=0;$y--) { $CurrentBit=0; for($x=0;$x<$Width;$x++) { $C=freadbits($f,$biBitCount); imagesetpixel($img,$x,$y,$Palette[$C]); }; if($CurrentBit!=0) {freadbyte($f);}; for($g=0;$g<$Zbytek;$g++) freadbyte($f); }; }; }; if($RLECompression==1) //$BI_RLE8 { $y=$Height; $pocetb=0; while(true) { $y--; $prefix=freadbyte($f); $suffix=freadbyte($f); $pocetb+=2; $echoit=false; if($echoit)echo "Prefix: $prefix Suffix: $suffix
"; if(($prefix==0)and($suffix==1)) break; if(feof($f)) break; while(!(($prefix==0)and($suffix==0))) { if($prefix==0) { $pocet=$suffix; $Data.=fread($f,$pocet); $pocetb+=$pocet; if($pocetb%2==1) {freadbyte($f); $pocetb++;}; }; if($prefix>0) { $pocet=$prefix; for($r=0;$r<$pocet;$r++) $Data.=chr($suffix); }; $prefix=freadbyte($f); $suffix=freadbyte($f); $pocetb+=2; if($echoit) echo "Prefix: $prefix Suffix: $suffix
"; }; for($x=0;$x";*/ while(true) { //break; $y--; $prefix=freadbyte($f); $suffix=freadbyte($f); $pocetb+=2; $echoit=false; if($echoit)echo "Prefix: $prefix Suffix: $suffix
"; if(($prefix==0)and($suffix==1)) break; if(feof($f)) break; while(!(($prefix==0)and($suffix==0))) { if($prefix==0) { $pocet=$suffix; $CurrentBit=0; for($h=0;$h<$pocet;$h++) $Data.=chr(freadbits($f,4)); if($CurrentBit!=0) freadbits($f,4); $pocetb+=ceil(($pocet/2)); if($pocetb%2==1) {freadbyte($f); $pocetb++;}; }; if($prefix>0) { $pocet=$prefix; $i=0; for($r=0;$r<$pocet;$r++) { if($i%2==0) { $Data.=chr($suffix%16); } else { $Data.=chr(floor($suffix/16)); }; $i++; }; }; $prefix=freadbyte($f); $suffix=freadbyte($f); $pocetb+=2; if($echoit) echo "Prefix: $prefix Suffix: $suffix
"; }; for($x=0;$x=0;$y--) { for($x=0;$x<$Width;$x++) { $B=freadbyte($f); $G=freadbyte($f); $R=freadbyte($f); $color=imagecolorexact($img,$R,$G,$B); if($color==-1) $color=imagecolorallocate($img,$R,$G,$B); imagesetpixel($img,$x,$y,$color); } for($z=0;$z<$Zbytek;$z++) freadbyte($f); }; }; return $img; }; fclose($f); }; /* * Helping functions: *------------------------- * * freadbyte($file) - reads 1 byte from $file * freadword($file) - reads 2 bytes (1 word) from $file * freaddword($file) - reads 4 bytes (1 dword) from $file * freadlngint($file) - same as freaddword($file) * decbin8($d) - returns binary string of d zero filled to 8 * RetBits($byte,$start,$len) - returns bits $start->$start+$len from $byte * freadbits($file,$count) - reads next $count bits from $file * RGBToHex($R,$G,$B) - convert $R, $G, $B to hex * int_to_dword($n) - returns 4 byte representation of $n * int_to_word($n) - returns 2 byte representation of $n */ function freadbyte($f) { return ord(fread($f,1)); }; function freadword($f) { $b1=freadbyte($f); $b2=freadbyte($f); return $b2*256+$b1; }; function freadlngint($f) { return freaddword($f); }; function freaddword($f) { $b1=freadword($f); $b2=freadword($f); return $b2*65536+$b1; }; function RetBits($byte,$start,$len) { $bin=decbin8($byte); $r=bindec(substr($bin,$start,$len)); return $r; }; $CurrentBit=0; function freadbits($f,$count) { global $CurrentBit,$SMode; $Byte=freadbyte($f); $LastCBit=$CurrentBit; $CurrentBit+=$count; if($CurrentBit==8) { $CurrentBit=0; } else { fseek($f,ftell($f)-1); }; return RetBits($Byte,$LastCBit,$count); }; function RGBToHex($Red,$Green,$Blue) { $hRed=dechex($Red);if(strlen($hRed)==1) $hRed="0$hRed"; $hGreen=dechex($Green);if(strlen($hGreen)==1) $hGreen="0$hGreen"; $hBlue=dechex($Blue);if(strlen($hBlue)==1) $hBlue="0$hBlue"; return($hRed.$hGreen.$hBlue); }; function int_to_dword($n) { return chr($n & 255).chr(($n >> 8) & 255).chr(($n >> 16) & 255).chr(($n >> 24) & 255); } function int_to_word($n) { return chr($n & 255).chr(($n >> 8) & 255); } function decbin8($d) { return decbinx($d,8); }; function decbinx($d,$n) { $bin=decbin($d); $sbin=strlen($bin); for($j=0;$j<$n-$sbin;$j++) $bin="0$bin"; return $bin; }; function inttobyte($n) { return chr($n); }; ?>