(function() { var fullName = ""; var path = ""; var addUser = null; var conn = null; var selectEditable = null; var showhidden = null; var timeoutId = null var userCurrent = null; var Xtools = null; var zIndex = 9001; // Images var add_user = new Image(); add_user.src = path_jabberit + 'templates/default/images/adduser_azul.png'; var arrow_down = new Image(); arrow_down.src = path_jabberit + 'templates/default/images/arrow_down.gif'; var arrow_right = new Image(); arrow_right.src = path_jabberit + 'templates/default/images/arrow_right.gif'; function actionButton() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var e = arguments[0]; var _element = ( e.target ) ? e.target : e.srcElement; var jid = arguments[1]; var index = arguments[2]; var coord = null; if ( !e ) e = window.event; var _X = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft; var _Y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop; coord = { X : _X, Y : _Y }; var _onContextMenu = function() { return false; }; window.document.oncontextmenu = _onContextMenu; if( e.button ) { if( e.button > 1 ) optionsItensContact( jid, index, coord ); else TrophyIM.rosterClick(jid); } else if( e.which ) { if( e.which > 1 ) optionsItensContact( jid, index, coord ); else if( e.target.id ) TrophyIM.rosterClick(jid); } } } function addContact() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) addUser.add(); else addUser.show(); } function addIcon() { var StatusBar = getElement('divStatusBar'); /** * @quando estiver habilitada a opção fora de escritório nos filtros. */ if( div_write_msg = getElement('em_div_write_msg') ) { var StatusBarIM = getElement('JabberMessenger'); StatusBarIM.style.paddingLeft = '33px'; div_write_msg.parentNode.insertBefore( StatusBarIM, div_write_msg ); return; } if( StatusBar ) { StatusBar.style.paddingLeft = '33px'; var _div = document.createElement('div'); _div.appendChild(StatusBar.parentNode.removeChild(StatusBar.previousSibling)); StatusBar.parentNode.insertBefore( _div, StatusBar); var divJabber = document.createElement('div'); divJabber.setAttribute('id', 'JabberMessenger'); var _fastMenu = top.document.createElement('div'); _fastMenu.setAttribute('id', 'fast_menu_jabber_expresso'); _fastMenu.style.background = 'no-repeat'; _fastMenu.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + arrow_down.src + ')'; _fastMenu.style.float = 'left'; _fastMenu.style.height = '15px'; _fastMenu.style.left = '7px'; _fastMenu.style.margin = '8 0 0 10px'; _fastMenu.style.padding = '0px'; _fastMenu.style.position = 'absolute'; _fastMenu.style.width = '15px'; _fastMenu.style.cursor = 'pointer'; divJabber.insertBefore( _fastMenu, divJabber.firstChild ); // Add event onclick element _fastMenu configEvents( _fastMenu, 'onclick', function(){ fastMenu(_fastMenu); }); var _statusJabber = top.document.createElement('div'); _statusJabber.setAttribute('id','status_jabber_expresso'); _statusJabber.style.background = 'no-repeat'; _statusJabber.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + add_user.src +')'; _statusJabber.style.float = 'left'; _statusJabber.style.height = '18px'; _statusJabber.style.left = '19px'; _statusJabber.style.margin = '0 0 0 10px'; _statusJabber.style.padding = '0px'; _statusJabber.style.position = 'absolute'; _statusJabber.style.width = '18px'; _statusJabber.style.cursor = 'pointer'; _statusJabber.style.zindex = '999999'; divJabber.insertBefore( _statusJabber, divJabber.firstChild ); StatusBar.insertBefore( divJabber, StatusBar.firstChild ); // Add event onclick element _statusJabber configEvents( _statusJabber, 'onclick', function(){ TrophyIM.load();}); } } function clrAllContacts() { getElement("JabberIMRoster").innerHTML = ""; } function configEvents(pObj, pEvent, pHandler) { if ( typeof pObj == 'object' ) { if ( pEvent.substring(0, 2) == 'on' ) pEvent = pEvent.substring(2, pEvent.length); if ( pObj.addEventListener ) pObj.addEventListener(pEvent, pHandler, false); else if ( pObj.attachEvent ) pObj.attachEvent('on' + pEvent, pHandler); } } function fastMenu() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var element = arguments[0]; if( showhidden == null ) showhidden = new ShowHidden(300); var _options = [ ['Adicionar Contato', 'loadIM.addContact();' ], ['Ajuda', 'alert("2")' ], ['Preferências', 'alert("3")'], ]; var _itens = ""; for( var i in _options ) { if( typeof(_options) === "object" && _options[i][0] != "undefined" ) { _itens += ''; _itens += ''; _itens += _options[i][0] + '
