///Define countFiles para a função cExecuteForm; countFiles = false; //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Verifica versão do Firefox var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_firefox_0 = agt.indexOf('firefox/1.0') != -1 && agt.indexOf('firefox/0.') ? true : false; var finderTimeout = ''; var selectRecipientsCloned = false; function createLimitRecipientsByUser() { var selectUsersInRule = Element('selectUsersInRule'); for(i = 0; i < selectUsersInRule.length; i++) selectUsersInRule[i].selected = true; cExecuteForm("$this.boconfiguration.createLimitRecipientsByUser",document.getElementById('formLimitByUserModal'),handlerCreateLimitRecipientByUser); } function handlerCreateLimitRecipientByUser(data) { handlerCreateLimitRecipientByUser2(data); return; } function handlerCreateLimitRecipientByUser2(data) { if (!data.status) { write_msg(get_lang(data.msg), 'error'); } else { close_lightbox(); tableLimitRecipientByUserReload(); write_msg(get_lang('rule created or update successfully') + '.', 'normal'); } return; } function createBlockEmailForInstitutionalAcounteExeption() { var selectSendersInRule = Element('selecSendersInRule'); for(i = 0; i < selectSendersInRule.length; i++) selectSendersInRule[i].selected = true; var selectUsersOrGroupsInRule = Element('selectUsersOrGroupsInRule'); for(i = 0; i < selectUsersOrGroupsInRule.length; i++) selectUsersOrGroupsInRule[i].selected = true; cExecuteForm("$this.boconfiguration.createBlockEmailForInstitutionalAcounteExeption",document.getElementById('formblockEmailForInstitutionalAccount'),handlerCreateBlockEmailForInstitutionalAcounteExeption); } function handlerCreateBlockEmailForInstitutionalAcounteExeption(data) { handlerCreateBlockEmailForInstitutionalAcounteExeption2(data); return; } function handlerCreateBlockEmailForInstitutionalAcounteExeption2(data) { if (!data.status) { write_msg(get_lang(data.msg), 'error'); } else { close_lightbox(); tableLimitRecipientByUserReload(); write_msg(get_lang('rule created or update successfully') + '.', 'normal'); } return; } function tableLimitRecipientByUserReload() { document.location.reload(); } function tableLimitRecipientByGroupReload() { document.location.reload(); } function createLimitRecipientsByGroup() { var selectUsersInRule = Element('selectGroupsInRule'); for(i = 0; i < selectUsersInRule.length; i++) selectUsersInRule[i].selected = true; cExecuteForm("$this.boconfiguration.createLimitRecipientsByGroup",document.getElementById('formLimitByGroupModal'),handlerCreateLimitRecipientsByGroup); } function handlerCreateLimitRecipientsByGroup(data) { handlerCreateLimitRecipientsByGroup2(data); return; } function handlerCreateLimitRecipientsByGroup2(data) { if (!data.status) { write_msg(get_lang(data.msg), 'error'); } else { close_lightbox(); tableLimitRecipientByGroupReload(); write_msg(get_lang('rule created or update successfully') + '.', 'normal'); } return; } function editLimitRecipientesByUser(pid) { var handleEditLimitSendersByUser = function(data) { if(data.status) { modal('limitByUserModal','save'); Element('inputTextMaximumRecipientsUserModal').value = data.email_max_recipient; Element('selectUsersInRule').options[Element('selectUsersInRule').length] = new Option( data.userCn, data.email_user ); } else write_msg(data.msg, 'error'); } cExecute ('$this.boconfiguration.editLimitRecipientesByUser&id='+pid, handleEditLimitSendersByUser); } function editBlockInstitutionalAccountExeption() { var handleeditBlockInstitutionalAccountExeption = function(data) { if(data.status) { modal('blockEmailForInstitutionalAccountModal','save'); var recipientIndex = document.getElementById('inputSelectRecipients').selectedIndex; var recipientValue = document.getElementById('inputSelectRecipients').options[recipientIndex].value; var recipientText = document.getElementById('inputSelectRecipients').options[recipientIndex].text; if(recipientValue == '*') document.getElementById('inputCheckAllRecipientsInstitutionalAccountRule').checked = true; else