source: trunk/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/UploadImage/popups/ImageEditor/Transform.php @ 2

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3** Title.........:  Image Transformation Interface
4** Version.......:  1.0
5** Author........:  Xiang Wei ZHUO <>
6** Filename......:  Transform.php
7** Last changed..:  30 Aug 2003
8** Notes.........:  Orginal is from PEAR
10                    Added a few extra,
11                        - create unique filename in a particular directory,
12                          used for temp image files.
13                        - added cropping to GD, NetPBM, ImageMagick
16// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
17// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
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19// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
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29// | Authors: Peter Bowyer <>                      |
30// |          Alan Knowles <>                            |
31// |          Vincent Oostindie <>              |
32// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
35// Image Transformation interface
40 * The main "Image_Resize" class is a container and base class which
41 * provides the static methods for creating Image objects as well as
42 * some utility functions (maths) common to all parts of Image Resize.
43 *
44 * The object model of DB is as follows (indentation means inheritance):
45 *
46 * Image_Resize The base for each Image implementation.  Provides default
47 * |            implementations (in OO lingo virtual methods) for
48 * |            the actual Image implementations as well as a bunch of
49 * |            maths methods.
50 * |
51 * +-Image_GD   The Image implementation for the PHP GD extension .  Inherits
52 *              Image_Resize
53 *              When calling DB::setup for GD images the object returned is an
54 *              instance of this class.
55 *
56 * @package  Image Resize
57 * @version  1.00
58 * @author   Peter Bowyer <>
59 * @since    PHP 4.0
60 */
61Class Image_Transform
63    /**
64     * Name of the image file
65     * @var string
66     */
67    var $image = '';
68    /**
69     * Type of the image file (eg. jpg, gif png ...)
70     * @var string
71     */
72    var $type = '';
73    /**
74     * Original image width in x direction
75     * @var int
76     */
77    var $img_x = '';
78    /**
79     * Original image width in y direction
80     * @var int
81     */
82    var $img_y = '';
83    /**
84     * New image width in x direction
85     * @var int
86     */
87    var $new_x = '';
88    /**
89     * New image width in y direction
90     * @var int
91     */
92    var $new_y = '';
93    /**
94     * Path the the library used
95     * e.g. /usr/local/ImageMagick/bin/ or
96     * /usr/local/netpbm/
97     */
98    var $lib_path = '';
99    /**
100     * Flag to warn if image has been resized more than once before displaying
101     * or saving.
102     */
103     var $resized = false;
106     var $uid = '';
108     var $lapse_time =900; //15 mins
110    /**
111     * Create a new Image_resize object
112     *
113     * @param string $driver name of driver class to initialize
114     *
115     * @return mixed a newly created Image_Transform object, or a PEAR
116     * error object on error
117     *
118     * @see PEAR::isError()
119     * @see Image_Transform::setOption()
120     */
121    function &factory($driver)
122    {
123        if ('' == $driver) {
124            die("No image library specified... aborting.  You must call ::factory() with one parameter, the library to load.");
126        }
127        $this->uid = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
129        include_once "$driver.php";
131        $classname = "Image_Transform_Driver_{$driver}";
132        $obj =& new $classname;
133        return $obj;
134    }
137    /**
138     * Resize the Image in the X and/or Y direction
139     * If either is 0 it will be scaled proportionally
140     *
141     * @access public
142     *
143     * @param mixed $new_x (0, number, percentage 10% or 0.1)
144     * @param mixed $new_y (0, number, percentage 10% or 0.1)
145     *
146     * @return mixed none or PEAR_error
147     */
148    function resize($new_x = 0, $new_y = 0)
149    {
150        // 0 means keep original size
151        $new_x = (0 == $new_x) ? $this->img_x : $this->_parse_size($new_x, $this->img_x);
152        $new_y = (0 == $new_y) ? $this->img_y : $this->_parse_size($new_y, $this->img_y);
153        // Now do the library specific resizing.
154        return $this->_resize($new_x, $new_y);
155    } // End resize
158    /**
159     * Scale the image to have the max x dimension specified.
160     *
161     * @param int $new_x Size to scale X-dimension to
162     * @return none
163     */
164    function scaleMaxX($new_x)
165    {
166        $new_y = round(($new_x / $this->img_x) * $this->img_y, 0);
167        return $this->_resize($new_x, $new_y);
168    } // End resizeX
170    /**
171     * Scale the image to have the max y dimension specified.