'; } } var _optionsItens = document.createElement("div"); _optionsItens.id = "fastMenu_Jabber"; _optionsItens.style.marginTop = "19px"; _optionsItens.style.marginLeft = "-8px"; _optionsItens.className = "x-menu"; _optionsItens.style.zIndex = '999999'; _optionsItens.innerHTML = _itens; _optionsItens.onclick = function(){ showhidden.hiddenObject(false); }; _optionsItens.onmouseout = function(){ showhidden.hiddenObject(false); }; _optionsItens.onmouseover = function(){ showhidden.hiddenObject(true); }; showhidden.action('onmouseover', 'onmouseout', _optionsItens); element.parentNode.appendChild( _optionsItens ); } } function getElement( elementId ) { return document.getElementById( elementId ); } function getPhotoUser( jid ) { var _divPhoto = getElement( jid + '__photo' ); if( _divPhoto.style.backgroundImage.indexOf('photo.png') > 0 ) { var _imgUser = path_jabberit + 'inc/WebService.php?' + Date.parse( new Date ); _imgUser += '&photo_ldap=' + jid; _divPhoto.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + _imgUser + ')'; } } function getUserCurrent() { return userCurrent; } function getZindex() { return zIndex++; } function groupsHidden() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var _element = arguments[0]; _element.style.background = "url('"+path_jabberit+"templates/default/images/arrow_right.gif') no-repeat center left"; _element.onclick = function(){ groupsVisible(_element);}; // Hidden all var _elementNext = _element.nextSibling; while( _elementNext ) { if( _elementNext.nodeType == 1 ) _elementNext.style.display = "none"; _elementNext = _elementNext.nextSibling; } } } function groupsVisible() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var _element = arguments[0]; _element.style.background = "url('"+path_jabberit+"templates/default/images/arrow_down.gif') no-repeat center left"; _element.onclick = function(){ groupsHidden(_element);}; // Display all var _elementNext = _element.nextSibling; while( _elementNext ) { if( _elementNext.nodeType == 1 ) _elementNext.style.display = "block"; _elementNext = _elementNext.nextSibling; } } } function keyPressSearch() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var ev = arguments[0]; var element = arguments[1]; if ( ev.keyCode == 13 ) if( element.value.length >= 3 ) searchUser( element.value ); else alert('Your search argument must be longer than 3 characters.'); } } function loginPage() { var winLoginPage = { id_window : "window_login_page", width : 260, height : 150, top : 100, left : 400, draggable : true, visible : "display", resizable : true, zindex : zIndex++, title : "Expresso Messenger - Login", closeAction : "remove", content : Xtools.parse(Xtools.xml("login_page"), "loginPage.xsl") }; _winBuild( winLoginPage ); } function loadScripts(pFiles) { // Load JavaScript var loadJavaScript = function(pJs) { var newScript = document.createElement("script"); newScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); newScript.setAttribute("src", pJs ); return newScript; }; // Load CSS var loadStyleSheet = function(pCss) { var newStyle = document.createElement("link"); newStyle.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); newStyle.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); newStyle.setAttribute("href", pCss); return newStyle; }; for(var i = 0; i < pFiles.length; i++) { if( pFiles[i].indexOf(".js") > -1 ) document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(loadJavaScript(pFiles[i])); if( pFiles[i].indexOf(".css") > -1 ) document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(loadStyleSheet(pFiles[i])); } } function notificationNewMessage() { var oldTitle = document.title; var newTitle = "## NOVA MENSAGEM ##"; var idWindow = arguments[1]; if( timeoutId == null ) { timeoutId = setInterval(function() { document.title = ( document.title == newTitle ) ? oldTitle : newTitle; }, 1000); configEvents( window.document, 'onclick', function() { clearInterval(timeoutId); document.title = oldTitle; timeoutId = null; }); configEvents( window.document, 'onkeypress', function() { clearInterval(timeoutId); document.title = oldTitle; timeoutId = null; }); } } function optionsItensContact() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var jid = arguments[0]; var index = arguments[1]; var coord = arguments[2]; var element = getElement('itenContact_' + jid + '_' + index ); var action = ( element.getAttribute("subscription") === "not-in-roster" ) ? "Adicionar" : "Autorizar"; if( showhidden == null ) showhidden = new ShowHidden(300); var _options = [ [ action , 'loadIM.setAutorization(\''+jid+'\',\''+index+'\')'], ['Remover' , 'loadIM.removeContact(\''+jid+'\',\''+index+'\')'], ['Renomear' , 'loadIM.renameContact(\''+jid+'\',\''+index+'\')'], ['Trocar grupo' , 'loadIM.renameGroup(\''+jid+'\',\''+index+'\')'] ]; var _itens = ""; for( var i in _options ) { if( typeof(_options[i]) == "object") { _itens += ''; _itens += ''; _itens += _options[i][0] + '
