* @copyright Andrew McMillan * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt GNU LGPL version 3 or later */ require_once ROOTPATH.'/plugins/davicalCliente/XMLDocument.php'; /** * A class for holding basic calendar information * @package awl */ class CalendarInfo { public $url, $displayname, $getctag; function __construct( $url, $displayname = null, $getctag = null ) { $this->url = $url; $this->displayname = $displayname; $this->getctag = $getctag; } function __toString() { return( '(URL: '.$this->url.' Ctag: '.$this->getctag.' Displayname: '.$this->displayname .')'. "\n" ); } } /** * A class for accessing DAViCal via CalDAV, as a client * * @package awl */ class CalDAVClient { /** * Server, username, password, calendar * * @var string */ protected $base_url, $user, $pass, $entry, $protocol, $server, $port; /** * The principal-URL we're using */ protected $principal_url; /** * The calendar-URL we're using */ protected $calendar_url; /** * The calendar-home-set we're using */ protected $calendar_home_set; /** * The calendar_urls we have discovered */ protected $calendar_urls; /** * The useragent which is send to the caldav server * * @var string */ public $user_agent = 'DAViCalClient ExpressoLivre'; protected $headers = array(); protected $body = ""; protected $requestMethod = "GET"; protected $httpRequest = ""; // for debugging http headers sent protected $xmlRequest = ""; // for debugging xml sent protected $httpResponse = ""; // http headers received protected $xmlResponse = ""; // xml received protected $parser; // our XML parser object /** * Constructor, initialises the class * * @param string $base_url The URL for the calendar server * @param string $user The name of the user logging in * @param string $pass The password for that user */ function __construct( $base_url, $user, $pass ) { $this->user = $user; $this->pass = $pass; $this->headers = array(); if ( preg_match( '#^(https?)://([a-z0-9.-]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)$#', $base_url, $matches ) ) { $this->server = $matches[2]; $this->base_url = $matches[5]; if ( $matches[1] == 'https' ) { $this->protocol = 'ssl'; $this->port = 443; } else { $this->protocol = 'tcp'; $this->port = 80; } if ( $matches[4] != '' ) { $this->port = intval($matches[4]); } } else { trigger_error("Invalid URL: '".$base_url."'", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Adds an If-Match or If-None-Match header * * @param bool $match to Match or Not to Match, that is the question! * @param string $etag The etag to match / not match against. */ function SetMatch( $match, $etag = '*' ) { $this->headers['match'] = sprintf( "%s-Match: %s", ($match ? "If" : "If-None"), $etag); } /** * Add a Depth: header. Valid values are 0, 1 or infinity * * @param int $depth The depth, default to infinity */ function SetDepth( $depth = '0' ) { $this->headers['depth'] = 'Depth: '. ($depth == '1' ? "1" : ($depth == 'infinity' ? $depth : "0") ); } /** * Add a Depth: header. Valid values are 1 or infinity * * @param int $depth The depth, default to infinity */ function SetUserAgent( $user_agent = null ) { if ( !isset($user_agent) ) $user_agent = $this->user_agent; $this->user_agent = $user_agent; } /** * Add a Content-type: header. * * @param string $type The content type */ function SetContentType( $type ) { $this->headers['content-type'] = "Content-type: $type"; } /** * Set the calendar_url we will be using for a while. * * @param string $url The calendar_url */ function SetCalendar( $url ) { $this->calendar_url = $url; } /** * Split response into httpResponse and xmlResponse * * @param string Response from server */ function ParseResponse( $response ) { $pos = strpos($response, 'httpResponse = trim($response); } else { $this->httpResponse = trim(substr($response, 0, $pos)); $this->xmlResponse = trim(substr($response, $pos)); $this->xmlResponse = preg_replace('{>[^>]*$}s', '>',$this->xmlResponse ); $parser = xml_parser_create_ns('UTF-8'); xml_parser_set_option ( $parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1 ); xml_parser_set_option ( $parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0 ); if ( xml_parse_into_struct( $parser, $this->xmlResponse, $this->xmlnodes, $this->xmltags ) === 0 ) { printf( "XML parsing error: %s - %s\n", xml_get_error_code($parser), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)) ); // debug_print_backtrace(); // echo "\nNodes array............................................................