* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \***************************************************************************/ /* This class is responsible for the LDAP control/generic functions and for configuration gathering */ class bo_ldap_manager { var $srcs; function bo_ldap_manager () { if (!($this->srcs = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('bo_ldap_manager.srcs','contactcenter'))) { $c = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','contactcenter'); $data = $c->read_repository(); if (!$data or $data['cc_global_source0'] !== 'ldap') { $this->srcs = null; return; } $this->srcs = array( 1 => array( 'name' => $data['cc_catalog_name'], 'host' => $data['cc_ldap_host0'], 'dn' => $data['cc_ldap_context0'], 'acc' => $data['cc_ldap_browse_dn0'], 'pw' => $data['cc_ldap_pw0'], 'obj' => 'inetOrgPerson', 'branch' => strtolower('ou') ) ); } } function new_ldap_source ( $source_name, $charset, $host, $port, $dn_root, $dn_admin, $admin_pass, $contact_objectclass ) { } /* @function get_all_ldap_sources @abstract Returns an array containing all LDAP sources informations @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @return array All LDAP information $return = array( => array( 'host' => (string), 'dn' => (string), 'acc' => (string), 'pw' => (string) ), ... ) TODO: Return multiple sources... */ function get_all_ldap_sources ( ) { return $this->srcs; } function get_ldap_fields_association ( $id_source ) { $op_iop = array( 'contact.id_contact' => array('dn'), 'contact.photo' => array('jpegPhoto'), 'contact.prefixes.prefix' => false, 'contact.alias' => array('alias'), 'contact.given_names' => array('givenName'), 'contact.family_names' => array('sn'), 'contact.names_ordered' => array('cn'),//,'displayName'), 'contact.suffixes.suffix' => false, 'contact.birthdate' => false, 'contact.sex' => false, 'contact.pgp_key' => false, 'contact.notes' => false, 'contact.mail_forwarding_address' => array('mailForwardingAddress'), 'contact.account_type' => array('phpgwAccountType'), 'contact.business_info.title' => array('title'), 'contact.business_info.department' => array('ou'), 'contact.company.company_name' => array('o'), 'contact.company.company_notes' => array('businessCategory'), 'contact.contact_related.names_ordered' => 'contact.contact_related.typeof_relation.contact_relation_name', 'contact.contact_related.typeof_relation.contact_relation_name' => array( 'manager' => array('manager'), 'secretary' => array('secretary') ), 'contact.address.address1' => 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name', 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name' => array( 'home' => array('street', 'st', 'postalAddress', 'homePostalAddress'), ), 'contact.address.postal_code' => 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name', 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name' => array( 'home' => array('PostalCode'), ), 'contact.address.city.city_name' => 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name', 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name' => array( 'home' => array('l'), ), 'contact.address.city.state.state_name' => 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name', 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name' => array( 'home' => false, ), 'contact.address.city.country.id_country' => 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name', 'contact.address.typeof_address.contact_address_type_name' => array( 'home' => array('c') ), 'contact.connection.connection_value' => 'contact.connection.typeof_connection.contact_connection_type_name', 'contact.connection.typeof_connection.contact_connection_type_name' => array ( 'email' => array('mail'), 'phone' => array('telephoneNumber'), 'mobile' => array('mobile'), 'pager' => array('pager'), 'fax' => array('facsimileTelephoneNumber'), 'telex' => array('telexNumber') ), ); return $op_iop; } /*! @function get_ldap_tree @abstract Returns the LDAP tree corresponding to the specified level @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param (integer) $id_source The ID of the LDAP source @param (string) $context The context to be used as root branch @param (boolean) $recursive Make it a recursive construction. CAUTION! This is EXTREMELY SLOW on large LDAP databases, specially when they're not indexed */ function get_ldap_tree($id_source, $context = false, $recursive = false) { if (!$this->srcs[$id_source]) { return null; } $ldap = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->ldapConnect($this->srcs[$id_source]['host'], $this->srcs[$id_source]['acc'],$this->srcs[$id_source]['pw'], false); if (!$ldap) { return false; } if ($recursive) { $tree = $this->get_ldap_tree_recursive($ldap, $context, $this->srcs[$id_source]['obj'],$this->srcs[$id_source]['branch']); $tree['recursive'] = true; return $tree; } return $this->get_ldap_tree_level($id_source, $ldap, $context, $this->srcs[$id_source]['obj'],$this->srcs[$id_source]['branch']); } /*! THIS FUNCTION IS NOT TESTED AND IS PROBABLY BROKEN! I WILL CORRECT IT IN THE NEAR FUTURE */ function get_ldap_tree_recursive($resource, $context, $objectClass) { $filter = '(!(objectClass='.$objectClass.'))'; $result_res = ldap_list($resource, $context, $filter); if ($result_res === false) { return null; } $count = ldap_count_entries($resource,$result_res); if ( $count == 0 ) { $filter = 'objectClass='.