type; $len = $fieldobj->max_length; } switch (strtoupper($t)) { case 'INTERVAL': case 'CHAR': case 'CHARACTER': case 'VARCHAR': case 'NAME': case 'BPCHAR': if ($len <= $this->blobSize) return 'C'; case 'TEXT': return 'X'; case 'IMAGE': // user defined type case 'BLOB': // user defined type case 'BIT': // This is a bit string, not a single bit, so don't return 'L' case 'VARBIT': case 'BYTEA': return 'B'; case 'BOOL': case 'BOOLEAN': return 'L'; case 'DATE': return 'D'; case 'TIME': case 'DATETIME': case 'TIMESTAMP': case 'TIMESTAMPTZ': return 'T'; case 'INTEGER': return (empty($fieldobj->primary_key) && empty($fieldobj->unique))? 'I' : 'R'; case 'SMALLINT': case 'INT2': return (empty($fieldobj->primary_key) && empty($fieldobj->unique))? 'I2' : 'R'; case 'INT4': return (empty($fieldobj->primary_key) && empty($fieldobj->unique))? 'I4' : 'R'; case 'BIGINT': case 'INT8': return (empty($fieldobj->primary_key) && empty($fieldobj->unique))? 'I8' : 'R'; case 'OID': case 'SERIAL': return 'R'; case 'FLOAT4': case 'FLOAT8': case 'DOUBLE PRECISION': case 'REAL': return 'F'; default: return 'N'; } } function ActualType($meta) { switch($meta) { case 'C': return 'VARCHAR'; case 'XL': case 'X': return 'TEXT'; case 'C2': return 'VARCHAR'; case 'X2': return 'TEXT'; case 'B': return 'BYTEA'; case 'D': return 'DATE'; case 'T': return 'TIMESTAMP'; case 'L': return 'SMALLINT'; case 'I': return 'INTEGER'; case 'I1': return 'SMALLINT'; case 'I2': return 'INT2'; case 'I4': return 'INT4'; case 'I8': return 'INT8'; case 'F': return 'FLOAT8'; case 'N': return 'NUMERIC'; default: return $meta; } } /* The following does not work in Pg 6.0 - does anyone want to contribute code? //"ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN column SET DEFAULT mydef" and //"ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN column DROP DEFAULT mydef" //"ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN column SET NOT NULL" and //"ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN column DROP NOT NULL"*/ function AlterColumnSQL($tabname, $flds) { if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("AlterColumnSQL not supported for PostgreSQL"); return array(); } function DropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds) { if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("DropColumnSQL only works with PostgreSQL 7.3+"); return ADODB_DataDict::DropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds)."/* only works for PostgreSQL 7.3+ */"; } // return string must begin with space function _CreateSuffix($fname, &$ftype, $fnotnull,$fdefault,$fautoinc,$fconstraint) { if ($fautoinc) { $ftype = 'SERIAL'; return ''; } $suffix = ''; if (strlen($fdefault)) $suffix .= " DEFAULT $fdefault"; if ($fnotnull) $suffix .= ' NOT NULL'; if ($fconstraint) $suffix .= ' '.$fconstraint; return $suffix; } function _DropAutoIncrement($t) { return "drop sequence ".$t."_m_id_seq"; } /* CREATE [ [ LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE table_name ( { column_name data_type [ DEFAULT default_expr ] [ column_constraint [, ... ] ] | table_constraint } [, ... ] ) [ INHERITS ( parent_table [, ... ] ) ] [ WITH OIDS | WITHOUT OIDS ] where column_constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { NOT NULL | NULL | UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY | CHECK (expression) | REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ] and table_constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { UNIQUE ( column_name [, ... ] ) | PRIMARY KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) | CHECK ( expression ) | FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ] */ /* CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX index_name ON table [ USING acc_method ] ( column [ ops_name ] [, ...] ) [ WHERE predicate ] CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX index_name ON table [ USING acc_method ] ( func_name( column [, ... ]) [ ops_name ] ) [ WHERE predicate ] */ function _IndexSQL($idxname, $tabname, $flds, $idxoptions) { $sql = array(); if ( isset($idxoptions['REPLACE']) || isset($idxoptions['DROP']) ) { $sql[] = sprintf ($this->dropIndex, $idxname, $tabname); if ( isset($idxoptions['DROP']) ) return $sql; } if ( empty ($flds) ) { return $sql; } $unique = isset($idxoptions['UNIQUE']) ? ' UNIQUE' : ''; $s = 'CREATE' . $unique . ' INDEX ' . $idxname . ' ON ' . $tabname . ' '; if (isset($idxoptions['HASH'])) $s .= 'USING HASH '; if ( isset($idxoptions[$this->upperName]) ) $s .= $idxoptions[$this->upperName]; if ( is_array($flds) ) $flds = implode(', ',$flds); $s .= '(' . $flds . ')'; $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } } ?>