source: sandbox/2.5.1-evolucao/zpush/lib/default/diffbackend/diffbackend.php @ 7589

Revision 7589, 16.6 KB checked in by douglas, 12 years ago (diff)

Ticket #3209 - Integrar módulo de sincronização Z-push ao Expresso

3* File      :   diffbackend.php
4* Project   :   Z-Push
5* Descr     :   This is the abstract differential backend.
6*               By implementing this backends there is no need
7*               to worry about importers and exporters. Also
8*               tracking incremental changes is not necessary,
9*               as the DiffState used by the DiffBackend offers
10*               this functionality by comparing the list of objects
11*               available "last time" with the list of objects
12*               available "now".
13*               Please note that the differential mechanism
14*               can consume a considerable amount of memory and cpu
15*               power when synchronizing folders with many items.
17* Created   :   02.01.2012
19* Copyright 2007 - 2012 Zarafa Deutschland GmbH
21* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
22* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
23* as published by the Free Software Foundation with the following additional
24* term according to sec. 7:
26* According to sec. 7 of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
27* the terms of the AGPL are supplemented with the following terms:
29* "Zarafa" is a registered trademark of Zarafa B.V.
30* "Z-Push" is a registered trademark of Zarafa Deutschland GmbH
31* The licensing of the Program under the AGPL does not imply a trademark license.
32* Therefore any rights, title and interest in our trademarks remain entirely with us.
34* However, if you propagate an unmodified version of the Program you are
35* allowed to use the term "Z-Push" to indicate that you distribute the Program.
36* Furthermore you may use our trademarks where it is necessary to indicate
37* the intended purpose of a product or service provided you use it in accordance
38* with honest practices in industrial or commercial matters.
39* If you want to propagate modified versions of the Program under the name "Z-Push",
40* you may only do so if you have a written permission by Zarafa Deutschland GmbH
41* (to acquire a permission please contact Zarafa at
43* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
44* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
46* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
48* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
49* along with this program.  If not, see <>.
51* Consult LICENSE file for details
54// default backend
57// DiffBackend components
63abstract class BackendDiff extends Backend {
64    protected $store;
66    /**
67     * Setup the backend to work on a specific store or checks ACLs there.
68     * If only the $store is submitted, all Import/Export/Fetch/Etc operations should be
69     * performed on this store (switch operations store).
70     * If the ACL check is enabled, this operation should just indicate the ACL status on
71     * the submitted store, without changing the store for operations.
72     * For the ACL status, the currently logged on user MUST have access rights on
73     *  - the entire store - admin access if no folderid is sent, or
74     *  - on a specific folderid in the store (secretary/full access rights)
75     *
76     * The ACLcheck MUST fail if a folder of the authenticated user is checked!
77     *
78     * @param string        $store              target store, could contain a "domain\user" value
79     * @param boolean       $checkACLonly       if set to true, Setup() should just check ACLs
80     * @param string        $folderid           if set, only ACLs on this folderid are relevant
81     *
82     * @access public
83     * @return boolean
84     */
85    public function Setup($store, $checkACLonly = false, $folderid = false) {
86        $this->store = $store;
88        return true;
89    }
91    /**
92     * Returns an array of SyncFolder types with the entire folder hierarchy
93     * on the server (the array itself is flat, but refers to parents via the 'parent' property
94     *
95     * provides AS 1.0 compatibility
96     *
97     * @access public
98     * @return array SYNC_FOLDER
99     */
100    function GetHierarchy() {
101        $folders = array();
103        $fl = $this->GetFolderList();
104        if (is_array($fl))
105            foreach($fl as $f)
106                $folders[] = $this->GetFolder($f['id']);
108        return $folders;
109    }
111    /**
112     * Returns the importer to process changes from the mobile
113     * If no $folderid is given, hierarchy importer is expected
114     *
115     * @param string        $folderid (opt)
116     *
117     * @access public
118     * @return object(ImportChanges)
119     * @throws StatusException
120     */
121    public function GetImporter($folderid = false) {
122        return new ImportChangesDiff($this, $folderid);
123    }
125    /**
126     * Returns the exporter to send changes to the mobile
127     * If no $folderid is given, hierarchy exporter is expected
128     *
129     * @param string        $folderid (opt)
130     *
131     * @access public
132     * @return object(ExportChanges)
133     * @throws StatusException
134     */
135    public function GetExporter($folderid = false) {
136        return new ExportChangesDiff($this, $folderid);
137    }
139    /**
140     * Returns all available data of a single message
141     *
142     * @param string            $folderid
143     * @param string            $id
144     * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters flag
145     *
146     * @access public
147     * @return object(SyncObject)
148     * @throws StatusException
149     */
150    public function Fetch($folderid, $id, $contentparameters) {
151        // override truncation
152        $contentparameters->SetTruncation(SYNC_TRUNCATION_ALL);
153        $msg = $this->GetMessage($folderid, $id, $contentparameters);
154        if ($msg === false)
155            throw new StatusException("BackendDiff->Fetch('%s','%s'): Error, unable retrieve message from backend", SYNC_STATUS_OBJECTNOTFOUND);
156        return $msg;
157    }
159    /**
160     * Processes a response to a meeting request.
