function charCounter(form) { if (form.value.length >= 300) { alert(get_lang("You have exceeded the number of allowed characters")); return false; } } function cfilter(){ this.mode_in = ""; this.rulest = new Array; this.out_officeR = ""; this.out_officeF = false; this.email_deny = new Array; this.ac_form = ""; this.ind = ""; this.email_deny = new Array; this.email_ld = ""; this.values = new Array("", ",checkBox1", ",select_size=1", ",checkBox1,select_size=1", ",select_rules=1", ",checkBox1,select_rules=1", ",select_size=1,select_rules=1", ",checkBox1,select_size=1,select_rules=1", ",checkBox2", ",checkBox1,checkBox2", ",checkBox2,select_size=1", ",ckeckBox1,checkBox2,select_size=1", ",checkBox2,select_rules=1", ",checkBox1,checkBox2,select_rules=1", ",checkBox2,select_size=1,select_rules=1", ",checkBox1,checkBox2,select_size=1,select_rules=1"); } cfilter.prototype.load_rules = function(){ var _this = this; if(_this.rulest.length == 0){ var handler_sieve = function(data){ if(data.rule.length > 0){ for(var i=0 ; i < data.rule.length; i++){ _this.rulest[_this.rulest.length] = data.rule[i]; } } _this.out_officeR = data.vacation[0]; _this.out_officeR = _this.out_officeR ? trim(_this.out_officeR.toString().replace("\n","")) : ""; if(data.mode.length > 0){_this.mode_in = data.mode[0];} } if(Element('form_status') != null) Element('form_status').innerHTML = "  Aguarde... "; cExecute("$this.ScriptS.init_a",handler_sieve); _this.get_email(); } } cfilter.prototype.form_m = function(){ Element('form_body').innerHTML = ""; Element('form_buttons').style.display = ''; filters.mount_list(); this.ac_form = ""; } cfilter.prototype.form_out = function(){ Element('form_body').innerHTML = ""; Element('form_body').innerHTML = this.forms_(); Element('div_vacation').style.display = ""; this.ac_form = "old_out"; this.r_rules_out(); } cfilter.prototype.form_r = function(pos){ Element('form_body').innerHTML = ""; Element('form_body').innerHTML = this.forms_(); Element('div_rule').style.display = ""; this.ac_form = "old_rule"; this.ind = pos; this.r_rules_form(pos); } cfilter.prototype.get_email = function(){ var _this = this; var handler_get_email = function(data){ _this.email_ld = data ? data : ""; } cExecute("$this.user.get_email",handler_get_email); } cfilter.prototype.sel_boxes = function(){ var nm_folders = tree_folders.getNodesList(cyrus_delimiter); if(document.getElementById("select_mailboxes") != null){ var sel_nm = document.getElementById("select_mailboxes"); if(sel_nm.length > 0 ){ for(var i=0; i < sel_nm.options.length; i++){ sel_nm.options[i] = null; i--; } } for(var i=0; i < nm_folders.length; i++){ if(nm_folders[i].id != "root"){ var opt = new Option(nm_folders[i].caption,nm_folders[i].id,false,true); sel_nm[sel_nm.length] = opt; } } sel_nm[0].selected = true; } } cfilter.prototype.box_select = function(param){ var aux = this.BoxSelection[param].split(","); var ele1 = document.getElementById(aux[0]); var ele2 = document.getElementById(aux[1]); var noption = ""; if(param == 0 || param == 1){ if(ele1.selectedIndex != -1){ noption = new Option(ele1.value,ele1.value,false,false); ele2.options[ele2.length] = noption; ele1.options[ele1.selectedIndex] = null; ele1.selectedIndex = 0; } } } cfilter.prototype.r_rules_form = function(ind){ // hide buttons Element('form_buttons').style.display = 'none'; this.sel_boxes(); var aux = new Array; var _this = this; if(this.rulest.length == 0){ return false; } aux = _this.rulest[ind].split("&&"); document.getElementById("field1").value = aux[3]; document.getElementById("field2").value = aux[4]; document.getElementById("field3").value = aux[5]; document.getElementById("field4").value = aux[11]; switch(aux[6]){ case "folder": document.getElementById("radio1").checked = true; var name_mb = aux[7]; var sel_mb = document.getElementById("select_mailboxes"); for(var i=0; i < sel_mb.options.length; i++){if((sel_mb.options[i].value) == name_mb){sel_mb.options[i].selected = true;}} break; case "address": document.getElementById("radio2").checked = true; document.getElementById("field5").value = aux[7]; break; case "reject": document.getElementById("radio3").checked = true; var text0 = aux[7].split("\\n"); for(var i=0; i < text0.length; i++){document.getElementById("field6").value += text0[i] + "\n";} break; case "discard": document.getElementById("radio4").checked = true; break; } var mark_values = this.values[aux[8]].split(","); for(var i=0; i < mark_values.length; i++){ if( mark_values[i] == "checkBox1" || mark_values[i] == "checkBox2"){ document.getElementById(mark_values[i]).checked = true; } if( mark_values[i] == "select_size=1" || mark_values[i] == "select_rules=1"){ var mark_val = mark_values[i].split("="); document.getElementById(mark_val[0]).options[mark_val[1]].selected = true; } } } cfilter.prototype.r_rules_out = function(){ var _this = this; if(_this.out_officeR.length == 0){ return false; } // hide buttons Element('form_buttons').style.display = 'none'; var aux = _this.out_officeR.split("&&"); var days = aux[1]; var emails = aux[2]; var mens = aux[3]; var p_emails = new Array; var d_emails = new Array; var p_aux = emails.split(", "); for(var i=0; i < p_aux.length; i++){ p_emails[i] = p_aux[i].substr(0,(p_aux[i].length - 1)); p_emails[i] = p_emails[i].substr(1,(p_aux[i].length)); } for(var i=0; i < _this.email_ld.length; i++){ d_emails[i] = _this.email_ld[i]; } diff = function(vet, comp){ var sel1 = new Array; for(var i=0; i < vet.length; i++){ for(var j=0; j < comp.length; j++){ if(vet[i] == comp[j]){ comp.splice(j,1); j--; } } } }; diff(p_emails,d_emails); var text = mens.split("\\n"); for(var i=0; i < text.length; i++){document.getElementById("field8").value += text[i] + " ";} for(var i=0; i < _this.email_ld.length; i++){ d_emails[i] = _this.email_ld[i]; } } /* * Corrige bug 65, solução: desabilitar radio3 e field6 e desmarcar radio3 (ação de rejeição) * quando a caixa de seleção para manter o e-mail na caixa de entrada do usuário for selecionada */ cfilter.prototype.disable_radio3 = function(){ radio3 = Element('radio3'); field6 = Element('field6'); cb2 = Element('checkBox2'); if (cb2.checked){ radio3.disabled = true; field6.disabled = true; if (radio3.checked){ radio3.checked = false; } } else{ radio3.disabled = false; field6.disabled = false; } } cfilter.prototype.forms_ = function(){ var form = ""; form = ""+ ""+ ""; return form; } cfilter.prototype.enabled_disabled = function(param){ // Rules if(Element("rule_0") != null){ for(var i=0; i < this.rulest.length; i++){ if(Element("rule_"+i).checked){ var aux_rul = this.rulest[i].split("&&"); if(aux_rul[2] != param){ aux_rul[2] = param; var rl = ""; for(var j=0; j < aux_rul.length; j++){ rl += aux_rul[j] + "&&"; } rl = rl.substr(0,(rl.length - 2)); this.rulest[i] = rl; } } } } // Out Office if(Element("out_0") != null){ if(Element("out_0").checked){ var aux_out = this.out_officeR.split("&&"); if(param == "ENABLED") aux_out[4] = "on "; else aux_out[4] = "off"; var out = ""; for(var i=0; i < aux_out.length; i++){ out += aux_out[i] + "&&"; } out = out.substr(0,(out.length - 2)); this.out_officeR = out; } } this.reload_rules(); } cfilter.prototype.new_rule = function(email){ if(this.email_deny.length > 0){ for(var i=0 ; i < this.email_deny.length; i++){ if(this.email_deny[i] == email){ alert(get_lang("Sender blocked!")); return false; } } } // Verifica Email var emailReg = /^[a-z][a-z-_0-9\.]