true, 'currentapp' => $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['currentapp'], 'noheader' => true ); } require_once './'; // Explode action from cExecuteForm function $cExecuteFormReturn = false; if( isset( $_POST['_action'] ) ) { if($_FILES) { $count_files = $_POST['countFiles']; $array_files = array(); for($idx = 1; $idx <= $count_files; $idx++) { if($_FILES['file_'.$idx] && !$_FILES['file_'.$idx]['error']) $array_files[] = $_FILES['file_'.$idx]; } $_POST['FILES'] = $array_files; } list($app,$class,$method) = explode('.',@$_POST['_action']); $cExecuteFormReturn = true; } // Explode action from cExecute function else if($_GET['action']) list($app,$class,$method) = explode('.',@$_GET['action']); // NO ACTION else return $_SESSION['response'] = 'Post-Content-Length'; // Load dinamically class file. if($app == '$this') $app = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['currentapp']; else if( strpos($app, '$this/') !== false ) { $filename = str_replace('$this/','',$app) . '.php'; include_once($filename); exit; } else $filename = $app.'/inc/class.'.$class.'.inc.php'; include_once($filename); // Create new Object (class loaded). $obj = new $class; // Prepare parameters for execution. $params = array(); // If array $_POST is not null , the submit method is POST. if($_POST) { $params = $_POST; } // If array $_POST is null , and the array $_GET > 1, the submit method is GET. else if(count($_GET) > 1) { array_shift($_GET); $params = $_GET; } $result = array(); // if params is not empty, then class method with parameters. if($params) $result = $obj -> $method($params); else $result = $obj -> $method(); // Return result serialized. if(!$cExecuteFormReturn) echo serialize($result); else $_SESSION['response'] = $result; ?>