dom = new DOMDocument; $this->dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $this->dom->load($controler_xml); unset($controler_xml); $this->controller_security = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName(self::__CONTROLLER_SECURITY__); if ( $this->controller_security->length === (int)0 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #0 ] :: the tag "' . self::__CONTROLLER_SECURITY__ . '" does not exist'); if ( $this->controller_security->length !== (int)1 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #1 ] :: exists more of a tag "' . self::__CONTROLLER_SECURITY__ . '"'); $this->controller_contentes = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName(self::__CONTROLLER_CONTENTES__); if ( $this->controller_contentes->length === (int)0 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #2 ] :: the tag "' . self::__CONTROLLER_CONTENTES__ . '" does not exist'); if ( $this->controller_contentes->length !== (int)1 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #3 ] :: exists more of a tag "' . self::__CONTROLLER_CONTENTES__ . '"'); $this->controller_contentes = $this->controller_contentes->item(0); $this->controller_sections = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName("controller-sections"); if ( $this->controller_sections->length === (int)0 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #4 ] :: the tag "' . self::__CONTROLLER_SECTIONS__ . '" does not exist'); if ( $this->controller_sections->length !== (int)1 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #5 ] :: exists more of a tag "' . self::__CONTROLLER_SECTIONS__ . '"'); $this->controller_sections = $this->controller_sections->item(0); $this->string_access = $this->controller_security->item(0)->getElementsByTagName(self::__STRING_ACCESS__); if ( $this->string_access->length === (int)0 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #6 ] :: the tag "' . self::__STRING_ACCESS__ . '" does not exist'); if ( $this->string_access->length !== (int)1 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #7 ] :: exists more of a tag "' . self::__STRING_ACCESS__ . '"'); $this->string_access = $this->string_access->item(0)->nodeValue; $this->string_delimiter = $this->controller_security->item(0)->getElementsByTagName(self::__STRING_DELIMITER__); ( $this->string_delimiter->length === (int)0 ) and die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #8 ] :: the tag "' . self::__STRING_DELIMITER__ . '" does not exist'); if ( $this->string_delimiter->length !== (int)1 ) throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #9 ] :: exists more of a tag "' . self::__STRING_DELIMITER__ . '"'); $this->string_delimiter = $this->string_delimiter->item(0)->nodeValue; } catch(Exception $e) { $this->fatalError = true; return $e->getMessage(); } } public function __call($name, $arguments) { if ( !$this->fatalError ) switch ( $name ) { case 'exec' : return $this->_exec($arguments[0]); break; default : return "Method not avaible"; } } public function __toString() { return __CLASS__; } private final function _exec(array &$pRequest) { ( $pRequest[$this->string_access] ) or die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #10 ] :: bad string action argument'); list($section_name, $ref, $alias) = explode($this->string_delimiter, $pRequest[$this->string_access]); unset($pRequest[$this->string_access]); $contents_itens = $this->controller_contentes->getElementsByTagName(self::__CONTROLLER_CONTENTES_ITEM__); for ( $i = 0; $i < $contents_itens->length && $contents_itens->item($i)->getAttribute(self::__CONTROLLER_CONTENTES_ITEM_PARAM__) != $section_name; $i++ ); ( !($i < $contents_itens->length) ) and die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #11 ] :: invalid section "' . $section_name . '"'); $section_name = $contents_itens->item($i)->getAttribute(self::__CONTROLLER_CONTENTES_ITEM_SECTION__); $section = $this->controller_sections->getElementsByTagName($section_name); ( $section->length === (int)0 ) and die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #12 ] :: the tag "' . $section_name . '" does not exist'); ( $section->length === (int)1 ) or die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #13 ] :: exists more of a tag "' . $section_name . '"'); $section = $section->item(0); $section_itens = $section->getElementsByTagName(self::__CONTROLLER_SECTIONS_ITEM__); if ( empty($alias) && $alias !== '0' ) for ( $i = 0; $i < $section_itens->length && $section_itens->item($i)->getAttribute('ref') != $ref; $i++ ); else for ( $i = 0; $i < $section_itens->length && ( $section_itens->item($i)->getAttribute('ref') != $ref || $section_itens->item($i)->getAttribute('alias') !== $alias); $i++ ); ( !($i < $section_itens->length) ) and die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #14 ] :: invalid reference "' . $ref . '"'); $path = $section_itens->item($i)->getAttribute('path') or $path = $section->getAttribute('path') or die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #15 ] :: bad path argument'); $prefix = $section_itens->item($i)->getAttribute('prefix') or $prefix = $section->getAttribute('prefix'); $suffix = $section_itens->item($i)->getAttribute('suffix') or $suffix = $section->getAttribute('suffix') or die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #16 ] :: bad suffix argument'); return $this->$section_name(array("pSectionItem" => $section_itens->item($i), "pPath" => $path, "pPrefix" => $prefix, "pSuffix" => $suffix, "pRequest" => $pRequest)); } private final function php() { $params = func_get_args(); extract($params[0]); $class = $pSectionItem->getAttribute('class') and $method = $pSectionItem->getAttribute('method') or die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #17 ] :: bad class or method argument'); $file = "{$pPath}/{$pPrefix}{$class}{$pSuffix}"; file_exists($file) or die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #18 ] :: the file that has the class was not opened'); require_once $file; $obj = new ReflectionClass($class); if ( $pRequest['classConstructor'] ) { $obj = $obj->newInstance($pRequest['classConstructor']); unset($pRequest['classConstructor']); } else $obj = $obj->newInstance(); $method = new ReflectionMethod($class, $method); $result = $method->invoke($obj, $pRequest); return $result; } private final function js() { $params = func_get_args(); extract($params[0]); $js = $pSectionItem->getAttribute('js') or die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #18 ] :: bad js argument'); $file = "../jabberit_messenger/{$pPath}/{$pPrefix}{$js}{$pSuffix}"; file_exists($file) or die(__CLASS__ . ' [ ERROR #19 ] :: the file that has the class was not opened'); $debug = $pSectionItem->parentNode->getAttribute('debug'); return file_get_contents($file); } } ?>