ldap_host = $_SESSION['admin']['server']['ldap_host']; $this->ldap_root_dn = $_SESSION['admin']['server']['ldap_root_dn']; $this->ldap_root_pw = $_SESSION['admin']['server']['ldap_root_pw']; $this->ldap_context = $_SESSION['admin']['server']['ldap_context']; $this->common = new common(); } final function __destruct() { if( $this->ldap ) ldap_close($this->ldap); } public final function getOuLdap() { $this->ldap = $this->common->ldapConnect(); if ( $this->ldap ) { $filter = "ou=*"; $justthese = array("ou"); $search = ldap_list($this->ldap, $this->ldap_context, $filter, $justthese); $entry = ldap_get_entries($this->ldap, $search); } if( $entry ) { foreach($entry as $tmp) if( $tmp['ou'][0] != "" ) $result_ou[] = $tmp['ou'][0]; } natcasesort($result_ou); return (($result_ou) ? $result_ou : ''); } public final function getGroupsLdap($pOrg) { if($pOrg['ou'] == 'Raiz'){ $organization = $this->ldap_context; }else{ $organization = 'ou=' . $pOrg['ou'] .",". $this->ldap_context; } $this->ldap = $this->common->ldapConnect($this->ldap_host,$this->ldap_root_dn,$this->ldap_root_pw); if( $this->ldap ) { $filter = "(&(phpgwAccountType=g)(objectClass=posixGroup))"; $justthese = array("cn"); $search = ldap_search($this->ldap, $organization, $filter, $justthese); $entry = ldap_get_entries( $this->ldap, $search ); if( $entry ) { foreach($entry as $tmp) if( $tmp['cn'][0] != "" ) $result_groups[] = $tmp['cn'][0]; } natcasesort($result_groups); } return (($result_groups) ? $result_groups : ''); } public final function setConfDB($pConf) { $this->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db; if( $this->db ) { foreach($pConf as $key => $tmp ) { $query = "SELECT * FROM phpgw_config WHERE config_app = 'phpgwapi' and config_name ='".trim($key)."'"; $this->db->query($query); if(!$this->db->next_record()) { $query = "INSERT INTO phpgw_config(config_app,config_name,config_value) VALUES('phpgwapi','".trim($key)."','".$tmp."')"; $this->db->query($query); } else { $query = "UPDATE phpgw_config SET config_value = '".$tmp."' WHERE config_app = 'phpgwapi' AND config_name = '".trim($key)."'"; $this->db->query($query); } } } } public final function getConfDB() { $this->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db; if( $this->db ) { $query = "SELECT * FROM phpgw_config WHERE config_app = 'phpgwapi' and config_name = 'voip_groups'"; if(!$this->db->query($query)) return null; while($this->db->next_record()) $result[] = $this->db->row(); } return (($result) ? $result : ''); } } ?>