/**************************************************************************\ Relatório de problema no email pelo usuário. \**************************************************************************/ function report_window() { this.arrayW = new Array(); } /* Propriedades da tela */ report_window.prototype.make_report_window = function(ID_msg){ _this = this; var title = get_lang("Describe the problem to report to technical support (optional)"); tree = document.createElement("DIV"); tree.style.visibility = "hidden"; tree.style.position = "absolute"; tree.style.left = "0px"; tree.style.top = "0px"; tree.style.width = "0px"; tree.style.height = "0px"; tree.id = "window"; document.body.appendChild(tree); var msg_title = document.createElement("DIV"); msg_title.id = "div_title"; msg_title.style.position = "absolute"; msg_title.style.left = "5px"; msg_title.style.top = "-8px" msg_title.style.width = "240px"; msg_title.style.height = "350px"; msg_title.innerHTML = "
"+title+""; tree.appendChild(msg_title); var text_area_div = document.createElement("DIV"); text_area_div.id = "div_text_area"; var text_area = document.createElement("TEXTAREA"); text_area.id = "text_area"; text_area.style.position = "absolute"; text_area.style.left = "5px"; text_area.style.top = "45px" text_area.style.width = "240px"; text_area.style.height = "130px"; text_area_div.appendChild(text_area); tree.appendChild(text_area_div); var msg_confirmation = document.createElement("DIV"); msg_confirmation.id = "div_msg_confirmation"; msg_confirmation.style.position = "absolute"; msg_confirmation.style.left = "5px"; msg_confirmation.style.top = "170px" msg_confirmation.style.width = "240px"; msg_confirmation.style.height = "350px"; msg_confirm = get_lang("Attention! The original message will be sent along with the original source of the email message"); msg_confirmation.innerHTML = "
"+msg_confirm+""; tree.appendChild(msg_confirmation); var div_buttons = document.createElement("DIV"); div_buttons.id = "div_buttons_report"; div_buttons.style.position = "absolute"; div_buttons.style.left = "50px"; div_buttons.style.top = "160px" div_buttons.style.width = "130px"; div_buttons.style.height = "190px"; div_buttons.innerHTML = ""+ ""+ "" + "" + "" + ""+ "

"; tree.appendChild(div_buttons); /* Mostra a tela*/ _this.showWindow(tree); } /* Mostra a tela para o usuário */ report_window.prototype.showWindow = function (div){ if(! div) { return; } if(! this.arrayW[div.id]) { div.style.width = "250px"; div.style.height = "260px"; div.style.zIndex = "10000"; var title = get_lang("Email report error"); var wHeight = div.offsetHeight + "px"; var wWidth = div.offsetWidth + "px"; div.style.width = div.offsetWidth - 5; win = new dJSWin({ id: 'win_'+div.id, content_id: div.id, width: wWidth, height: wHeight, title_color: '#3978d6', bg_color: '#eee', title: title, title_text_color: 'white', button_x_img: '../phpgwapi/images/winclose.gif', border: true }); this.arrayW[div.id] = win; win.draw(); } else { win = this.arrayW[div.id]; } win.open(); } /* Fecha a janela do report error */ report_window.prototype.close_win = function(){ this.arrayW['window'].close(); return false; } /* Funçăo que envia a mensagem do usuário para o servidor */ function report_error(ID_msg) { msg_user = document.getElementById('text_area').value; msg_folder = get_current_folder(); cExecute ("$this.imap_functions.report_mail_error¶ms="+ID_msg+";;"+msg_user+";;"+msg_folder, handler_report_error); } /* Retorno da chamada ao servidor */ function handler_report_error(data) { report_wind.close_win(); document.getElementById('text_area').value = ""; history.go(0); } /* Build the Object */ var report_wind; report_wind = new report_window();