+@[a-z-_=>0-9\.]+\.[a-z]{2,3}$/i if(!emailReg.test(email)){ alert(get_lang("Inform a valid e-mail!")); return false; } this.load_rules(); if(confirm(get_lang("Do you want to block this e-mail?"))){ new_r = "&&ENABLED&&" + email + "&&&&&&discard&&&&0&&&&&&0"; // setTimeout("filter.e_newrule('" + new_r + "')",2000); if (filter.e_newrule(new_r)){ this.email_deny.push(email); write_msg(get_lang("This sender was blocked")); }else write_msg(get_lang("You have reached the maximum number of rules")); } } cfilter.prototype.e_newrule = function(nw_rule){ var new_rl = ""; if (this.rulest.length >= rules_limit) return false; if(this.rulest.length == 0){ new_rl = "#rule&&1" + nw_rule; }else{ var aux = this.rulest[this.rulest.length -1 ].split("&&"); new_rl = "#rule&&" + (parseInt(aux[1]) + parseInt(2)) + nw_rule; } this.rulest.push(new_rl); this.saved_all(); return true; } cfilter.prototype.delete_r = function(){ // rule var _this = this; if(Element("rule_0") != null){ for(var i=0; i < _this.rulest.length; i++){ if(Element("rule_"+i).checked){_this.rulest[i] = "delete";} } for(var i=0; i < _this.rulest.length; i++){ if(_this.rulest[i] == "delete"){_this.rulest.splice(i,1);i--;} } } if(_this.rulest.length > 0){ var cont = parseInt(1); for(var i=0; i < _this.rulest.length ; i++){ var n_rulest = _this.rulest[i].split("&&"); n_rulest[1] = cont; cont = cont + parseInt(2); var aux = ""; for(var j=0; j < n_rulest.length; j++){aux += n_rulest[j] + "&&";} aux = aux.substr(0,(aux.length - 2)); _this.rulest[i] = aux; } } // out office if(Element("out_0") != null){ if(Element("out_0").checked){ _this.out_officeR =''; _this.out_officeF = false; //Save outoffice in prefs: connector.loadScript("preferences");"outoffice", _this.out_officeF); } } _this.reload_rules(); } cfilter.prototype.reload_rules = function(){ this.saved_all(); Element('form_body').innerHTML = ""; this.load_rules(); if(this.out_officeF){ write_msg(get_lang("Attention, you are in out of office mode."), true); }else { clean_msg(); this.out_officeF = false; } filters.mount_list(); } cfilter.prototype.saved_rules = function(){ var mount_rule = ""; var form = this.ac_form.split("_"); var n_rule = ""; if(form[1] == "rule"){ mount_rule = "#rule&&"; if(form[0] == "new"){ n_rule = "1&&"; if(this.rulest.length > 0){ aux = this.rulest[this.rulest.length - parseInt(1)].split("&&"); n_rule = (parseInt(aux[1]) + parseInt(2)) + "&&"; } mount_rule += n_rule + "ENABLED&&"; }else{ n_rule = this.rulest[this.ind].split("&&"); mount_rule += n_rule[1] + "&&"; mount_rule += n_rule[2] + "&&"; } if(LTrim(Element("field1").value) == "" && LTrim(Element("field2").value) == "" && LTrim(Element("field3").value) == "" && Element("field4").value == "") { alert(get_lang("Define some criterion to the fields From, To and Subject with more than 3 characters!")); return false; } if((LTrim(Element("field1").value).length <= 3) && (LTrim(Element("field2").value).length <= 3) && (LTrim(Element("field3").value).length <= 3 && Element("field4").value == "")){ alert(get_lang("Define some criterion to the fields From, To and Subject with more