so = new so_userinterface(); $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui = new GUI($GLOBALS['workflow']['workflowObjects']->getDBGalaxia()->Link_ID); } /** * Retorna os processos do usuário * @access public * @return mixed retorna uma string com uma mensagem de erro ou um array com dados dos processos */ function processes() { $account_id = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id']; $result = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_list_user_activities($account_id, '0', '-1', "wf_menu_path__ASC, ga.wf_name__ASC", '', '', '', true, true, true, ''); $errorMessage = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false); if (!empty($errorMessage)) { $this->disconnect_all(); return array('error' => $errorMessage); } $recset = array(); $webserver_url = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['webserver_url']; $templateServer = &$GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('TemplateServer'); foreach ($result['data'] as $line) { /* don't include activities whose menu_path is equal to ! */ if ($line['wf_menu_path'] === '!') continue; if (file_exists(GALAXIA_PROCESSES . '/' . $line['wf_normalized_name'] . '/resources/icon.png')) $iconweb = $webserver_url . '/workflow/redirect.php?pid=' . $line['wf_p_id'] . '&file=/icon.png'; else $iconweb = $templateServer->generateImageLink('navbar.png'); $procname_ver = $line['wf_normalized_name']; if (!isset($recset[$procname_ver])) { $recset[$procname_ver]['wf_p_id'] = $line['wf_p_id']; $recset[$procname_ver]['wf_procname'] = $line['wf_procname']; $recset[$procname_ver]['wf_version'] = $line['wf_version']; $recset[$procname_ver]['wf_is_active'] = $line['wf_is_active']; $recset[$procname_ver]['wf_iconfile'] = $iconweb; if ($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['use_https'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->loadConfigValues($line['wf_p_id']); $recset[$procname_ver]['useHTTPS'] = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->processesConfig[$line['wf_p_id']]['execute_activities_using_secure_connection']; } else $recset[$procname_ver]['useHTTPS'] = 0; } $recset[$procname_ver][] = array('wf_activity_id' => $line['wf_activity_id'], 'wf_name' => $line['wf_name'], 'wf_menu_path' => $line['wf_menu_path'], 'wf_type' => $line['wf_type'], 'wf_is_autorouted' => $line['wf_is_autorouted'], 'wf_is_interactive' => $line['wf_is_interactive']); } $recset = array_values($recset); usort($recset, create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'wf_procname\'] . $a[\'wf_version\'],$b[\'wf_procname\'] . $b[\'wf_version\']);')); $this->disconnect_all(); return $recset; } /** * Informacoes sobre o processo * @param $params parametros * @return array * @access public */ function process_about($params) { $pid = $params['pid']; $result = array(); $process = new Process($GLOBALS['workflow']['workflowObjects']->getDBGalaxia()->Link_ID); $process->getProcess($pid); $result['wf_procname'] = $process->name; $result['wf_version'] = $process->version; $result['wf_description'] = $process->description; $activ_manager = new ActivityManager($GLOBALS['workflow']['workflowObjects']->getDBGalaxia()->Link_ID); $result['wf_activities'] = $activ_manager->get_process_activities($pid); $this->disconnect_all(); return $result; } /** * Fornece os dados para a contrução da interface de Tarefas Pendentes * @param $params Parâmetros advindos da chamada Ajax * @return array Contendo os dados para construção da interface ou uma mensagem de erro * @access public */ function inbox($params) { $preferences = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user']['preferences']; /* initialize Paging Class */ $itemsPerPage = isset($preferences['ui_items_per_page']) ? $preferences['ui_items_per_page'] : 15; $lightVersion = ((isset($preferences['use_light_interface']) ? $preferences['use_light_interface'] : 0) == 1); $paging = new Paging($itemsPerPage, $_POST); /* define the sorting */ $sort = 'wf_act_started__DESC'; if ($params['sort']) $sort = $params['sort']; else if (isset($preferences['inbox_sort'])) $sort = $preferences['inbox_sort']; /* make sure that the sorting parameter is one of the expected values */ $sortFields = explode('__', strtolower($sort)); if (count($sortFields) != 2) $sort = 'wf_act_started__DESC'; else if (!