaaaaaceeeeiiii nooooo/ouuuty"); return $data; } }