child_name = 'ActivityManager'; require_once(GALAXIA_LIBRARY.SEP.'src'.SEP.'ProcessManager' .SEP . 'ProcessManager.php'); //$this->process_manager is not set here to avoid object A loading objetc B loading object A, etc... } /** * Collect errors from all linked objects which could have been used by this object. * Each child class should instantiate this function with her linked objetcs, calling get_error(true) * * @param bool $debug False by default, if true debug messages can be added to 'normal' messages * @param string $prefix Appended to the debug message * @return void * @access public */ function collect_errors($debug=false, $prefix='') { parent::collect_errors($debug, $prefix); if (isset($this->process_manager)) $this->error[] = $this->process_manager->get_error(false, $debug, $prefix); } /** * Binds an activity to a role * * @param int $activityId * @param int $roleId * @param bool $readonly False by default, if true the role will be in read-only mode * @access public * @return void */ function add_activity_role($activityId, $roleId, $readonly = false) { $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles where wf_activity_id=? and wf_role_id=?'; $this->query($query,array($activityId, $roleId)); $query = 'insert into '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles (wf_activity_id,wf_role_id,wf_readonly) values(?,?,?)'; $this->query($query,array($activityId, $roleId, (int)$readonly)); } /** * Gets the roles bound to an activity * * @param int $activityId * @return array * @access public */ function get_activity_roles($activityId) { $query = 'select wf_activity_id,roles.wf_role_id,roles.wf_name, wf_readonly from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles gar INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'roles roles on gar.wf_role_id = roles.wf_role_id where wf_activity_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query,array($activityId)); $ret = Array(); if (!(empty($result))) { while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } } return $ret; } /** * Unbinds a role from an activity * * @param int $activityId * @param int $roleId * @return void * @access public */ function remove_activity_role($activityId, $roleId) { $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles where wf_activity_id=? and wf_role_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($activityId,$roleId)); } /** * Removes an user from all fields where he could be on every activities. * * @param int $user User id * @return void * @access public */ function remove_user($user) { $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities set wf_default_user=? where wf_default_user=?'; $this->query($query,array('',$user)); } /** * Transfers all references to one user to another one in the activities * * @param array $user_array Associative, keys are: 'old_user' is current user id and 'new_user' the new user id * @return void * @access public */ function transfer_user($user_array) { $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities set wf_default_user=? where wf_default_user=?'; $this->query($query,array($user_array['new_user'],$user_array['old_user'])); } /** * Checks if a transition exists * * @param int $pid Process id * @param int $actFromId Id for starting activity * @param int $actToId Id for end activity * @return bool * @access public */ function transition_exists($pid,$actFromId,$actToId) { return($this->getOne('select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions where wf_p_id=? and wf_act_from_id=? and wf_act_to_id=?', array($pid,$actFromId,$actToId) )); } /** * Adds a transition * * @param int $pId Process id * @param int $actFromId Id for starting activity * @param int $actToId Id for end activity * @return bool * @access public */ function add_transition($pId, $actFromId, $actToId) { // No circular transitions allowed if($actFromId == $actToId) { $this->error[] = tra('No circular transitions allowed.'); return false; } // Rule: if act is not spl-x or spl-a it can't have more than // 1 outbound transition. $a1 = $this->get_activity($actFromId); $a2 = $this->get_activity($actToId); if(!$a1 || !$a2) { $this->error[] = tra('No activites'); return false; } if($a1['wf_type'] != 'switch' && $a1['wf_type'] != 'split') { if($this->getOne('select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions where wf_act_from_id=?', array($actFromId)) > 1) { $this->error[] = tra('Cannot add transition only split or switch activities can have more than one outbound transition'); return false; } } // Rule: if act is standalone or view no transitions allowed if(($a1['wf_type'] == 'standalone' || $a2['wf_type']=='standalone') || ($a1['wf_type'] == 'view' || $a2['wf_type']=='view') ) { $this->error[] = tra('No transitions allowed for standalone or view activities'); return false; } // No inbound to start if($a2['wf_type'] == 'start') { $this->error[] = tra('No inbound for start activity'); return false; } // No outbound from end if($a1['wf_type'] == 'end') { $this->error[] = tra('No outbound for end activity'); return false; } $query = 'delete from `'.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions` where `wf_act_from_id`=? and `wf_act_to_id`=?'; $this->query($query,array($actFromId, $actToId)); $query = 'insert into `'.