_user = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['user']; //$this->_user = 'niltonneto';//$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['user']; //$this->_pass = 'nine59ever';//$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['passwd']; //$this->_pass = 'senha';//$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['passwd']; $this->_pass = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['passwd']; $this->_server = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['name_jabber']; $this->_port = '8883';//$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['port_jabber']; $this->_resource = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['resource_jabber']; //$webjabber = 'im.pr.gov.br';//$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['webjabber']; $webjabber = '';//$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['webjabber']; session_write_close();*/ try { if ( !file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../instant_messenger.define.php') ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . '[ ERROR #1 ] : Not found configuration file'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../instant_messenger.define.php'; if ( !(defined('JABBER_URL') && defined('JABBER_RESOURCE')) ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . '[ ERROR #2 ] : Jabber server is not cofigured'); if ( !(defined('WEBJABBER_URL') && defined('WEBJABBER_PORT')) ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . '[ ERROR #3 ] : Webabber server is not cofigured'); $this->_server = constant('JABBER_URL'); $this->_resource = constant('JABBER_RESOURCE'); $this->_port = constant('WEBJABBER_PORT'); session_start(); $this->_user = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['user']; $this->_pass = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['instant_messenger']['passwd']; session_write_close(); $access_string = $this->_user . '@' . $this->_server . '/' . $this->_resource . ':' . $this->_port; $this->connected = false; if ( $this->connect($access_string, $this->_pass, $pConnectionType, constant('WEBJABBER_URL')) ) $this->connected = true; } catch(Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } public final function __destruct() { $this->closeSocket(); ob_end_flush(); flush(); } public final function isConnected() { return $this->connected; } public final function listen() { if ( !$this->isConnected() ) return "disconnected"; if ( strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') ) { sleep(1); $xml = $this->readSocket(); printf("%s", $xml); } else { ob_end_clean(); ignore_user_abort(true); ob_start(); $init = time(); $buffer = ''; while ( ( connection_aborted() === 0 ) && time() - $init < 50 ) { # read from server and write in the client $xml = $this->readSocket(); //var_dump($xml); if ( strlen($xml) && $xml != ' ' ) { if ( $xml[strlen($xml) - 1 ] != '>' ) { $buffer .= $xml; $xml = ''; } else { $xml = $buffer . $xml; $buffer = ''; //var_dump($xml); //strlen($xml); //exit; } } $xml = ( strlen($xml) ) ? $xml : ' '; printf("%s", $xml); ob_flush(); flush(); usleep(6000); } } } public final function SendMessage($pSendMessage) { if ( !$this->isConnected() ) return "disconnected"; $pSendMessage['body'] = stripslashes($pSendMessage['body']); $patterns = array('/ | +/i', '/]*>/i'); $replace = array(' ', '
'); $pSendMessage['body'] = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $pSendMessage['body']); $_emotions = '/]+>/'; $_emotions = preg_match_all($_emotions, $pSendMessage['body'], $emotions); foreach ( $emotions[0] as $key => $val ) $emotions[0][$key] = '/' . addcslashes($val, './()[]{}^$*&?') . '/i'; $pSendMessage['body'] = preg_replace($emotions[0], $emotions[1], $pSendMessage['body']); $to = $pSendMessage['to']; $type = "chat"; $id = ""; $content = array( "subject" => $pSendMessage['subject'] ? $pSendMessage['subject'] : "", "thread" => $pSendMessage['thread'] ? $pSendMessage['thread'] : "", "body" => $pSendMessage['body'] ? $pSendMessage['body'] : "" ); $payload = ""; if ($to && is_array($content)) { if (!$id) { $id = $type . "_" . time(); } $xml = ""; if ($content['subject']) { $xml .= "" . $content['subject'] . ""; } if ($content['thread']) { $xml .= "" . $content['thread'] . ""; } //Linha abaixo dentro do padrão xmpp, entretanto clientes como //o PSI não seguem o padrão assim ocorre problemas de comunicação //descomentar e retirar a seguinte para voltar ao padrão assim //que possí­vel //24/10/2007 - problema verificado por usuários do SERPRO na //plataforma Windows ocorrendo também no cliente Linux //por Alexandre e Rodrigo //$xml .= "" . $content['body'] . ""; //retirar a linha abaixo para voltar ao padrão conforme acima $xml .= ""; $xml .= $payload; $xml .= ""; unset($id); echo $xml; $this->writeSocket($xml); $this->close(); } else { //$this->writeLog("ERROR: SendMessage() #2"); return false; } } } ?>