db = new db(); $this->db->Halt_On_Error = 'no'; $this->db->connect( $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_name'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_host'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_port'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_user'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_pass'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_type'] ); $this -> user_id = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['account_id']; } // BEGIN of functions. function get_cc_contacts() { $result = array(); $stringDropDownContacts = ''; $query_related = $this->get_query_related('A.id_owner'); // field name for owner // Traz os contatos pessoais e compartilhados $query = 'select A.names_ordered, C.connection_value from phpgw_cc_contact A, '. 'phpgw_cc_contact_conns B, phpgw_cc_connections C where '. 'A.id_contact = B.id_contact and B.id_connection = C.id_connection '. 'and B.id_typeof_contact_connection = 1 and ('.$query_related.') group by '. 'A.names_ordered,C.connection_value order by lower(A.names_ordered)'; if (!$this->db->query($query)) return null; while($this->db->next_record()) $result[] = $this->db->row(); if (count($result) != 0) { // Monta string foreach($result as $contact) $stringDropDownContacts = $stringDropDownContacts . $contact['names_ordered']. ';' . $contact['connection_value'] . ','; //Retira ultima virgula. $stringDropDownContacts = substr($stringDropDownContacts,0,(strlen($stringDropDownContacts) - 1)); } else return null; return $stringDropDownContacts; } // Get Related Ids for sharing contacts or groups. function get_query_related($field_name){ $query_related = $field_name .'='.$this -> user_id; // Only at first time, it gets all related ids... if(!$this->related_ids) { $query = 'select id_related from phpgw_cc_contact_rels where id_contact='.$this -> user_id.' and id_typeof_contact_relation=1'; if (!$this->db->query($query)){ return $query_related; } $result = array( ); while($this->db->next_record()){ $row = $this->db->row(); $result[] = $row['id_related']; } if($result) $this->related_ids = implode(",",$result); } if($this->related_ids) $query_related .= ' or '.$field_name.' in ('.$this->related_ids.')'; return $query_related; } function get_cc_groups() { // Pesquisa no CC os Grupos Pessoais. $stringDropDownContacts = ''; $result = array(); $query_related = $this->get_query_related('owner'); // field name for 'owner' $query = 'select title, short_name, owner from phpgw_cc_groups where '.$query_related.' order by lower(title)'; // Executa a query if (!$this->db->query($query)) return null; // Retorna cada resultado while($this->db->next_record()) $result[] = $this->db->row(); // Se houver grupos .... if (count($result) != 0) { // Create Ldap Object, if exists related Ids for sharing groups. if($this->related_ids){ $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['cc_related_ids']= array(); include_once("class.ldap_functions.inc.php"); $ldap = new ldap_functions(); } $owneruid = ''; foreach($result as $group){ // Searching uid (LDAP), if exists related Ids for sharing groups. // Save into user session. It will used before send mail (verify permission). if(!isset($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['cc_related_ids'][$group['owner']]) && isset($ldap)){ $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['cc_related_ids'][$group['owner']] = $ldap -> uidnumber2uid($group['owner']); } if($this->user_id != $group['owner']) $owneruid = "::".$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['cc_related_ids'][$group['owner']]; else $owneruid = ''; $stringDropDownContacts .= $group['title']. ';' . ($group['short_name'].