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions`(`wf_p_id`,`wf_act_from_id`,`wf_act_to_id`) values(?,?,?)'; $this->query($query,array($pId, $actFromId, $actToId)); return true; } /** * Removes a transition * * @param int $actFromId Id for starting activity * @param int $actToId Id for end activity * @return bool * @access public */ function remove_transition($actFromId, $actToId) { $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions where wf_act_from_id=? and wf_act_to_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($actFromId,$actToId)); return true; } /** * Removes all activity transitions * * @param int $pId Process id * @param int $aid Activity id * @return void * @access public */ function remove_activity_transitions($pId, $aid) { $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions where wf_p_id=? and (wf_act_from_id=? or wf_act_to_id=?)'; $this->query($query,array($pId,$aid,$aid)); } /** * Returns all process's transitions * * @param int $pId Process id * @param int $actid Activity id * @return array * @access public */ function get_process_transitions($pId,$actid=0) { $bindvars = Array(); $bindvars[] = $pId; if(!$actid) { $query = 'select a1.wf_name as wf_act_from_name, a2.wf_name as wf_act_to_name, wf_act_from_id, wf_act_to_id from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions gt INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities a1 ON gt.wf_act_from_id = a1.wf_activity_id INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities a2 ON gt.wf_act_to_id = a2.wf_activity_id where gt.wf_p_id = ?'; } else { $query = 'select a1.wf_name as wf_act_from_name, a2.wf_name as wf_act_to_name, wf_act_from_id, wf_act_to_id from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions gt INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities a1 ON gt.wf_act_from_id = a1.wf_activity_id INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities a2 ON gt.wf_act_to_id = a2.wf_activity_id where gt.wf_p_id = ? and (wf_act_from_id = ?)'; $bindvars[] = $actid; } $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars, -1, -1, true, 'a1.wf_flow_num'); $ret = Array(); if (!(empty($result))) { while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } } return $ret; } /** * Indicates whether an activity is autoRouted * * @param int $actid Activity id * @return bool * @access public */ function activity_is_auto_routed($actid) { return($this->getOne('select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_activity_id=? and wf_is_autorouted=?', array($actid,'y'))); } /** * Returns process's activities * * @param int pId Process id * @return array * @access public */ function get_process_activities($pId) { $query = 'select * from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($pId)); $ret = Array(); if (!(empty($result))) { while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } } return $ret; } /** * Returns a set of activities that may have transitions, i.e., non-standalone/view activities * * @param int $pId Process id * @param bool $type_exclusion Type to exclude from the result * @return array Activities set in ['data'] and count in ['cant'] * @access public */ function &get_transition_activities($pId, $type_exclusion = false) { $where = ''; $wheres = array(); $wheres[] = "wf_type <> 'standalone'"; $wheres[] = "wf_type <> 'view'"; if( $type_exclusion ) { $wheres[] = "wf_type <> '".$type_exclusion."'"; } $where = implode(' and ', $wheres); return $this->list_activities($pId, 0, -1, 'wf_flow_num__asc', '', $where); } /** * Returns a set of activities having transitions * * @param int $pId Process id * @return array Activities set, with activities set in ['data'] and count in ['cant'] * @access public */ function get_process_activities_with_transitions($pId) { $query = 'select distinct a1.wf_name as wf_name, a1.wf_activity_id as wf_activity_id, a1.wf_flow_num from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions gt INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities a1 ON gt.wf_act_from_id = a1.wf_activity_id INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities a2 ON gt.wf_act_to_id = a2.wf_activity_id where gt.wf_p_id = ? '; $result = $this->query($query, array($pId), -1, -1, true, ' a1.wf_flow_num'); $ret = Array(); if (!(empty($result))) { while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } } $retval = Array(); $retval['data'] = $ret; $retval['cant'] = count($ret); return $retval; } /** * Builds process graph * * @param int $pId Process id * @return bool * @access public */ function build_process_graph($pId) { if (!