* @version 1.0.3 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Tijs Verkoyen. All rights reserved. * @license BSD License */ class CSSToInlineStyles { /** * The CSS to use * * @var string */ private $css; /** * The processed CSS rules * * @var array */ private $cssRules; /** * Should the generated HTML be cleaned * * @var bool */ private $cleanup = false; /** * The HTML to process * * @var string */ private $html; /** * Use inline-styles block as CSS * * @var bool */ private $useInlineStylesBlock = false; /** * Creates an instance, you could set the HTML and CSS here, or load it later. * * @return void * @param string[optional] $html The HTML to process * @param string[optional] $css The CSS to use */ public function __construct($html = null, $css = null) { if($html !== null) $this->setHTML($html); if($css !== null) $this->setCSS($css); } /** * Convert a CSS-selector into an xPath-query * * @return string * @param string $selector The CSS-selector */ private function buildXPathQuery($selector) { // redefine $selector = (string) $selector; // the CSS selector $cssSelector = array( '/(\w)\s+(\w)/', // E F Matches any F element that is a descendant of an E element '/(\w)\s*>\s*(\w)/', // E > F Matches any F element that is a child of an element E '/(\w):first-child/', // E:first-child Matches element E when E is the first child of its parent '/(\w)\s*\+\s*(\w)/', // E + F Matches any F element immediately preceded by an element '/(\w)\[([\w\-]+)]/', // E[foo] Matches any E element with the "foo" attribute set (whatever the value) '/(\w)\[([\w\-]+)\=\"(.*)\"]/', // E[foo="warning"] Matches any E element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "warning" '/(\w+|\*)+\.([\w\-]+)+/', // div.warning HTML only. The same as DIV[class~="warning"] '/\.([\w\-]+)/', // .warning HTML only. The same as *[class~="warning"] '/(\w+)+\#([\w\-]+)/', // E#myid Matches any E element with id-attribute equal to "myid" '/\#([\w\-]+)/' // #myid Matches any element with id-attribute equal to "myid" ); // the xPath-equivalent $xPathQuery = array( '\1//\2', // E F Matches any F element that is a descendant of an E element '\1/\2', // E > F Matches any F element that is a child of an element E '*[1]/self::\1', // E:first-child Matches element E when E is the first child of its parent '\1/following-sibling::*[1]/self::\2', // E + F Matches any F element immediately preceded by an element '\1 [ @\2 ]', // E[foo] Matches any E element with the "foo" attribute set (whatever the value) '\1[ contains( concat( " ", @\2, " " ), concat( " ", "\3", " " ) ) ]', // E[foo="warning"] Matches any E element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "warning" '\1[ contains( concat( " ", @class, " " ), concat( " ", "\2", " " ) ) ]', // div.warning HTML only. The same as DIV[class~="warning"] '*[ contains( concat( " ", @class, " " ), concat( " ", "\1", " " ) ) ]', // .warning HTML only. The same as *[class~="warning"] '\1[ @id = "\2" ]', // E#myid Matches any E element with id-attribute equal to "myid" '*[ @id = "\1" ]' // #myid Matches any element with id-attribute equal to "myid" ); // return return (string) '//'. preg_replace($cssSelector, $xPathQuery, $selector); } /** * Calculate the specifity for the CSS-selector * * @return int * @param string $selector */ private function calculateCSSSpecifity($selector) { // cleanup selector $selector = str_replace(array('>', '+'), array(' > ', ' + '), $selector); // init var $specifity = 0; // split the selector into chunks based on spaces $chunks = explode(' ', $selector); // loop chunks foreach($chunks as $chunk) { // an ID is important, so give it a high specifity if(strstr($chunk, '#') !== false) $specifity += 100; // classes are more important than a tag, but less important then an ID elseif(strstr($chunk, '.')) $specifity += 10; // anything else isn't that important else $specifity += 1; } // return return $specifity; } /** * Cleanup the generated HTML * * @return string * @param string $html The HTML to cleanup */ private function cleanupHTML($html) { // remove classes $html = preg_replace('/(\s)+class="(.*)"(\s)+/U', ' ', $html); // remove IDs $html = preg_replace('/(\s)+id="(.*)"(\s)+/U', ' ', $html); // return return $html; } /** * Converts the loaded HTML into an HTML-string with inline styles based on the loaded CSS * * @return string * @param bool $outputXHTML Should we output valid XHTML? */ public function convert($outputXHTML = false) { // redefine $outputXHTML = (bool) $outputXHTML; // validate if($this->html == null) throw new CSSToInlineStylesException('No HTML provided.'); // should we use inline style-block if($this->useInlineStylesBlock) { // init var $matches = array(); // match the style blocks preg_match_all('|(.*)|isU', $this->html, $matches); // any style-blocks found? if(!empty($matches[2])) { // add foreach($matches[2] as $match) $this->css .= trim($match) ."