$owneruid) . ','; } //Retira ultima virgula. $stringDropDownContacts = substr($stringDropDownContacts,0,(strlen($stringDropDownContacts) - 1)); } else return null; return $stringDropDownContacts; } function getContactsByGroupAlias($alias) { list($alias,$uid) = explode("::",$alias); $cc_related_ids = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['cc_related_ids']; // Explode personal group, If exists related ids (the user has permission to send email). if(is_array($cc_related_ids) && $uid){ $owner = array_search($uid,$cc_related_ids); } $query = "select C.id_connection, A.names_ordered, C.connection_value from phpgw_cc_contact A, ". "phpgw_cc_contact_conns B, phpgw_cc_connections C,phpgw_cc_contact_grps D,phpgw_cc_groups E where ". "A.id_contact = B.id_contact and B.id_connection = C.id_connection ". "and B.id_typeof_contact_connection = 1 and ". "A.id_owner =".($owner ? $owner : $this->user_id)." and ". "D.id_group = E.id_group and ". "D.id_connection = C.id_connection and E.short_name = '".$alias."'"; if (!$this->db->query($query)) { exit ('Query failed! File: '.__FILE__.' on line'.__LINE__); } $return = false; while($this->db->next_record()) { $return[] = $this->db->row(); } return $return; } function getAddrs($array_addrs) { $array_addrs_final = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($array_addrs); $i++){ $j = count($array_addrs_final); if(!strchr($array_addrs[$i],'@') && strchr($array_addrs[$i],'<') && strchr($array_addrs[$i],'>')) { $alias = substr($array_addrs[$i], strpos($array_addrs[$i],'<'), strpos($array_addrs[$i],'>')); $alias = str_replace('<','', str_replace('>','',$alias)); $arrayContacts = $this -> getContactsByGroupAlias($alias); if($arrayContacts) { foreach($arrayContacts as $index => $contact){ if($contact['names_ordered']) { $array_addrs_final[$j] = '"'.$contact['names_ordered'].'" <'.$contact['connection_value'].'>'; } else $array_addrs_final[$j] = $contact['connection_value']; $j++; } } } else $array_addrs_final[$j++] = $array_addrs[$i]; } return $array_addrs_final; } //Gera lista de contatos para ser gravado e acessado pelo expresso offline. function get_dropdown_contacts_to_cache() { return $this->get_dropdown_contacts(); } function get_dropdown_contacts(){ $contacts = $this -> get_cc_contacts(); $groups = $this -> get_cc_groups(); if(($contacts) && ($groups)) $stringDropDownContacts = $contacts . ',' . $groups; elseif ((!$contacts) && (!$groups)) $stringDropDownContacts = ''; elseif (($contacts) && (!$groups)) $stringDropDownContacts = $contacts; elseif ((!$contacts) && ($groups)) $stringDropDownContacts = $groups; if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['number_of_contacts'] && $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['use_dynamic_contacts']) { $dynamic_contact = new dynamic_contacts(); $dynamic = $dynamic_contact->dynamic_contact_toString(); if ($dynamic) $stringDropDownContacts .= ($stringDropDownContacts ? ',' : '') . $dynamic; } return $stringDropDownContacts; } function getUserByEmail($params){ // Follow the referral $email = $params['email']; $query = 'select A.names_ordered, C.connection_name, C.connection_value, A.photo'. ' from phpgw_cc_contact A, phpgw_cc_contact_conns B, '. 'phpgw_cc_connections C where A.id_contact = B.id_contact'. ' and B.id_connection = C.id_connection and A.id_contact ='. '(select A.id_contact from phpgw_cc_contact A, phpgw_cc_contact_conns B,'. 'phpgw_cc_connections C where A.id_contact = B.id_contact'. ' and B.id_connection = C.id_connection and A.id_owner = '.$this -> user_id. ' and C.connection_value = \''.$email.'\') and '. 'C.connection_is_default = true and B.id_typeof_contact_connection = 2'; if (!$this->db->query($query)) return null; if($this->db->next_record()) { $result = $this->db->row(); $obj = array("cn" => $result['names_ordered'], "email" => $email, "type" => "personal", "telefone" => $result['connection_value']); if($result['photo']) $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['contact_photo'] = array($result['photo']); return $obj; } return $result; } function get_dynamic_contacts() { // Pesquisa os emails e ultima inserção nos contatos dinamicos. if(!$this->db->select('phpgw_expressomail_contacts','data', 'id_owner ='.$this -> user_id, __LINE__,__FILE__)) { return $this->db->Error; } while($this->db->next_record()) { $result[] = $this->db->row(); } if($result) foreach($result as $item) { $contacts = unserialize($item['data']); } if (count($contacts) == 0) { return null; } //Sort by email function cmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a["email"], $b["email"]);} usort($contacts,"cmp"); return $contacts; } function update_contacts($contacts=array()) { // Atualiza um email nos contatos dinamicos. if(!