* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library in the file LICENSE.LGPL; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA * * Alternatively, you may distribute this software under the terms of the * PHP License, version 3.0 or later. A copy of this license should have * been distributed with this file in the file LICENSE.PHP . If this is not * the case, you can obtain a copy at http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. * * The latest version of DOMPDF might be available at: * http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf * * @link http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf * @copyright 2004 Benj Carson * @author Benj Carson * @package dompdf * @version 0.5.1 */ /* $Id: functions.inc.php,v 1.11 2006/07/07 21:31:03 benjcarson Exp $ */ /** * print_r wrapper for html/cli output * * Wraps print_r() output in < pre > tags if the current sapi is not * 'cli'. Returns the output string instead of displaying it if $return is * true. * * @param mixed $mixed variable or expression to display * @param bool $return * */ if ( !function_exists("pre_r") ) { function pre_r($mixed, $return = false) { if ($return) return "
" . print_r($mixed, true) . "
"; if ( php_sapi_name() != "cli") echo ("

  if ( php_sapi_name() != "cli")
"); else echo ("\n"); flush(); } } /** * var_dump wrapper for html/cli output * * Wraps var_dump() output in < pre > tags if the current sapi is not * 'cli'. * * @param mixed $mixed variable or expression to display. */ if ( !function_exists("pre_var_dump") ) { function pre_var_dump($mixed) { if ( php_sapi_name() != "cli") echo("
  if ( php_sapi_name() != "cli")
"); } } /** * builds a full url given a protocol, hostname, base path and url * * @param string $protocol * @param string $host * @param string $base_path * @param string $url * @return string */ function build_url($protocol, $host, $base_path, $url) { if ( mb_strlen($url) == 0 ) return $protocol . $host . rtrim($base_path, "/\\") . "/"; // Is the url already fully qualified? if ( mb_strpos($url, "://") !== false ) return $url; $ret = $protocol; if ( !in_array(mb_strtolower($protocol), array("http://", "https://", "ftp://", "ftps://")) ) { // We ignore the host for local file access, and run the path through // realpath() $host = ""; $base_path = realpath($base_path); } if ( $url{0} === "/" ) // Absolute path $ret .= $host . $url; else { // Relative path $base_path = $base_path !== "" ? rtrim($base_path, "/\\") . "/" : ""; $ret .= $host . $base_path . $url; } return $ret; } /** * parse a full url or pathname and return an array(protocol, host, path, * file + query + fragment) * * @param string $url * @return array */ function explode_url($url) { $protocol = ""; $host = ""; $path = ""; $file = ""; $arr = parse_url($url); if ( isset($arr["scheme"]) && $arr["scheme"] != "file" && mb_strlen($arr["scheme"]) > 1 ) // Exclude windows drive letters... { $protocol = $arr["scheme"] . "://"; if ( isset($arr["user"]) ) { $host .= $arr["user"]; if ( isset($arr["pass"]) ) $host .= "@" . $arr["pass"]; $host .= ":"; } if ( isset($arr["host"]) ) $host .= $arr["host"]; if ( isset($arr["port"]) ) $host .= ":" . $arr["port"]; if ( isset($arr["path"]) && $arr["path"] !== "" ) { // Do we have a trailing slash? if ( $arr["path"]{ mb_strlen($arr["path"]) - 1 } == "/" ) { $path = $arr["path"]; $file = ""; } else { $path = dirname($arr["path"]) . "/"; $file = basename($arr["path"]); } } if ( isset($arr["query"]) ) $file .= "?" . $arr["query"]; if ( isset($arr["fragment"]) ) $file .= "#" . $arr["fragment"]; } else { $i = mb_strpos($url, "file://"); if ( $i !== false) $url = mb_substr($url, $i + 7); $protocol = ""; // "file://"; ? why doesn't this work... It's because of // network filenames like //COMPU/SHARENAME $host = ""; // localhost, really $file = basename($url); $path = dirname($url); // Check that the path exists if ( $path !== false ) { $path .