/************************************************************* * AJAX Spell Checker - Version 2.8 * (C) 2005 - Garrison Locke * * This spell checker is built in the style of the Gmail spell * checker. It uses AJAX to communicate with the backend without * requiring the page be reloaded. If you use this code, please * give me credit and a link to my site would be nice. * http://www.broken-notebook.com. * * Copyright (c) 2005, Garrison Locke * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the http://www.broken-notebook.com nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *************************************************************/ var cp; var currObj; //the current spell checker being used var spellingSuggestionsDiv; var old_onclick cp = new cpaint(); cp.set_transfer_mode('post'); cp.set_response_type('text'); function beginSpellCheck(){ //var cp = new cpaint(); // alert("Seta globals"); //cp = new cpaint(); //cp.set_transfer_mode('post'); //cp.set_response_type('text'); //cp.set_debug(1); //var currObj; //the current spell checker being used //var spellingSuggestionsDiv = null; // Auto-generated suggestions div spellingSuggestionsDiv = null; //alert("Seta globals"); // If there are already any onclick handlers loaded in the page, we'll add // our onclick handler first and then call the old one, rather than completely // overriding it. The checkClickLocation is used to hide the suggestions div // when the user clicks outside it. /*if(document.onclick) { old_onclick = document.onclick; document.onclick = function(e) { checkClickLocation(e); old_onclick(e); } } else { //document.onclick = checkClickLocation; }*/ //alert("Inicio"); // If there are already any onload handlers loaded in the page, we'll add our onload // handler first and then call the old one, rather than completely overriding it. if(window.onload) { window.onload = new setupSpellCheckers(); /*var old_onload = window.onload; window.onload = function(e) { var test = new setupSpellCheckers(e); old_onload(e); }*/ } else { window.onload = new setupSpellCheckers(); } //window.onload =new setupSpellCheckers(); //alert("Fim"); } // fecha fun��o /************************************************************* * function setupSpellCheckers() * * This function goes through the page and finds all the * textareas. It then checks the title attribute for either * spellcheck or spellcheck_icons to determine whether or not * it should add a spellchecker to that textarea. *************************************************************/ function setupSpellCheckers() { var ifr = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]; var numSpellCheckers = 0; //var tempSpellCheckers = Array(); if(ifr.contentWindow) ifr=ifr.contentWindow.document; else ifr=ifr.contentDocument; var texto = ifr.body.innerHTML; // alert("valor textarea"); // alert(texto); // //tempSpellCheckers[numSpellCheckers] = textareas; var tempWidth = "300"; var tempHeight = "300"; // alert("Antes AjaxSpell"); eval('spellCheckers' + numSpellCheckers + '= new ajaxSpell("spellCheckers' + numSpellCheckers + '", tempWidth, tempHeight, "spell_checker/spell_checker.php", "body_position_1", "Nome", "body_1", "Titulo", texto);'); //new ajaxSpell('spellTexto', tempWidth, tempHeight, 'spell_checker.php' ,'body_position_1', 'Nome','body_1', 'Titulo', texto); //ajaxSpell("", "", "", "" ,"", "","", "", ""); //} /*for(var i=0; i < textareas.length; i++) { alert("ok iframe"); if(textareas[i].getAttribute("title") == "spellcheck" || textareas[i].getAttribute("title") == "spellcheck_icons") { tempSpellCheckers[numSpellCheckers] = textareas[i]; //create a new spellchecker for this textarea var tempWidth = tempSpellCheckers[numSpellCheckers].offsetWidth + 'px'; var tempHeight = tempSpellCheckers[numSpellCheckers].offsetHeight + 'px'; eval('spellCheckers' + numSpellCheckers + '= new ajaxSpell("spellCheckers' + numSpellCheckers + '", tempWidth, tempHeight, tempSpellCheckers[' + numSpellCheckers + '].getAttribute("accesskey"), "spellCheckDiv' + numSpellCheckers + '", tempSpellCheckers[' + numSpellCheckers + '].getAttribute("name"), tempSpellCheckers[' + numSpellCheckers + '].id, tempSpellCheckers[' + numSpellCheckers + '].title, tempSpellCheckers[' + numSpellCheckers + '].value);'); numSpellCheckers++; } }*/ }; // end setInit /************************************************************* * ajaxSpell(varName, width, height, spellUrl, divId, name, id) * * This is the constructor that creates a new ajaxSpell object. * All of it is dynamically generated so the user doesn't have * to add a bunch of crap to their site. * * @param varName The name of the variable that the object is * assigned to (must be unique and the same as the variable) * @param width The width of the spell checker * @param height The height of the spell checker * @param spellUrl The url of the spell_checker.php code * @param divId The id of the div that the spell checker is * contained in (must be unique) * @param name The name of the textarea form element * @param id The id of the spell checker textarea (must be unique) *************************************************************/ function ajaxSpell(varName, width, height, spellUrl, divId, name, id, title, value) { //alert("ajaxSpell"); currObj = this; currObj.config = new Array(); //the array of configuration options currObj.config['varName'] = varName; //the name of the variable that this instance is stored in currObj.config['width'] = width; //the width of the textarea currObj.config['height'] = height; //the height of the textarea currObj.config['spellUrl'] = spellUrl; //url to spell checker php code (spell_checker.php by default); currObj.config['divId'] = divId; //the id of the div that the spell checker element is in currObj.config['name'] = name; //what you want the form element's name to be currObj.config['id'] = id; //the unique id of the spell_checker textarea currObj.config['title'] = title; //the title (specifies whether to use icons or not); currObj.config['value'] = value; //the value of the text box when the page was loaded currObj.config['value'] = currObj.config['value'].replace(/