\n"; print_r( $this->xmlnodes ); // echo "\nTags array............................................................\n"; print_r( $this->xmltags ); printf( "\nXML Reponse:\n%s\n", $this->xmlResponse ); } xml_parser_free($parser); } } /** * Output http request headers * * @return HTTP headers */ function GetHttpRequest() { return $this->httpRequest; } /** * Output http response headers * * @return HTTP headers */ function GetResponseHeaders() { return $this->httpResponseHeaders; } /** * Output http response body * * @return HTTP body */ function GetResponseBody() { return $this->httpResponseBody; } /** * Output xml request * * @return raw xml */ function GetXmlRequest() { return $this->xmlRequest; } /** * Output xml response * * @return raw xml */ function GetXmlResponse() { return $this->xmlResponse; } /** * Send a request to the server * * @param string $url The URL to make the request to * * @return string The content of the response from the server */ function DoRequest( $url = null ) { if(!defined("_FSOCK_TIMEOUT")){ define("_FSOCK_TIMEOUT", 10); } $headers = array(); if ( !isset($url) ) $url = $this->base_url; $this->request_url = $url; $url = preg_replace('{^https?://[^/]+}', '', $url); // URLencode if it isn't already if ( preg_match( '{[^%?&=+,.-_/a-z0-9]}', $url ) ) { $url = str_replace(rawurlencode('/'),'/',rawurlencode($url)); $url = str_replace(rawurlencode('?'),'?',$url); $url = str_replace(rawurlencode('&'),'&',$url); $url = str_replace(rawurlencode('='),'=',$url); $url = str_replace(rawurlencode('+'),'+',$url); $url = str_replace(rawurlencode(','),',',$url); } $headers[] = $this->requestMethod." ". $url . " HTTP/1.1"; $headers[] = "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->user .":". $this->pass ); $headers[] = "Host: ".$this->server .":".$this->port; if ( !isset($this->headers['content-type']) ) $this->headers['content-type'] = "Content-type: text/plain"; foreach( $this->headers as $ii => $head ) { $headers[] = $head; } $headers[] = "Content-Length: " . strlen($this->body); $headers[] = "User-Agent: " . $this->user_agent; $headers[] = 'Connection: close'; $this->httpRequest = join("\r\n",$headers); $this->xmlRequest = $this->body; $this->httpResponse = ''; $this->xmlResponse = ''; $fip = fsockopen( $this->protocol . '://' . $this->server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, _FSOCK_TIMEOUT); //error handling? if ( !(get_resource_type($fip) == 'stream') ) return false; if ( !fwrite($fip, $this->httpRequest."\r\n\r\n".$this->body) ) { fclose($fip); return false; } $response = ""; while( !feof($fip) ) { $response .= fgets($fip,8192); } fclose($fip); list( $this->httpResponseHeaders, $this->httpResponseBody ) = preg_split( '/{\r?\n\r?\n}s/', $response, 2 ); if ( preg_match( '{Transfer-Encoding: chunked}i', $this->httpResponseHeaders ) ) $this->Unchunk(); $this->headers = array(); // reset the headers array for our next request $this->ParseResponse($this->httpResponseBody); return $response; } /** * Unchunk a chunked response */ function Unchunk() { $content = ''; $chunks = $this->httpResponseBody; // printf( "\n================================\n%s\n================================\n", $chunks ); do { $bytes = 0; if ( preg_match('{^((\r\n)?\s*([ 0-9a-fA-F]+)(;[^\n]*)?\r?\n)}', $chunks, $matches ) ) { $octets = $matches[3]; $bytes = hexdec($octets); $pos = strlen($matches[1]); // printf( "Chunk size 0x%s (%d)\n", $octets, $bytes ); if ( $bytes > 0 ) { // printf( "---------------------------------\n%s\n---------------------------------\n", substr($chunks,$pos,$bytes) ); $content .