/***************************************************************************\ * eGroupWare - Contacts Center * * http://www.egroupware.org * * Written by: * * - Raphael Derosso Pereira * * sponsored by Thyamad - http://www.thyamad.com * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \***************************************************************************/ /* * ContactCenter API - Add Group * * USAGE INSTRUCTIONS */ function cAddGroup () { // Private this._card; this._button = new Array(); // Public this.window; this.afterSave; this.load; // Constructor var wHeight = 0; // Elements this.title = Element('title'); this.contact_in_list = Element('contact_in_list'); this.contact_list = Element('contact_list'); this.group_id = Element('group_id'); ccAGWinHeight = 'ccAGWinHeightMO'; if (is_ie) ccAGWinHeight = 'ccAGWinHeightIE'; wHeight = Element(ccAGWinHeight).value; this.window = new dJSWin({ id: 'ccAddGroup DOM', content_id: 'ccAddGroupContent', width: '700px', height: wHeight+'px', title_color: '#3978d6', bg_color: '#eee', title: Element('ccAGTitle').value, title_text_color: 'white', button_x_img: Element('cc_phpgw_img_dir').value+'/winclose.gif', border: true }); this.window.draw(); } /*! @method associateAsButton @abstract Associates the button functions with the spacified DOM Element @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param div DOMElement The HTML DOM element that will "host" the plugin button. @param func function The function that returns the data to be used to pre-populate the quickAdd fields. The return format MUST be an Array like: var return_data = new Array(); return_data[0] = ; // Value for the first field return_data[1] = ; // Value for the second field ... */ cAddGroup.prototype.associateAsButton = function (div) { var _this = this; div.onclick = function() { if (_this.load) { switch (typeof(_this.load)) { case 'function': _this.load(); break; case 'string': eval(_this.load); break; } } }; } /*! @method send @abstract Sends data to server @author Raphael Derosso Pereira */ cAddGroup.prototype.send = function () { var _this = this; var handler = function (responseText) { Element('cc_debug').innerHTML = responseText; var data = unserialize(responseText); if (!data || typeof(data) != 'object') { showMessage(Element('cc_msg_err_contacting_server').value); return; } //showMessage(data['msg']); if (data['status'] != 'ok') { return; } _this.clear(); _this.window.close(); if (_this.afterSave) { switch (typeof(_this.afterSave)) { case 'function': _this.afterSave(); break; case 'string': eval(_this.afterSave); break; } } } var sdata = new Array(); var empty = true; sdata[0] = this.title.value; var contacts = new Array(); for (j =0; j < this.contact_in_list.length; j++) contacts[j] = this.contact_in_list.options[j].value; if(!this.title.value) { alert(Element('cc_msg_fill_field_name').value); this.title.focus(); return false; } if(! contacts.length) { alert(Element('cc_msg_add_contact_to_group').value); return false; } sdata[1] = contacts; sdata[2] = this.group_id.value == 'undefined' ? sdata[2] = 0 : sdata[2] = this.group_id.value; var sdata = 'add='+escape(serialize(sdata)); Connector.newRequest('cAddGroup.Send', CC_url+'add_group', 'POST', handler, sdata); } /*! @method clear @abstract Clear all Plugin Fields @author Raphael Derosso Pereira */ cAddGroup.prototype.clear = function (reload) { for (j =0; j < this.contact_in_list.options.length; j++) { this.contact_in_list.options[j].selected = false; this.contact_in_list.options[j--] = null; } if(reload) { for (j =0; j < this.contact_list.options.length; j++) { this.contact_list.options[j].selected = false; this.contact_list.options[j--] = null; } } this.title.value = ''; } /* Função para remover contato da lista */ cAddGroup.prototype.remUser = function(){ select = this.contact_list; select_in = this.contact_in_list; for(var i = 0;i < select_in.options.length; i++) if(select_in.options[i].selected) select_in.options[i--] = null; } /* Função para adicionar contato na lista */ cAddGroup.prototype.addUser = function(){ select = this.contact_list; select_in = this.contact_in_list; for (i = 0 ; i < select.length ; i++) { if (select.options[i].selected) { isSelected = false; for(var j = 0;j < select_in.options.length; j++) { if(select_in.options[j].value == select.options[i].value){ isSelected = true; break; } } if(!isSelected){ option = document.createElement('option'); option.value =select.options[i].value; option.text = select.options[i].text; option.selected = true; select_in.options[select_in.options.length] = option; } } } for (j =0; j < select.options.length; j++) select .options[j].selected = false; } /* Build the Object */ var ccAddGroup ; var cAddGroup_pre_load = document.body.onload; /* Se for IE, modifica a largura da coluna dos botoes.*/ if(document.all) document.getElementById('buttons').width = 140; if (is_ie) { document.body.onload = function (e) { cAddGroup_pre_load(); ccAddGroup = new cAddGroup(); }; } else { ccAddGroup = new cAddGroup(); }