package nu.fw.jeti.plugins.filetransfer.socks5.jsocks; /** This interface provides for datagram encapsulation for SOCKSv5 protocol.

SOCKSv5 allows for datagrams to be encapsulated for purposes of integrity and/or authenticity. How it should be done is aggreed during the authentication stage, and is authentication dependent. This interface is provided to allow this encapsulation. @see Authentication */ public interface UDPEncapsulation{ /** This method should provide any authentication depended transformation on datagrams being send from/to the client. @param data Datagram data (including any SOCKS related bytes), to be encapsulated/decapsulated. @param out Wether the data is being send out. If true method should encapsulate/encrypt data, otherwise it should decapsulate/ decrypt data. @throw IOException if for some reason data can be transformed correctly. @return Should return byte array containing data after transformation. It is possible to return same array as input, if transformation only involves bit mangling, and no additional data is being added or removed. */ byte[] udpEncapsulate(byte[] data, boolean out) throws; }