* @copyright Catalyst .Net Ltd * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 */ $ical_weekdays = array( 'SU' => 0, 'MO' => 1, 'TU' => 2, 'WE' => 3, 'TH' => 4, 'FR' => 5, 'SA' => 6 ); /** * A Class for handling dates in iCalendar format. We do make the simplifying assumption * that all date handling in here is normalised to GMT. One day we might provide some * functions to do that, but for now it is done externally. * * @package awl */ class iCalDate { /**#@+ * @access private */ /** Text version */ var $_text; /** Epoch version */ var $_epoch; /** Fragmented parts */ var $_yy; var $_mo; var $_dd; var $_hh; var $_mi; var $_ss; var $_tz; /** Which day of the week does the week start on */ var $_wkst; /**#@-*/ /** * The constructor takes either an iCalendar date, a text string formatted as * an iCalendar date, or epoch seconds. */ function iCalDate( $input ) { if ( gettype($input) == 'object' ) { $this->_text = $input->_text; $this->_epoch = $input->_epoch; $this->_yy = $input->_yy; $this->_mo = $input->_mo; $this->_dd = $input->_dd; $this->_hh = $input->_hh; $this->_mi = $input->_mi; $this->_ss = $input->_ss; $this->_tz = $input->_tz; return; } $this->_wkst = 1; // Monday if ( preg_match( '/^\d{8}[T ]\d{6}$/', $input ) ) { $this->SetLocalDate($input); } else if ( preg_match( '/^\d{8}[T ]\d{6}Z$/', $input ) ) { $this->SetGMTDate($input); } else if ( intval($input) == 0 ) { $this->SetLocalDate(strtotime($input)); return; } else { $this->SetEpochDate($input); } } /** * Set the date from a text string */ function SetGMTDate( $input ) { $this->_text = $input; $this->_PartsFromText(); $this->_GMTEpochFromParts(); } /** * Set the date from a text string */ function SetLocalDate( $input ) { $this->_text = $input; $this->_PartsFromText(); $this->_EpochFromParts(); } /** * Set the date from an epoch */ function SetEpochDate( $input ) { $this->_epoch = intval($input); $this->_TextFromEpoch(); $this->_PartsFromText(); } /** * Given an epoch date, convert it to text */ function _TextFromEpoch() { $this->_text = date('Ymd\THis', $this->_epoch ); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Text %s from epoch %d", $this->_text, $this->_epoch ); } /** * Given a GMT epoch date, convert it to text */ function _GMTTextFromEpoch() { $this->_text = gmdate('Ymd\THis', $this->_epoch ); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Text %s from epoch %d", $this->_text, $this->_epoch ); } /** * Given a text date, convert it to parts */ function _PartsFromText() { $this->_yy = intval(substr($this->_text,0,4)); $this->_mo = intval(substr($this->_text,4,2)); $this->_dd = intval(substr($this->_text,6,2)); $this->_hh = intval(substr($this->_text,9,2)); $this->_mi = intval(substr($this->_text,11,2)); $this->_ss = intval(substr($this->_text,13,2)); } /** * Given a GMT text date, convert it to an epoch */ function _GMTEpochFromParts() { $this->_epoch = gmmktime ( $this->_hh, $this->_mi, $this->_ss, $this->_mo, $this->_dd, $this->_yy ); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Epoch %d from %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $this->_epoch, $this->_yy, $this->_mo, $this->_dd, $this->_hh, $this->_mi, $this->_ss ); } /** * Given a local text date, convert it to an epoch */ function _EpochFromParts() { $this->_epoch = mktime ( $this->_hh, $this->_mi, $this->_ss, $this->_mo, $this->_dd, $this->_yy ); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Epoch %d from %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $this->_epoch, $this->_yy, $this->_mo, $this->_dd, $this->_hh, $this->_mi, $this->_ss ); } /** * Set the day of week used for calculation of week starts * * @param string $weekstart The day of the week which is the first business day. */ function SetWeekStart($weekstart) { global $ical_weekdays; $this->_wkst = $ical_weekdays[$weekstart]; } /** * Set the day of week used for calculation of week starts */ function Render( $fmt = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) { return date( $fmt, $this->_epoch ); } /** * Render the date as GMT */ function RenderGMT( $fmt = 'Ymd\THis\Z' ) { return gmdate( $fmt, $this->_epoch ); } /** * No of days in a month 1(Jan) - 12(Dec) */ function DaysInMonth( $mo=false, $yy=false ) { if ( $mo === false ) $mo = $this->_mo; switch( $mo ) { case 1: // January case 3: // March case 5: // May case 7: // July case 8: // August case 10: // October case 12: // December return 31; break; case 4: // April case 6: // June case 9: // September case 11: // November return 30; break; case 2: // February if ( $yy === false ) $yy = $this->_yy; if ( (($yy % 4) == 0) && ((($yy % 100) != 0) || (($yy % 400) == 0) ) ) return 29; return 28; break; default: dbg_error_log( "ERROR"," Invalid month of '%s' passed to DaysInMonth", $mo ); break; } } /** * Set the day in the month to what we have been given */ function SetMonthDay( $dd ) { if ( $dd == $this->_dd ) return; // Shortcut $dd = min($dd,$this->DaysInMonth()); $this->_dd = $dd; $this->_EpochFromParts(); $this->_TextFromEpoch(); } /** * Add some number of months to a date */ function AddMonths( $mo ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Adding %d months to %s", $mo, $this->_text ); $this->_mo += $mo; while ( $this->_mo < 1 ) { $this->_mo += 12; $this->_yy--; } while ( $this->_mo > 12 ) { $this->_mo -= 12; $this->_yy++; } if ( ($this->_dd > 28 && $this->_mo == 2) || $this->_dd > 30 ) { // Ensure the day of month is still reasonable and coerce to last day of month if needed $dim = $this->DaysInMonth(); if ( $this->_dd > $dim ) { $this->_dd = $dim; } } $this->_EpochFromParts(); $this->_TextFromEpoch(); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Added %d months and got %s", $mo, $this->_text ); } /** * Add some integer number of days to a date */ function AddDays( $dd ) { $at_start = $this->_text; $this->_dd += $dd; while ( 1 > $this->_dd ) { $this->_mo--; if ( $this->_mo < 1 ) { $this->_mo += 12; $this->_yy--; } $this->_dd += $this->DaysInMonth(); } while ( ($dim = $this->DaysInMonth($this->_mo)) < $this->_dd ) { $this->_dd -= $dim; $this->_mo++; if ( $this->_mo > 12 ) { $this->_mo -= 12; $this->_yy++; } } $this->_EpochFromParts(); $this->_TextFromEpoch(); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Added %d days to %s and got %s", $dd, $at_start, $this->_text ); } /** * Add duration */ function AddDuration( $duration ) { if ( strstr($duration,'T') === false ) $duration .= 'T'; list( $sign, $days, $time ) = preg_split( '/[PT]/', $duration ); $sign = ( $sign == "-" ? -1 : 1); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Adding duration to '%s' of sign: %d, days: %s, time: %s", $this->_text, $sign, $days, $time ); if ( preg_match( '/(\d+)(D|W)/', $days, $matches ) ) { $days = intval($matches[1]); if ( $matches[2] == 'W' ) $days *= 7; $this->AddDays( $days * $sign ); } $hh = 0; $mi = 0; $ss = 0; if ( preg_match( '/(\d+)(H)/', $time, $matches ) ) $hh = $matches[1]; if ( preg_match( '/(\d+)(M)/', $time, $matches ) ) $mi = $matches[1]; if ( preg_match( '/(\d+)(S)/', $time, $matches ) ) $ss = $matches[1]; // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Adding %02d:%02d:%02d * %d to %02d:%02d:%02d", $hh, $mi, $ss, $sign, $this->_hh, $this->_mi, $this->_ss ); $this->_hh += ($hh * $sign); $this->_mi += ($mi * $sign); $this->_ss += ($ss * $sign); if ( $this->_ss < 0 ) { $this->_mi -= (intval(abs($this->_ss/60))+1); $this->_ss += ((intval(abs($this->_mi/60))+1) * 60); } if ( $this->_ss > 59) { $this->_mi += (intval(abs($this->_ss/60))+1); $this->_ss -= ((intval(abs($this->_mi/60))+1) * 60); } if ( $this->_mi < 0 ) { $this->_hh -= (intval(abs($this->_mi/60))+1); $this->_mi += ((intval(abs($this->_mi/60))+1) * 60); } if ( $this->_mi > 59) { $this->_hh += (intval(abs($this->_mi/60))+1); $this->_mi -= ((intval(abs($this->_mi/60))+1) * 60); } if ( $this->_hh < 0 ) { $this->AddDays( -1 * (intval(abs($this->_hh/24))+1) ); $this->_hh += ((intval(abs($this->_hh/24))+1)*24); } if ( $this->_hh > 23) { $this->AddDays( (intval(abs($this->_hh/24))+1) ); $this->_hh -= ((intval(abs($this->_hh/24))+1)*24); } $this->_EpochFromParts(); $this->_TextFromEpoch(); } /** * Produce an iCalendar format DURATION for the difference between this an another iCalDate * * @param date $from The start of the period * @return string The date difference, as an iCalendar duration format */ function DateDifference( $from ) { if ( !is_object($from) ) { $from = new iCalDate($from); } if ( $from->_epoch < $this->_epoch ) { /** One way to simplify is to always go for positive differences */ return( "-". $from->DateDifference( $self ) ); } // if ( $from->_yy == $this->_yy && $from->_mo == $this->_mo ) { /** Also somewhat simpler if we can use seconds */ $diff = $from->_epoch - $this->_epoch; $result = ""; if ( $diff >= 86400) { $result = intval($diff / 86400); $diff = $diff % 86400; if ( $diff == 0 && (($result % 7) == 0) ) { // Duration is an integer number of weeks. $result .= intval($result / 7) . "W"; return $result; } $result .= "D"; } $result = "P".$result."T"; if ( $diff >= 3600) { $result .= intval($diff / 3600) . "H"; $diff = $diff % 3600; } if ( $diff >= 60) { $result .= intval($diff / 60) . "M"; $diff = $diff % 60; } if ( $diff > 0) { $result .= intval($diff) . "S"; } return $result; // } /** * From an intense reading of RFC2445 it appears that durations which are not expressible * in Weeks/Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds are invalid. * ==> This code is not needed then :-) $yy = $from->_yy - $this->_yy; $mo = $from->_mo - $this->_mo; $dd = $from->_dd - $this->_dd; $hh = $from->_hh - $this->_hh; $mi = $from->_mi - $this->_mi; $ss = $from->_ss - $this->_ss; if ( $ss < 0 ) { $mi -= 1; $ss += 60; } if ( $mi < 0 ) { $hh -= 1; $mi += 60; } if ( $hh < 0 ) { $dd -= 1; $hh += 24; } if ( $dd < 0 ) { $mo -= 1; $dd += $this->DaysInMonth(); } // Which will use $this->_(mo|yy) - seemingly sensible if ( $mo < 0 ) { $yy -= 1; $mo += 12; } $result = ""; if ( $yy > 0) { $result .= $yy."Y"; } if ( $mo > 0) { $result .= $mo."M"; } if ( $dd > 0) { $result .= $dd."D"; } $result .= "T"; if ( $hh > 0) { $result .= $hh."H"; } if ( $mi > 0) { $result .= $mi."M"; } if ( $ss > 0) { $result .= $ss."S"; } return $result; */ } /** * Test to see if our _mo matches something in the list of months we have received. * @param string $monthlist A comma-separated list of months. * @return boolean Whether this date falls within one of those months. */ function TestByMonth( $monthlist ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Testing BYMONTH %s against month %d", (isset($monthlist) ? $monthlist : "no month list"), $this->_mo ); if ( !isset($monthlist) ) return true; // If BYMONTH is not specified any month is OK $months = array_flip(explode( ',',$monthlist )); return isset($months[$this->_mo]); } /** * Applies any BYDAY to the month to return a set of days * @param string $byday The BYDAY rule * @return array An array of the day numbers for the month which meet the rule. */ function GetMonthByDay($byday) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Applying BYDAY %s to month", $byday ); $days_in_month = $this->DaysInMonth(); $dayrules = explode(',',$byday); $set = array(); $first_dow = (date('w',$this->_epoch) - $this->_dd + 36) % 7; foreach( $dayrules AS $k => $v ) { $days = $this->MonthDays($first_dow,$days_in_month,$v); foreach( $days