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else var StatusBar = document.getElementById('divStatusBar'); if(StatusBar) { if( StatusBar.id != 'jabberWriteMsg' ) { var _div = document.createElement('div'); _div.appendChild(StatusBar.parentNode.removeChild(StatusBar.previousSibling)); StatusBar.parentNode.insertBefore(_div,StatusBar); } StatusBar.style.paddingLeft = '33px'; var divJabber = document.createElement('div'); divJabber.setAttribute('id', 'JabberMessenger'); var _status = top.document.createElement('div'); _status.setAttribute('id', 'jabberit_login'); _status.style.background = 'no-repeat'; _status.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + jabberit_group_open.src + ')'; _status.style.float = 'left'; _status.style.height = '15px'; _status.style.left = '7px'; _status.style.margin = '8 0 0 10px'; _status.style.padding = '0px'; _status.style.position = 'absolute'; _status.style.width = '15px'; _status.style.cursor = 'pointer'; divJabber.insertBefore(_status,divJabber.firstChild); var _menu; _menu = top.document.createElement('span'); 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var _style_text = 'cursor: pointer; padding:2px 2px 2px 15px; background: no-repeat url(' + jabberit_group_close.src + ');'; var _xml = _xtools.xml('menu'); var _option; var _item; var _action; var _style; for ( var i in _options ) { _option = _xml.createElement('option'); _item = _xml.createElement('item'); _item.appendChild(_xml.createTextNode(jabberitGetLang(_options[i][0]))); _style = _xml.createElement('style'); _style.appendChild(_xml.createTextNode(_style_text)); _option.appendChild(_item); _option.appendChild(_style); _xml.documentElement.appendChild(_option); } _menu.innerHTML = _xtools.parse(_xml, 'options.xsl'); _showhidden.action('onmouseover', 'onmouseout', _menu); _item = _menu.firstChild; for ( var i in _options ) { _item.childNodes[i].setAttribute('presence', _options[i]); configEvents( _item.childNodes[i], 'onclick', _options[i][1] ); } } ); } } function addContacts() { _ldap.add(); } function changeLabel() { if( arguments.length > 0 ) { var element = arguments[0].parentNode.parentNode.firstChild; if(arguments[0].checked) element.innerHTML = "Digite o Email .: "; else element.innerHTML = "Nome do Contato .: "; } } function configEvents(pObj, pEvent, pHandler) { if ( typeof pObj == 'object' ) { if ( pEvent.substring(0, 2) == 'on' ) pEvent = pEvent.substring(2, pEvent.length); if ( pObj.addEventListener ) pObj.addEventListener(pEvent, pHandler, false); else if ( pObj.attachEvent ) pObj.attachEvent('on' + pEvent, pHandler); } } function closeWindow() { myWindow = ''; } function getFocus() { var pNewWindow = myWindow; for( var i = 15 ; i > 0 ; i-- ) { pNewWindow.moveBy(i,0); pNewWindow.moveBy(-i,0); } pNewWindow.focus(); } function helpJabberit() { var myWindowHelp = window.open( path_jabberit + 'help.php', 'HelpjabberIM', 'width=800,height=495,top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes'); } function keyPressSearch() { var ev = arguments[0]; var element = arguments[1]; if ( ev.keyCode == 13 ) if( element.value.length >= 4 ) _ldap.search( element.value ); else alert(jabberitGetLang('Your search argument must be longer than 4 characters.')); } function openPopup() { try{ if( ! myWindow ) { myWindow = window.open( path_jabberit + 'client.php', 'JabberIM', 'width=215,height=400,top=50,left=50,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,location=no'); myWindow.blur(); configEvents(myWindow,'onbeforeunload', closeWindow ); }else myWindow.focus(); } catch(e) { delete myWindow; myWindow = window.open( path_jabberit + 'client.php', 'JabberIM', 'width=215,height=400,top=50,left=50,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,location=no'); myWindow.blur(); configEvents(myWindow,'onbeforeunload', closeWindow ); } } function openWindow() { var _win_contacts = _window.load('jabberit_contacts'); var flagOpenAux = ''; if( flagOpenIM.indexOf(';') != -1 ) { var aux = flagOpenIM.split(';'); flagOpenAux = aux[0]; } else flagOpenAux = flagOpenIM; if( flagOpenAux == 'openWindowJabberit:false' ) { _win_contacts.size(215,400); } else { _win_contacts.size(1,1); _win_contacts.wm.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } _win_contacts.position(50,50); 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autoConnect = temp[0]; } else autoConnect = flagOpenIM; if( autoConnect == 'openWindowJabberit:true' ) { setTimeout('loadscript.showW();', 2500); } }); } } function openWindowParticipantsExternal() { if( arguments.length > 0) { var element = arguments[0]; var orgPartExternal = externalParticipantsJabberit.split(","); var _splash = top.document.createElement('span'); _splash.setAttribute('id','fast_splash_jabberit'); _splash.style.backgroundColor = 'dedede'; _splash.style.position = 'absolute'; _splash.style.display = 'block'; _splash.style.width = '200px'; _splash.style.height = 'auto'; _splash.style.margin = ( !is_ie ) ? 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