= substr($chunks,$pos,$bytes); $chunks = substr($chunks,$pos + $bytes + 2); // printf( "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n%s\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n", $chunks ); } } else { $content .= $chunks; } } while( $bytes > 0 ); $this->httpResponseBody = $content; // printf( "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%s\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n", $content ); } /** * Send an OPTIONS request to the server * * @param string $url The URL to make the request to * * @return array The allowed options */ function DoOptionsRequest( $url = null ) { $this->requestMethod = "OPTIONS"; $this->body = ""; $headers = $this->DoRequest($url); $options_header = preg_replace( '/^.*Allow: ([a-z, ]+)\r?\n.*/is', '$1', $headers ); $options = array_flip( preg_split( '/[, ]+/', $options_header )); return $options; } /** * Send an XML request to the server (e.g. PROPFIND, REPORT, MKCALENDAR) * * @param string $method The method (PROPFIND, REPORT, etc) to use with the request * @param string $xml The XML to send along with the request * @param string $url The URL to make the request to * * @return array An array of the allowed methods */ function DoXMLRequest( $request_method, $xml, $url = null ) { $this->body = $xml; $this->requestMethod = $request_method; $this->SetContentType("text/xml"); return $this->DoRequest($url); } /** * Send an MOVE request to the server * Exp: (Move collection) $cal->DoMOVERequest( colloection1/ , collection2/ ); * @param string $method origem * @param string $destination destination * * @return string The content of the response from the server */ function DoMOVERequest( $origem, $destination) { $this->requestMethod = 'MOVE'; $this->headers[] = 'Destination: '.$this->base_url.$destination; return $this->DoRequest($this->base_url.urlencode($origem)); } /** * Get a single item from the server. * * @param string $url The URL to GET */ function DoGETRequest( $url ) { $this->body = ""; $this->requestMethod = "GET"; return $this->DoRequest( $url ); } /** * Get the HEAD of a single item from the server. * * @param string $url The URL to HEAD */ function DoHEADRequest( $url ) { $this->body = ""; $this->requestMethod = "HEAD"; return $this->DoRequest( $url ); } /** * PUT a text/icalendar resource, returning the etag * * @param string $url The URL to make the request to * @param string $icalendar The iCalendar resource to send to the server * @param string $etag The etag of an existing resource to be overwritten, or '*' for a new resource. * * @return string The content of the response from the server */ function DoPUTRequest( $url, $icalendar, $etag = null ) { $this->body = $icalendar; $this->requestMethod = "PUT"; if ( $etag != null ) { $this->SetMatch( ($etag != '*'), $etag ); } $this->SetContentType('text/calendar; encoding="utf-8"'); $this->DoRequest($url); var_dump( $this->httpResponseHeaders); $etag = null; if ( preg_match( '{^ETag:\s+"([^"]*)"\s*$}im', $this->httpResponseHeaders, $matches ) ) $etag = $matches[1]; if ( !isset($etag) || $etag == '' ) { printf( "No etag in:\n%s\n", $this->httpResponseHeaders ); $save_request = $this->httpRequest; $save_response_headers = $this->httpResponseHeaders; $this->DoHEADRequest( $url ); if ( preg_match( '{^Etag:\s+"([^"]*)"\s*$}im', $this->httpResponseHeaders, $matches ) ) $etag = $matches[1]; if ( !isset($etag) || $etag == '' ) { printf( "Still No etag in:\n%s\n", $this->httpResponseHeaders ); } $this->httpRequest = $save_request; $this->httpResponseHeaders = $save_response_headers; } return $etag; } /** * DELETE a text/icalendar resource * * @param string $url The URL to make the request to * @param string $etag The etag of an existing resource to be deleted, or '*' for any resource at that URL. * * @return int The HTTP Result Code for the DELETE */ function DoDELETERequest( $url, $etag = null ) { $this->body = ""; $this->requestMethod = "DELETE"; if ( $etag != null ) { $this->SetMatch( true, $etag ); } return $this->DoRequest($url); } /** * Get