Element('selectUsersOrGroupsInRule').options[Element('selectUsersOrGroupsInRule').length] = new Option(recipientText, recipientValue ); if(data.allSender) { document.getElementById('inputCheckAllSendersInstitutionalAccountRule').checked = true; } else { var selectSenders = document.getElementById('selecSendersInRule'); selectSenders.innerHTML = data.options; } } else write_msg(data.msg, 'error'); } var selectRecipient = document.getElementById('inputSelectRecipients'); var index = selectRecipient.selectedIndex; var value = selectRecipient.options[index].value; cExecute ('$this.boconfiguration.getRecipientsInstitutionalAcounteExeption&recipient='+value, handleeditBlockInstitutionalAccountExeption); } function editLimitRecipientesByGroup(pid) { var handleEditLimitSendersByGroup = function(data) { if(data.status) { modal('limitByGroupModal','save'); Element('inputTextMaximumRecipientsGroupModal').value = data.email_max_recipient; Element('selectGroupsInRule').options[Element('selectGroupsInRule').length] = new Option( data.groupCn, data.email_user ); } else write_msg(data.msg, 'error'); } cExecute ('$this.boconfiguration.editLimitRecipientesByGroup&id='+pid, handleEditLimitSendersByGroup); } function removeLimitRecipientsByUser(pId) { if (!confirm(get_lang('Are you sure that you want to delete this Rule') + "?")) return; var handleRemoveLimitSendersByUser = function(data_return) { if (!data_return.status) { write_msg(data_return.msg, 'error'); } else { write_msg(get_lang('Rule successful deleted') + '.', 'normal'); document.location.reload(); } return; } cExecute ('$this.boconfiguration.removeLimitRecipientsByUser&id='+pId,handleRemoveLimitSendersByUser); } function removeBlockInstitutionalAccountExeption() { if (!confirm(get_lang('Are you sure that you want to delete this Rule') + "?")) return; var recipientIndex = document.getElementById('inputSelectRecipients').selectedIndex; var recipientValue = document.getElementById('inputSelectRecipients').options[recipientIndex].value; var handleRemoveBlockInstitutionalAccountExeption = function(data_return) { if (!data_return.status) { write_msg(data_return.msg, 'error'); } else { write_msg(get_lang('Rule successful deleted') + '.', 'normal'); document.location.reload(); } return; } cExecute ('$this.boconfiguration.removeBlockEmailForInstitutionalAcounteExeption&recipient='+recipientValue,handleRemoveBlockInstitutionalAccountExeption); } function removeLimitRecipientsByGroup(pId) { if (!confirm(get_lang('Are you sure that you want to delete this Rule') + "?")) return; var handleRemoveLimitSendersByGroup = function(data_return) { if (!data_return.status) { write_msg(data_return.msg, 'error'); } else { write_msg(get_lang('Rule successful deleted') + '.', 'normal'); document.location.reload(); } return; } cExecute ('$this.boconfiguration.removeLimitRecipientsByGroup&id='+pId,handleRemoveLimitSendersByGroup); } function searchOrganization(input, select ,pInputSearch ,pSelectResult) { var organizations = Element(select); var RegExp_org = new RegExp("\\b"+input, "i"); var selected = organizations.selectedIndex; for(i = 0; i < organizations.length; i++) { if (RegExp_org.test(organizations[i].text)) { if(selected != i) { organizations[i].selected = true; if(pInputSearch || pSelectResult) organizationChange(pInputSearch,pSelectResult,false) } return; } } } function organizationChange(pInputSearch,pSelectResult,pClearSearch) { var txtSearch = document.getElementById(pInputSearch); var SelectResults = document.getElementById(pSelectResult); if(pClearSearch) txtSearch.value = ''; for(var i = 0;i < SelectResults.options.length; i++) SelectResults.options[i--] = null; } function findGroups(obj, numMin, event) { if( event && event.keyCode !== 13 ) return( true ); findGroupsInLdap( obj.id, numMin ); return( false ); } function findUsers(obj, numMin, event) { if( event && event.keyCode !== 13 ) return( true ); findUsersInLdap( obj.id, numMin ); return( false ); } function findUsersAndGroups(obj, numMin, event) { if( event && event.keyCode !