(function() { var _conn; var _xtools; var _window; var _myWindow; var _is_ie; function _add_user() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { _myWindow = arguments[0]; } var _win_add = _window.load('add_user_im'); _win_add.title('.:: Adicionar Novos Contatos ::.'); _win_add.size(440); _win_add.position(200,80); _win_add.wc.style.padding = "3px"; var _params = { 'lang1':jabberitGetLang('Name of Contacts'), 'lang2':jabberitGetLang('Search'), 'lang3':jabberitGetLang('member of organization'), 'lang4':jabberitGetLang('nickname'), 'lang5':jabberitGetLang('group'), 'lang6':jabberitGetLang('add'), 'lang7':jabberitGetLang('close'), 'lang8':jabberitGetLang('Others Expressos') }; _win_add.bz.style.display = "none"; _win_add.bx.style.display = "none"; _win_add.content( _xtools.parse(_xtools.xml('adduser'), 'add_user.xsl', _params)); _conn.go('$this.contacts_im.getParticipantsExternal', function(data) { var data = eval(data); var elementDiv = document.getElementById('external_Participants_Jabberit'); if( data ) elementDiv.style.display = 'block'; }); _config( _win_add.wc.childNodes[2].childNodes[0], 'onclick', function() { var _name = document.getElementById('im_name'); var _group = document.getElementById('im_group'); var _jid = document.getElementById('im_jid').value; var _status = document.getElementById('im_status_add'); _status.innerHTML = ''; _name.previousSibling.style.color = "#000"; if ( _jid ) { _name.value = _name.value.replace(/^( )*|( )*$/g, ''); _group.value = _group.value.replace(/^( )*|( )*$/g, ''); if ( !(_name.value) || !(_group.value) ) { if ( !(_name.value) ) alert( jabberitGetLang('ATTENTION') + "!!\nInforme um \"NOME\"."); if ( !(_group.value) ) alert( jabberitGetLang('ATTENTION') + "!!\nInforme um \"GRUPO\"."); } else { var _uid; if ( (_uid = document.getElementById('im_uid')) ) _uid = _uid.value; else _uid = _jid.substr(0, (_jid.indexOf('@') - 1)); _conn.go('$this.contacts_im.verifyAddNewContact', function(data) { data = eval(data); if( !data ) { alert("*********** " + jabberitGetLang("Attention") + "!! ***********\n" + jabberitGetLang("This user is part of a small group!") + "\n" + jabberitGetLang("Contact was not added!")); _name.value = ''; _group.value = ''; } else { var result; _name.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; _name.parentNode.nextSibling.style.display = 'none'; _status.innerHTML = '
Adicionando contato, aguarde....
'; if( elementIframe = document.getElementById('iframe_applet_jabberit') ) { if( !_is_ie ) result = elementIframe.contentDocument.applets[0].addContact( _uid, _name.value, _group.value ); else result = elementIframe.contentWindow.document.applets[0].addContact( _uid, _name.value, _group.value ); } else // If Pop-Up { result = _myWindow.document.applets[0].addContact( _uid, _name.value, _group.value ); } _status.innerHTML = '
Contato adicionado !
'; setTimeout('cleanStatusAddContactIM();',2500); _name.value = ''; _group.value = ''; } }, "uid="+_uid); } } } ); _config(_win_add.wc.childNodes[2].childNodes[1], 'onclick', function() { _win_add.button(_win_add.bc); } ); } function _config(pObj, pEvent, pHandler) { if ( typeof pObj == 'object' ) { if ( pEvent.substring(0, 2) == 'on' ) pEvent = pEvent.substring(2, pEvent.length); if ( pObj.addEventListener ) pObj.addEventListener(pEvent, pHandler, false); else if ( pObj.attachEvent ) pObj.attachEvent('on' + pEvent, pHandler); } } function _highlight(e) { var el = ( e.target ) ? e.target : e.srcElement; var color = "#fff"; if ( e.type.indexOf('mouseover') != -1 ) color = "#dedede"; el.style.backgroundColor = color; } function _search() { var _loading = document.getElementById('__span_load_im'); var _target = document.getElementById('im_ldap_user'); var _particiExt = document.getElementById('external_Participants_Jabberit').firstChild; function getUsersLdap(_data) { var _params = { 'many_results' : jabberitGetLang('More than 50 results. Please, try to refine your search.'), 'empty' : jabberitGetLang('None result was found.') }; _target.innerHTML = _xtools.parse(_data,'list_ldap_contacts.xsl', _params); function _show(m) { m = ( m.target ) ? m.target : m.srcElement; if ( m.getAttribute('value')) m = m.getAttribute('value'); else m = m.parentNode.getAttribute('value'); if ( !m ) return false; document.getElementById('__span_load_im_group').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('im_jid').value = m.substr(0, m.indexOf(';')); document.getElementById('im_uid').value = m.substr((m.indexOf(';')+1)); var _name = document.getElementById('im_name'); var groups = ""; var data; var first_name = document.getElementById(m).innerHTML; first_name = first_name.substr(0, first_name.indexOf(' ')); _name.value = first_name; _name.previousSibling.style.color = "#000"; _name.parentNode.style.display = 'block'; _name.parentNode.nextSibling.style.display = 'block'; _name.parentNode.nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML = ''; // If Layer; if( elementIframe = document.getElementById('iframe_applet_jabberit') ) { if( !_is_ie ) groups = elementIframe.contentDocument.applets[0].getGroupsToExpresso(); else groups = elementIframe.contentWindow.document.applets[0].getGroupsToExpresso(); } else // If Pop-Up { groups = _myWindow.document.applets[0].getGroupsToExpresso(); } if( typeof(groups) == 'object') { data = groups + ";"; data = data.substring(0,(data.length-2)); } else data = groups.substring(0,(groups.length-1)); if( data ) { document.getElementById('im_group').setAttribute('selectBoxOptions', data); if( document.getElementById('selectBox0') == null ) editS.create(document.getElementById('im_group')); } document.getElementById('__span_load_im_group').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('im_group').value = ''; document.getElementById('im_group').focus(); } var _member = _target.firstChild; while ( _member ) { if( _member.getAttribute('photo') === '1' ) { var uid = _member.getAttribute('value'); uid = uid.substr(uid.indexOf(';') + 1); _member.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + path_jabberit + 'inc/getphoto.php?uid=' + uid + ')'; } _config(_member, 'onclick', _show); _member = _member.nextSibling; } } _loading.style.display = "block"; if(!_particiExt.checked) { _conn.go( '$this.contacts_im.list_contacts', function(_data) { getUsersLdap(_data); _loading.style.display = "none"; }, 'name='+ arguments[0] ); } else { function checkMail(pMail) { var er = new RegExp(/^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+@[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]{2,}\.[A-Za-z0-9]{2,}(\.[A-Za-z0-9])?/); if(er.test(pMail)) return true; else return false; } if( checkMail(arguments[0]) ) { _conn.go( '$this.ldap_im.list_participants_externals', function(data) { getUsersLdap(data); _loading.style.display = "none"; }, 'mail=' + arguments[0] ); } else { alert(jabberitGetLang('Inform a valid e-mail!')); _loading.style.display = "none"; } } } function LDAP() { _conn = arguments[0]; _xtools = arguments[1]; _window = arguments[2]; _is_ie = arguments[3]; } LDAP.prototype.search = _search; LDAP.prototype.add = _add_user; window.JITLdap = LDAP; } )(); function cleanStatusAddContactIM() { document.getElementById('im_status_add').innerHTML = ''; }