a single item from the server. * * @param string $url The URL to PROPFIND on */ function DoPROPFINDRequest( $url, $props, $depth = 0 ) { $this->SetDepth($depth); $xml = new XMLDocument( array( 'DAV:' => '', 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav' => 'C' ) ); $prop = new XMLElement('prop'); foreach( $props AS $v ) { $xml->NSElement($prop,$v); } $this->body = $xml->Render('propfind',$prop ); $this->requestMethod = "PROPFIND"; $this->SetContentType("text/xml"); $this->DoRequest($url); return $this->GetXmlResponse(); } /** * Get/Set the Principal URL * * @param $url string The Principal URL to set */ function PrincipalURL( $url = null ) { if ( isset($url) ) { $this->principal_url = $url; } return $this->principal_url; } /** * Get/Set the calendar-home-set URL * * @param $url array of string The calendar-home-set URLs to set */ function CalendarHomeSet( $urls = null ) { if ( isset($urls) ) { if ( ! is_array($urls) ) $urls = array($urls); $this->calendar_home_set = $urls; } return $this->calendar_home_set; } /** * Get/Set the calendar-home-set URL * * @param $urls array of string The calendar URLs to set */ function CalendarUrls( $urls = null ) { if ( isset($urls) ) { if ( ! is_array($urls) ) $urls = array($urls); $this->calendar_urls = $urls; } return $this->calendar_urls; } /** * Return the first occurrence of an href inside the named tag. * * @param string $tagname The tag name to find the href inside of */ function HrefValueInside( $tagname ) { foreach( $this->xmltags[$tagname] AS $k => $v ) { $j = $v + 1; if ( $this->xmlnodes[$j]['tag'] == 'DAV::href' ) { return rawurldecode($this->xmlnodes[$j]['value']); } } return null; } /** * Return the href containing this property. Except only if it's inside a status != 200 * * @param string $tagname The tag name of the property to find the href for * @param integer $which Which instance of the tag should we use */ function HrefForProp( $tagname, $i = 0 ) { if ( isset($this->xmltags[$tagname]) && isset($this->xmltags[$tagname][$i]) ) { $j = $this->xmltags[$tagname][$i]; while( $j-- > 0 && $this->xmlnodes[$j]['tag'] != 'DAV::href' ) { // printf( "Node[$j]: %s\n", $this->xmlnodes[$j]['tag']); if ( $this->xmlnodes[$j]['tag'] == 'DAV::status' && $this->xmlnodes[$j]['value'] != 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ) return null; } // printf( "Node[$j]: %s\n", $this->xmlnodes[$j]['tag']); if ( $j > 0 && isset($this->xmlnodes[$j]['value']) ) { // printf( "Value[$j]: %s\n", $this->xmlnodes[$j]['value']); return rawurldecode($this->xmlnodes[$j]['value']); } } else { printf( "xmltags[$tagname] or xmltags[$tagname][$i] is not set\n"); } return null; } /** * Return the href which has a resourcetype of the specified type * * @param string $tagname The tag name of the resourcetype to find the href for * @param integer $which Which instance of the tag should we use */ function HrefForResourcetype( $tagname, $i = 0 ) { if ( isset($this->xmltags[$tagname]) && isset($this->xmltags[$tagname][$i]) ) { $j = $this->xmltags[$tagname][$i]; while( $j-- > 0 && $this->xmlnodes[$j]['tag'] != 'DAV::resourcetype' ); if ( $j > 0 ) { while( $j-- > 0 && $this->xmlnodes[$j]['tag'] != 'DAV::href' ); if ( $j > 0 && isset($this->xmlnodes[$j]['value']) ) { return rawurldecode($this->xmlnodes[$j]['value']); } } } return null; } /** * Return the ... of a propstat where the status is OK * * @param string $nodenum The node number in the xmlnodes which is the href */ function GetOKProps( $nodenum ) { $props = null; $level = $this->xmlnodes[$nodenum]['level']; $status = ''; while ( $this->xmlnodes[++$nodenum]['level'] >= $level ) { if ( $this->xmlnodes[$nodenum]['tag'] == 'DAV::propstat' ) { if ( $this->xmlnodes[$nodenum]['type'] == 'open' ) { $props = array(); $status = ''; } else { if ( $status == 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ) break; } } elseif ( !isset($this->xmlnodes[$nodenum]) || !is_array($this->xmlnodes[$nodenum]) ) { break; } elseif ( $this->xmlnodes[$nodenum]['tag'] == 'DAV::status' ) { $status = $this->xmlnodes[$nodenum]['value']; } else { $props[] = $this->xmlnodes[$nodenum]; } } return $props; } /** * Attack the given URL in an attempt to find a principal URL * * @param string $url The URL to find the principal-URL from */ function FindPrincipal( $url ) { $xml = $this->DoPROPFINDRequest( $url, array('resourcetype', 'current-user-principal', 'owner', 'principal-URL', 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-home-set'), 1); $principal_url = $this->HrefForProp('DAV::principal'); if ( !isset($principal_url) ) { foreach( array('DAV::current-user-principal', 'DAV::principal-URL', 'DAV::owner') AS $href ) { if ( !isset($principal_url) ) { $principal_url = $this->HrefValueInside($href); } } } return $this->PrincipalURL($principal_url); } /** * Attack the given URL in an attempt to find a principal URL * * @param string $url The URL to find the calendar-home-set from */ function FindCalendarHome( $recursed=false ) { if ( !isset($this->principal_url) ) { $this->FindPrincipal($this->principal_url); } if ( $recursed ) { $this->DoPROPFINDRequest( $this->principal_url, array('urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-home-set'), 0); } $calendar_home = array(); foreach( $this->xmltags['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-home-set'] AS $k => $v ) { if ( $this->xmlnodes[$v]['type'] != 'open' ) continue; while( $this->xmlnodes[++$v]['type'] != 'close' && $this->xmlnodes[$v]['tag'] != 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-home-set' ) { // printf( "Tag: '%s' = '%s'\n", $this->xmlnodes[$v]['tag'], $this->xmlnodes[$v]['value']); if ( $this->xmlnodes[$v]['tag'] == 'DAV::href' && isset($this->xmlnodes[$v]['value']) ) $calendar_home[] = rawurldecode($this->xmlnodes[$v]['value']); } } if ( !$recursed && count($calendar_home) < 1 ) { $calendar_home = $this->FindCalendarHome(true); } return $this->CalendarHomeSet($calendar_home); } /** * Find the calendars, from the calendar_home_set */ function FindCalendars( $recursed=false ) { if ( !isset($this->calendar_home_set[0]) ) { $this->FindCalendarHome(); } $this->DoPROPFINDRequest( $this->calendar_home_set[0], array('resourcetype','displayname','http://calendarserver.org/ns/:getctag'), 1); $calendars = array(); if ( isset($this->xmltags['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar']) ) { $calendar_urls = array(); foreach( $this->xmltags['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar'] AS $k => $v ) { $calendar_urls[$this->HrefForProp('urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar', $k)] = 1; } foreach( $this->xmltags['DAV::href'] AS $i => $hnode ) { $href = rawurldecode($this->xmlnodes[$hnode]['value']); if ( !isset($calendar_urls[$href]) ) continue; // printf("Seems '%s' is a calendar.\n", $href ); $calendar = new CalendarInfo($href); $ok_props = $this->GetOKProps($hnode); foreach( $ok_props AS $v ) { // printf("Looking at: %s[%s]\n", $href, $v['tag'] ); switch( $v['tag'] ) { case 'http://calendarserver.org/ns/:getctag': $calendar->getctag = $v['value']; break; case 'DAV::displayname': $calendar->displayname = isset($v['value']) ? $v['value'] : ''; break; } } $calendars[] = $calendar; } } return $this->CalendarUrls($calendars); } /** * Find the calendars, from the calendar_home_set */ function GetCalendarDetails( $url = null ) { if ( isset($url) ) $this->SetCalendar($url); $calendar_properties = array( 'resourcetype', 'displayname', 'http://calendarserver.org/ns/:getctag', 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-timezone', 'supported-report-set' ); $this->DoPROPFINDRequest( $this->calendar_url, $calendar_properties, 0); $hnode = $this->xmltags['DAV::href'][0]; $href = rawurldecode($this->xmlnodes[$hnode]['value']); $calendar = new CalendarInfo($href); $ok_props = $this->GetOKProps($hnode); foreach( $ok_props AS $k => $v ) { $name = preg_replace( '{^.