AS $k2 => $v2 ) { $set[$v2] = $v2; } } asort( $set, SORT_NUMERIC ); return $set; } /** * Applies any BYMONTHDAY to the month to return a set of days * @param string $bymonthday The BYMONTHDAY rule * @return array An array of the day numbers for the month which meet the rule. */ function GetMonthByMonthDay($bymonthday) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Applying BYMONTHDAY %s to month", $bymonthday ); $days_in_month = $this->DaysInMonth(); $dayrules = explode(',',$bymonthday); $set = array(); foreach( $dayrules AS $k => $v ) { $v = intval($v); if ( $v > 0 && $v <= $days_in_month ) $set[$v] = $v; } asort( $set, SORT_NUMERIC ); return $set; } /** * Applies any BYDAY to the week to return a set of days * @param string $byday The BYDAY rule * @param string $increasing When we are moving by months, we want any day of the week, but when by day we only want to increase. Default false. * @return array An array of the day numbers for the week which meet the rule. */ function GetWeekByDay($byday, $increasing = false) { global $ical_weekdays; // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Applying BYDAY %s to week", $byday ); $days = explode(',',$byday); $dow = date('w',$this->_epoch); $set = array(); foreach( $days AS $k => $v ) { $daynum = $ical_weekdays[$v]; $dd = $this->_dd - $dow + $daynum; if ( $daynum < $this->_wkst ) $dd += 7; if ( $dd > $this->_dd || !$increasing ) $set[$dd] = $dd; } asort( $set, SORT_NUMERIC ); return $set; } /** * Test if $this is greater than the date parameter * @param string $lesser The other date, as a local time string * @return boolean True if $this > $lesser */ function GreaterThan($lesser) { if ( is_object($lesser) ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Comparing %s with %s", $this->_text, $lesser->_text ); return ( $this->_text > $lesser->_text ); } // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Comparing %s with %s", $this->_text, $lesser ); return ( $this->_text > $lesser ); // These sorts of dates are designed that way... } /** * Test if $this is less than the date parameter * @param string $greater The other date, as a local time string * @return boolean True if $this < $greater */ function LessThan($greater) { if ( is_object($greater) ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Comparing %s with %s", $this->_text, $greater->_text ); return ( $this->_text < $greater->_text ); } // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Comparing %s with %s", $this->_text, $greater ); return ( $this->_text < $greater ); // These sorts of dates are designed that way... } /** * Given a MonthDays string like "1MO", "-2WE" return an integer day of the month. * * @param string $dow_first The day of week of the first of the month. * @param string $days_in_month The number of days in the month. * @param string $dayspec The specification for a month day (or days) which we parse. * * @return array An array of the day numbers for the month which meet the rule. */ function &MonthDays($dow_first, $days_in_month, $dayspec) { global $ical_weekdays; // dbg_error_log( "RRule", "MonthDays: Getting days for '%s'. %d days starting on a %d", $dayspec, $days_in_month, $dow_first ); $set = array(); preg_match( '/([0-9-]*)(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU)/', $dayspec, $matches); $numeric = intval($matches[1]); $dow = $ical_weekdays[$matches[2]]; $first_matching_day = 1 + ($dow - $dow_first); while ( $first_matching_day < 1 ) $first_matching_day += 7; // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " MonthDays: Looking at %d for first match on (%s/%s), %d for numeric", $first_matching_day, $matches[1], $matches[2], $numeric ); while( $first_matching_day <= $days_in_month ) { $set[] = $first_matching_day; $first_matching_day += 7; } if ( $numeric != 0 ) { if ( $numeric < 0 ) { $numeric += count($set); } else { $numeric--; } $answer = $set[$numeric]; $set = array( $answer => $answer ); } else { $answers = $set; $set = array(); foreach( $answers AS $k => $v ) { $set[$v] = $v; } } // dbg_log_array( "RRule", 'MonthDays', $set, false ); return $set; } /** * Given set position descriptions like '1', '3', '11', '-3' or '-1' and a set, * return the subset matching the list of set positions. * * @param string $bysplist The list of set positions. * @param string $set The set of days that we will apply the positions to. * * @return array The subset which matches. */ function &ApplyBySetPos($bysplist, $set) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " ApplyBySetPos: Applying set position '%s' to set of %d days", $bysplist, count($set) ); $subset = array(); sort( $set, SORT_NUMERIC ); $max = count($set); $positions = explode( '[^0-9-]', $bysplist ); foreach( $positions AS $k => $v ) { if ( $v < 0 ) { $v += $max; } else { $v--; } $subset[$set[$v]] = $set[$v]; } return $subset; } } /** * A Class for handling Events on a calendar which repeat * * Here's the spec, from RFC2445: * recur = "FREQ"=freq *( ; either UNTIL or COUNT may appear in a 'recur', ; but UNTIL and COUNT MUST NOT occur in the same 'recur' ( ";" "UNTIL" "=" enddate ) / ( ";" "COUNT" "=" 1*DIGIT ) / ; the rest of these keywords are optional, ; but MUST NOT occur more than once ( ";" "INTERVAL" "=" 1*DIGIT ) / ( ";" "BYSECOND" "=" byseclist ) / ( ";" "BYMINUTE" "=" byminlist ) / ( ";" "BYHOUR" "=" byhrlist ) / ( ";" "BYDAY" "=" bywdaylist ) / ( ";" "BYMONTHDAY" "=" bymodaylist ) / ( ";" "BYYEARDAY" "=" byyrdaylist ) / ( ";" "BYWEEKNO" "=" bywknolist ) / ( ";" "BYMONTH" "=" bymolist ) / ( ";" "BYSETPOS" "=" bysplist ) / ( ";" "WKST" "=" weekday ) / ( ";" x-name "=" text ) ) freq = "SECONDLY" / "MINUTELY" / "HOURLY" / "DAILY" / "WEEKLY" / "MONTHLY" / "YEARLY" enddate = date enddate =/ date-time ;An UTC value byseclist = seconds / ( seconds *("," seconds) ) seconds = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT ;0 to 59 byminlist = minutes / ( minutes *("," minutes) ) minutes = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT ;0 to 59 byhrlist = hour / ( hour *("," hour) ) hour = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT ;0 to 23 bywdaylist = weekdaynum / ( weekdaynum *("," weekdaynum) ) weekdaynum = [([plus] ordwk / minus ordwk)] weekday plus = "+" minus = "-" ordwk = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT ;1 to 53 weekday = "SU" / "MO" / "TU" / "WE" / "TH" / "FR" / "SA" ;Corresponding to SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ;FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY days of the week. bymodaylist = monthdaynum / ( monthdaynum *("," monthdaynum) ) monthdaynum = ([plus] ordmoday) / (minus ordmoday) ordmoday = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT ;1 to 31 byyrdaylist = yeardaynum / ( yeardaynum *("," yeardaynum) ) yeardaynum = ([plus] ordyrday) / (minus ordyrday) ordyrday = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT / 3DIGIT ;1 to 366 bywknolist = weeknum / ( weeknum *("," weeknum) ) weeknum = ([plus] ordwk) / (minus ordwk) bymolist = monthnum / ( monthnum *("," monthnum) ) monthnum = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT ;1 to 12 bysplist = setposday / ( setposday *("," setposday) ) setposday = yeardaynum * * At this point we are going to restrict ourselves to parts of the RRULE specification * seen in the wild. And by "in the wild" I don't include within people's timezone * definitions. We always convert time zones to canonical names and assume the lower * level libraries can do a better job with them than we can. * * We will concentrate on: * FREQ=(YEARLY|MONTHLY|WEEKLY|DAILY) * UNTIL= * COUNT= * INTERVAL= * BYDAY= * BYMONTHDAY= * BYSETPOS= * WKST= * BYYEARDAY= * BYWEEKNO= * BYMONTH= * * * @package awl */ class RRule { /**#@+ * @access private */ /** The first instance */ var $_first; /** The current instance pointer */ var $_current; /** An array of all the dates so far */ var $_dates; /** Whether we have calculated any of the dates */ var $_started; /** Whether we have calculated all of the dates */ var $_finished; /** The rule, in all it's glory */ var $_rule; /** The rule, in all it's parts */ var $_part; /**#@-*/ /** * The constructor takes a start date and an RRULE definition. Both of these * follow the iCalendar standard. */ function RRule( $start, $rrule ) { $this->_first = new iCalDate($start); $this->_finished = false; $this->_started = false; $this->_dates = array(); $this->_current = -1; $this->_rule = preg_replace( '/\s/m', '', $rrule); if ( substr($this->_rule, 0, 6) == 'RRULE:' ) { $this->_rule = substr($this->_rule, 6); } dbg_error_log( "RRule", " new RRule: Start: %s, RRULE: %s", $start->Render(), $this->_rule ); $parts = explode(';',$this->_rule); $this->_part = array( 'INTERVAL' => 1 ); foreach( $parts AS $k => $v ) { list( $type, $value ) = explode( '=', $v, 2); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " Parts of %s explode into %s and %s", $v, $type, $value ); $this->_part[$type] = $value; } // A little bit of validation if ( !isset($this->_part['FREQ']) ) { dbg_error_log( "ERROR", " RRULE MUST have FREQ=value (%s)", $rrule ); } if ( isset($this->_part['COUNT']) && isset($this->_part['UNTIL']) ) { dbg_error_log( "ERROR", " RRULE MUST NOT have both COUNT=value and UNTIL=value (%s)", $rrule ); } if ( isset($this->_part['COUNT']) && intval($this->_part['COUNT']) < 1 ) { dbg_error_log( "ERROR", " RRULE MUST NOT have both COUNT=value and UNTIL=value (%s)", $rrule ); } if ( !preg_match( '/(YEAR|MONTH|WEEK|DAI)LY/', $this->_part['FREQ']) ) { dbg_error_log( "ERROR", " RRULE Only FREQ=(YEARLY|MONTHLY|WEEKLY|DAILY) are supported at present (%s)", $rrule ); } if ( $this->_part['FREQ'] == "YEARLY" ) { $this->_part['INTERVAL'] *= 12; $this->_part['FREQ'] = "MONTHLY"; } } /** * Processes the array of $relative_days to $base and removes any * which are not within the scope of our rule. */ function WithinScope( $base, $relative_days ) { $ok_days = array(); $ptr = $this->_current; // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " WithinScope: Processing list of %d days relative to %s", count($relative_days), $base->Render() ); foreach( $relative_days AS $day => $v ) { $test = new iCalDate($base); $days_in_month = $test->DaysInMonth(); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " WithinScope: Testing for day %d based on %s, with %d days in month", $day, $test->Render(), $days_in_month ); if ( $day > $days_in_month ) { $test->SetMonthDay($days_in_month); $test->AddDays(1); $day -= $days_in_month; $test->SetMonthDay($day); } else if ( $day < 1 ) { $test->SetMonthDay(1); $test->AddDays(-1); $days_in_month = $test->DaysInMonth(); $day += $days_in_month; $test->SetMonthDay($day); } else { $test->SetMonthDay($day); } // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " WithinScope: Testing if %s is within scope", count($relative_days), $test->Render() ); if ( isset($this->_part['UNTIL']) && $test->GreaterThan($this->_part['UNTIL']) ) { $this->_finished = true; return $ok_days; } // if ( $this->_current >= 0 && $test->LessThan($this->_dates[$this->_current]) ) continue; if ( !