\n"; } } // process css $this->processCSS(); // create new DOMDocument $document = new DOMDocument(); // set error level libxml_use_internal_errors(true); // load HTML $document->loadHTML($this->html); // create new XPath $xPath = new DOMXPath($document); // any rules? if(!empty($this->cssRules)) { // loop rules foreach($this->cssRules as $rule) { // init var $query = $this->buildXPathQuery($rule['selector']); // validate query if($query === false) continue; // search elements $elements = $xPath->query($query); // validate elements if($elements === false) continue; // loop found elements foreach($elements as $element) { // init var $properties = array(); // get current styles $stylesAttribute = $element->attributes->getNamedItem('style'); // add new properties into the list foreach($rule['properties'] as $key => $value) $properties[$key] = $value; // any styles defined before? if($stylesAttribute !== null) { // get value for the styles attribute $definedStyles = (string) $stylesAttribute->value; // split into properties $definedProperties = (array) explode(';', $definedStyles); // loop properties foreach($definedProperties as $property) { // validate property if($property == '') continue; // split into chunks $chunks = (array) explode(':', trim($property), 2); // validate if(!isset($chunks[1])) continue; // loop chunks $properties[$chunks[0]] = trim($chunks[1]); } } // build string $propertyChunks = array(); // build chunks foreach($properties as $key => $value) $propertyChunks[] = $key .': '. $value .';'; // build properties string $propertiesString = implode(' ', $propertyChunks); // set attribute if($propertiesString != '') $element->setAttribute('style', $propertiesString); } } } // should we output XHTML? if($outputXHTML) { // set formating $document->formatOutput = true; // get the HTML as XML $html = $document->saveXML(null, LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG); // remove the XML-header $html = str_replace(''."\n", '', $html); } // just regular HTML 4.01 as it should be used in newsletters else { // get the HTML $html = $document->saveHTML(); } // cleanup the HTML if we need to if($this->cleanup) $html = $this->cleanupHTML($html); // return return $html; } /** * Process the loaded CSS * * @return void */ private function processCSS() { // init vars $css = (string) $this->css; // remove newlines $css = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $css); // replace double quotes by single quotes $css = str_replace('"', '\'', $css); // remove comments $css = preg_replace('|/\*.*?\*/|', '', $css); // remove spaces $css = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $css); // rules are splitted by } $rules = (array) explode('}', $css); // init var $i = 1; // loop rules foreach($rules as $rule) { // split into chunks $chunks = explode('{', $rule); // invalid rule? if(!isset($chunks[1])) continue; // set the selectors $selectors = trim($chunks[0]); // get cssProperties $cssProperties = trim($chunks[1]); // split multiple selectors $selectors = (array) explode(',', $selectors); // loop selectors foreach($selectors as $selector) { // cleanup $selector = trim($selector); // build an array for each selector $ruleSet = array(); // store selector $ruleSet['selector'] = $selector; // process the properties $ruleSet['properties'] = $this->processCSSProperties($cssProperties); // calculate specifity $ruleSet['specifity'] = $this->calculateCSSSpecifity($selector); // add into global rules $this->cssRules[] = $ruleSet; } // increment $i++; } // sort based on specifity if(!empty($this->cssRules)) usort($this->cssRules, array('CSSToInlineStyles', 'sortOnSpecifity')); } /** * Process the CSS-properties * * @return array * @param string $propertyString */ private function processCSSProperties($propertyString) { // split into chunks $properties = (array) explode(';', $propertyString); // init var $pairs = array(); // loop properties foreach($properties as $property) { // split into chunks $chunks = (array) explode(':', $property, 2); // validate if(!isset($chunks[1])) continue; // add to pairs array $pairs[trim($chunks[0])] = trim($chunks[1]); } // sort the pairs ksort($pairs); // return return $pairs; } /** * Should the IDs and classes be removed? * * @return void * @param bool[optional] $on */ public function setCleanup($on = true) { $this->cleanup = (bool) $on; } /** * Set CSS to use * * @return void * @param string $css The CSS to use */ public function setCSS($css) { $this->css = (string) $css; } /** * Set HTML to process * * @return void * @param string $html */ public function setHTML($html) { $this->html = (string) $html; } /** * Set use of inline styles block * If this is enabled the class will use the style-block in the HTML. * * @param bool[optional] $on */ public function setUseInlineStylesBlock($on = true) { $this->useInlineStylesBlock = (bool) $on; } /** * Sort an array on the specifity element * * @return int * @param array $e1 The first element * @param array $e2 The second element */ private static function sortOnSpecifity($e1, $e2) { // validate if(!isset($e1['specifity']) || !isset($e2['specifity'])) return 0; // lower if($e1['specifity'] < $e2['specifity']) return -1; // higher if($e1['specifity'] > $e2['specifity']) return 1; // fallback return 0; } } /** * CSSToInlineStyles Exception class * * @author Tijs Verkoyen */ class CSSToInlineStylesException extends Exception { } ?>