* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ include_once("fckeditor.php"); $type = $_GET['type']; // FIX ME $default = array( '25' => '25', '50' => '50', '75' => '75', '100' => '100' ); create_select_box(lang('What is the maximum number of messages per page?'),'max_email_per_page',$default, 'What is the maximum number of messages per page?'); create_check_box(lang('Save deleted messages in trash folder?'),'save_deleted_msg','Save deleted messages in trash folder?'); $default = array( '1' => lang('1 day'), '2' => lang('2 days'), '3' => lang('3 days'), '4' => lang('4 days'), '5' => lang('5 days') ); create_select_box(lang('Delete trash messages after how many days?'),'delete_trash_messages_after_n_days',$default,lang('Delete trash messages after how many days?')); create_check_box(lang('Would you like to use local messages?'),'use_local_messages',''); create_check_box(lang('Would you like to keep archived messages?'),'keep_archived_messages',''); create_check_box(lang('Show previous message, after delete actual message?'),'delete_and_show_previous_message',''); create_check_box(lang('Do you wanna receive an alert for new messages?'),'alert_new_msg',''); create_check_box(lang('Show default view on main screen?'),'mainscreen_showmail',''); create_check_box(lang('Do you want to use remove attachments function?'),'remove_attachments_function',''); create_check_box(lang('Do you want to use important flag in email editor?'),'enable_important_flag',''); //TODO use default folders from email admin $default = array( 'INBOX' => lang('INBOX'), 'INBOX/'.lang('Drafts') => lang('Drafts'), 'INBOX/'.lang('Sent') => lang('Sent'), 'INBOX/'.lang('Trash') => lang('Trash') ); create_select_box(lang('Save sent messages in folder'),'save_in_folder',$default,''); create_check_box(lang('Hide menu folders?'),'check_menu',''); $default = array( '20' => lang('normal'), '30' => lang('medium'), '40' => lang('big') ); create_select_box(lang('What is the height of the lines in the list of messages?'),'line_height',$default,''); $default = array( '10' => lang('small'), '11' => lang('normal'), '15' => lang('big') ); create_select_box(lang('What the font size in the list of messages?'),'font_size',$default,''); create_check_box(lang('Use dynamic contacts?'),'use_dynamic_contacts',''); create_check_box(lang('Use shortcuts?'),'use_shotcuts',''); create_check_box(lang('Auto save draft'),'auto_save_draft',''); $default = array( 'text' => lang('simple text'), 'html' => lang('rich text') ); create_select_box(lang('Signature Type'),'type_signature',$default,'','','','onchange="javascript:changeType(this.value);" onload="javascript:alert(this.value);"'); if ($type == 'user'){ $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('html_signature'); $oFCKeditor->BasePath = '../expressoMail1_2/js/fckeditor/'; $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'ExpressoLivre'; $vars = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->user[$appname]; create_html_code("
"); } ?>