than 3 characters!")); return false; } for(var i=1; i < 4; i++){mount_rule += LTrim(Element("field"+i).value) + "&&";} var v_checked = false; if(Element("radio1").checked){ mount_rule += "folder&&"; var sel_nameBox = Element("select_mailboxes"); for(var i=0; i < sel_nameBox.options.length; i++){if(sel_nameBox.options[i].selected == true){mount_rule += sel_nameBox.options[i].value + "&&";}} v_checked = true; } if(Element("radio2").checked){ mount_rule += "address&&"; if(Element("field5").value == ""){ alert(get_lang("Inform a forwarding e-mail!")); return false; }else{ var emailReg = /^[a-z][a-z-_0-9\.]+@[a-z-_=>0-9\.]+\.[a-z]{2,3}$/i if(emailReg.test(Element("field5").value)){ mount_rule += Element("field5").value + "&&"; }else{ alert(get_lang("Inform a valid e-mail!")); return false; } } v_checked = true; } if(Element("radio3").checked){ mount_rule += "reject&&"; if(Element("field6").value == ""){ alert(get_lang("Inform a text for rejection!")); return false; }else{ mount_rule += Element("field6").value + "&&"; } v_checked = true; } if(Element("radio4").checked){ mount_rule += "discard&&&&"; v_checked = true; } if(!v_checked){ alert(get_lang("No option marked!")); return false; } var opts = ""; if(Element("checkBox1").checked == true){opts += ",checkBox1";} if(Element("checkBox2").checked == true){opts += ",checkBox2";} if(Element("select_size").options[1].selected == true){opts += ",select_size=1";} if(Element("select_rules").options[1].selected == true){opts += ",select_rules=1";} for(var i=0; i < this.values.length; i++){if(this.values[i] == opts){mount_rule += i + "&&";}} mount_rule += "&&&&"; if(LTrim(Element("field4").value) != ""){ mount_rule += LTrim(Element("field4").value); }else{ mount_rule += 0; } if(form[0] == "new") this.rulest[this.rulest.length] = mount_rule; else this.rulest[this.ind] = mount_rule; }else{ mount_rule = ""; var fld_emails = this.email_ld; // Get first email of list! var fld_men = Element("field8"); mount_rule = "#vacation&&"; mount_rule += "1&&"; mount_rule += "\"" + fld_emails + "\", "; mount_rule = mount_rule.substr(0,(mount_rule.length - 2)); mount_rule += "&&"; mount_rule += fld_men.value + "&&on"; if(LTrim(fld_men.value) == ""){ alert(get_lang("Inform a message!")); return false; } this.out_officeR = mount_rule; } Element('form_buttons').style.display = ''; this.reload_rules(); } cfilter.prototype.close_frm= function(){ filters.filter_Sh['window_ffilter_ccform'].close(); } cfilter.prototype.saved_all = function(){ var aux_rul = ""; var _this = this; if(_this.rulest.length > 0){ for(var i=0; i < _this.rulest.length; i++){ var aux = _this.rulest[i].split("&&"); aux_rul += "_begin_##"; for(var j=0 ; j < aux.length; j++){ if( (j +1) > aux.length){aux_rul += url_encode(aux[j]);} else{aux_rul += url_encode(aux[j]) + "##";} } aux_rul += "_end_\n"; } } if(_this.out_officeR.length > 0){ var aux = _this.out_officeR.split("&&"); aux_rul += "_begin_##"; for(var j=0 ; j < aux.length; j++){ if( (j +1) > aux.length){aux_rul += url_encode(aux[j]);} else{aux_rul += url_encode(aux[j]) + "##";} } aux_rul += "_end_\n"; _this.out_officeF = (aux[4].replace("\n","") == "off") ? false : true; //Save outoffice in prefs: connector.loadScript("preferences");"outoffice", _this.out_officeF); } var h_filter = function(data){ if(data != "Ok"){alert("Erro : \n" + data);} } var args = "$this.ScriptS.rec_rules"; var params = "arfilter="+aux_rul; cExecute(args,h_filter,params); } // build object var filter; filter = new cfilter();