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"; } } var _statusItens = document.createElement("div"); _statusItens.style.marginTop = "65px"; _statusItens.style.marginLeft = "67px"; _statusItens.className = "x-menu"; _statusItens.style.zIndex = '99999'; _statusItens.innerHTML = _itens; _statusItens.onclick = function(){ showhidden.hiddenObject(false); }; showhidden.action('onmouseover', 'onmouseout', _statusItens); element.parentNode.onmouseout = function(){ showhidden.hiddenObject(false); }; element.parentNode.onmouseover = function(){ showhidden.hiddenObject(true); }; element.parentNode.appendChild(_statusItens); } } function setSelectEditable(element) { if( getElement('selectBox0') == null ) selectEditable.create(element); } function setStatusJabber() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { if( arguments[1] != 'status' ) { var _text = arguments[0]; var _img = arguments[1]; getElement('statusJabberText').innerHTML = _text; getElement('statusJabberImg').style.background = "url('"+path_jabberit+"templates/default/images/"+_img+".gif')"; getElement('status_jabber_expresso').style.background = "url('"+path_jabberit+"templates/default/images/"+_img+".gif') no-repeat"; } } } function teste_meu(_jid, _password ) { userCurrent = { 'jid' : _jid.substring(11, _jid.length), 'password' : _password.substring(11, _password.length) } } function setUserCurrent() { conn.go('p.ff.data_0', function(_User) { var _user = _User; conn.go('p.ff.data_1', function(_pass) { teste_meu( _user, _pass ); }); }); } function loadIM() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var files = [ path_jabberit + 'js/connector.js', path_jabberit + 'js/xtools.js', path_jabberit + 'js/dragdrop.js', path_jabberit + 'js/makeW.js', path_jabberit + 'js/show_hidden.js', path_jabberit + 'js/trophyim.js', path_jabberit + 'js/AddUser.js', path_jabberit + 'js/SelectEditable.js', path_jabberit + 'templates/default/css/button.css', path_jabberit + 'templates/default/css/common.css', path_jabberit + 'templates/default/css/selectEditableStyle.css', path_jabberit + 'templates/default/css/' + theme_jabberit ]; // FullName fullName = arguments[0]; loadScripts(files); setTimeout(function() { // Object Xtools if( Xtools == null ) Xtools = new xtools(path_jabberit); // Object Conector if( conn == null ) conn = new AjaxConnector(path_jabberit); // Object Add User if( addUser == null ) addUser = new addUserIM(Xtools, conn); // Object SelectEditable if( selectEditable == null ) selectEditable = new SelectEditable(); // Add Jabber in StatusBar; addIcon(); window.document.oncontextmenu = function() { return true; }; }, 1000); } } loadIM.prototype.addIcon = addIcon; loadIM.prototype.actionButton = actionButton; loadIM.prototype.addContact = addContact; loadIM.prototype.clrAllContacts = clrAllContacts; loadIM.prototype.configEvents = configEvents; loadIM.prototype.getPhotoUser = getPhotoUser; loadIM.prototype.getUserCurrent = getUserCurrent; loadIM.prototype.getZIndex = getZindex; loadIM.prototype.groupsHidden = groupsHidden; loadIM.prototype.groupsVisible = groupsVisible; loadIM.prototype.keyPressSearch = keyPressSearch; loadIM.prototype.loginPage = loginPage; loadIM.prototype.notification = notificationNewMessage; loadIM.prototype.parse = parse; loadIM.prototype.searchUser = searchUser loadIM.prototype.setAutorization = setAutorization; loadIM.prototype.setPresence = setPresence; loadIM.prototype.setStatusJabber = setStatusJabber; loadIM.prototype.setSelectEditable = setSelectEditable; loadIM.prototype.setUserCurrent = setUserCurrent; loadIM.prototype.removeContact = removeContact; loadIM.prototype.removeElement = removeElement; loadIM.prototype.removeGroup = removeGroup; loadIM.prototype.renameContact = renameContact; loadIM.prototype.renameGroup = renameGroup; loadIM.prototype.rosterDiv = rosterDiv; window.LoadIM = loadIM; })();