params) parent::post($request); if( $this->isLoggedIn() ) { // Permission $permission = array(); $permission['action'] = 'add_users'; $permission['apps'] = $this->getUserApps(); //Load Conf Admin $this->loadConfAdmin(); if( $this->validatePermission($permission) ) { //Class CommonFunctions $common = new CommonFunctions(); $loginUser = trim($this->getParam('accountLogin')); $emailUser = trim($this->getParam('accountEmail')); $nameUser = trim($this->getParam('accountName')); $profileUser = trim($this->getParam('accountProfile')); $passwordUser = trim($this->getParam('accountPassword')); $rePasswordUser = trim($this->getParam('accountRePassword')); $phoneUser = trim($this->getParam('accountPhone')); $cpfUser = trim($this->getParam('accountCpf')); $rgUser = trim($this->getParam('accountRg')); $rgUF = trim($this->getParam('accountRgUf')); $description = trim($this->getParam('accountDescription')); // Field Validation if( trim($loginUser) == "" && isset($loginUser) ) Errors::runException( "ADMIN_LOGIN_EMPTY" ); if( trim($nameUser) == "" && isset($nameUser) ) Errors::runException( "ADMIN_NAME_EMPTY" ); if( trim($profileUser) == "" && isset($profileUser) ) Errors::runException( "ADMIN_PROFILE_USER_EMPTY" ); if( trim($emailUser) == "" && isset($emailUser) ) Errors::runException( "ADMIN_EMAIL_EMPTY" ); if( trim($passwordUser) == "" && isset($passwordUser) ) Errors::runException( "ADMIN_PASSWORD_EMPTY" ); if( trim($rePasswordUser) == "" && isset($rePasswordUser) ) Errors::runException( "ADMIN_RE_PASSWORD_EMPTY" ); //If rgUser and rgUF if((trim($rgUser) != "" && trim($rgUF) == "" ) || ( trim($rgUser) == "" && trim($rgUF) != "" )) { Errors::runException("ADMIN_RG_UF_EMPTY"); } // password and repassword are different ? if( trim($passwordUser) != trim($rePasswordUser) ) { Errors::runException( "ADMIN_PASSWORD_REPASSWORD" ); } // validate password, 8 characteres minimum and 2 numbers $msg = $common->validatePassword($passwordUser); if( $msg['status'] == false ) { Errors::runException( "ADMIN_MINIMUM_CHARACTERS", $msg['msg']); } // CPF is invalid if( trim($cpfUser) != "" && !$common->validateCPF($cpfUser) ) { Errors::runException( "ADMIN_CPF_INVALID" ); } // Characters not permited login $msg = $common->validateCharacters($loginUser); if( $msg['status'] == false ) { Errors::runException( "ADMIN_FIELDS_VALIDATE", $msg['msg'] ); } // Params $fields = array(); $fields['profileUser'] = $profileUser; $fields['type'] = "create_user"; $fields['uid'] = $loginUser; $fields['mail'] = $emailUser; //Name User $nameUser = explode(" ", $nameUser); $fields['givenname'] = $nameUser[0]; if( count($nameUser) > 1 ) { unset( $nameUser[0] ); } $fields['sn'] = implode(" ", $nameUser ); $fields['password1'] = $passwordUser; $fields['password2'] = $rePasswordUser; $fields['telephonenumber'] = $common->mascaraPhone($phoneUser); $fields['cpf'] = $common->mascaraCPF($cpfUser); $fields['corporative_information_cpf'] = $common->mascaraCPF($cpfUser); $fields['corporative_information_rg'] = $rgUser; $fields['corporative_information_rguf'] = $rgUF; $fields['corporative_information_description'] = $description; // Validate Fields $msg = $this->validateFields( array("attributes" => serialize($fields)) ); if( $msg['status'] == false ) { Errors::runException( "ADMIN_FIELDS_VALIDATE", $msg['msg'] ); } // Create User unset($fields['cpf']); $msg = $this->createUser( $fields ); if( $msg['status'] == false ) { Errors::runException( "ADMIN_CREATE_USER", $msg['msg'] ); } $this->setResult( array( "result" => true ) ); } else { Errors::runException( "ACCESS_NOT_PERMITTED" ); } } return $this->getResponse(); } } ?>