Strophe.Test = { BOSH_URL: "/xmpp-httpbind", XMPP_DOMAIN: 'localhost', PUBSUB_COMPONENT: "pubsub.localhost", _node_name: "", //node name created in connectCallback function connection: null, //connection object created in run function run: function() { $(document).ready(function(){ //Connect strophe, uses localhost to test Strophe.Test.connection = new Strophe.Connection(Strophe.Test.BOSH_URL); //connect anonymously to run most tests Strophe.Test.connection.connect(Strophe.Test.XMPP_DOMAIN, null, Strophe.Test.connectCallback); //set up the test client UI $("#disconnect").click(function() { Strophe.Test.connection.disconnect(); }); $("#run_tests").click(function() { test("Anonymous connection test.", function() { if(Strophe.Test.connection.connected) { ok( true, "all good"); } else { ok( false, "not connected anonymously"); } }); test("Create default node test.",function(){ var iqid = Strophe.Test.connection.pubsub .createNode(Strophe.Test.connection.jid, Strophe.Test.PUBSUB_COMPONENT, Strophe.Test._node_name, {}, function(stanza) { test("handled create node.", function() { var error = $(stanza).find("error"); if(error.length == 0) { ok(true, "returned"); } else { ok(false,"error creating node."); } }); }); ok(true,"sent create request. "+ iqid); }); test("subscribe to a node",function() { var iqid = Strophe.Test.connection.pubsub .subscribe(Strophe.Test.connection.jid, Strophe.Test.PUBSUB_COMPONENT, Strophe.Test._node_name, [], function(stanza) { test("items received", function() { console.log(stanza); if($(stanza).length > 0) { ok(true,"item received."); } else { ok(false,"no items."); } }); }, function(stanza) { var error = $(stanza).find("error"); test("handled subscribe", function() { if(error.length == 0) { ok(true,"subscribed"); } else { console.log(error.get(0)); ok(false, "not subscribed"); } }); }); if(iqid) ok(true, "subscribed to " + Strophe.Test._node_name); }); test("publish to a node",function() { var iqid = Strophe.Test.connection.pubsub .publish(Strophe.Test.connection.jid, Strophe.Test.PUBSUB_COMPONENT, Strophe.Test._node_name, {test:'test'}, function(stanza) { var error = $(stanza).find("error"); test("handled published item", function() { if(error.length == 0) { ok(true,"got item"); } else { ok(false, "no item"); } }); }); if(iqid) ok(true, "published to " + Strophe.Test._node_name); }); test("subscribe to a node with options",function() { var keyword_elem = Strophe.xmlElement("field", [["var", ""], ["type", 'text-single'], ["label", "keyword to match"]]); var value = Strophe.xmlElement("value",[]); var text = Strophe.xmlTextNode("crazy"); value.appendChild(text); keyword_elem.appendChild(value); var iqid = Strophe.Test.connection.pubsub .subscribe(Strophe.Test.connection.jid, Strophe.Test.PUBSUB_COMPONENT, Strophe.Test._node_name, [keyword_elem], function(stanza) {console.log(stanza);}, function(stanza) { var error = $(stanza).find("error"); test("handled subscribe with options", function() { if(error.length == 0) { ok(true,"search subscribed"); } else { console.log(error.get(0)); ok(false, "search not subscribed"); } }); }); if(iqid) ok(true, "subscribed to search"); }); test("unsubscribe to a node",function() { var iqid = Strophe.Test.connection.pubsub .unsubscribe(Strophe.Test.connection.jid, Strophe.Test.PUBSUB_COMPONENT, Strophe.Test._node_name, function(stanza) { var error = $(stanza).find("error"); test("handled unsubscribe", function() { if(error.length == 0) { ok(true,"unsubscribed"); } else { console.log(error.get(0)); ok(false, "unable to unsubscribed"); } }); }); if(iqid) ok(true, "unsubscribed from search with no options."); }); test("test items retrieval",function(){ var itemid = Strophe.Test.connection.pubsub .items(Strophe.Test.connection.jid, Strophe.Test.PUBSUB_COMPONENT, Strophe.Test._node_name, function(stanza) { ok(true,"item request successful."); }, function(stanza) { ok(false,"failed to send request."); }); if(itemid) { ok(true,"item request sent."); } }); test("test sendIQ interface.",function(){ var sendiq_good = false; //setup timeout for sendIQ for 3 seconds setTimeout(function() { test("Timeout check", function () { ok(sendiq_good, "The iq didn't timeout."); }); }, 3000); //send a pubsub subscribe stanza var sub = $iq({from:Strophe.Test.connection.jid, to:Strophe.Test.PUBSUB_COMPONENT, type:'set'}) .c('pubsub', { xmlns:Strophe.NS.PUBSUB }) .c('subscribe', {node:Strophe.Test._node_name, jid:Strophe.Test.connection.jid}); var stanza=sub.tree(); //call sendIQ with several call backs Strophe.Test.connection .sendIQ(stanza, function(stanza) { test("iq sent",function() { sendiq_good = true; ok(true,"iq sent succesfully."); }); }, function(stz) { test("iq fail",function() { if (stz) sendiq_good = true; console.log(stanza); ok(true,"failed to send iq."); }); }); }); test("test sendIQ failed.",function(){ var sub = $iq({from:Strophe.Test.connection.jid, to:Strophe.Test.PUBSUB_COMPONENT, type:'get'}); //call sendIQ with several call backs Strophe.Test.connection .sendIQ(sub.tree(), function(stanza) { console.log(stanza); test("iq sent",function() { ok(false, "iq sent succesfully when should have failed."); }); }, function(stanza) { test("iq fail",function() { ok(true, "success on failure test: failed to send iq."); }); }); }); }); }); }, connectCallback: function(status,cond) { var error_message = null; if(status == Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) { $('#run_tests').show(); $('#disconnect').show(); var bare_jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(Strophe.Test.connection.jid).split("@")[0]; Strophe.Test._node_name = "/home/"+Strophe.Test.XMPP_DOMAIN+"/"+bare_jid; } else if (status == Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED || status == Strophe.Status.DICONNECTING) { $('#run_tests').hide(); $('#disconnect').hide(); } else if ((status == 0) || (status == Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL)) { error_message = "Failed to connect to xmpp server."; } else if (status == Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL) { error_message = "Failed to authenticate to xmpp server."; } if(error_message) { $('published_item').text(error_message); } } };