* @copyright Morphoss Ltd - http://www.morphoss.com/ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt GNU LGPL version 3 or later * */ require_once ROOTPATH.'/plugins/davicalCliente/XMLElement.php'; /** * A class for XML Documents which will contain namespaced XML elements * * @package awl */ class XMLDocument { /**#@+ * @access private */ /** * holds the namespaces which this document has been configured for. * @var namespaces */ var $namespaces; /** * holds the prefixes which are shorthand for the namespaces. * @var prefixes */ var $prefixes; /** * Holds the root document for the tree * @var root */ var $root; /** * Simple XMLDocument constructor * * @param array $namespaces An array of 'namespace' => 'prefix' pairs, where the prefix is used as a short form for the namespace. */ function __construct( $namespaces = null ) { $this->namespaces = array(); $this->prefixes = array(); if ( $namespaces != null ) { foreach( $namespaces AS $ns => $prefix ) { $this->namespaces[$ns] = $prefix; $this->prefixes[$prefix] = $prefix; } } $this->next_prefix = 0; } /** * Add a new namespace to the document, optionally specifying it's short prefix * * @param string $namespace The full namespace name to be added * @param string $prefix An optional short form for the namespace. */ function AddNamespace( $namespace, $prefix = null ) { if ( !isset($this->namespaces[$namespace]) ) { if ( isset($prefix) && ($prefix == "" || isset($this->prefixes[$prefix])) ) $prefix = null; if ( $prefix == null ) { // Try and build a prefix based on the first alphabetic character of the last element of the namespace if ( preg_match('/^(.*):([^:]+)$/', $namespace, $matches) ) { $alpha = preg_replace( '/[^a-z]/i', '', $matches[2] ); $prefix = strtoupper(substr($alpha,0,1)); } else { $prefix = 'X'; } $i = ""; if ( isset($this->prefixes[$prefix]) ) { for ( $i=1; $i<10 && isset($this->prefixes["$prefix$i"]); ++$i ) { } } if ( isset($this->prefixes["$prefix$i"]) ) { dbg_error_log("ERROR", "Cannot find a free prefix for this namespace"); exit; } $prefix = "$prefix$i"; dbg_error_log("XMLDocument", "auto-assigning prefix of '%s' for ns of '%s'", $prefix, $namespace ); } else if ( $prefix == "" || isset($this->prefixes[$prefix]) ) { dbg_error_log("ERROR", "Cannot assign the same prefix to two different namespaces"); exit; } $this->prefixes[$prefix] = $prefix; $this->namespaces[$namespace] = $prefix; } else { if ( isset($this->namespaces[$namespace]) && $this->namespaces[$namespace] != $prefix ) { dbg_error_log("ERROR", "Cannot use the same namespace with two different prefixes"); exit; } $this->prefixes[$prefix] = $prefix; $this->namespaces[$namespace] = $prefix; } } /** * Return a tag with namespace stripped and replaced with a short form, and the ns added to the document. * */ function GetXmlNsArray() { $ns = array(); foreach( $this->namespaces AS $n => $p ) { if ( $p == "" ) $ns["xmlns"] = $n; else $ns["xmlns:$p"] = $n; } return $ns; } /** * Return a tag with namespace stripped and replaced with a short form, and the ns added to the document. * * @param string $in_tag The tag we want a namespace prefix on. * @param string $namespace The namespace we want it in (which will be parsed from $in_tag if not present * @param string $prefix The prefix we would like to use. Leave it out and one will be assigned. * * @return string The tag with a namespace prefix consistent with previous tags in this namespace. */ function Tag( $in_tag, $namespace=null, $prefix=null ) { if ( $namespace == null ) { // Attempt to split out from namespace:tag if ( preg_match('/^(.*):([^:]+)$/', $in_tag, $matches) ) { $namespace = $matches[1]; $tag = $matches[2]; } else { // There is nothing we can do here return $in_tag; } } else { $tag = $in_tag; } if ( !isset($this->namespaces[$namespace]) ) { $this->AddNamespace( $namespace, $prefix ); } $prefix = $this->namespaces[$namespace]; return $prefix . ($prefix == "" ? "" : ":") . $tag; } /** * Special helper for namespaced tags. * * @param object $element The tag are adding a new namespaced element to * @param string $tag the tag name, possibly prefixed with the namespace * @param mixed $content The content of the tag * @param array $attributes An array of key/value pairs of attributes. * @param string $namespace The namespace for the tag * */ function NSElement( &$element, $in_tag, $content=false, $attributes=false, $namespace=null ) { if ( $namespace == null && preg_match('/^(.