(isset($this->process_manager))) $this->process_manager = new ProcessManager($this->db); $attributes = Array( ); $graph = new Process_GraphViz(true,$attributes); $name = $this->process_manager->_get_normalized_name($pId); $graph->set_pid($name); //Get the config of the workflow where we'll have some tips for the graph $myconfneeds = array( 'draw_roles' => true, 'font_size' => 12, ); $configs = $this->process_manager->getConfigValues($pId,true,true,$myconfneeds); // Nodes are process activities so get // the activities and add nodes as needed $nodes = $this->get_process_activities($pId); $standaloneActivities = array(); foreach($nodes as $node) { if ($node['wf_type'] == 'standalone') $standaloneActivities[] = $node['wf_name']; if($node['wf_is_interactive']=='y') { $color='black'; $fillcolor='0.6,0.6,0.9'; //blue TLS values } else { $color='black'; $fillcolor='0.25,1,0.8';//green in TLS values } // get the fontsize, defined in the process $fontsize = $configs['font_size']; // define a fontname $fontname = 'serif'; // if asked add roles on the graph if ($configs['draw_roles']) { $activity_roles = $this->get_activity_roles($node['wf_activity_id']); } // fill activity roles $act_role= ''; if (isset($activity_roles)) { foreach ($activity_roles as $role) { // the / is escaped and space seems to be necessary, //issues with some special characters if no spaces between this char and the / $act_role = $act_role." \\n[".$role['wf_name']."]"; } } $auto[$node['wf_name']] = $node['wf_is_autorouted']; $graph->addNode($node['wf_name'],array('URL'=>"foourl?wf_activity_id=".$node['wf_activity_id'], 'label'=>$node['wf_name'].$act_role, 'shape' => $this->_get_activity_shape($node['wf_type']), 'color' => $color, 'fillcolor'=> $fillcolor, 'style' => 'filled', 'fontsize' => $fontsize, 'fontname' => $fontname ) ); } // Now add edges, edges are transitions, // get the transitions and add the edges $edges = $this->get_process_transitions($pId); foreach($edges as $edge) { if($auto[$edge['wf_act_from_name']] == 'y') { $color = '0.25,1,0.28'; #dark green in TLS values $arrowsize = 1; } else { $color = 'red2'; #blue in TLS values $arrowsize= 1; } $graph->addEdge(array($edge['wf_act_from_name'] => $edge['wf_act_to_name']), array('color'=>$color,arrowsize=>$arrowsize)); } /* group the standalone activities vertically (workaround) */ $from = $to = null; foreach ($standaloneActivities as $sa) { list($from, $to) = array($to, $sa); if (!is_null($from)) $graph->addEdge(array($from => $to), array('color'=>'white')); } // Save the map image and the image graph $graph->image_and_map(); unset($graph); return true; } /** * Validates if a process can be activated checking the * process activities and transitions the rules are: * 0) No circular activities * 1) Must have only one a start and end activity * 2) End must be reachable from start * 3) Interactive activities must have a role assigned * 4) Roles should be mapped * 5) Standalone and view activities cannot have transitions * 6) Non intractive activities non-auto routed must have some role so the user can "send" the activity * 7) start activities must be autorouted and interactive * * @param int $pId Process id * @return bool * @access public */ function validate_process_activities($pId) { $errors = Array(); $warnings = Array(); // Pre rule no cricular activities $cant = $this->getOne('select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions where wf_p_id=? and wf_act_from_id=wf_act_to_id' , array($pId)); if($cant) { $errors[] = tra('Circular reference found some activity has a transition leading to itself'); } // Rule 1 must have exactly one start and end activity $cant = $this->getOne('select count(*) from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_type=?', array($pId,'start')); if($cant < 1) { $errors[] = tra('Process does not have a start activity'); } $cant = $this->getOne('select count(*) from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_type=?', array($pId,'end')); if($cant != 1) { $errors[] = tra('Process does not have exactly one end activity'); } // Rule 2 end must be reachable from start // and Rule 7 start activities must be autorouted and interactive $nodes = Array(); $endId = $this->getOne('select wf_activity_id from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_type=?', array($pId,'end')); if ((!isset($endId)) || ($endId=='') || ($endId == 0)) { //no end $errors[] = tra('this process has no end activity'); $endId = 0; } $aux['id']=$endId; $aux['visited']=false; $nodes[] = $aux; $query = 'select wf_is_autorouted,wf_is_interactive,wf_activity_id from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_type=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($pId,'start')); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $start_node['id'] = $res['wf_activity_id']; if(!($res['wf_is_interactive'] == 'y')) { $errors[] = tra('start activities must be interactive'); } if(!($res['wf_is_autorouted'] == 'y')) { $errors[] = tra('start activities must be autorouted'); } } $start_node['visited']=true; while($this->_list_has_unvisited_nodes($nodes) && !$this->_node_in_list($start_node,$nodes)) { for($i=0;$iquery($query, array($node['id'])); $ret = Array(); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $aux['id'] = $res['wf_act_from_id']; $aux['visited']=false; if(!$this->_node_in_list($aux,$nodes)) { $nodes[] = $aux; } } } } } if(!$this->_node_in_list($start_node,$nodes)) { // Start node is NOT reachable from the end node $errors[] = tra('End activity is not reachable from start activity'); } //Rule 3: interactive activities must have a role //assigned. //Rule 5: standalone and view activities can't have transitions $query = 'select * from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id = ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($pId)); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $aid = $res['wf_activity_id']; if($res['wf_is_interactive'] == 'y') { $cant = $this->getOne('select count(*) from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles where wf_activity_id=?', array($res['wf_activity_id'])); if(!