'), '
', htmlspecialchars("Galaxia Workflow Error: $msg")); if ($log) { trigger_error($final_message, E_USER_WARNING); } if ($dying) { die($final_message); } else { echo("
$final_message"); } } } // filesystem Operations $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs = createobject('phpgwapi.vfs'); // check if basedir exists $test=$GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->get_real_info(array('string' => '/', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE), 'relative' => False)); if($test[mime_type]!='Directory') { galaxia_show_error(lang('Base directory does not exist, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration'),false, true); } // check if /workflow exists $test = @$GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->get_real_info(array('string' => '/workflow', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE), 'relative' => False)); if($test[mime_type]!='Directory') { // if not, create it $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->override_acl = 1; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->mkdir(array( 'string' => '/workflow', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE) )); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->override_acl = 0; // test one more time $test = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->get_real_info(array('string' => '/workflow', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE), 'relative' => False)); if($test[mime_type]!='Directory') { galaxia_show_error(lang('/workflow directory does not exist and could not be created, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration'), false, true); } } // Directory where the Galaxia processes will be stored, e.g. /workflow on the vfs if (!defined('GALAXIA_PROCESSES')) { // Note: this directory must be writeable by the webserver ! define('GALAXIA_PROCESSES', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->basedir.SEP.'workflow'); } // Directory where a *copy* of the Galaxia activity templates will be stored, e.g. templates // Define as '' if you don't want to copy templates elsewhere if (!defined('GALAXIA_TEMPLATES')) { // Note: this directory must be writeable by the webserver ! define('GALAXIA_TEMPLATES', ''); } // Default header to be added to new activity templates if (!defined('GALAXIA_TEMPLATE_HEADER')) { define('GALAXIA_TEMPLATE_HEADER', ''); } // File where the ProcessManager logs for Galaxia will be saved, e.g. lib/Galaxia/log/pm.log // Define as '' if you don't want to use logging if (!defined('GALAXIA_LOGFILE')) { // Note: this file must be writeable by the webserver ! //define('GALAXIA_LOGFILE', GALAXIA_LIBRARY . '/log/pm.log'); define('GALAXIA_LOGFILE', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->basedir.SEP.'workflow'.SEP.'galaxia.log'); } // Directory containing the GraphViz 'dot' and 'neato' programs, in case // your webserver can't find them via its PATH environment variable if (!defined('GRAPHVIZ_BIN_DIR')) { define('GRAPHVIZ_BIN_DIR', ''); //define('GRAPHVIZ_BIN_DIR', 'd:/wintools/ATT/GraphViz/bin'); } if (!function_exists('tra')) { // language function function tra($msg, $m1='', $m2='', $m3='', $m4='') { return lang($msg, $m1, $m2, $m3, $m4); } } //define the list of agents avaible with your Galaxia installation if (!function_exists('galaxia_get_agents_list')) { /** * * This function list the agents avaible with your galaxia installation. The name of an agent * * is his unique identifier, the priority is an execution order priority * * @return an associative array of agents description, each row is an agent description * * containing a 'wf_agent_type' key and a 'wf_agent_priority' key */ function galaxia_get_agents_list() { $res = array( array( 'wf_agent_type' => 'mail_smtp', 'wf_agent_priority' => 1, ) ); return $res; } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_user_can_admin_process')) { //! Specify if the user has special admin rights on processes /** * * @return true if the actual user has access to the processes administration. * * ie. he can edit/activate/deactivate/create/destroy processes and activities * * warning: dangerous rights, this user can do whatever PHP can do... */ function galaxia_user_can_admin_process() { return (Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl')->checkWorkflowAdmin(Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id')) || $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('admin_workflow', 1, 'workflow')); } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_user_can_admin_instance')) { //! Specify if the user has special admin rights on instances /** * * @return true if the actual user has access to the instance administration * * ie. he can edit and modify all properties, members, assigned users of an instance whatever the state of the instance is * * warning: this is clearly an administrator right */ function galaxia_user_can_admin_instance() { return (Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl')->checkWorkflowAdmin(Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id')) || $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('admin_instance_workflow', 1, 'workflow')); } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_user_can_clean_instances')) { //! Specify if the user has special cleanup rights on ALL instances /** * * @return true if the actual user is granted access to the 'clean instances' and 'clean all instances for a process' functions * * warning: theses are dangerous functions! */ function galaxia_user_can_clean_instances() { return (Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl')->checkWorkflowAdmin(Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id')) || $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('cleanup_workflow', 1, 'workflow')); } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_user_can_clean_aborted_instances')) { //! Specify