= '/'; } else { // generate a url to access the file if no real path found. $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $host = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : php_uname("n"); if ( substr($arr["path"], 0, 1) == '/' ) { $path = dirname($arr["path"]); } else { $path = '/' . rtrim(dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]), '/') . '/' . $arr["path"]; } } } $ret = array($protocol, $host, $path, $file, "protocol" => $protocol, "host" => $host, "path" => $path, "file" => $file); return $ret; } /** * converts decimal numbers to roman numerals * * @param int $num * @return string */ function dec2roman($num) { static $ones = array("", "i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix"); static $tens = array("", "x", "xx", "xxx", "xl", "l", "lx", "lxx", "lxxx", "xc"); static $hund = array("", "c", "cc", "ccc", "cd", "d", "dc", "dcc", "dccc", "cm"); static $thou = array("", "m", "mm", "mmm"); if ( !is_numeric($num) ) throw new DOMPDF_Exception("dec2roman() requires a numeric argument."); if ( $num > 4000 || $num < 0 ) return "(out of range)"; $num = strrev((string)$num); $ret = ""; switch (mb_strlen($num)) { case 4: $ret .= $thou[$num{3}]; case 3: $ret .= $hund[$num{2}]; case 2: $ret .= $tens[$num{1}]; case 1: $ret .= $ones[$num{0}]; default: break; } return $ret; } /** * Determines whether $value is a percentage or not * * @param float $value * @return bool */ function is_percent($value) { return false !== mb_strpos($value, "%"); } /** * mb_string compatibility */ if ( !function_exists("mb_strlen") ) { function mb_strlen($str) { return strlen($str); } } if ( !function_exists("mb_strpos") ) { function mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { return strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } } if ( !function_exists("mb_strrpos") ) { function mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { return strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } } if ( !function_exists("mb_substr") ) { function mb_substr($str, $start, $length = null) { if ( is_null($length) ) return substr($str, $start); else return substr($str, $start, $length); } } if ( !function_exists("mb_strtolower") ) { function mb_strtolower($str) { return strtolower($str); } } if ( !function_exists("mb_strtoupper") ) { function mb_strtoupper($str) { return strtoupper($str); } } if ( !function_exists("mb_substr_count") ) { function mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle) { return substr_count($haystack, $needle); } } /** * Stores warnings in an array for display later * * This function allows warnings generated by the DomDocument parser * and CSS loader ({@link Stylesheet}) to be captured and displayed * later. Without this function, errors are displayed immediately and * PDF streaming is impossible. * * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.set-error_handler.php * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param string $errline */ function record_warnings($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if ( !($errno & (E_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE | E_USER_WARNING )) ) // Not a warning or notice throw new DOMPDF_Exception($errstr . " $errno"); global $_dompdf_warnings; global $_dompdf_show_warnings; if ( $_dompdf_show_warnings ) echo $errstr . "\n"; $_dompdf_warnings[] = $errstr; } /** * Dump memory usage */ function print_memusage() { global $memusage; echo ("Memory Usage\n"); $prev = 0; $initial = reset($memusage); echo (str_pad("Initial:", 40) . $initial . "\n\n"); foreach ($memusage as $key=>$mem) { $mem -= $initial; echo (str_pad("$key:" , 40)); echo (str_pad("$mem", 12) . "(diff: " . ($mem - $prev) . ")\n"); $prev = $mem; } echo ("\n" . str_pad("Total:", 40) . memory_get_usage()) . "\n"; } /** * Initialize memory profiling code */ function enable_mem_profile() { global $memusage; $memusage = array("Startup" => memory_get_usage()); register_shutdown_function("print_memusage"); } /** * Record the current memory usage * * @param string $location a meaningful location */ function mark_memusage($location) { global $memusage; if ( isset($memusage) ) $memusage[$location] = memory_get_usage(); } ?>