$cant) { $errors[] = tra('Activity %1 is interactive but has no role assigned', $res['wf_name']); } } else { if( $res['wf_type'] != 'end' && $res['wf_is_autorouted'] == 'n') { $cant = $this->getOne('select count(*) from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles where wf_activity_id=?', array($res['wf_activity_id'])); if(!$cant) { $errors[] = tra('Activity %1 is non-interactive and non-autorouted but has no role assigned', $res['wf_name']); } } } if(($res['wf_type']=='standalone')||($res['wf_type']=='view')) { if($this->getOne('select count(*) from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions where wf_act_from_id=? or wf_act_to_id=?', array($aid,$aid))) { $errors[] = tra('Activity %1 is standalone or view but has transitions', $res['wf_name']); } } } //Rule4: roles should be mapped $query = 'select * from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'roles where wf_p_id = ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($pId)); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $cant = $this->getOne('select count(*) from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'user_roles where wf_role_id=?', array($res['wf_role_id'])); if(!$cant) { $warnings[] = tra('Role %1 is not mapped', $res['wf_name']); } } // End of rules // Validate process sources $serrors=$this->validate_process_sources($pId); $errors = array_merge($errors,$serrors['errors']); $warnings = array_merge($warnings,$serrors['warnings']); $this->error = array_merge ($this->error, $errors); $this->warning = array_merge ($this->warning, $warnings); $isValid = (count($errors)==0) ? 'y' : 'n'; $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'processes set wf_is_valid=? where wf_p_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($isValid,$pId)); $this->_label_nodes($pId); return ($isValid=='y'); } /** * Validates process sources * Rules: * 1) Interactive activities (non-standalone or view) must use complete() * 2) Standalone activities must not use $instance * 3) Switch activities must use setNextActivity * 4) Non-interactive activities cannot use complete() * 5) View activities cannot use $instance->set * * @param int $pid Process id * @return bool * @access public */ function validate_process_sources($pid) { $errors=Array(); $errors['errors'] = Array(); $errors['warnings'] = Array(); $wf_procname= $this->getOne('select wf_normalized_name from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'processes where wf_p_id=?', array($pid)); $query = 'select * from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($pid)); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $actname = $res['wf_normalized_name']; $source = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$wf_procname.SEP.'code'.SEP.'activities'.SEP.$actname.'.php'; if (!file_exists($source)) { $errors['errors'][] = tra('source code file for activity %1 is not avaible', $actname); continue; } $fp = fopen($source,'r'); if (!$fp) { $errors['errors'][] = tra('source code for activity %1 is not avaible', $actname); } else { $data=''; while(!feof($fp)) { $data.=fread($fp,8192); } fclose($fp); } if($res['wf_type']=='standalone') { if(strstr($data,'$instance')) { $errors['warnings'][] = tra('Activity %1 is standalone and is using the $instance object', $res['wf_name']); } } else { if($res['wf_type']=='view') { if(strstr($data,'$instance->set')) { $errors['errors'][] = tra('Activity %1 is view and is using the $instance object in write mode', $res['wf_name']); } } else { // for all others than standalone or view ... if($res['wf_is_interactive']=='y') { if(!strstr($data,'$instance->complete()')) { $errors['warnings'][] = tra('Activity %1 is interactive so it must use the $instance->complete() method', $res['wf_name']); } } else { // not interactive ... if(strstr($data,'$instance->complete()')) { $errors['errors'][] = tra('Activity %1 is non-interactive so it must not use the $instance->complete() method', $res['wf_name']); } } if($res['wf_type']=='switch') { if(!strstr($data,'$instance->setNextActivity(')) { $errors['warnings'][] = tra('Activity %1 is switch so it must use $instance->setNextActivity($actname) method', $res['wf_name']); } } } } } return $errors; } /** * Indicates if an activity with the same name exists. * If you gives an activityId this activity won't be checked (if the activity already exists give this activity id) * * @param int $pId Process id * @param string $name Activity name to be checked * @param int $activityId * @return bool * @access public */ function activity_name_exists($pId,$name, $activityId=0) { $name = addslashes($this->_normalize_name($name)); $array_args = array($pId, $name, $activityId); $number = $this->getOne('select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_normalized_name=? and not(wf_activity_id=?)', $array_args); return !($number==0); } /** * Gets activity information fields * Warning: get_activity requires no more processId, an activity id is far enough to return informations about an activity * * @param int $activityId * @return array description * @access public */ function get_activity($activityId) { require_once(GALAXIA_LIBRARY.SEP.'src'.SEP.'API'.SEP . 