if the actual user has special cleanup rights on aborted instances /** * * @return true if the user is granted access to the 'clean aborted instances' functions */ function galaxia_user_can_clean_aborted_instances() { return (Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl')->checkWorkflowAdmin(Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id')) || $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('cleanup_aborted_workflow', 1, 'workflow')); } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_user_can_monitor')) { //! Specify if the user has special monitors rights /** * * @return true if the actual user has access to the monitor screens (this is not sufficient for cleanup access) */ function galaxia_user_can_monitor() { return (Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl')->checkWorkflowAdmin(Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id')) || $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('monitor_workflow', 1, 'workflow')); } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_retrieve_user_groups')) { /*! * Specify how to retrieve an array containing all groups id for a given user * if the user is in no group this function should return false * @param $user is the current user id * @return an arry of integers, the groups ids the user is member of, or false if the user is not * the member of any group */ function galaxia_retrieve_user_groups($user = 0) { if ($user == '') $user = Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id'); $memberships = Factory::getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getUserGroups($user); if ($memberships === false) return false; if (count($memberships) == 0) return false; return $memberships; } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_retrieve_group_users')) { //! Specify how to retrieve an array containing all users id for a given group id /** * * @param $group the group id * * @param $add_names false by default, if true we add user names in the result * * return an array with all users id or an associative array with names associated with ids if $add_names is true */ function galaxia_retrieve_group_users($group, $add_names = false) { /* get information regarding the members of the group */ $members = &Factory::getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getGroupUsers($group); /* checl for error in the LDAP query */ if ($members === false) return false; /* format the output as requested */ $group_users = array(); foreach($members as $member) if ($add_names) $group_users[$member['account_id']] = $member['account_name']; else $group_users[] = $member['account_id']; return $group_users; } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_retrieve_running_user')) { //! returns the actual user running this PHP code /** * * @return the user id of the actual running user. */ function galaxia_retrieve_running_user() { return Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'account_id'); } } if (!function_exists('galaxia_retrieve_name')) { //! Specify how to retrieve the name of an user with is Id /** * * @param $user the user or group id * * return the name of the user */ function galaxia_retrieve_name($user) { $username = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->id2name($user); return $username; } } // Specify how to execute a non-interactive activity (for use in src/API/Instance.php) if (!function_exists('galaxia_execute_activity')) { /** * * This function will execute automatic (non-interactive) activities for the engine * * @param $activityId (default 0) is the activity_id it should run * * @param $iid (default 0) is the instance id it should run for * * @param $auto is true by default * * @return AN ARRAY, or at least true or false. This array can contain : * * a key 'failure' with an error string the engine will retrieve in instance error messages in case of * failure (this will mark your execution as Bad), * * a key 'debug' with a debug string the engine will retrieve in instance error messages, */ function galaxia_execute_activity($activityId = 0, $iid = 0, $auto = 1) { // This way we create a new run_activity instance for the next activity $run_activity = Factory::getInstance('run_activity'); $data = $run_activity->go($activityId, $iid, $auto); return $data; } } /* Specify how to obtain stored config values Parameter: an array containing pairs of (variables_names => default values) For an unknown variable name it will return default_value and this default value will be the NEW STORED value. If no default value is given we assume it's a false. WARNING: you should cast your result if you bet its' an integer as it is maybe stored as a string. But 1 and 0 special values are handled correctly as ints (bools). */ if (!function_exists('galaxia_get_config_values')) { function galaxia_get_config_values($parameters=array()) { $config = Factory::getInstance('config'); $config->read_repository(); $result_array = array(); foreach ($parameters as $config_var => $default_value) { $config_value = $config->config_data[$config_var]; if(isset($config_value)) { //we add something in the config store, we take it if ($config_value=='False') { $result_array[$config_var]=0; } elseif ($config_value=='True') { $result_array[$config_var]=1; } else { $result_array[$config_var] = $config_value; } } else { //we had no value stored yet, so we store it now //boolean warning: egw'config class is not storing false values if it is 0 //we have to map theses int... $stored_value= (string)$default_value; if ($stored_value=='1') { $stored_value='True'; } elseif ($stored_value=='0') { $stored_value='False'; } $config->value($config_var,$stored_value); $config->save_repository(); // take the not casted variable $result_array[$config_var] = $default_value; } } unset($config); return $result_array; } } ?>