workflow_acl = Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl'); /* allow regular users to see the process graph */ if ($_GET['menuaction'] == "workflow.ui_adminactivities.show_graph") return; if (isset($_GET['p_id'])) { if (!($this->workflow_acl->checkWorkflowAdmin(Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id')) || $this->workflow_acl->check_process_access(Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id'), (int) $_GET['p_id']))) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header(); echo parse_navbar(); echo lang('access not permitted'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message('F-Abort, Unauthorized access to workflow.ui_adminprocesses'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit(); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(); } } } /** * Import process data * @param $data * @access public * @return bool */ function import_process(&$data) { if (!(isset($this->activity_manager))) $this->activity_manager = &Factory::newInstance('ActivityManager'); if (parent::import_process($data)) { $proc_name = $this->_normalize_name($data['name'],$data['version']); foreach($data['templates'] as $tpl) { $full_fname = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$proc_name.SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates'.SEP.$tpl['name']; if (file_exists($full_fname)) unlink($full_fname); $fp = fopen($full_fname,"w"); fwrite($fp, $tpl['code']); fclose($fp); } foreach($data['includes'] as $inc) { $full_fname = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$proc_name.SEP.'code'.SEP.$inc['name']; if (file_exists($full_fname)) unlink($full_fname); $fp = fopen($full_fname,"w"); fwrite($fp, $inc['code']); fclose($fp); } //create resource dir if needed $resource_dir = GALAXIA_PROCESSES . SEP . $proc_name . SEP . 'resources'; if (count($data['resources'])) if (!is_dir($resource_dir)) mkdir($resource_dir, 0770); if (is_array($data['resources'])) { foreach($data['resources'] as $res) { $full_fname = $resource_dir . SEP . $res['name']; if (file_exists($full_fname)) unlink($full_fname); $fp = fopen($full_fname,"w"); fwrite($fp, base64_decode($res['bindata'])); fclose($fp); } } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Creates an XML representation of a process. * Original from ProcessManager Class * Modified to support includes, resources and variable templates * @param $pId process id * @access public * @return void */ function serialize_process($pId) { if (!(isset($this->activity_manager))) $this->activity_manager = &Factory::newInstance('ActivityManager'); if (!isset($this->jobManager)) $this->jobManager = &Factory::newInstance('JobManager'); //if (!(isset($this->activity_manager))) $this->activity_manager = new ActivityManager($this->db); // $out = '' . "\n"; $out.= ''."\n"; //we retrieve config values with the others process data $proc_info =& $this->get_process($pId, true); $wf_procname = $proc_info['wf_normalized_name']; $out.= ' '.htmlspecialchars($proc_info['wf_name']).''."\n"; $out.= ' '.htmlspecialchars($proc_info['wf_is_valid']).''."\n"; $out.= ' '.htmlspecialchars($proc_info['wf_version']).''."\n"; $out.= ' '.htmlspecialchars($proc_info['wf_is_active']).''."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($proc_info['wf_description']).''."\n"; $out.= ' '.date("d/m/Y [h:i:s]",$proc_info['wf_last_modif']).''."\n"; //Shared code $out.= ' '."\n"; //Loop on config values $out.=' '."\n"; foreach($proc_info['config'] as $res) { $name = $res['wf_config_name']; $value_int = $res['wf_config_value_int']; $value = $res['wf_config_value']; if (array_search($name,$this->not_export_attributes) === false) { $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($name).''."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($value).''."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($value_int).''."\n"; $out.=' '."\n"; } } $out.=' '."\n"; // Now loop over activities $act_list = $this->activity_manager->list_activities($pId, 0, -1, 'wf_name__asc', '','',false); $out.=' '."