'BaseActivity.php'); $act = new BaseActivity($this->db); //Warning, we now use the BaseActivity object for it, interactivity and autorouting is now true/fales, not y/n return ($act->getActivity($activityId,false,true, true)); /* $query = "select * from ".GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX."activities where wf_activity_id=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($activityId)); $res = False; if (!(empty($result))) { $res = $result->fetchRow(); } $res['toto']=$toto; return $res; */ } /** * Lists activities at a per-process level * * @param int $pId Process id * @param int $offset First row number (see $maxRecords) * @param int $maxRecords Maximum number of records returned * @param string $sort_mode Sort order * @param string $find Searched name or description of the activity * @param string $where SQL string appended * @param bool $count_roles True by default and is adding stat queries results about number of roles concerned by the activity * @return array Associative having two keys, 'cant' for the number of total activities and 'data' containing an associative array with the activities content * @access public */ function &list_activities($pId,$offset,$maxRecords,$sort_mode,$find,$where='', $count_roles=true) { $sort_mode = str_replace("__"," ",$sort_mode); if($find) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; $mid=' where wf_p_id=? and ((wf_name like ?) or (wf_description like ?))'; $bindvars = array($pId,$findesc,$findesc); } else { $mid=' where wf_p_id=? '; $bindvars = array($pId); } if($where) { $mid.= " and ($where) "; } $query = 'select * from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX."activities $mid"; $query_cant = 'select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX."activities $mid"; $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset,true,$sort_mode); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $ret = Array(); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if ($count_roles) { $res['wf_roles'] = $this->getOne('select count(*) from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles where wf_activity_id=?',array($res['wf_activity_id'])); } $ret[] = $res; } $retval = Array(); $retval['data'] = $ret; $retval['cant'] = $cant; return $retval; } /** * Removes an activity. * * This will also remove transitions concerning the activity, roles associations, agents associations * anassociated agents data * @param int $pId is the process id * @param int $activityId is the activity id * @param bool $transaction is optional and true by default, it will permit to encapsulate the different deletes * in a transaction, if you already started a transaction encapsulating this one use this paramater to prevent * us to open a new one. * @return bool true if it was ok, false if nothing was done * @access public */ function remove_activity($pId, $activityId, $transaction = true) { if (!(isset($this->process_manager))) $this->process_manager = new ProcessManager($this->db); $proc_info = $this->process_manager->get_process($pId); $actname = $this->_get_normalized_name($activityId); // start a transaction $this->db->StartTrans(); //the activity $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_activity_id=?'; $this->query($query,array($pId,$activityId)); //transitions $query = 'select wf_act_from_id,wf_act_to_id from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions where wf_act_from_id=? or wf_act_to_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($activityId,$activityId)); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $this->remove_transition($res['wf_act_from_id'], $res['wf_act_to_id']); } //roles $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles where wf_activity_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($activityId)); //agents $query = 'select wf_agent_id, wf_agent_type from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents where wf_activity_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($activityId)); if (!(empty($result))) { while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { //delete the associated agent $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'agent_'.$res['wf_agent_type'].' where wf_agent_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($res['wf_agent_id'])); } //now we can delete the association table $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents where wf_activity_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($activityId)); } // And we have to remove the user files // for this activity $wf_procname = $proc_info['wf_normalized_name']; unlink(GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$wf_procname.SEP.'code'.SEP.'activities'.SEP.$actname.'.php'); if (file_exists(GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$wf_procname.SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates'.SEP.$actname.'.tpl')) { @unlink(GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$wf_procname.SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates'.$actname.'