execSql('SELECT DISTINCT calendar_participant.user_info_id as "user", co.id as "schedulable", co.allDay as "allDay" ,co.dtend as "endTime", co.dtstart as "startTime", co.summary as "summary", co.tzid as "timezone", co.location as "location", al.id as "id" '. 'FROM calendar_participant, calendar_alarm as "al", calendar_object as "co", calendar_repeat as "rep" WHERE ('. "al.participant_id = calendar_participant.id AND ". "calendar_participant.object_id = co.id AND ". "al.action_id = '".ALARM_MAIL."' AND ". "al.sent = '0' AND ". "CASE WHEN rep.object_id = co.id ". "THEN ( select count(occurrence) FROM calendar_repeat_occurrence WHERE rep.object_id = co.id AND rep.id = calendar_repeat_occurrence.repeat_id AND ((occurrence - al.alarm_offset) >= '$target') AND ((occurrence - al.alarm_offset) >= '".($target + 360000)."') ) > 0 ". "ELSE (co.range_start - al.alarm_offset >= '$target') AND (co.range_start - al.alarm_offset < '".($target + 360000)."') END )"); if(!is_array($parts)) return; $ids = array(); foreach ($parts as $i => $part) { ///Montando lista de participantes $users = Controller::find( array( 'concept' => 'participant' ) , array( 'user', 'id', 'isExternal' ) ,array('filter' => array ('=', 'schedulable' , $part['schedulable'] ), 'deepness' => 1 ) ); $attList = array(); foreach( $users as $user ) { if( $part['user'] === $user['user']['id'] ) $part['mail'] = $user['user']['mail']; $attList[] = $user['user']['name']; } $timezone = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); $sTime = new DateTime('@' . (int) ($part['startTime'] / 1000), $timezone); $eTime = new DateTime('@' . (int) ($part['endTime'] / 1000), $timezone); $timezone = $part['timezone']; $sTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($part['timezone'])); $eTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($part['timezone'])); $data = array('startDate' => date_format( $sTime , 'd/m/Y') , 'startTime' => $part['allDay'] ? '' : date_format( $sTime , 'H:i'), 'endDate' => date_format( $eTime , 'd/m/Y') , 'endTime' => $part['allDay'] ? '' : date_format( $eTime , 'H:i'), 'eventTitle' => $part['summary'], 'eventLocation' => $part['location'], 'timezone' => $timezone, 'participants' => ''); Controller::create( array( 'service' => 'SMTP' ), array( 'body' => parseTPL::load_tpl( $data, ROOTPATH.'/modules/calendar/templates/notify_alarm_body.tpl' ), 'isHtml' => true, 'subject' => 'Alarme de Calendario', 'from' => $part['mail'], 'to' => $part['mail'] ) ); Config::regSet('noAlarm', TRUE); //Evita o envio de notificação ????? $ids[] = $part['id']; } if( !empty( $ids ) ) Controller::update( array( 'concept' => 'alarm' ) , array('sent' => '1'), array('filter' => array( 'IN', 'id', $ids ) )); ?>