$this->db->update('phpgw_expressomail_contacts ','data=\''.serialize($contacts).'\'', 'id_owner ='.$this -> user_id, __LINE__,__FILE__)) { return $this->db->Error; } return $contacts; } function update_preferences($params){ $string_serial = urldecode($params['prefe_string']); $string_serial = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $string_serial : addslashes($string_serial); $query = "update phpgw_preferences set preference_value = '".$string_serial."' where preference_app = 'expressoMail'". " and preference_owner = '".$this->user_id."'"; if (!$this->db->query($query)) return $this->db->error; else return array("success" => true); } function insert_contact($contact) { $contacts[] = array( 'timestamp' => time(), 'email' => $contact ); // Insere um email nos contatos dinamicos. $query = 'INSERT INTO phpgw_expressomail_contacts (data, id_owner) ' . 'values ( \''.serialize($contacts).'\', '.$this->user_id.')'; if(!$this->db->query($query,__LINE__,__FILE__)) return $this->db->Error; return $contacts; } function remove_dynamic_contact($user_id,$line,$file) { $where = $user_id.' = id_owner'; $this->db->delete('phpgw_expressomail_contacts',$where,$line,$file); } function import_vcard($params){ include_once('class.imap_functions.inc.php'); $objImap = new imap_functions(); $msg_number = $params['msg_number']; $idx_file = $params['idx_file']; $msg_part = $params['msg_part']; $msg_folder = $params['msg_folder']; $encoding = strtolower($params['encoding']); $fileContent = ""; if($msg_number && $msg_part && $msg_folder && (intval($idx_file == '0' ? '1' : $idx_file))) { $mbox_stream = $objImap->open_mbox($msg_folder); $fileContent = imap_fetchbody($mbox_stream, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID); include_once('class.imap_attachment.inc.php'); $imap_attachment = new imap_attachment(); $a = $imap_attachment->download_attachment($mbox_stream, $msg_number); $filename = $a[$idx_file]['name']; } else $filename = $idx_file; if($fileContent) { if($encoding == 'base64') $calendar = imap_base64($fileContent); else if($encoding == 'quoted-printable') $calendar = quoted_printable_decode($fileContent); else $calendar = $fileContent; } $uiicalendar = CreateObject("calendar.uiicalendar"); return $uiicalendar = $uiicalendar->import_from_mail($calendar); } function insert_certificate($email,$certificate,$serialnumber,$authoritykeyidentifier=null) { if(!$email || !$certificate || !$serialnumber || !$authoritykeyidentifier) return false; // Insere uma chave publica na tabela phpgw_certificados. $data = array ('email' => $email, 'chave_publica' => $certificate, 'serialnumber' => $serialnumber, 'authoritykeyidentifier' => $authoritykeyidentifier); if(!$this->db->insert('phpgw_certificados',$data,array(),__LINE__,__FILE__)){ return $this->db->Error; } return true; } function get_certificate($email=null) { if(!$email) return false; $result = array(); $where = array ('email' => $email, 'revogado' => 0, 'expirado' => 0); if(!$this->db->select('phpgw_certificados','chave_publica', $where, __LINE__,__FILE__)) { $result['dberr1'] = $this->db->Error; return $result; } $regs = array(); while($this->db->next_record()) { $regs[] = $this->db->row(); } if (count($regs) == 0) { $result['dberr2'] = ' Certificado nao localizado.'; return $result; } $result['certs'] = $regs; return $result; } function update_certificate($serialnumber=null,$email=null,$authoritykeyidentifier,$expirado,$revogado) { if(!$email || !$serialnumber) return false; if(!$expirado) $expirado = 0; if(!$revogado) $revogado = 0; $data = array ('expirado' => $expirado, 'revogado' => $revogado); $where = array ('email' => $email, 'serialnumber' => $serialnumber, 'authoritykeyidentifier' => $authoritykeyidentifier); if(!$this->db->update('phpgw_certificados',$data,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__)) { return $this->db->Error; } return true; } } ?>