.tpl'); } // perform commit (return true) or Rollback (return false) return $this->db->CompleteTrans(); } /** * Updates or inserts a new activity in the database, $vars is an associative * array containing the fields to update or to insert as needed. * @param int $pId is the processId * @param int $activityId is the activityId * @param array $vars * @param bool $create_files * @return int The new activity id * @access public */ function replace_activity($pId, $activityId, $vars, $create_files=true) { if (!(isset($this->process_manager))) $this->process_manager = new ProcessManager($this->db); $TABLE_NAME = GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities'; $now = date("U"); $vars['wf_last_modif']=$now; $vars['wf_p_id']=$pId; $vars['wf_normalized_name'] = $this->_normalize_name($vars['wf_name']); $proc_info = $this->process_manager->get_process($pId); foreach($vars as $key=>$value) { $vars[$key]=addslashes($value); } if($activityId) { $oldname = $this->_get_normalized_name($activityId); // update mode $first = true; $bindvars = Array(); $query ="update $TABLE_NAME set"; foreach($vars as $key=>$value) { if(!$first) $query.= ','; if(!is_numeric($value)) $value="'".$value."'"; $query.= " $key=$value "; $first = false; } $query .= ' where wf_p_id=? and wf_activity_id=? '; $bindvars[] = $pId; $bindvars[] = $activityId; $this->query($query, $bindvars); $newname = $vars['wf_normalized_name']; // if the activity is changing name then we // should rename the user_file for the activity $user_file_old = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$proc_info['wf_normalized_name'].SEP.'code'.SEP.'activities'.SEP.$oldname.'.php'; $user_file_new = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$proc_info['wf_normalized_name'].SEP.'code'.SEP.'activities'.SEP.$newname.'.php'; rename($user_file_old, $user_file_new); $user_file_old = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$proc_info['wf_normalized_name'].SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates'.SEP.$oldname.'.tpl'; $user_file_new = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$proc_info['wf_normalized_name'].SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates'.SEP.$newname.'.tpl'; if ($user_file_old != $user_file_new) { @rename($user_file_old, $user_file_new); } } else { // When inserting activity names can't be duplicated if($this->activity_name_exists($pId, $vars['wf_name'])) { return false; } unset($vars['wf_activity_id']); // insert mode $first = true; $query = "insert into $TABLE_NAME("; foreach(array_keys($vars) as $key) { if(!$first) $query.= ','; $query.= "$key"; $first = false; } $query .=") values("; $first = true; foreach(array_values($vars) as $value) { if(!$first) $query.= ','; if(!is_numeric($value)) $value="'".$value."'"; $query.= "$value"; $first = false; } $query .=")"; $this->query($query); //commented, last_modif time can be far away on high load! And if your database is not incrementing Ids it is not a database //$activityId = $this->getOne('select max(wf_activity_id) from '.$TABLE_NAME.' where wf_p_id=? and wf_last_modif=?', array($pId,$now)); $activityId = $this->getOne('select max(wf_activity_id) from '.$TABLE_NAME.' where wf_p_id=? ', array($pId)); $ret = $activityId; /* seems to be a debug code if(!$activityId) { print("select max(wf_activity_id) from $TABLE_NAME where wf_p_id=$pId and wf_last_modif=$now"); die; } */ // Should create the code file if ($create_files) { $wf_procname = $proc_info["wf_normalized_name"]; $fw = fopen(GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$wf_procname.SEP.'code'.SEP.'activities'.SEP.$vars['wf_normalized_name'].'.php','w'); fwrite($fw,'<'.'?'.'php'."\n".'?'.'>'); fclose($fw); if($vars['wf_is_interactive']=='y') { $fw = fopen(GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$wf_procname.SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates'.SEP.$vars['wf_normalized_name'].'.tpl','w'); if (defined('GALAXIA_TEMPLATE_HEADER') && GALAXIA_TEMPLATE_HEADER) { fwrite($fw,GALAXIA_TEMPLATE_HEADER . "\n"); } fclose($fw); } } } // Get the id return $activityId; } /** * Associates an activity with an agent type and create or retrieve the associated agent * if the agent of this type for this activity already exists we return his id. * @param int activityId: the activity id * @param string $agentType: The type of the agent * @return agent_id created or retrieved after this association was done or false in case of problems * @access public */ function add_activity_agent($activityId, $agentType) { $agent_id = 0; //this will retrieve info directly from the agent table, not on the recorded activity-agent association table $agents = $this->get_activity_agents($activityId); foreach ($agents as $agent) { if ($agent['wf_type']==$agentType) { //we found an agent which were previously associated with the activity $agent_id = $agent['wf_agent_id']; //but we still need to ensure it is still associated with the activity $actualAssoc = $this->getOne('select wf_activity_id from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents where wf_activity_id=?', array($activityId)); if (!