/gi, "\n"); currObj.config['useIcons'] = false; if(currObj.config['title'] == "spellcheck_icons") { currObj.config['useIcons'] = true; } spellContainer = document.createElement('DIV'); spellContainer.id = currObj.config['divId']; spellContainer.className = 'spell_container'; spellContainer.style.width = currObj.config['width']; oldElement = document.getElementById(currObj.config['id']); oldElement.parentNode.replaceChild(spellContainer, oldElement); //generate the div to hold the spell checker controls currObj.controlPanelDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); currObj.controlPanelDiv.className = 'control_panel'; document.getElementById(currObj.config['divId']).appendChild(currObj.controlPanelDiv); //the span that toggles between spell checking and editing currObj.actionSpan = document.createElement('SPAN'); currObj.actionSpan.className = "action"; currObj.actionSpan.id = "action"; if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "\"Verificar"; } else { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "Verificar Ortografia"; } currObj.controlPanelDiv.appendChild(currObj.actionSpan); //the span that lets the user know of the status of the spell checker currObj.statusSpan = document.createElement('SPAN'); currObj.statusSpan.className = "status"; currObj.statusSpan.id = "status"; currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = ""; currObj.controlPanelDiv.appendChild(currObj.statusSpan); //the textarea to be spell checked oldElement.value = currObj.config['value']; document.getElementById(currObj.config['divId']).appendChild(oldElement); currObj.objToCheck = document.getElementById(currObj.config['id']); //the actual object we're spell checking currObj.spellingResultsDiv = null; // Auto-generated results div //prototypes for the ajaxSpell objects ajaxSpell.prototype.spellCheck = spellCheck; ajaxSpell.prototype.spellCheck_cb = spellCheck_cb; ajaxSpell.prototype.showSuggestions = showSuggestions; ajaxSpell.prototype.showSuggestions_cb = showSuggestions_cb; ajaxSpell.prototype.replaceWord = replaceWord; ajaxSpell.prototype.switchText = switchText; ajaxSpell.prototype.switchText_cb = switchText_cb; ajaxSpell.prototype.resumeEditing = resumeEditing; ajaxSpell.prototype.resetSpellChecker = resetSpellChecker; ajaxSpell.prototype.resetAction = resetAction; }; // end ajaxSpell /************************************************************* * setCurrentObject * * This sets the current object to be the spell checker that * the user is currently using. * * @param obj The spell checker currently being used *************************************************************/ function setCurrentObject(obj) { currObj = obj; }; // end setCurrentObject /************************************************************* * spellCheck_cb * * This is the callback function that the spellCheck php function * returns the spell checked data to. It sets the results div * to contain the markedup misspelled data and changes the status * message. It also sets the width and height of the results * div to match the element that's being checked. * If there are no misspellings then new_data is the empty * string and the status is set to "No Misspellings Found". * * @param new_data The marked up misspelled data returned from php. *************************************************************/ function spellCheck_cb(new_data) { with(currObj); new_data = new_data.toString(); var isThereAMisspelling = new_data.charAt(0); new_data = new_data.substring(1); if(currObj.spellingResultsDiv) { currObj.spellingResultsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(spellingResultsDiv); } currObj.spellingResultsDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); currObj.spellingResultsDiv.className = 'edit_box'; currObj.spellingResultsDiv.style.width = currObj.objToCheck.style.width; currObj.spellingResultsDiv.style.height = currObj.objToCheck.style.height; currObj.spellingResultsDiv.innerHTML = new_data; currObj.objToCheck.style.display = "none"; currObj.objToCheck.parentNode.insertBefore(currObj.spellingResultsDiv,currObj.objToCheck); currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = ""; if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "\"Continuar"; } else { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "Continuar Editando "; } if(isThereAMisspelling != "1") { if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "\"Nenhum"; } else { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "Nenhum Erro Encontrado"; } currObj.objToCheck.disabled = false; } }; // end spellCheck_cb /************************************************************* * spellCheck() * * The spellCheck javascript function sends the text entered by * the user in the text box to php to be spell checked. It