== 13 ) return( true ); findUsersAndGroupsInLdap(obj.id, numMin); return( false ); } function findUsersAndGroupsInLdap(id, numMin) { /* var sentence = Element( id ).value; var url = 'expressoAdmin1_2.boconfiguration.searchUsersAndGroupsForSelect&context=' + Element( 'selectOrganizationsInstitutionalAccountModal' ).value + '&filter=' + sentence; var fillHandler = function( fill ){ return fillContentSelect( fill, 'selectUsersAndGroups' ); } userFinder( sentence, fillHandler, url, 'spanSearching' );*/ optionFind( id, 'selectUsersAndGroups', 'expressoAdmin1_2.boconfiguration.searchUsersAndGroupsForSelect', 'selectOrganizationsInstitutionalAccountModal', 'spanSearching' ); } function findSenders(obj, numMin, event) { if( event && event.keyCode !== 13 ) return( true ); findSendersInLdap( obj.id, numMin ); return( false ); } function findSendersInLdap(id, numMin) { // var sentence = Element( id ).value; // // var url = 'expressoAdmin1_2.boconfiguration.searchInstitutionalAccountsForSelect&context=' // + Element( 'selectOrganizationsInstitutionalAccountModal' ).value // + '&filter=' + sentence; // // var fillHandler = function( fill ){ // // return fillContentSelect( fill, 'selecSenders' ); // } // // userFinder( sentence, fillHandler, url, 'spanSearchingSender' ); optionFind( id, 'selecSenders', 'expressoAdmin1_2.boconfiguration.searchInstitutionalAccountsForSelect', 'selectOrganizationsInstitutionalAccountModal' ,'spanSearchingSender' ); } function handlerGetAvailableSenders(data) { var selectSenders = Element('selecSenders'); for(var i=0; i < selectSenders.options.length; i++) { selectSenders.options[i] = null; i--; } var options = '###'; if (data) { options += data && data.length > 0 ? data : ''; if(is_firefox_0) fixBugInnerSelect(selectSenders,options); else selectSenders.innerHTML = options; selectSenders.outerHTML = selectSenders.outerHTML; selectSenders.disabled = false; selectSendersClone = Element('selecSenders').cloneNode(true); } } function handlerGetAvailableUsersAndGroups(data) { var selectUsersAndGroups = Element('selectUsersAndGroups'); for(var i=0; i < selectUsersAndGroups.options.length; i++) { selectUsersAndGroups.options[i] = null; i--; } var options = '###'; if (data) { if(data.groups && data.groups.length > 0) { data.groups = '' + data.groups; } if(data.users && data.users.length > 0) { data.users = '' + data.users; } options += data.groups && data.groups.length > 0 ? data.groups : ''; options += data.users && data.users.length > 0 ? data.users : ''; if(is_firefox_0) fixBugInnerSelect(selectUsersAndGroups,options); else selectUsersAndGroups.innerHTML = options; selectUsersAndGroups.outerHTML = selectUsersAndGroups.outerHTML; selectUsersAndGroups.disabled = false; selectUsersClone = Element('selectUsers').cloneNode(true); } } function findUsersInLdap(id, numMin) { // var sentence = Element( id ).value; // // var url = 'expressoAdmin1_2.boconfiguration.searchUsersForSelect&context=' // + Element( 'selectOrganizationsUserModal' ).value // + '&filter=' + sentence; // // var fillHandler = function( fill ){ // // return fillContentSelect( fill, 'selectUsers' ); // } // // userFinder( sentence, fillHandler, url, 'spanSearching' ); optionFind( id, 'selectUsers', 'expressoAdmin1_2.boconfiguration.searchUsersForSelect', 'selectOrganizationsUserModal', 'spanSearching' ); } function findGroupsInLdap(id, numMin) { // var sentence = Element( id ).value; // // var url = 'expressoAdmin1_2.boconfiguration.searchGroupsForSelect&context=' // + Element( 'selectOrganizationsGroupModal' ).value // + '&filter=' + sentence; // // var fillHandler = function( fill ){ // // return fillContentSelect( fill, 'selectGroups' ); // } // // userFinder( sentence, fillHandler, url, 'spanSearching' ); optionFind( id, 'selectGroups', 'expressoAdmin1_2.boconfiguration.searchGroupsForSelect', 'selectOrganizationsGroupModal', 'spanSearching' ); } function handlerGetAvailableUsers(data) { var selectUsers = Element('selectUsers'); for(var i=0; i < selectUsers.options.length; i++) { selectUsers.options[i] = null; i--; } var options = '###'; if (data) { options += data && data.length > 0 ? data : ''; if(is_firefox_0) fixBugInnerSelect(selectUsers,options); else selectUsers.innerHTML = options; selectUsers.outerHTML = selectUsers.outerHTML; selectUsers.disabled = false; selectUsersClone = Element('selectUsers').cloneNode(true); } } function handlerGetAvailableGroups(data) { var selectGroups = Element('selectGroups'); for(var i=0; i < selectGroups.options.length; i++) { selectGroups.options[i] = null; i--; } var options = '###'; if (data) { options += data && data.length > 0 ? data : ''; if(is_firefox_0) fixBugInnerSelect(selectGroups,options); else selectGroups.innerHTML = options; selectGroups.outerHTML = selectGroups.outerHTML; selectGroups.disabled = false; selectGroupsClone = Element('selectGroups').cloneNode(true); } } function addUserOrGroupsInInstitutionalAccountRule() { var selectUsersAndGroupsInRule = document.getElementById('selectUsersOrGroupsInRule'); var selectUsersAndGroups = document.getElementById('selectUsersAndGroups'); var selectUsersAndGroupsCount = selectUsersAndGroups.length; for (i = 0 ; i < selectUsersAndGroupsCount ; i++) { if (selectUsersAndGroups.options[i].selected) { //Salva em value do item selecionado var value = selectUsersAndGroups.options[i].value; var text = selectUsersAndGroups.options[i].text; //Asssume-se que ja exite no select existInSelect = true; //Verifica a existencia do usuario no select/// if(document.all) { if ( (selectUsersAndGroupsInRule.innerHTML.indexOf('value='+value)) == '-1' ) existInSelect = false; } else if ( (selectUsersAndGroupsInRule.innerHTML.indexOf('value="'+value+'"')) == '-1' ) existInSelect = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////// //Adiciona o a option no select if(existInSelect == false) selectUsersAndGroupsInRule.options[selectUsersAndGroupsInRule.length] = new Option( text, value ); } } } function addSenderInInstitutionalAccountRule() { var selectSendersInRule = document.getElementById('selecSendersInRule'); var selectSenders = document.getElementById('selecSenders'); var selectSendersCount = selectSenders.length; for (i = 0 ; i < selectSendersCount ; i++) { if (selectSenders.options[i].selected) { //Salva em value do item selecionado var value = selectSenders.options[i].value; var text = selectSenders.options[i].text; //Asssume-se que ja exite no select existInSelect = true; //Verifica a existencia do usuario no select/// if(document.all) { if ( (selectSendersInRule.innerHTML.indexOf('value='+value)) == '-1' ) existInSelect = false; } else if ( (selectSendersInRule.innerHTML.indexOf('value="'+value+'"')) == '-1' ) existInSelect = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////// //Adiciona o a option no select if(existInSelect == false) selectSendersInRule.options[selectSendersInRule.length] = new Option( text, value ); } } } function addUserInLimitSendersRule() { var selectUsersInRule = document.getElementById('selectUsersInRule'); var selectUsers = document.getElementById('selectUsers'); var selectUsersCount = selectUsers.length; for (i = 0 ; i < selectUsersCount ; i++) { if (selectUsers.options[i].selected) { //Salva em value do item selecionado var value = selectUsers.options[i].value; var text = selectUsers.options[i].text; //Asssume-se que ja exite no select existInSelect = true; //Verifica a existencia do usuario no select/// if(document.all) { if ( (selectUsersInRule.innerHTML.indexOf('value='+value)) == '-1' ) existInSelect = false; } else if ( (selectUsersInRule.innerHTML.indexOf('value="'+value+'"')) == '-1' ) existInSelect = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////// //Adiciona o a option no select if(existInSelect == false) selectUsersInRule.options[selectUsersInRule.length] = new Option( text, value ); } } } function addGroupInLimitSendersRule() { var selectGroupsInRule = document.getElementById('selectGroupsInRule'); var selectGroups = document.getElementById('selectGroups'); var selectGroupsCount = selectGroups.length; for (i = 0 ; i < selectGroupsCount ; i++) { if (selectGroups.options[i].selected) { //Salva