($actualAssoc == $activityId)) { $query = 'insert into '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents (wf_activity_id,wf_agent_id,wf_agent_type) values(?,?,?)'; $this->query($query,array($activityId, $agentId, $agentType)); } return $agent_id; } } //if we are here we did not find this type of agent for this activity //TODO: check agent type is in autorized list //add a new agent record $query = 'insert into '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'agent_'.$agentType.' (wf_agent_id) values(DEFAULT)'; $this->query($query); $query = 'select max(wf_agent_id) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'agent_'.$agentType; $agentId = $this->getOne($query); //record the association $query = 'insert into '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents (wf_activity_id,wf_agent_id,wf_agent_type) values(?,?,?)'; $this->query($query,array($activityId, $agentId, $agentType)); return $agentId; } /** * Gets the agents (id and type) associated to an activity * @param int $activityId is the activity id * @return array an associative array which can be empty * @access public */ function get_activity_agents($activityId) { $query = 'select wf_agent_id, wf_agent_type from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents where wf_activity_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query,array($activityId)); $ret = Array(); if (!(empty($result))) { while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } } return $ret; } /** * Gets the agent datas (with id and type as well) associated to an activity * from the agent table * @param int $activityId is the activity id * @param string $agentType is the agent type, giving the table name for the engine * @return array an associative array which can be empty if we did not find the agentType * for this activity * @access public */ function get_activity_agent_data($activityId, $agentType) { $query = 'select wf_agent_id from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents where wf_activity_id=? and wf_agent_type=?'; $agent_id = $this->getOne($query,array($activityId,$agentType)); $ret = Array(); if ($agent_id==0) { return $ret; } else { $query = 'select * from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'agent_'.$agentType.' where wf_agent_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query,array($agent_id)); if (!(empty($result))) { while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } //fake agent_type column, we know what it should be and that we should have only one record $ret[0]['wf_agent_type'] = $agentType; } } return $ret[0]; } /** * Removes an agent from an activity * @param int activityId the activity id * @param int $agentId The id of the agent * @param bool $removeagent is false by default, if true the agent himself is destroyed, that means if you * re-associate the activity with the same agent type all previous configuration will be lost * @return void * @access public */ function remove_activity_agent($activityId, $agentId, $removeagent=false) { if ($removeagent) { $query = 'select wf_agent_type from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents where wf_activity_id=? and wf_agent_id=?'; $agent_type = $this->getOne($query, array($activityId, $agentId)); $this->remove_agent($agentId, $agent_type); } $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_agents where wf_activity_id=? and wf_agent_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($activityId, $agentId)); } /** * Remove an agent. * @param int $agentId is the agent id * @param string $agent_type is the agent_type * @return void * @access public */ function remove_agent($agentId, $agent_type) { $query = 'delete from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'agent_'.$agent_type.' where wf_agent_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($agentId)); } /** * Sets if an activity is interactive or not * @param int $pId The process id * @param int $actid The activity id * @param string $value y or n * @access public */ function set_interactivity($pId, $actid, $value) { $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities set wf_is_interactive=? where wf_p_id=? and wf_activity_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($value, $pId, $actid)); } /** * Sets if an activity is auto routed or not * @param int $pId The processo id * @param int $actid The activity id * @param string $value y or n * @return void * @access public */ function set_autorouting($pId, $actid, $value) { $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities set wf_is_autorouted=? where wf_p_id=? and wf_activity_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($value, $pId, $actid)); } /** * Sets the default user for an activity * @param int $activityId The activity id * @param mixed $default_user This param can be the id of a user or '' for all * @return void * @access public */ function set_default_user($activityId, $default_user) { if ($default_user=='') { $default_user='*'; } $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities set wf_default_user=? where wf_activity_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($default_user, $activityId)); } /** * Gets the default user for an activity * if performAccessCheck is true then this function will check if this user as really access granted * to the given activity. * If wrong or no default user or the user has no access grant and performAccessCheck was asked, '*' is returned * * @param int $activityId Activity Id * @param boll $performAccessCheck * @return mixed User Id or '*' if no default user is set * @access public */ function get_default_user($activityId, $performAccessCheck=true) { $query = 'Select wf_default_user from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_activity_id=?'; $result = $this->getOne($query,array($activityId)); if (!