$test->LessThan($this->_first) ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " WithinScope: Looks like %s is within scope", $test->Render() ); $ok_days[$day] = $test; $ptr++; } if ( isset($this->_part['COUNT']) && $ptr >= $this->_part['COUNT'] ) { $this->_finished = true; return $ok_days; } } return $ok_days; } /** * This is most of the meat of the RRULE processing, where we find the next date. * We maintain an */ function &GetNext( ) { if ( $this->_current < 0 ) { $next = new iCalDate($this->_first); $this->_current++; } else { $next = new iCalDate($this->_dates[$this->_current]); $this->_current++; /** * If we have already found some dates we may just be able to return one of those. */ if ( isset($this->_dates[$this->_current]) ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Returning %s, (%d'th)", $this->_dates[$this->_current]->Render(), $this->_current ); return $this->_dates[$this->_current]; } else { if ( isset($this->_part['COUNT']) && $this->_current >= $this->_part['COUNT'] ) // >= since _current is 0-based and COUNT is 1-based $this->_finished = true; } } if ( $this->_finished ) { $next = null; return $next; } $days = array(); if ( isset($this->_part['WKST']) ) $next->SetWeekStart($this->_part['WKST']); if ( $this->_part['FREQ'] == "MONTHLY" ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Calculating more dates for MONTHLY rule" ); $limit = 200; do { $limit--; do { $limit--; if ( $this->_started ) { $next->AddMonths($this->_part['INTERVAL']); } else { $this->_started = true; } } while ( isset($this->_part['BYMONTH']) && $limit > 0 && ! $next->TestByMonth($this->_part['BYMONTH']) ); if ( isset($this->_part['BYDAY']) ) { $days = $next->GetMonthByDay($this->_part['BYDAY']); } else if ( isset($this->_part['BYMONTHDAY']) ) { $days = $next->GetMonthByMonthDay($this->_part['BYMONTHDAY']); } else $days[$next->_dd] = $next->_dd; if ( isset($this->_part['BYSETPOS']) ) { $days = $next->ApplyBySetpos($this->_part['BYSETPOS'], $days); } $days = $this->WithinScope( $next, $days); } while( $limit && count($days) < 1 && ! $this->_finished ); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Found %d days for MONTHLY rule", count($days) ); } else if ( $this->_part['FREQ'] == "WEEKLY" ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Calculating more dates for WEEKLY rule" ); $limit = 200; do { $limit--; if ( $this->_started ) { $next->AddDays($this->_part['INTERVAL'] * 7); } else { $this->_started = true; } if ( isset($this->_part['BYDAY']) ) { $days = $next->GetWeekByDay($this->_part['BYDAY'], false ); } else $days[$next->_dd] = $next->_dd; if ( isset($this->_part['BYSETPOS']) ) { $days = $next->ApplyBySetpos($this->_part['BYSETPOS'], $days); } $days = $this->WithinScope( $next, $days); } while( $limit && count($days) < 1 && ! $this->_finished ); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Found %d days for WEEKLY rule", count($days) ); } else if ( $this->_part['FREQ'] == "DAILY" ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Calculating more dates for DAILY rule" ); $limit = 100; do { $limit--; if ( $this->_started ) { $next->AddDays($this->_part['INTERVAL']); } if ( isset($this->_part['BYDAY']) ) { $days = $next->GetWeekByDay($this->_part['BYDAY'], $this->_started ); } else $days[$next->_dd] = $next->_dd; if ( isset($this->_part['BYSETPOS']) ) { $days = $next->ApplyBySetpos($this->_part['BYSETPOS'], $days); } $days = $this->WithinScope( $next, $days); $this->_started = true; } while( $limit && count($days) < 1 && ! $this->_finished ); // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Found %d days for DAILY rule", count($days) ); } $ptr = $this->_current; foreach( $days AS $k => $v ) { $this->_dates[$ptr++] = $v; } if ( isset($this->_dates[$this->_current]) ) { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Returning %s, (%d'th)", $this->_dates[$this->_current]->Render(), $this->_current ); return $this->_dates[$this->_current]; } else { // dbg_error_log( "RRule", " GetNext: Returning null date" ); $next = null; return $next; } } }