161     * CalendarID is a reference and has to be set if a new calendar item is created
162     *
163     * @param string        $requestid      id of the object containing the request
164     * @param string        $folderid       id of the parent folder of $requestid
165     * @param string        $response
166     *
167     * @access public
168     * @return string       id of the created/updated calendar obj
169     * @throws StatusException
170     */
171    public function MeetingResponse($requestid, $folderid, $response) {
172        throw new StatusException(sprintf("BackendDiff->MeetingResponse('%s','%s','%s'): Error, this functionality is not supported by the diff backend", $requestid, $folderid, $response), SYNC_MEETRESPSTATUS_MAILBOXERROR);
173    }
175    /**----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
176     * Abstract DiffBackend methods
177     *
178     * Need to be implemented in the actual diff backend
179     */
181    /**
182     * Returns a list (array) of folders, each entry being an associative array
183     * with the same entries as StatFolder(). This method should return stable information; ie
184     * if nothing has changed, the items in the array must be exactly the same. The order of
185     * the items within the array is not important though.
186     *
187     * @access protected
188     * @return array/boolean        false if the list could not be retrieved
189     */
190    public abstract function GetFolderList();
192    /**
193     * Returns an actual SyncFolder object with all the properties set. Folders
194     * are pretty simple, having only a type, a name, a parent and a server ID.
195     *
196     * @param string        $id           id of the folder
197     *
198     * @access public
199     * @return object   SyncFolder with information
200     */
201    public abstract function GetFolder($id);
203    /**
204     * Returns folder stats. An associative array with properties is expected.
205     *
206     * @param string        $id             id of the folder
207     *
208     * @access public
209     * @return array
210     *          Associative array(
211     *              string  "id"            The server ID that will be used to identify the folder. It must be unique, and not too long
212     *                                      How long exactly is not known, but try keeping it under 20 chars or so. It must be a string.
213     *              string  "parent"        The server ID of the parent of the folder. Same restrictions as 'id' apply.
214     *              long    "mod"           This is the modification signature. It is any arbitrary string which is constant as long as
215     *                                      the folder has not changed. In practice this means that 'mod' can be equal to the folder name
216     *                                      as this is the only thing that ever changes in folders. (the type is normally constant)
217     *          )
218     */
219    public abstract function StatFolder($id);
221    /**
222     * Creates or modifies a folder
223     *
224     * @param string        $folderid       id of the parent folder
225     * @param string        $oldid          if empty -> new folder created, else folder is to be renamed
226     * @param string        $displayname    new folder name (to be created, or to be renamed to)
227     * @param int           $type           folder type
228     *
229     * @access public
230     * @return boolean                      status
231     * @throws StatusException              could throw specific SYNC_FSSTATUS_* exceptions
232     *
233     */
234    public abstract function ChangeFolder($folderid, $oldid, $displayname, $type);
236    /**
237     * Deletes a folder
238     *
239     * @param string        $id
240     * @param string        $parent         is normally false
241     *
242     * @access public
243     * @return boolean                      status - false if e.g. does not exist
244     * @throws StatusException              could throw specific SYNC_FSSTATUS_* exceptions
245     */
246    public abstract function DeleteFolder($id, $parentid);
248    /**
249     * Returns a list (array) of messages, each entry being an associative array
250     * with the same entries as StatMessage(). This method should return stable information; ie
251     * if nothing has changed, the items in the array must be exactly the same. The order of
252     * the items within the array is not important though.
253     *
254     * The $cutoffdate is a date in the past, representing the date since which items should be shown.
255     * This cutoffdate is determined by the user's setting of getting 'Last 3 days' of e-mail, etc. If
256     * the cutoffdate is ignored, the user will not be able to select their own cutoffdate, but all
257     * will work OK apart from that.
