'Data - Crescente', 'wf_act_started__DESC' => 'Data - Decrescente', 'wf_procname__ASC' => 'Processo - Crescente', 'wf_procname__DESC' => 'Processo - Decrescente', 'wf_name__ASC' => 'Atividade - Crescente', 'wf_name__DESC' => 'Atividade - Decrescente', 'insname__ASC' => 'Identificador - Crescente', 'insname__DESC' => 'Identificador - Decrescente'), 'Sets the default sorting criteria for the inbox instances.'); create_select_box('Number of items per page', 'ui_items_per_page', array( '5' => '5', '10' => '10', '15' => '15', '20' => '20', '25' => '25', '30' => '30', '40' => '40', '50' => '50', '100' => '100', '150' => '150', '200' => '200'), 'Determines the number of items per page in the user interface.'); create_select_box('Show activity complete page', 'show_activity_complete_page', array( '1' => 'Sim', '0' => 'Não'), 'Determines if the activity complete page should be displayed after the completion of the activity'); create_select_box('Use light interface', 'use_light_interface', array( '1' => 'Sim', '0' => 'Não'), 'Determines if a lighter version of the interface should be used'); ?>