<% Function GetUrlFromPath( resourceType, folderPath ) If resourceType = "" Then GetUrlFromPath = RemoveFromEnd( sUserFilesPath, "/" ) & folderPath Else GetUrlFromPath = sUserFilesPath & resourceType & folderPath End If End Function Function RemoveExtension( fileName ) RemoveExtension = Left( fileName, InStrRev( fileName, "." ) - 1 ) End Function Function ServerMapFolder( resourceType, folderPath ) ' Get the resource type directory. Dim sResourceTypePath sResourceTypePath = sUserFilesDirectory & resourceType & "\" ' Ensure that the directory exists. CreateServerFolder sResourceTypePath ' Return the resource type directory combined with the required path. ServerMapFolder = sResourceTypePath & RemoveFromStart( folderPath, "/" ) End Function Sub CreateServerFolder( folderPath ) Dim oFSO Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) Dim sParent sParent = oFSO.GetParentFolderName( folderPath ) ' Check if the parent exists, or create it. If ( NOT oFSO.FolderExists( sParent ) ) Then CreateServerFolder( sParent ) If ( oFSO.FolderExists( folderPath ) = False ) Then oFSO.CreateFolder( folderPath ) End If Set oFSO = Nothing End Sub Function IsAllowedExt( extension, resourceType ) Dim oRE Set oRE = New RegExp oRE.IgnoreCase = True oRE.Global = True Dim sAllowed, sDenied sAllowed = ConfigAllowedExtensions.Item( resourceType ) sDenied = ConfigDeniedExtensions.Item( resourceType ) IsAllowedExt = True If sDenied <> "" Then oRE.Pattern = sDenied IsAllowedExt = Not oRE.Test( extension ) End If If IsAllowedExt And sAllowed <> "" Then oRE.Pattern = sAllowed IsAllowedExt = oRE.Test( extension ) End If Set oRE = Nothing End Function %>