172     *
173     * @access public
174     * @param int $new_y Size to scale Y-dimension to
175     * @return none
176     */
177    function scaleMaxY($new_y)
178    {
179        $new_x = round(($new_y / $this->img_y) * $this->img_x, 0);
180        return $this->_resize($new_x, $new_y);
181    } // End resizeY
183    /**
184     * Scale Image to a maximum or percentage
185     *
186     * @access public
187     * @param mixed (number, percentage 10% or 0.1)
188     * @return mixed none or PEAR_error
189     */
190    function scale($size)
191    {
192        if ((strlen($size) > 1) && (substr($size,-1) == '%')) {
193            return $this->scaleByPercentage(substr($size, 0, -1));
194        } elseif ($size < 1) {
195            return $this->scaleByFactor($size);
196        } else {
197            return $this->scaleByLength($size);
198        }
199    } // End scale
201    /**
202     * Scales an image to a percentage of its original size.  For example, if
203     * my image was 640x480 and I called scaleByPercentage(10) then the image
204     * would be resized to 64x48
205     *
206     * @access public
207     * @param int $size Percentage of original size to scale to
208     * @return none
209     */
210    function scaleByPercentage($size)
211    {
212        return $this->scaleByFactor($size / 100);
213    } // End scaleByPercentage
215    /**
216     * Scales an image to a factor of its original size.  For example, if
217     * my image was 640x480 and I called scaleByFactor(0.5) then the image
218     * would be resized to 320x240.
219     *
220     * @access public
221     * @param float $size Factor of original size to scale to
222     * @return none
223     */
224    function scaleByFactor($size)
225    {
226        $new_x = round($size * $this->img_x, 0);
227        $new_y = round($size * $this->img_y, 0);
228        return $this->_resize($new_x, $new_y);
229    } // End scaleByFactor
231    /**
232     * Scales an image so that the longest side has this dimension.
233     *
234     * @access public
235     * @param int $size Max dimension in pixels
236     * @return none
237     */
238    function scaleByLength($size)
239    {
240         if ($this->img_x >= $this->img_y) {
241            $new_x = $size;
242            $new_y = round(($new_x / $this->img_x) * $this->img_y, 0);
243        } else {
244            $new_y = $size;
245            $new_x = round(($new_y / $this->img_y) * $this->img_x, 0);
246        }
247        return $this->_resize($new_x, $new_y);
248    } // End scaleByLength
251    /**
252     *
253     * @access public
254     * @return void
255     */
256    function _get_image_details($image)
257    {
258        //echo $image;
259        $data = @GetImageSize($image);
260        #1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG, 4 = SWF, 5 = PSD, 6 = BMP, 7 = TIFF(intel byte order), 8 = TIFF(motorola byte order,
261        # 9 = JPC, 10 = JP2, 11 = JPX, 12 = JB2, 13 = SWC
262        if (is_array($data)){
263            switch($data[2]){
264                case 1:
265                    $type = 'gif';
266                    break;
267                case 2:
268                    $type = 'jpeg';
269                    break;
270                case 3:
271                    $type = 'png';
272                    break;
273                case 4:
274                    $type = 'swf';
275                    break;
276                case 5:
277                    $type = 'psd';
278                case 6:
279                    $type = 'bmp';
280                case 7:
281                case 8:
282                    $type = 'tiff';
283                default:
284                    echo("We do not recognize this image format");
285            }
286            $this->img_x = $data[0];
287            $this->img_y = $data[1];
288            $this->type = $type;
290            return true;
291        } else {
292            echo("Cannot fetch image or images details.");
293            return null;
294        }
295        /*
296        $output = array(
297                        'width' => $data[0],
298                        'height' => $data[1],
299                        'type' => $type
300                        );
301        return $output;
302        */
303    }
306    /**
307     * Parse input and convert
308     * If either is 0 it will be scaled proportionally
309     *
310     * @access private
311     *
312     * @param mixed $new_size (0, number, percentage 10% or 0.1)
313     * @param int $old_size
314     *
315     * @return mixed none or PEAR_error
316     */
317    function _parse_size($new_size, $old_size)
318    {
319        if ('%' == $new_size) {
320            $new_size = str_replace('%','',$new_size);
321            $new_size = $new_size / 100;
322        }
323        if ($new_size > 1) {
324            return (int) $new_size;
325        } elseif ($new_size == 0) {
326            return (int) $old_size;
327        } else {
328            return (int) round($new_size * $old_size, 0);
329        }
330    }
333    function uniqueStr()
334    {
335      return substr(md5(microtime()),0,6);
336    }
338    //delete old tmp files, and allow only 1 file per remote host.