*:}', '', $v['tag'] ); if ( isset($v['value'] ) ) { $calendar->{$name} = $v['value']; } /* else { printf( "Calendar property '%s' has no text content\n", $v['tag'] ); }*/ } return $calendar; } /** * Get all etags for a calendar */ function GetCollectionETags( $url = null ) { if ( isset($url) ) $this->SetCalendar($url); $this->DoPROPFINDRequest( $this->calendar_url, array('getetag'), 1); $etags = array(); if ( isset($this->xmltags['DAV::getetag']) ) { foreach( $this->xmltags['DAV::getetag'] AS $k => $v ) { $href = $this->HrefForProp('DAV::getetag', $k); if ( isset($href) && isset($this->xmlnodes[$v]['value']) ) $etags[$href] = $this->xmlnodes[$v]['value']; } } return $etags; } /** * Get a bunch of events for a calendar with a calendar-multiget report */ function CalendarMultiget( $event_hrefs, $url = null ) { if ( isset($url) ) $this->SetCalendar($url); $hrefs = ''; foreach( $event_hrefs AS $k => $href ) { $href = str_replace( rawurlencode('/'),'/',rawurlencode($href)); $hrefs .= ''.$href.''; } $this->body = << $hrefs EOXML; $this->requestMethod = "REPORT"; $this->SetContentType("text/xml"); $this->DoRequest( $this->calendar_url ); $events = array(); if ( isset($this->xmltags['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-data']) ) { foreach( $this->xmltags['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-data'] AS $k => $v ) { $href = $this->HrefForProp('urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-data', $k); // echo "Calendar-data:\n"; print_r($this->xmlnodes[$v]); $events[$href] = $this->xmlnodes[$v]['value']; } } else { foreach( $event_hrefs AS $k => $href ) { $this->DoGETRequest($href); $events[$href] = $this->httpResponseBody; } } return $events; } /** * Given XML for a calendar query, return an array of the events (/todos) in the * response. Each event in the array will have a 'href', 'etag' and '$response_type' * part, where the 'href' is relative to the calendar and the '$response_type' contains the * definition of the calendar data in iCalendar format. * * @param string $filter XML fragment which is the element of a calendar-query * @param string $url The URL of the calendar, or null to use the 'current' calendar_url * * @return array An array of the relative URLs, etags, and events from the server. Each element of the array will * be an array with 'href', 'etag' and 'data' elements, corresponding to the URL, the server-supplied * etag (which only varies when the data changes) and the calendar data in iCalendar format. */ function DoCalendarQuery( $filter, $url = null ) { if ( isset($url) ) $this->SetCalendar($url); $this->body = << $filter EOXML; $this->requestMethod = "REPORT"; $this->SetContentType("text/xml"); $this->DoRequest( $this->calendar_url ); $report = array(); foreach( $this->xmltags as $k => $v ) { switch( $v['tag'] ) { case 'DAV::response': if ( $v['type'] == 'open' ) { $response = array(); } elseif ( $v['type'] == 'close' ) { $report[] = $response; } break; case 'DAV::href': $response['href'] = basename( rawurldecode($v['value']) ); break; case 'DAV::getetag': $response['etag'] = preg_replace('/^"?([^"]+)"?/', '$1', $v['value']); break; case 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar-data': $response['data'] = $v['value']; break; } } return $report; } /** * Get the events in a range from $start to $finish. The dates should be in the * format yyyymmddThhmmssZ and should be in GMT. The events are returned as an * array of event arrays. Each event array will have a 'href', 'etag' and 'event' * part, where the 'href' is relative to the calendar and the event contains the * definition of the event in iCalendar format. * * @param timestamp $start The start time for the period * @param timestamp $finish The finish time for the period * @param string $relative_url The URL relative to the base_url specified when the calendar was opened. Default ''. * * @return array An array of the relative URLs, etags, and events, returned from DoCalendarQuery() @see DoCalendarQuery() */ function GetEvents( $start = null, $finish = null, $relative_url = '' ) { $filter = ""; if ( isset($start) && isset($finish) ) $range = ""; else $range = ''; $filter = << $range EOFILTER; return $this->DoCalendarQuery($filter, $relative_url); } /** * Get the todo's in a range from $start to $finish. The dates should be in the * format yyyymmddThhmmssZ and should be in GMT. The events are returned as an * array of event arrays. Each event array will have a 'href', 'etag' and 'event' * part, where the 'href' is relative to the calendar and the event contains the * definition of the event in iCalendar format. * * @param timestamp $start The start time for the period * @param timestamp $finish The finish time for the period * @param boolean $completed Whether to include completed tasks * @param boolean $cancelled Whether to include cancelled tasks * @param string $relative_url The URL relative to the base_url specified when the calendar was opened. Default ''. * * @return array An array of the relative URLs, etags, and events, returned from DoCalendarQuery() @see DoCalendarQuery() */ function GetTodos( $start, $finish, $completed = false, $cancelled = false, $relative_url = "" ) { if ( $start && $finish ) { $time_range = << EOTIME; } // Warning! May contain traces of double negatives... $neg_cancelled = ( $cancelled === true ? "no" : "yes" ); $neg_completed = ( $cancelled === true ? "no" : "yes" ); $filter = << COMPLETED CANCELLED $time_range EOFILTER; return $this->DoCalendarQuery($filter, $relative_url); } /** * Get the calendar entry by UID * * @param uid * @param string $relative_url The URL relative to the base_url specified when the calendar was opened. Default ''. * * @return array An array of the relative URL, etag, and calendar data returned from DoCalendarQuery() @see DoCalendarQuery() */ function GetEntryByUid( $uid, $relative_url = '' ) { $filter = ""; if ( $uid ) { $filter = << $uid EOFILTER; } return $this->DoCalendarQuery($filter, $relative_url); } /** * Get the calendar entry by HREF * * @param string $href The href from a call to GetEvents or GetTodos etc. * * @return string The iCalendar of the calendar entry */ function GetEntryByHref( $href ) { $href = str_replace( rawurlencode('/'),'/',rawurlencode($href)); return $this->DoGETRequest( $href ); } } /** * Usage example * * $cal = new CalDAVClient( "http://calendar.example.com/caldav.php/username/calendar/", "username", "password", "calendar" ); * $options = $cal->DoOptionsRequest(); * if ( isset($options["PROPFIND"]) ) { * // Fetch some information about the events in that calendar * $cal->SetDepth(1); * $folder_xml = $cal->DoXMLRequest("PROPFIND", '' ); * } * // Fetch all events for February * $events = $cal->GetEvents("20070101T000000Z","20070201T000000Z"); * foreach ( $events AS $k => $event ) { * do_something_with_event_data( $event['data'] ); * } * $acc = array(); * $acc["google"] = array( * "user"=>"kunsttherapie@gmail.com", * "pass"=>"xxxxx", * "server"=>"ssl://www.google.com", * "port"=>"443", * "uri"=>"https://www.google.com/calendar/dav/kunsttherapie@gmail.com/events/", * ); * * $acc["davical"] = array( * "user"=>"some_user", * "pass"=>"big secret", * "server"=>"calendar.foo.bar", * "port"=>"80", * "uri"=>"http://calendar.foo.bar/caldav.php/some_user/home/", * ); * //******************************* * * $account = $acc["davical"]; * * //******************************* * $cal = new CalDAVClient( $account["uri"], $account["user"], $account["pass"], "", $account["server"], $account["port"] ); * $options = $cal->DoOptionsRequest(); * print_r($options); * * //******************************* * //******************************* * * $xmlC = << * * * * * * * * * PROPP; * //if ( isset($options["PROPFIND"]) ) { * // Fetch some information about the events in that calendar * // $cal->SetDepth(1); * // $folder_xml = $cal->DoXMLRequest("PROPFIND", $xmlC); * // print_r( $folder_xml); * //} * * // Fetch all events for February * $events = $cal->GetEvents("20090201T000000Z","20090301T000000Z"); * foreach ( $events as $k => $event ) { * print_r($event['data']); * print "\n---------------------------------------------\n"; * } * * //******************************* * //******************************* */