also * sets the status message to "Checking..." because it's currently * checking the spelling. *************************************************************/ function spellCheck() { with(currObj); var query; if(currObj.spellingResultsDiv) { currObj.spellingResultsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(currObj.spellingResultsDiv); currObj.spellingResultsDiv = null; } if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "\"Verificar"; } else { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "Verificar Ortografia"; } if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "\"Verificando"; } else { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "Verificando Ortografia..."; } // Obtain the HTML content from iframe (edit area) var ifr= currObj.objToCheck; if(ifr.contentWindow) ifr=ifr.contentWindow.document; else ifr=ifr.contentDocument; var texto = ifr.body.innerHTML; query = texto; //query = currObj.objToCheck.value; query = query.replace(/\r?\n/gi, "
"); cp.call(currObj.config['spellUrl'], 'spellCheck', spellCheck_cb, query, currObj.config['varName']); }; // end spellcheck /************************************************************* * addWord * * The addWord function adds a word to the custom dictionary * file. * * @param id The id of the span that contains the word to be added *************************************************************/ function addWord(id) { var wordToAdd = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML; with(currObj); if(spellingSuggestionsDiv) { spellingSuggestionsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(spellingSuggestionsDiv); spellingSuggestionsDiv = null; } if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "\"Adding"; } else { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "Adding Word..."; } cp.call(currObj.config['spellUrl'], 'addWord', addWord_cb, wordToAdd); }; // end addWord /************************************************************* * addWord_cb * * The addWord_cb function is a callback function that * PHP's addWord function returns to. It recieves the * return status of the add to word to personal dictionary call. * It hides the status item. * * @param returnedData The return code from PHP. *************************************************************/ function addWord_cb(returnedData) { //alert(returnedData); with(currObj); currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = ""; resumeEditing(); spellCheck(); }; // end addWord_cb /************************************************************* * checkClickLocation(e) * * This function is called by the event listener when the user * clicks on anything. It is used to close the suggestion div * if the user clicks anywhere that's not inside the suggestion * div. It just checks to see if the name of what the user clicks * on is not "suggestions" then hides the div if it's not. * * @param e The event, in this case the user clicking somewhere on * the page. *************************************************************/ function checkClickLocation(e) { // alert("checkClickLocation"); if(spellingSuggestionsDiv) { // Bah. There's got to be a better way to deal with this, but the click // on a word to get suggestions starts up a race condition between // showing and hiding the suggestion box, so we'll ignore the first // click. if(spellingSuggestionsDiv.ignoreNextClick){ spellingSuggestionsDiv.ignoreNextClick = false; } else { var theTarget = getTarget(e); if(theTarget != spellingSuggestionsDiv) { spellingSuggestionsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(spellingSuggestionsDiv); spellingSuggestionsDiv = null; } } } return true; // Allow other handlers to continue. }; //end checkClickLocation /************************************************************* * getTarget * * The get target function gets the correct target of the event. * This function is required because IE handles the events in * a different (wrong) manner than the rest of the browsers. * * @param e The target, in this case the user clicking somewhere on * the page. * *************************************************************/ function getTarget(e) { var value; if(checkBrowser() == "ie") { value = window.event.srcElement; } else { value = e.target; } return value; }; //end getTarget /************************************************************* * checkBrowser() * * The checkBrowser function simply checks to see what browser * the user is using and returns a string containing the browser * type. * * @return string The browser type *************************************************************/ function checkBrowser() { var theAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if(theAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1) { if(theAgent.indexOf("opera") != -1) { return "opera"; } else { return "ie"; } } else if(theAgent.indexOf("netscape") != -1) { return "netscape"; } else if(theAgent.indexOf("firefox") != -1) { return "firefox"; } else if(theAgent.indexOf("mozilla/5.0") != -1) { return "mozilla"; } else if(theAgent.indexOf("\/") != -1) { if(theAgent.substr(0,theAgent.indexOf('\/')) != 'mozilla') { return navigator.userAgent.substr(0,theAgent.indexOf('\/')); } else { return "netscape"; } } else if(theAgent.indexOf(' ') != -1) { return navigator.userAgent.substr(0,theAgent.indexOf(' ')); } else { return navigator.userAgent; } }; // end checkBrowser /************************************************************* * showSuggestions_cb * * The showSuggestions_cb function is a callback function that * php's showSuggestions function returns to. It sets the * suggestions table to contain the new data and then displays * the suggestions div. It also clears the status message. * * @param new_data The suggestions table returned from php. *************************************************************/ function showSuggestions_cb(new_data) { with(currObj); spellingSuggestionsDiv.innerHTML = new_data; spellingSuggestionsDiv.style.display = 'block'; currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = ""; }; //end showSuggestions_cb /************************************************************* * showSuggestions * * The showSuggestions function calls the showSuggestions php * function to get suggestions for the misspelled word that the * user has clicked on. It sets the status to "Searching...", * hides the suggestions div, finds the x and y position of the * span containing the misspelled word that user clicked on so * the div can be displayed in the correct location, and then * calls the showSuggestions php function with the misspelled word * and the id of the span containing it. * * @param word The misspelled word that the user clicked on * @param id The id of the span that contains the misspelled word *************************************************************/ function showSuggestions(word, id) { with(currObj); if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "\"Procurando...\""; } else { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "Procurando..."; } var x = findPosXById(id); var y = findPosYById(id); var scrollPos = 0; if(checkBrowser() != "ie") { scrollPos = currObj.spellingResultsDiv.scrollTop; } if(spellingSuggestionsDiv) { spellingSuggestionsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(spellingSuggestionsDiv); } spellingSuggestionsDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); spellingSuggestionsDiv.style.display = "none"; spellingSuggestionsDiv.className = 'suggestion_box'; spellingSuggestionsDiv.style.position = 'absolute'; spellingSuggestionsDiv.style.left = x + 'px'; spellingSuggestionsDiv.style.top = (y+16-scrollPos) + 'px'; // Bah. There's got to be a better way to deal with this, but the click // on a word to get suggestions starts up a race condition between // showing and hiding the suggestion box, so we'll ignore the first // click. spellingSuggestionsDiv.ignoreNextClick = true; document.body.appendChild(spellingSuggestionsDiv); cp.call(currObj.config['spellUrl'], 'showSuggestions', showSuggestions_cb, word, id); }; // end showSuggestions /************************************************************* * replaceWord * * The replaceWord function takes the id of the misspelled word * that the user clicked on and replaces the innerHTML of that * span with the new word that the user selects from the suggestion * div. It hides the suggestions div and changes the color of * the previously misspelled word to green to let the user know * it has been changed. It then calls the switchText php function * with the innerHTML of the div to update the text of the text box. * * @param id The id of the span that contains the word to be replaced * @param newWord The word the user selected from the suggestions div * to replace the misspelled word. *************************************************************/ function replaceWord(id, newWord) { document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = trim(newWord); if(spellingSuggestionsDiv) { spellingSuggestionsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(spellingSuggestionsDiv); spellingSuggestionsDiv = null; } document.getElementById(id).className = "corrected_word"; }; // end replaceWord /************************************************************* * switchText * * The switchText function is a funtion is called when the user * clicks on resume editing (or submits the form). It calls the * php function to switchText and uncomments the html and replaces * breaks and everything. Here all the breaks that the user has * typed are replaced with %u2026. Firefox does this goofy thing * where it cleans up the display of your html, which adds in \n's * where you don't want them. So I replace the user-entered returns * with something unique so that I can rip out all the breaks that * the browser might add and we don't want. *************************************************************/ function switchText() { with(currObj); var parentElement = currObj.spellingResultsDiv; // Obtain all span tags which have highlight className or corrected_word className var nodeArray = parentElement.getElementsByTagName("span"); var totArray = nodeArray.length; var nodeRemove = new Array(totArray); var j = -1; for (var i = 0 ; i < totArray ; i++) { var node = nodeArray[i]; if (node.className == "highlight" || node.className == "corrected_word") { j++; nodeRemove[j] = node.id; } } //Remove span tags which have highlight className or corrected_word className for (var i = 0 ; i <= j ; i++) { var valorNo = document.getElementById(nodeRemove[i]).innerHTML; var fake = document.createTextNode(valorNo); var parent = document.getElementById(nodeRemove[i]).parentNode; parent.replaceChild(fake, document.getElementById(nodeRemove[i])); } var text = currObj.spellingResultsDiv.innerHTML; text = text.replace(/ /gi, " %u2026 "); // Replace   with the code %u2026 text = '*' + text; cp.call(currObj.config['spellUrl'], 