339    function cleanUp($id, $dir)
340    {
341        $d = dir($dir);
342        $id_length = strlen($id);
344        while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
345            if (is_file($dir.'/'.$entry) && substr($entry,0,1) == '.' && !ereg($entry, $this->image))
346            {
347                //echo filemtime($this->directory.'/'.$entry)."<br>";
348                //echo time();
350                if (filemtime($dir.'/'.$entry) + $this->lapse_time < time())
351                    unlink($dir.'/'.$entry);
353                if (substr($entry, 1, $id_length) == $id)
354                {
355                    if (is_file($dir.'/'.$entry))
356                        unlink($dir.'/'.$entry);
357                }
358            }
359        }
360        $d->close();
361    }
364    function createUnique($dir)
365    {
366       $unique_str = '.'.$this->uid.'_'.$this->uniqueStr().".".$this->type;
368       //make sure the the unique temp file does not exists
369        while (file_exists($dir.$unique_str))
370        {
371            $unique_str = '.'.$this->uid.'_'.$this->uniqueStr().".".$this->type;
372        }
374      $this->cleanUp($this->uid, $dir);
376       return $unique_str;
377    }
380    /**
381     * Set the image width
382     * @param int $size dimension to set
383     * @since 29/05/02 13:36:31
384     * @return
385     */
386    function _set_img_x($size)
387    {
388        $this->img_x = $size;
389    }
391    /**
392     * Set the image height
393     * @param int $size dimension to set
394     * @since 29/05/02 13:36:31
395     * @return
396     */
397    function _set_img_y($size)
398    {
399        $this->img_y = $size;
400    }
402    /**
403     * Set the image width
404     * @param int $size dimension to set
405     * @since 29/05/02 13:36:31
406     * @return
407     */
408    function _set_new_x($size)
409    {
410        $this->new_x = $size;
411    }
413    /**
414     * Set the image height
415     * @param int $size dimension to set
416     * @since 29/05/02 13:36:31
417     * @return
418     */
419    function _set_new_y($size)
420    {
421        $this->new_y = $size;
422    }
424    /**
425     * Get the type of the image being manipulated
426     *
427     * @return string $this->type the image type
428     */
429    function getImageType()
430    {
431        return $this->type;
432    }
434    /**
435     *
436     * @access public
437     * @return string web-safe image type
438     */
439    function getWebSafeFormat()
440    {
441        switch($this->type){
442            case 'gif':
443            case 'png':
444                return 'png';
445                break;
446            default:
447                return 'jpeg';
448        } // switch
449    }
451    /**
452     * Place holder for the real resize method
453     * used by extended methods to do the resizing
454     *
455     * @access private
456     * @return PEAR_error
457     */
458    function _resize() {
459        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No Resize method exists", true);
460    }
462    /**
463     * Place holder for the real load method
464     * used by extended methods to do the resizing
465     *
466     * @access public
467     * @return PEAR_error
468     */
469    function load($filename) {
470        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No Load method exists", true);
471    }
473    /**
474     * Place holder for the real display method
475     * used by extended methods to do the resizing
476     *
477     * @access public
478     * @param string filename
479     * @return PEAR_error
480     */
481    function display($type, $quality) {
482        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No Display method exists", true);
483    }
485    /**
486     * Place holder for the real save method
487     * used by extended methods to do the resizing
488     *
489     * @access public
490     * @param string filename
491     * @return PEAR_error
492     */
493    function save($filename, $type, $quality) {
494        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No Save method exists", true);
495    }
497    /**
498     * Place holder for the real free method
499     * used by extended methods to do the resizing
500     *
501     * @access public
502     * @return PEAR_error
503     */
504    function free() {
505        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No Free method exists", true);
506    }
508    /**
509     * Reverse of rgb2colorname.
510     *
511     * @access public
512     * @return PEAR_error
513     *
514     * @see rgb2colorname
515     */
516    function colorhex2colorarray($colorhex) {
517        $r = hexdec(substr($colorhex, 1, 2));
518        $g = hexdec(substr($colorhex, 3, 2));
519        $b = hexdec(substr($colorhex, 4, 2));
520        return array($r,$g,$b);
521    }
523    /**
524     * Reverse of rgb2colorname.
525     *
526     * @access public
527     * @return PEAR_error
528     *
529     * @see rgb2colorname
530     */
531    function colorarray2colorhex($color) {
532        $color = '#'.dechex($color[0]).dechex($color[1]).dechex($color[2]);
533        return strlen($color)>6?false:$color;
534    }
537    /* Methods to add to the driver classes in the future */
538    function addText()
539    {
540        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No addText method exists", true);
541    }
543    function addDropShadow()
544    {
545        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No AddDropShadow method exists", true);
546    }
548    function addBorder()
549    {
550        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No addBorder method exists", true);
551    }
553    function crop()
554    {
555        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No crop method exists", true);
556    }
558    function flip()
559    {
560        return null;
561    }
563    function gamma()
564    {
565        return null; //PEAR::raiseError("No gamma method exists", true);
566    }
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