Class FSTLookupFactory

  extended by org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.LookupFactory
      extended by org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.fst.FSTLookupFactory

public class FSTLookupFactory
extends LookupFactory

Factory for FSTCompletionLookup

Field Summary
          If true, exact suggestions are returned first, even if they are prefixes of other strings in the automaton (possibly with larger weights).
static String WEIGHT_BUCKETS
          The number of separate buckets for weights (discretization).
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Lookup create(NamedList params, SolrCore core)
 String storeFileName()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String WEIGHT_BUCKETS
The number of separate buckets for weights (discretization). The more buckets, the more fine-grained term weights (priorities) can be assigned. The speed of lookup will not decrease for prefixes which have highly-weighted completions (because these are filled-in first), but will decrease significantly for low-weighted terms (but these should be infrequent, so it is all right).

The number of buckets must be within [1, 255] range.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String EXACT_MATCH_FIRST
If true, exact suggestions are returned first, even if they are prefixes of other strings in the automaton (possibly with larger weights).

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public FSTLookupFactory()
Method Detail


public Lookup create(NamedList params,
                     SolrCore core)
Specified by:
create in class LookupFactory


public String storeFileName()
Specified by:
storeFileName in class LookupFactory

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