(isset($result)) || ($result=='') || ($result==false)) { $result='*'; } //if we had a user and if asked we'll try to see if he has really access granted elseif ( (!($result=='*')) && $performAccessCheck) { $wf_security = new WfSecurity($this->db); // perform the check if (!($wf_security->checkUserAccess($result,$activityId))) { // bad check, we ignore this default_user $result='*'; } } return $result; } /** * Returns activity id by pid,name (activity names are unique) * @param int $pid The process id * @param string $name The name of the activity * @return int The id of the activity * @access private */ function _get_activity_id_by_name($pid,$name) { $name = addslashes($name); $bindarray = array($pid,$name); if($this->getOne('select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_name=?', $bindarray)) { return($this->getOne('select wf_activity_id from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_name=?', $bindarray)); } else { return ''; } } /** * Returns the activity shape * @param string $type The type of the activity: start, end, activity, split, * switch, join, standalone, view * @return string The shape of the image representing a activity: circle, * doublecircle, box, triangle, diamond, invtriangle, hexagon * @access private */ function _get_activity_shape($type) { switch($type) { case 'start': return 'circle'; case 'end': return 'doublecircle'; case 'activity': return 'box'; case 'split': return 'triangle'; case 'switch': return 'diamond'; case 'join': return 'invtriangle'; case 'standalone': return 'hexagon'; case 'view': return 'hexagon'; default: return 'egg'; } } /** * Returns true if a list contains unvisited nodes. * @param array $list List members are assoc arrays containing id and visited * @return bool * @access private */ function _list_has_unvisited_nodes($list) { foreach($list as $node) { if(!$node['visited']) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if a node is in a list * @param array $node * @param array $list List members are assoc arrays containing id and visited * @return bool * @access private */ function _node_in_list($node,$list) { foreach($list as $a_node) { if($node['id'] == $a_node['id']) return true; } return false; } /** * Normalizes an activity name * @param string $name * @return string * @access private */ function _normalize_name($name) { $name = str_replace(" ","_",$name); $name = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z_0-9]/",'',$name); return $name; } /** * Returns normalized name of an activity * @param int $activityId The activity id * @return string The activity name normalized. Spaces are turned to underscore, and special chars are suppressed. * @access private */ function _get_normalized_name($activityId) { return $this->getOne('select wf_normalized_name from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_activity_id=?', array($activityId)); } /** * Labels nodes. Return false if something was wrong * @access private * @param int $pId The process id * @return array */ function _label_nodes($pId) { ///an empty list of nodes starts the process $nodes = Array(); // the end activity id $endId = $this->getOne('select wf_activity_id from ' .GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=? and wf_type=?',array($pId,'end')); if ((!isset($endId)) || ($endId=='') || ($endId == 0)) { //no end return false; } // and the number of total nodes (=activities) $cant = $this->getOne('select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=?', array($pId)); $nodes[] = $endId; $label = $cant; $num = $cant; $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities set wf_flow_num=? where wf_p_id=?'; $this->query($query,array($cant+1,$pId)); $seen = array(); while(count($nodes)) { $newnodes = Array(); foreach($nodes as $node) { // avoid endless loops if (isset($seen[$node])) continue; $seen[$node] = 1; $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities set wf_flow_num=? where wf_activity_id=?'; $this->query($query, array($num,$node)); $query = 'select wf_act_from_id from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'transitions where wf_act_to_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($node)); $ret = Array(); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $newnodes[] = $res['wf_act_from_id']; } } $num--; $nodes=Array(); $nodes=$newnodes; } $min = $this->getOne('select min(wf_flow_num) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities where wf_p_id=?', array($pId)); $query = 'update '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX."activities set wf_flow_num=wf_flow_num-$min where wf_p_id=?"; $this->query($query, array($pId)); //$query = "update ".GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX."activities set flowNum=0 where flowNum=$cant+1"; //$this->query($query); return true; } } ?>