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params['left'] = 10; params['id'] = pId; params['maximize'] = true; params['style'] = 'visibility:hidden'; params['title'] = 'Expresso Messenger'; params['top'] = 10; params['width'] = 210;; this.config(pId); this.windowMinimize(pId + '_im'); main_menu_head.innerHTML += ''; var br3 = func.newEl('br'); func.confEl(br3, 'style', 'clear: both'); var div_ie = func.newEl('div'); func.insEl(br3, div_ie, main_menu_head); main_menu_head_pref_img = func.newEl('img'); func.confEl(main_menu_head_pref_img, 'src', img_group_close.src); func.confEl(main_menu_head_pref_img, 'id', 'img_pref'); main_menu_head_pref_txt = document.createTextNode(IM.get_lang('Options')); func.insEl(main_menu_head_pref_img, main_menu_head_pref_txt, 'span_menu_pref'); } catch(e) { alert("load\n\n" + e + "\n\n" + e.description) } }, "config" : function(pId) { try { ADD_DHTML("backFantom"+NO_DRAG); ADD_DHTML("shared_fontStyle"+NO_DRAG); ADD_DHTML("shared_fontColor"+NO_DRAG); ADD_DHTML("shared_fontSize"+NO_DRAG); ADD_DHTML("shared_fontName"+NO_DRAG); 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if ( posY > ( dd.getWndH() - 13 ) ) posY = dd.getWndH()-13; // everything is fine, let's change the size of all required objects var newW = posX-dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].x+15; var newH = posY-dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].y+15; if ( newW < 100) newW = 100; if ( newH < 100) newH = 100; dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].resizeTo(newW, newH); if( document.getElementById(objName + "_chatMessages")) { func.confEl(document.getElementById(objName + "_chatMessages"),"style","width:" + (newW - 105) +";height:" + (newH - 150) +";margin: 2px 0px 2px 2px; overflow:auto;"); func.confEl(document.getElementById(objName + '_edita'),"style","width:" + (newW - 105) + ";height: 50px;margin: 3px 1px 0px 2px;float: left;"); } dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_resize"].moveTo(dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].x+dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].w-dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_resize"].w-2, dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].y+dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].h-dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_resize"].h-2); var windowItem = windowItems[objName]; windowItem.state = WINDOW_STATE_REGULAR; } else { if ( posX > ( dd.getWndW() - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].w ) ) posX = dd.getWndW() - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].w; if ( posY > ( dd.getWndH() - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].h ) ) posY = dd.getWndH() - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].h; dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].moveTo(posX, posY); } } catch(e) { } }, "drop" : function() { try { document.getElementById("backFantom").style.zIndex = -1; var objName =; i = objName.indexOf("_"); objName = objName.substr(0,i); var posX = dd.obj.x; var posY = dd.obj.y; if ( posX < 0 ) posX = 0; if ( posY < 0 ) posY = 0; if ( posX > ( dd.getWndW() - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].w ) ) posX = dd.getWndW() - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].w; if ( posY > ( dd.getWndH() - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].h ) ) posY = dd.getWndH() - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].h; dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_resize"].setOpacity(1); if ( == (objName + "_im_window_resize") ) { var newW = dd.obj.x-dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].x+17; var newH = dd.obj.y-dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].y+17; if ( newW < 100) newW = 100; if ( newH < 100) newH = 100; var winW = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].w - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].w; var winH = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].h - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].h; dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].resizeTo(newW, newH); dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].resizeTo(newW, newH); var bodyW = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].w - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_body_inner"].w; var bodyH = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].h - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_body_inner"].h; dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].resizeTo(newW - winW, newH - winH); bodyW = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].w - bodyW; bodyH = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].h - bodyH; 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document.getElementById(objName + "_im_window_movable").style.zIndex = zValue; if ( dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_movable"] ) dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_movable"].z = zValue+1; } catch(e) {} }, "windowMinimize" : function(objName) { with(objName) objName = substr(0, indexOf('_im')); this.hideWindowItem(objName); windowItem = windowItems[objName]; if ( windowItem != null ) { windowItem.state = WINDOW_STATE_MINIMIZED; } }, "windowMaximizeRestore" : function(objName) { with(objName) objName = substr(0, indexOf('_im')); this.hideAllChatSelections(); windowItem = windowItems[objName]; if ( windowItem != null ) { var bodyW = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].w - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_body_inner"].w; var bodyH = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].h - dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_body_inner"].h; if ( windowItem.state==WINDOW_STATE_REGULAR ) { windowItem.x = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].x; windowItem.y = dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].y; 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windowItem.state = WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED; window.status = objName + "'s Z: " + document.getElementById(objName+"_im_window").style.zIndex; } else { dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].resizeTo(windowItem.w, windowItem.h); dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].resizeTo(windowItem.w, windowItem.h); dd.elements[objName + "_im_window"].resizeTo(windowItem.w, windowItem.h - 5); dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_body_inner"].resizeTo(windowItem.w - bodyW, windowItem.h - bodyH - 5); dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].moveTo(windowItem.x, windowItem.y); dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_master"].moveTo(windowItem.x, windowItem.y); dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_resize"].moveTo(dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].x+dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].w-dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_resize"].w-2, dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].y+dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_fantom"].h-dd.elements[objName + "_im_window_resize"].h-2); windowItem.state = WINDOW_STATE_REGULAR; 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title = (arguments[0]['title']) ? arguments[0]['title'] : arguments[0]['id']; this.windowMinimize(pId + '_im'); this.windowMaximizeRestore(pId + '_im'); } }, "open_chat" : function(pId) { if ( !func.byId(pId + '_im_window') ) { text = ''; text += '
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