em value do item selecionado var value = selectGroups.options[i].value; var text = selectGroups.options[i].text; //Asssume-se que ja exite no select existInSelect = true; //Verifica a existencia do usuario no select/// if(document.all) { if ( (selectGroupsInRule.innerHTML.indexOf('value='+value)) == '-1' ) existInSelect = false; } else if ( (selectGroupsInRule.innerHTML.indexOf('value="'+value+'"')) == '-1' ) existInSelect = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////// //Adiciona o a option no select if(existInSelect == false) selectGroupsInRule.options[selectGroupsInRule.length] = new Option( text, value ); } } } function removeSelectedsOptions(pSelect) { theSel = document.getElementById(pSelect); var selIndex = theSel.selectedIndex; if (selIndex != -1) { for(i=theSel.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if(theSel.options[i].selected) theSel.options[i] = null; } if (theSel.length > 0) { theSel.selectedIndex = selIndex == 0 ? 0 : selIndex - 1; } } } function set_onload() { return true; } function finderRecipientInstitutionalAcounteExeption(pSearch) { if(selectRecipientsCloned == false) { selectRecipientsClone = Element('inputSelectRecipients').cloneNode(true); selectRecipientsCloned = true; } var oText = pSearch; var selectRecipientsTmp = Element('inputSelectRecipients'); for(var i = 0;i < selectRecipientsTmp.options.length; i++) selectRecipientsTmp.options[i--] = null; var RegExp_name = new RegExp("\\b"+oText.value, "i"); for(i = 0; i < selectRecipientsClone.length; i++){ if (RegExp_name.test(selectRecipientsClone[i].text) || selectRecipientsClone[i].value =="-1") { sel = selectRecipientsTmp.options; option = new Option(selectRecipientsClone[i].text,selectRecipientsClone[i].value); if( selectRecipientsClone[i].value == "-1") option.disabled = true; sel[sel.length] = option; } } } function getOptionsSendersInstitutionalAcounteExeption() { var selectRecipient = document.getElementById('inputSelectRecipients'); var selectSenders = document.getElementById('inputSelectSenders'); for(var i=0; i < selectSenders.options.length; i++) { selectSenders.options[i] = null; i--; } var index = selectRecipient.selectedIndex; var value = selectRecipient.options[index].value; cExecute ('$this.boconfiguration.getOptionsSenderInstitutionalAcounteExeption&recipient='+value, handlegetOptionsSendersInstitutionalAcounteExeption); } function handlegetOptionsSendersInstitutionalAcounteExeption(data) { if(data) { var selectSenders = document.getElementById('inputSelectSenders'); var option = data.replace('>*<', '>'+get_lang('all')+'<'); selectSenders.innerHTML = option; } return; } function saveGlobalSettings() { var handlesaveGlobalSettings = function(data) { if(data.status) { write_msg(get_lang('save sucess') + '.', 'normal'); } else write_msg(data.msg, 'error'); } var blockComunication = Element('inputCheckAllUserBlockCommunication').checked; var maximumRecipient = Element('inputTextMaximumRecipientGenerally').value; cExecute ('$this.boconfiguration.saveGlobalConfiguration&blockComunication='+blockComunication+'&maximumRecipient='+maximumRecipient, handlesaveGlobalSettings); } function fixBugInnerSelect(objeto,innerHTML){ /****** * select_innerHTML - altera o innerHTML de um select independente se é FF ou IE * Corrige o problema de não ser possível usar o innerHTML no IE corretamente * Veja o problema em: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;276228 * Use a vontade mas coloque meu nome nos créditos. Dúvidas, me mande um email. * Versão: 1.0 - 06/04/2006 * Autor: Micox - Náiron José C. Guimarães - micoxjcg@yahoo.com.br * Parametros: * objeto(tipo object): o select a ser alterado * innerHTML(tipo string): o novo valor do innerHTML *******/ objeto.innerHTML = "" var selTemp = document.createElement("micoxselect") var opt; selTemp.id="micoxselect1" document.body.appendChild(selTemp) selTemp = document.getElementById("micoxselect1") selTemp.style.display="none" if(innerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf("" } innerHTML = innerHTML.replace(/