var BordersArray = new Array(); BordersArray[0] = new setBorderAttributes(0); var countBorders = 0; var partMsgs = new Array(); var msgAttachments = new Array(); var uidsSave = new Array(); var zebraDiscardEventDialog = false; var saveBorderError = new Array(); function setBorderAttributes(ID) { this.border_id = "border_id_"+ID; this.sequence = ID; } function alternate_border(ID) { msg_selected = false;//Controle da seleção de mensagens if(isNaN(ID)) if(preferences.use_shortcuts == "1") select_msg((ID.split("_"))[0]); if( document.getElementById("div_menu_c3") != null ) { //div que contém divs de paginação de todas abas de listagem possíveis (listagem de pasta e listagem de pesquisa) var node = document.getElementById("div_menu_c3").firstChild; //Se for diferente da aba de listagem, remove a paginação if(currentTab != 0){ //Enquanto node for true (retorna false se não houver mais elementos) while ( node ) { = "none"; node = node.nextSibling; } } if( document.getElementById("span_paging"+ID) != null ) document.getElementById("span_paging"+ID).style.display = "block"; } if ( typeof win == 'object' && win.close && win.close.constructor == Function ){ var search_win = document.getElementById( 'window_QuickCatalogSearch' ); if(search_win){ = 'hidden'; } win.close( ); } if (! 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Element(ID_TR) : Element(ID_TR+"_s"+id_border); openTab.imapBox[ID] = (tr.getAttribute('name') == null?get_current_folder():tr.getAttribute('name')); }else openTab.imapBox[ID] = current_folder; } td = document.createElement("TD");"border_id_" + ID; if(resize) { td.setAttribute("width", parseInt(resize)+"px"); = parseInt(resize)+"px"; } else td.setAttribute("width", "200px"); td.setAttribute("align", "right"); td.onclick = function(){alternate_border(ID);resizeWindow()}; td.setAttribute("noWrap","true"); td.alt = ' '; td.title = borderTitle; borderTitle = borderTitle ? borderTitle : id_value ? get_lang("No Subject") : " " ; td.value = borderTitle; if (borderTitle.length > 21) borderTitle = borderTitle.substring(0,21) + "..."; if ( resize ) borderTitle = borderTitle.substring(0, resize*0.08); var cc = search; if(!cc){ if(isNaN(ID)){ var is_local = ID.match('.*_local_.*'); if(!is_local) cc = document.getElementById("em_message_search").value; else{ if (currentTab == 0) cc = ""; else cc = document.getElementsByName(currentTab)[0].value; } }else{ cc =""; } } td.innerHTML = "
" + borderTitle + "
\n\ \n\ " + "
\n\ " + "
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