\n"; foreach($act_list['data'] as $res) { $name = $res['wf_normalized_name']; $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($res['wf_name']).''."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($res['wf_type']).''."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($res['wf_description']).''."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($res['wf_menu_path']).''."\n"; $out.=' '.date("d/m/Y [h:i:s]",$res['wf_last_modif']).''."\n"; $out.=' '.$res['wf_is_interactive'].''."\n"; $out.=' '.$res['wf_is_autorouted'].''."\n"; $out.=' '."\n"; //loop on activity roles $actid = $res['wf_activity_id']; $roles =& $this->activity_manager->get_activity_roles($actid); foreach($roles as $role) { if ($role['wf_readonly']) { $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($role['wf_name']).''."\n"; } else { $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($role['wf_name']).''."\n"; } } $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '."\n"; //loop on activity agents $agents =& $this->activity_manager->get_activity_agents($actid); foreach($agents as $agent) { $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($agent['wf_agent_type']).''."\n"; //loop on agent datas $agent_data =& $this->activity_manager->get_activity_agent_data($actid,$agent['wf_agent_type']); $out.=' '."\n"; foreach($agent_data as $key => $value) { if (!($key=='wf_agent_id')) { $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($key).''."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($value).''."\n"; $out.=' '."\n"; } } $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '."\n"; } $out.=' '."\n"; //the code $out.=' '; if($res['wf_is_interactive']=='y') { $out.=' '; } $out.=' '."\n"; } $out.=' '."\n"; //export all templates $base_path = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$wf_procname.SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates'; $handle = opendir($base_path); $out.=' '."\n"; while (false !== ($name = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir($base_path.SEP.$name)) continue; if (substr($name, -4) != ".tpl") continue; $out.=' '."\n"; } $out.=' '."\n"; //export all includes $base_path = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$wf_procname.SEP.'code'; $handle = opendir($base_path); $out.=' '."\n"; while (false !== ($name = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir($base_path.SEP.$name)) /* ignore directories */ continue; if ($name == 'shared.php') /* shared.php was saved before */ continue; if (substr($name, -4) != ".php") continue; $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($name).''."\n"; //the code $out.=' '; $out.=' '."\n"; } $out.=' '."\n"; $jobList = $this->jobManager->getJobsByProcessID($pId); $out .= " \n"; foreach ($jobList as $job) { $out .= " \n"; $out .= " " . htmlspecialchars($job['name']) . "\n"; $out .= " " . htmlspecialchars($job['description']) . "\n"; $out .= " " . htmlspecialchars($job['time_start']) . "\n"; $out .= " " . htmlspecialchars($job['interval_value']) . "\n"; $out .= " " . htmlspecialchars($job['interval_unity']) . "\n"; $out .= " " . htmlspecialchars($job['date_type']) . "\n"; $out .= " " . htmlspecialchars($job['week_days']) . "\n"; $out .= " " . htmlspecialchars($job['month_offset']) . "\n"; $out .= " f\n"; $out .= " jobManager->getJobFile($job['job_id'])) . "]]>\n"; $out .= " \n"; } $out .= " \n"; //export all resources $base_path = GALAXIA_PROCESSES . SEP . $wf_procname . SEP . 'resources'; $handle = opendir($base_path); $out.=' '."\n"; while (false !== ($name = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir($base_path.SEP.$name)) continue; if (substr($name, -4) == ".swp") continue; $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($name).''."\n"; //the code $out.=' '; $out.=' '."\n"; } $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '."\n"; //loop on transitions $transitions = $this->activity_manager->get_process_transitions($pId); foreach($transitions as $tran) { $out.=' '."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($tran['wf_act_from_name']).''