$objectClass; $result_res2 = ldap_list($resource, $context, $filter); $entries_count = ldap_count_entries($resource, $result_res2); if ($result_res2 !== false && $entries_count > 0) { return $entries_count; } else { return null; } } $entries = ldap_get_entries($resource, $result_res); for ($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; $i++) { $subtree = $this->get_ldap_tree_recursive($resource, $entries[$i]['dn'], $objectClass); $dn_parts=ldap_explode_dn($entries[$i]['dn'],1); if ($subtree !== null and is_array($subtree)) { $tree[$i]['name'] = $dn_parts[0]; $tree[$i]['type'] = 'catalog_group'; $tree[$i]['recursive'] = true; $tree[$i]['sub_branch'] = $subtree; } else if (is_int($subtree) and $subtree !== null) { $tree[$i] = array( 'name' => $dn_parts[0], 'type' => 'catalog', 'class' => 'global_contact_manager', 'icon' => 'share-mini.png', 'value' => $entries[$i]['dn'], 'sub_branch' => false ); } } if (is_array($tree)) { return $tree; } else { return null; } } function get_ldap_referrals($ds, $dn, $filter) { ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); ldap_set_option($ds,LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION,3); if ($ds) { ldap_bind($ds); $sr=ldap_list($ds,$dn, $filter); $ref = ldap_first_reference($ds, $sr); $array_referral = array(); $idx = 0; while ($ref) { $array_referral[$idx++] = ldap_get_dn($ds, $ref); $ref = ldap_next_reference($ds, $ref); } return $array_referral; } else return false; } function get_ldap_sub_branches_referrals($ds, $dn, $filter) { $referral = $this -> get_ldap_referrals($ds, $dn, $filter); $sub_branches = array(); for($i = 0; $i $dn, 'type' => 'unknown', 'value' => $referral[$i], 'sub_branch' => false ); $sub_branches[$i] = $sub_branch; } return $sub_branches; } function get_ldap_tree_level($id_source, $resource, $context, $objectClass, $branch_dn) { if(strstr($context, "ldap://")){ $refer_context = str_replace("??base","",preg_replace('!^(ldap://[^/]+)/(.*$)!', '\\2', $context)); $host = preg_replace('!^(ldap://[^/]+)/.*$!', '\\1', $context); $resource = ldap_connect($host); ldap_bind($resource); } $dn_parts = ldap_explode_dn(($refer_context ? $refer_context : $context),1); //$filter = '(!(objectClass='.$objectClass.'))'; // Don't show OU's whith phpgwAccountVisible equal to '-1' $filter = '(&(!(objectClass='.$objectClass.')) (!(phpgwAccountVisible=-1)))'; $result_res = @ldap_list($resource, ($refer_context ? $refer_context : $context), $filter); @ldap_sort($resource, $result_res, 'ou'); if ($result_res === false) { return null; } $count = ldap_count_entries($resource,$result_res); if ( $count == 0 ) { $filter = 'objectClass='.$objectClass; $result_res2 = @ldap_list($resource, ($refer_context ? $refer_context : $context), $filter); $entries_count = ldap_count_entries($resource, $result_res2); if ($result_res2 !== false && $entries_count > 0) { return array( 'name' => $dn_parts[0], 'type' => 'catalog', 'class' => 'bo_global_ldap_catalog', 'class_args' => array($id_source, $context), 'icon' => 'globalcatalog-mini.png', 'value' => $context, 'sub_branch' => false ); } else { return array( 'name' => $dn_parts[0], 'type' => 'empty' ); } } $sub_branch_found = false; $i = 0; for ($entry = ldap_first_entry($resource, $result_res); $entry != false; $entry = ldap_next_entry($resource, $entry)) { $dn = ldap_get_dn($resource, $entry); $dn_parts_1 = ldap_explode_dn($dn,1); $dn_parts_full = ldap_explode_dn($dn,0); list($group) = explode('=',$dn_parts_full[0]); if ($group == $branch_dn or $branch_dn === 'all') { $tree['sub_branch'][$i] = array( 'name' => $dn_parts_1[0], 'type' => 'unknown', 'value' => ($refer_context ? $host."/" : "").$dn, 'sub_branch' => false ); $sub_branch_found = true; } $i++; } if(! $refer_context) { $array_referral = $this -> get_ldap_sub_branches_referrals($resource, $context,'(objectClass=organizationalUnit)'); for($z = 0; $z < count($array_referral); $z++) { $tree['sub_branch'][$i++] = $array_referral[$z]; } } $filter = 'objectClass='.$objectClass; $result_res2 = @ldap_list($resource, ($refer_context ? $refer_context : $context), $filter); $entries_count = ldap_count_entries($resource, $result_res2); if ($result_res2 !== false && $entries_count > 0 && $sub_branch_found) { $tree['name'] = $dn_parts[0]; $tree['type'] = 'mixed_catalog_group'; $tree['class'] = 'bo_global_ldap_catalog'; $tree['class_args'] = array($id_source,$context); $tree['icon'] = 'globalcatalog-mini.png'; $tree['value'] = $context; } elseif ($result_res2 !== false && $entries_count > 0 && !$sub_branch_found) { return array( 'name' => $dn_parts[0], 'type' => 'catalog', 'class' => 'bo_global_ldap_catalog', 'class_args' => array($id_source, $context), 'icon' => 'globalcatalog-mini.png', 'value' => $context, 'sub_branch' => false ); } else { $tree['name'] = $dn_parts[0]; $tree['type'] = 'catalog_group'; $tree['class'] = 'bo_catalog_group_catalog'; $tree['class_args'] = array('$this', '$this->get_branch_by_level($this->catalog_level[0])'); $tree['value'] = $context; $tree['ldap'] = array('id_source' => $id_source, 'context' => $context); } usort($tree['sub_branch'], array($this, "compareTreeNodes")); return $tree; } function compareTreeNodes($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']); } } ?>