'switchText', switchText_cb, text); }; // end switchText /************************************************************* * switchText_cb * * The switchText_cb function is a call back funtion that the * switchText php function returns to. I replace all the %u2026's * with returns. It then replaces the text in the text box with * the corrected text fromt he div. * * @param new_string The corrected text from the div. * *************************************************************/ function switchText_cb(new_string) { with(currObj); new_string = new_string.replace(/ %u2026/gi, " "); // Replace the code %u2026 with   new_string = new_string.replace(/~~~/gi, "\n"); // Remove the prefixed asterisk that was added in switchText(). new_string = new_string.substr(1); currObj.objToCheck.style.display = "none"; var ifr= currObj.objToCheck; if(ifr.contentWindow) ifr=ifr.contentWindow.document; else ifr=ifr.contentDocument; var texto = ifr.body.innerHTML; ifr.body.innerHTML = new_string; currObj.objToCheck.disabled = false; if(currObj.spellingResultsDiv) { currObj.spellingResultsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(currObj.spellingResultsDiv); currObj.spellingResultsDiv = null; } currObj.objToCheck.style.display = "block"; currObj.resetAction(); }; // end switchText_cb /************************************************************* * resumeEditing * * The resumeEditing function is called when the user is in the * correction mode and wants to return to the editing mode. It * hides the results div and the suggestions div, then enables * the text box and unhides the text box. It also calls * resetAction() to reset the status message. *************************************************************/ function resumeEditing() { with(currObj); if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "\"Continuar"; } else { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "Continuar Editando"; } if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "\"Carregando...\""; } else { currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = "Carregando..."; } if(spellingSuggestionsDiv) { spellingSuggestionsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(spellingSuggestionsDiv); spellingSuggestionsDiv = null; } currObj.switchText(); }; // end resumeEditing /************************************************************* * resetAction * * The resetAction function just resets the status message to * the default action of "Check Spelling". *************************************************************/ function resetAction() { with(currObj); if(currObj.config['useIcons']) { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "\"Verificar"; } else { currObj.actionSpan.innerHTML = "Verificar Ortografia"; } currObj.statusSpan.innerHTML = ""; }; // end resetAction /************************************************************* * resetSpellChecker * * The resetSpellChecker function resets the entire spell checker * to the defaults. *************************************************************/ function resetSpellChecker() { with(currObj); currObj.resetAction(); currObj.objToCheck.value = ""; currObj.objToCheck.style.display = "block"; currObj.objToCheck.disabled = false; if(currObj.spellingResultsDiv) { currObj.spellingResultsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(currObj.spellingResultsDiv); currObj.spellingResultsDiv = null; } if(spellingSuggestionsDiv) { spellingSuggestionsDiv.parentNode.removeChild(spellingSuggestionsDiv); spellingSuggestionsDiv = null; } currObj.statusSpan.style.display = "none"; }; // end resetSpellChecker /************************************************************* * findPosX * * The findPosX function just finds the X offset of the top left * corner of the object id it's given. * * @param object The id of the object that you want to find the * upper left X coordinate of. * @return int The X coordinate of the object *************************************************************/ function findPosXById(object) { var curleft = 0; var obj = document.getElementById(object); if(obj.offsetParent) { while(obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft - obj.scrollLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if(obj.x) { curleft += obj.x; } return curleft; }; // end findPosX /************************************************************* * findPosY * * The findPosY function just finds the Y offset of the top left * corner of the object id it's given. * * @param object The id of the object that you want to find the * upper left Y coordinate of. * @return int The Y coordinate of the object *************************************************************/ function findPosYById(object) { var curtop = 0;var curtop = 0; var obj = document.getElementById(object); if(obj.offsetParent) { while(obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop - obj.scrollTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if(obj.y) { curtop += obj.y; } return curtop; }; // end findPosY /************************************************************* * trim * * Trims white space from a string. * * @param s The string you want to trim. * @return string The trimmed string. *************************************************************/ function trim(s) { while(s.substring(0,1) == ' ') { s = s.substring(1,s.length); } while(s.substring(s.length-1,s.length) == ' ') { s = s.substring(0,s.length-1); } return s; }; // end trim