* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library in the file LICENSE.LGPL; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA * * Alternatively, you may distribute this software under the terms of the * PHP License, version 3.0 or later. A copy of this license should have * been distributed with this file in the file LICENSE.PHP . If this is not * the case, you can obtain a copy at http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. * * The latest version of DOMPDF might be available at: * http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf * * @link http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf * @copyright 2004 Benj Carson * @author Benj Carson * @package dompdf * @version 0.5.1 */ /* $Id: block_frame_decorator.cls.php 186 2009-10-19 22:42:06Z eclecticgeek@gmail.com $ */ /** * Decorates frames for block layout * * @access private * @package dompdf */ class Block_Frame_Decorator extends Frame_Decorator { const DEFAULT_COUNTER = "-dompdf-default-counter"; protected $_lines; // array( [num] => array([frames] => array(), // y, w, h) ) protected $_counters; // array([id] => counter_value) (for generated content) protected $_cl; // current line index //........................................................................ function __construct(Frame $frame, DOMPDF $dompdf) { parent::__construct($frame, $dompdf); $this->_lines = array(array("frames" => array(), "wc" => 0, "y" => null, "w" => 0, "h" => 0)); $this->_counters = array(self::DEFAULT_COUNTER => 0); $this->_cl = 0; } //........................................................................ function reset() { parent::reset(); $this->_lines = array(array("frames" => array(), "wc" => 0, "y" => null, "w" => 0, "h" => 0)); $this->_counters = array(self::DEFAULT_COUNTER => 0); $this->_cl = 0; } //........................................................................ // Accessor methods function get_current_line($i = null) { $cl = $this->_lines[$this->_cl]; if ( isset($i) ) return $cl[$i]; return $cl; } function get_lines() { return $this->_lines; } //........................................................................ // Set methods function set_current_line($y = null, $w = null, $h = null) { $this->set_line($this->_cl, $y, $w, $h); } function clear_line($i) { if ( isset($this->_lines[$i]) ) unset($this->_lines[$i]); } function set_line($lineno, $y = null, $w = null, $h = null) { if ( is_array($y) ) extract($y); if (is_numeric($y)) $this->_lines[$lineno]["y"] = $y; if (is_numeric($w)) $this->_lines[$lineno]["w"] = $w; if (is_numeric($h)) $this->_lines[$lineno]["h"] = $h; } function add_frame_to_line(Frame $frame) { // Handle inline frames (which are effectively wrappers) if ( $frame instanceof Inline_Frame_Decorator ) { // Handle line breaks if ( $frame->get_node()->nodeName == "br" ) { $this->maximize_line_height( $frame->get_style()->length_in_pt($frame->get_style()->line_height) ); $this->add_line(); return; } // Add each child of the inline frame to the line individually foreach ($frame->get_children() as $child) $this->add_frame_to_line( $child ); return; } // Trim leading text if this is an empty line. Kinda a hack to put it here, // but what can you do... if ( $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["w"] == 0 && $frame->get_node()->nodeName == "#text" && ($frame->get_style()->white_space != "pre" || $frame->get_style()->white_space != "pre-wrap") ) { $frame->set_text( ltrim($frame->get_text()) ); $frame->recalculate_width(); } $w = $frame->get_margin_width(); if ( $w == 0 ) return; // Debugging code: /* pre_r("\nAdding frame to line:"); // pre_r("Me: " . $this->get_node()->nodeName . " (" . spl_object_hash($this->get_node()) . ")"); // pre_r("Node: " . $frame->get_node()->nodeName . " (" . spl_object_hash($frame->get_node()) . ")"); if ( $frame->get_node()->nodeName == "#text" ) pre_r($frame->get_node()->nodeValue); pre_r("Line width: " . $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["w"]); pre_r("Frame: " . get_class($frame)); pre_r("Frame width: " . $w); pre_r("Frame height: " . $frame->get_margin_height()); pre_r("Containing block width: " . $this->get_containing_block("w")); */ // End debugging if ($this->_lines[$this->_cl]["w"] + $w > $this->get_containing_block("w")) $this->add_line(); $frame->position(); $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["frames"][] = $frame; if ( $frame->get_node()->nodeName == "#text") $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["wc"] += count(preg_split('/\s+/', $frame->get_text())); $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["w"] += $w; $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["h"] = max($this->_lines[$this->_cl]["h"], $frame->get_margin_height()); } function remove_frames_from_line(Frame $frame) { // Search backwards through the lines for $frame $i = $this->_cl; while ($i >= 0) { if ( ($j = in_array($frame, $this->_lines[$i]["frames"], true)) !== false ) break; $i--; } if ( $j === false ) return; // Remove $frame and all frames that follow while ($j < count($this->_lines[$i]["frames"])) { $f = $this->_lines[$i]["frames"][$j]; unset($this->_lines[$i]["frames"][$j++]); $this->_lines[$i]["w"] -= $f->get_margin_width(); } // Recalculate the height of the line $h = 0; foreach ($this->_lines[$i]["frames"] as $f) $h = max( $h, $f->get_margin_height() ); $this->_lines[$i]["h"] = $h; // Remove all lines that follow while ($this->_cl > $i) unset($this->_lines[ $this->_cl-- ]); } function increase_line_width($w) { $this->_lines[ $this->_cl ]["w"] += $w; } function maximize_line_height($val) { $this->_lines[ $this->_cl ]["h"] = max($this->_lines[ $this->_cl ]["h"], $val); } function add_line() { // if ( $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["h"] == 0 ) //count($this->_lines[$i]["frames"]) == 0 || // return; $y = $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["y"] + $this->_lines[$this->_cl]["h"]; $this->_lines[ ++$this->_cl ] = array("frames" => array(), "wc" => 0, "y" => $y, "w" => 0, "h" => 0); } //........................................................................ function reset_counter($id = self::DEFAULT_COUNTER, $value = 0) { $this->_counters[$id] = $value; } function increment_counter($id = self::DEFAULT_COUNTER, $increment = 1) { if ( !isset($this->_counters[$id]) ) $this->_counters[$id] = $increment; else $this->_counters[$id] += $increment; } function counter_value($id = self::DEFAULT_COUNTER, $type = "decimal") { $type = mb_strtolower($type); if ( !isset($this->_counters[$id]) ) $this->_counters[$id] = 0; switch ($type) { default: case "decimal": return $this->_counters[$id]; case "decimal-leading-zero": return str_pad($this->_counters[$id], 2, "0"); case "lower-roman": return dec2roman($this->_counters[$id]); case "upper-roman": return mb_strtoupper(dec2roman($this->_counters[$id])); case "lower-latin": case "lower-alpha": return chr( ($this->_counters[$id] % 26) + ord('a') - 1); case "upper-latin": case "upper-alpha": return chr( ($this->_counters[$id] % 26) + ord('A') - 1); case "lower-greek": return chr($this->_counters[$id] + 944); case "upper-greek": return chr($this->_counters[$id] + 912); } } } ?>