*):([^:]+)$/', $in_tag, $matches) ) { $namespace = $matches[1]; $tag = $matches[2]; } else { $tag = $in_tag; } if ( isset($namespace) && !isset($this->namespaces[$namespace]) ) $this->AddNamespace( $namespace ); return $element->NewElement( $tag, $content, $attributes, $namespace ); } /** * Special helper for tags in the DAV: namespace. * * @param object $element The tag are adding a new namespaced element to * @param string $tag the tag name * @param mixed $content The content of the tag * @param array $attributes An array of key/value pairs of attributes. */ function DAVElement( &$element, $tag, $content=false, $attributes=false ) { return $this->NSElement( $element, $tag, $content, $attributes, 'DAV:' ); } /** * Special helper for tags in the urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav namespace. * * @param object $element The tag are adding a new namespaced element to * @param string $tag the tag name * @param mixed $content The content of the tag * @param array $attributes An array of key/value pairs of attributes. */ function CalDAVElement( &$element, $tag, $content=false, $attributes=false ) { if ( !isset($this->namespaces['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav']) ) $this->AddNamespace( 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav', 'C' ); return $this->NSElement( $element, $tag, $content, $attributes, 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav' ); } /** * Special helper for tags in the urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav namespace. * * @param object $element The tag are adding a new namespaced element to * @param string $tag the tag name * @param mixed $content The content of the tag * @param array $attributes An array of key/value pairs of attributes. */ function CardDAVElement( &$element, $tag, $content=false, $attributes=false ) { if ( !isset($this->namespaces['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav']) ) $this->AddNamespace( 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav', 'VC' ); return $this->NSElement( $element, $tag, $content, $attributes, 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav' ); } /** * Special helper for tags in the urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav namespace. * * @param object $element The tag are adding a new namespaced element to * @param string $tag the tag name * @param mixed $content The content of the tag * @param array $attributes An array of key/value pairs of attributes. */ function CalendarserverElement( &$element, $tag, $content=false, $attributes=false ) { if ( !isset($this->namespaces['http://calendarserver.org/ns/']) ) $this->AddNamespace( 'http://calendarserver.org/ns/', 'A' ); return $this->NSElement( $element, $tag, $content, $attributes, 'http://calendarserver.org/ns/' ); } /** * @param string $in_tag The tag name of the new element, possibly namespaced * @param mixed $content Either a string of content, or an array of sub-elements * @param array $attributes An array of attribute name/value pairs * @param array $xmlns An XML namespace specifier */ function NewXMLElement( $in_tag, $content=false, $attributes=false, $xmlns=null ) { if ( $xmlns == null && preg_match('/^(.*):([^:]+)$/', $in_tag, $matches) ) { $xmlns = $matches[1]; $tagname = $matches[2]; } else { $tagname = $in_tag; } if ( isset($xmlns) && !isset($this->namespaces[$xmlns]) ) $this->AddNamespace( $xmlns ); return new XMLElement($tagname, $content, $attributes, $xmlns ); } /** * Render the document tree into (nicely formatted) XML * * @param mixed $root A root XMLElement or a tagname to create one with the remaining parameters. * @param mixed $content Either a string of content, or an array of sub-elements * @param array $attributes An array of attribute name/value pairs * @param array $xmlns An XML namespace specifier * * @return A rendered namespaced XML document. */ function Render( $root, $content=false, $attributes=false, $xmlns=null ) { if ( is_object($root) ) { /** They handed us a pre-existing object. We'll just use it... */ $this->root = $root; } else { /** We got a tag name, so we need to create the root element */ $this->root = $this->NewXMLElement( $root, $content, $attributes, $xmlns ); } /** * Add our namespace attributes here. */ foreach( $this->namespaces AS $n => $p ) { $this->root->SetAttribute( 'xmlns'.($p == '' ? '' : ':') . $p, $n); } /** And render... */ return $this->root->Render(0,''); } /** * Return a DAV::href XML element, or an array of them * @param mixed $url The URL (or array of URLs) to be wrapped in DAV::href tags * * @return XMLElement The newly created XMLElement object. */ function href($url) { if ( is_array($url) ) { $set = array(); foreach( $url AS $href ) { $set[] = $this->href( $href ); } return $set; } return $this->NewXMLElement('href', $url, false, 'DAV:'); } }