."\n"; $out.=' '.htmlspecialchars($tran['wf_act_to_name']).''."\n"; $out.=' '."\n"; } $out.=' '."\n"; $out.= ''."\n"; //$fp = fopen(GALAXIA_PROCESSES."/$wf_procname/$wf_procname.xml","w"); //fwrite($fp,$out); //fclose($fp); return $out; } /** * Creates a process PHP data structure from its XML representation * * Unserialize process data * @access public * @return void */ function unserialize_process(&$xml) { // Create SAX parser assign this object as base for handlers // handlers are private methods defined below. // keep contexts and parse $this->parser = xml_parser_create("ISO-8859-1"); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); //xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, '_start_element_handler', '_end_element_handler'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, '_data_handler'); $aux=Array( 'name'=>'root', 'children'=>Array(), 'parent' => 0, 'data'=>'', 'attribs' => Array(), ); $this->tree[0]=$aux; $this->current=0; if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $xml, true)) { $error = sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser)); trigger_error($error,E_USER_WARNING); $this->error[] = $error; } xml_parser_free($this->parser); // Now that we have the tree we can do interesting things $process=Array(); $activities=Array(); $transitions=Array(); $jobs = array(); for($i=0;$itree[1]['children']);$i++) { // Process attributes $z=$this->tree[1]['children'][$i]; $name = trim($this->tree[$z]['name']); //config values if ($name=='configs') { for($j=0;$jtree[$z]['children']);$j++) { $z2 = $this->tree[$z]['children'][$j]; // this is a config $name = $this->tree[$z2]['name']; $aux = Array(); if($this->tree[$z2]['name']=='config') { for($k=0;$ktree[$z2]['children']);$k++) { $z3 = $this->tree[$z2]['children'][$k]; $name = trim($this->tree[$z3]['name']); $value= trim($this->tree[$z3]['data']); $aux[$name]=$value; } $configs[]=$aux; } } } //activities elseif($name=='activities') { for($j=0;$jtree[$z]['children']);$j++) { $z2 = $this->tree[$z]['children'][$j]; // this is an activity $name = $this->tree[$z2]['name']; $aux = Array(); if($this->tree[$z2]['name']=='activity') { for($k=0;$ktree[$z2]['children']);$k++) { $z3 = $this->tree[$z2]['children'][$k]; $name = trim($this->tree[$z3]['name']); $value= trim($this->tree[$z3]['data']); if($name=='roles') { $roles=Array(); for($l=0;$ltree[$z3]['children']);$l++) { $z4 = $this->tree[$z3]['children'][$l]; $name = trim($this->tree[$z4]['name']); $data = trim($this->tree[$z4]['data']); $attribs = $this->tree[$z4]['attribs']; $readonly = false; if ( (isset($attribs['readonly'])) && ($attribs['readonly'])) { //role in read-only $readonly = true; } $roles[]=array( 'name' => $data, 'readonly' => $readonly, ); } } elseif ($name=='agents') { $agents=Array(); for($l=0;$ltree[$z3]['children']);$l++) { $z4 = $this->tree[$z3]['children'][$l]; //$name is agent $name = trim($this->tree[$z4]['name']); if ($name = 'agent') { $agent = array(); for($m=0;$mtree[$z4]['children']);$m++) { $z5 = $this->tree[$z4]['children'][$m]; //$name is agent_type or agent_datas $name = trim($this->tree[$z5]['name']); // data will be the agent_type or an array for agent_datas $data = trim($this->tree[$z5]['data']); if ($name=='agent_type') { $agent['wf_agent_type']=$data; } elseif ($name=='agent_datas') { for($n=0;$ntree[$z5]['children']);$n++) { $z6 = $this->tree[$z5]['children'][$n]; //$name is agent_data $val is an array $name = trim($this->tree[$z6]['name']); $val = trim($this->tree[$z6]['data']); if ($name=='agent_data') { for($o=0;$otree[$z6]['children']);$o++) { $z7 = $this->tree[$z6]['children'][$o]; //$name is agent_data $val is 'name' or 'value' $name = trim($this->tree[$z7]['name']); $content = trim($this->tree[$z7]['data']); //echo "
z7 name $name content: $content"; if ($name=='name') { $agent_data_name = $content; } elseif ($name=='value') { $agent_data_value =& $content; } } //echo "
associate $agent_data_name to $agent_data_value