258     *
259     * @param string        $folderid       id of the parent folder
260     * @param long          $cutoffdate     timestamp in the past from which on messages should be returned
261     *
262     * @access public
263     * @return array/false                  array with messages or false if folder is not available
264     */
265    public abstract function GetMessageList($folderid, $cutoffdate);
267    /**
268     * Returns the actual SyncXXX object type. The '$folderid' of parent folder can be used.
269     * Mixing item types returned is illegal and will be blocked by the engine; ie returning an Email object in a
270     * Tasks folder will not do anything. The SyncXXX objects should be filled with as much information as possible,
271     * but at least the subject, body, to, from, etc.
272     *
273     * @param string            $folderid           id of the parent folder
274     * @param string            $id                 id of the message
275     * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters  parameters of the requested message (truncation, mimesupport etc)
276     *
277     * @access public
278     * @return object/false                 false if the message could not be retrieved
279     */
280    public abstract function GetMessage($folderid, $id, $contentparameters);
282    /**
283     * Returns message stats, analogous to the folder stats from StatFolder().
284     *
285     * @param string        $folderid       id of the folder
286     * @param string        $id             id of the message
287     *
288     * @access public
289     * @return array or boolean if fails
290     *          Associative array(
291     *              string  "id"            Server unique identifier for the message. Again, try to keep this short (under 20 chars)
292     *              int     "flags"         simply '0' for unread, '1' for read
293     *              long    "mod"           This is the modification signature. It is any arbitrary string which is constant as long as
294     *                                      the message has not changed. As soon as this signature changes, the item is assumed to be completely
295     *                                      changed, and will be sent to the PDA as a whole. Normally you can use something like the modification
296     *                                      time for this field, which will change as soon as the contents have changed.
297     *          )
298     */
299    public abstract function StatMessage($folderid, $id);
301    /**
302     * Called when a message has been changed on the mobile. The new message must be saved to disk.
303     * The return value must be whatever would be returned from StatMessage() after the message has been saved.
304     * This way, the 'flags' and the 'mod' properties of the StatMessage() item may change via ChangeMessage().
305     * This method will never be called on E-mail items as it's not 'possible' to change e-mail items. It's only
306     * possible to set them as 'read' or 'unread'.
307     *
308     * @param string        $folderid       id of the folder
309     * @param string        $id             id of the message
310     * @param SyncXXX       $message        the SyncObject containing a message
311     *
312     * @access public
313     * @return array                        same return value as StatMessage()
314     * @throws StatusException              could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions
315     */
316    public abstract function ChangeMessage($folderid, $id, $message);
318    /**
319     * Changes the 'read' flag of a message on disk. The $flags
320     * parameter can only be '1' (read) or '0' (unread). After a call to
321     * SetReadFlag(), GetMessageList() should return the message with the
322     * new 'flags' but should not modify the 'mod' parameter. If you do
323     * change 'mod', simply setting the message to 'read' on the mobile will trigger
324     * a full resync of the item from the server.
325     *
326     * @param string        $folderid       id of the folder
327     * @param string        $id             id of the message
328     * @param int           $flags          read flag of the message
329     *
330     * @access public
331     * @return boolean                      status of the operation
332     * @throws StatusException              could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions
333     */
334    public abstract function SetReadFlag($folderid, $id, $flags);
336    /**
337     * Called when the user has requested to delete (really delete) a message. Usually
338     * this means just unlinking the file its in or somesuch. After this call has succeeded, a call to
339     * GetMessageList() should no longer list the message. If it does, the message will be re-sent to the mobile
340     * as it will be seen as a 'new' item. This means that if this method is not implemented, it's possible to
341     * delete messages on the PDA, but as soon as a sync is done, the item will be resynched to the mobile
342     *
343     * @param string        $folderid       id of the folder
344     * @param string        $id             id of the message
345     *
346     * @access public
347     * @return boolean                      status of the operation
348     * @throws StatusException              could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions
349     */
350    public abstract function DeleteMessage($folderid, $id);
352    /**
353     * Called when the user moves an item on the PDA from one folder to another. Whatever is needed
354     * to move the message on disk has to be done here. After this call, StatMessage() and GetMessageList()
355     * should show the items to have a new parent. This means that it will disappear from GetMessageList()
356     * of the sourcefolder and the destination folder will show the new message
357     *
358     * @param string        $folderid       id of the source folder
359     * @param string        $id             id of the message
360     * @param string        $newfolderid    id of the destination folder
361     *
362     * @access public
363     * @return boolean                      status of the operation
364     * @throws StatusException              could throw specific SYNC_MOVEITEMSSTATUS_* exceptions
365     */
366    public abstract function MoveMessage($folderid, $id, $newfolderid);
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