"; $agent[$agent_data_name] = $agent_data_value; } } } } $agents[]=$agent; } } } else { $aux[$name]=$value; //print("$name:$value
"); } } $aux['agents']=$agents; $aux['roles']=$roles; $activities[]=$aux; } } } elseif($name=='transitions') { for($j=0;$jtree[$z]['children']);$j++) { $z2 = $this->tree[$z]['children'][$j]; // this is an activity $name = $this->tree[$z2]['name']; $aux=Array(); if($this->tree[$z2]['name']=='transition') { for($k=0;$ktree[$z2]['children']);$k++) { $z3 = $this->tree[$z2]['children'][$k]; $name = trim($this->tree[$z3]['name']); $value= trim($this->tree[$z3]['data']); if($name == 'from' || $name == 'to') { $aux[$name]=$value; } } } $transitions[] = $aux; } } elseif($name=='includes') { for($j=0;$jtree[$z]['children']);$j++) { $z2 = $this->tree[$z]['children'][$j]; // this is an activity $name = $this->tree[$z2]['name']; $aux=Array(); if($this->tree[$z2]['name']=='include') { for($k=0;$ktree[$z2]['children']);$k++) { $z3 = $this->tree[$z2]['children'][$k]; $name = trim($this->tree[$z3]['name']); $value= trim($this->tree[$z3]['data']); $aux[$name]=$value; } } $includes[] = $aux; } } elseif($name=='templates') { for($j=0;$jtree[$z]['children']);$j++) { $z2 = $this->tree[$z]['children'][$j]; // this is an activity $name = $this->tree[$z2]['name']; $aux=Array(); if($this->tree[$z2]['name']=='template') { for($k=0;$ktree[$z2]['children']);$k++) { $z3 = $this->tree[$z2]['children'][$k]; $name = trim($this->tree[$z3]['name']); $value= trim($this->tree[$z3]['data']); $aux[$name]=$value; } } $templates[] = $aux; } } elseif($name=='resources') { for($j=0;$jtree[$z]['children']);$j++) { $z2 = $this->tree[$z]['children'][$j]; // this is an activity $name = $this->tree[$z2]['name']; $aux=Array(); if($this->tree[$z2]['name']=='resource') { for($k=0;$ktree[$z2]['children']);$k++) { $z3 = $this->tree[$z2]['children'][$k]; $name = trim($this->tree[$z3]['name']); $value= trim($this->tree[$z3]['data']); $aux[$name]=$value; } } $resources[] = $aux; } } elseif ($name == 'jobs') { for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->tree[$z]['children']); $j++) { $job = array(); $jobIndex = $this->tree[$z]['children'][$j]; if($this->tree[$jobIndex]['name'] == 'job') { for ($k = 0; $k < count($this->tree[$jobIndex]['children']); $k++) { $propertyIndex = $this->tree[$jobIndex]['children'][$k]; $job[trim($this->tree[$propertyIndex]['name'])] = trim($this->tree[$propertyIndex]['data']); } } $jobs[] = $job; } } else { $value = trim($this->tree[$z]['data']); //print("$name is $value
"); $process[$name]=$value; } } $process['configs'] = $configs; $process['activities'] = $activities; $process['transitions'] = $transitions; $process['resources'] = $resources; $process['includes'] = $includes; $process['templates'] = $templates; $process['jobs'] = $jobs; return $process; } /** * Creates a new process PHP data structure from its XML representation * unserial * @access public * @return void */ function new_process_version($pId, $minor=true) { $new_id = parent::new_process_version($pId,$minor); //copy resource dir too $old_name = GALAXIA_PROCESSES . SEP . $this->_get_normalized_name($pId) . SEP . 'resources'; $new_name = GALAXIA_PROCESSES . SEP . $this->_get_normalized_name($new_id) . SEP . 'resources'; if (is_dir($old_name)) $this->_rec_copy($old_name,$new_name); $this->workflow_acl->add_process_admins($new_id, array( Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id') )); return $new_id; } /** * Remove process * @param int $pId process id * @access public * @return string */ function remove_process($pId) { $result = parent::remove_process($pId); $this->workflow_acl->del_process($pId); return $result; } /** * Replace_process * * @param int $pid process id * @param array $vars * @param boolean $create * * @access public * @return int new id */ function replace_process($pId, &$vars, $create = true) { $id = parent::replace_process($pId, $vars, $create); if (!$pId) { $this->workflow_acl->add_process_admins($id, array( Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id') ) ); } return $id; } } ?>