(in_array($sortFields[0], array('wf_act_started', 'wf_procname', 'wf_name', 'insname', 'wf_priority')) && in_array($sortFields[1], array('desc', 'asc')))) $sort = 'wf_act_started__DESC'; elseif(strpos($sort, 'wf_act_started') === false){ $sort = $sort.', wf_act_started__ASC'; } $params['sort'] = $sort; /* get other parameters */ $pid = (int) $params['pid']; $search_term = $params['search_term']; $account_id = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id']; $result = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_list_user_instances($account_id, 0, -1, $sort, $search_term, "ga.wf_is_interactive = 'y'", false, $pid, true, false, true, false, false, false); $errorMessage = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false); if (!empty($errorMessage)) { $this->disconnect_all(); return array('error' => $errorMessage); } $output = array(); $output['sort_param'] = str_replace(', wf_act_started__ASC', '', $sort); $output['instances'] = array(); $output['processes'] = array(); $list_process = array(); $actionKeys = array( 'run', 'viewrun', 'view', 'send', 'release', 'grab', 'exception', 'resume', 'abort', 'monitor'); foreach ($result['data'] as $row) { /* don't show the instance if the user can't run it */ if (($row['wf_user'] != $account_id) && ($row['wf_user'] != '*')) continue; if (($row['wf_status'] == 'active') || ($row['wf_status'] == 'exception')) { $availableActions = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->getUserActions( $account_id, $row['wf_instance_id'], $row['wf_activity_id'], $row['wf_readonly'], $row['wf_p_id'], $row['wf_type'], $row['wf_is_interactive'], $row['wf_is_autorouted'], $row['wf_act_status'], $row['wf_owner'], $row['wf_status'], $row['wf_user']); $row['viewRunAction'] = false; if (isset($availableActions['viewrun'])) $row['viewRunAction'] = array('viewActivityID' => $availableActions['viewrun']['link'], 'height' => $availableActions['viewrun']['iframe_height']); foreach ($actionKeys as $key) $availableActions[$key] = (isset($availableActions[$key])); if ($GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->processesConfig[$row['wf_p_id']]['disable_advanced_actions'] == 1) { $availableActions['release'] = false; $availableActions['grab'] = false; $availableActions['exception'] = false; $availableActions['resume'] = false; $availableActions['abort'] = false; $availableActions['monitor'] = false; } /* define the advanced actions for javascript usage */ $actionsArray = array(); $actionsArray[] = array('name' => 'run', 'value' => $availableActions['run'], 'text' => 'Executar'); $actionsArray[] = array('name' => 'view', 'value' => $availableActions['view'], 'text' => 'Visualizar'); $actionsArray[] = array('name' => 'send', 'value' => $availableActions['send'], 'text' => 'Enviar'); $actionsArray[] = array('name' => 'viewrun', 'value' => $availableActions['viewrun'], 'text' => ''); $actionsArray[] = ($row['wf_user'] == '*') ? array('name' => 'grab', 'value' => $availableActions['grab'], 'text' => 'Capturar') : array('name' => 'release', 'value' => $availableActions['release'], 'text' => 'Liberar Acesso'); $actionsArray[] = ($row['wf_status'] == 'active') ? array('name' => 'exception', 'value' => $availableActions['exception'], 'text' => 'Colocar em Exceção') : array('name' => 'resume', 'value' => $availableActions['resume'], 'text' => 'Retirar de Exceção'); $actionsArray[] = array('name' => 'abort', 'value' => $availableActions['abort'], 'text' => 'Abortar'); $row['wf_actions'] = $actionsArray; $row['wf_started'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['wf_started']); $row['wf_act_started'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['wf_act_started']); $row['wf_user_fullname'] = ''; if ($row['wf_user'] == '*') $row['wf_user_fullname'] = '*'; else if ($row['wf_user'] != '') $row['wf_user_fullname'] = $GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getName($row['wf_user']); /* unset unneeded information */ unset($row['wf_ended'], $row['wf_owner'], $row['wf_category'], $row['wf_act_status'], $row['wf_started'], $row['wf_type'], $row['wf_is_interactive'], $row['wf_is_autorouted'], $row['wf_normalized_name'], $row['wf_readonly']); $output['instances'][] = $row; } } /* paginate the results */ $output['instances'] = $paging->restrictItems($output['instances']); $output['paging_links'] = $paging->commonLinks(); /* only save different actions set */ $actions = array_values(array_map(create_function('$a', 'return unserialize($a);'), array_unique(array_map(create_function('$a', 'return serialize($a[\'wf_actions\']);'), $output['instances'])))); $actionsArray = array(); $userNames = array(); $processesInfo = array(); $activityNames = array(); foreach ($output['instances'] as $key => $value) { $userNames[$value['wf_user']] = $value['wf_user_fullname']; unset($output['instances'][$key]['wf_user_fullname']); $processesInfo[$value['wf_p_id']] = array( 'name' => $value['wf_procname'] . ' (v' . $value['wf_version'] . ')', 'useHTTPS' => (($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['use_https'] > 0) ? $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->processesConfig[$value['wf_p_id']]['execute_activities_using_secure_connection'] : 0) ); unset($output['instances'][$key]['wf_procname']); unset($output['instances'][$key]['wf_version']); $activityNames[$value['wf_activity_id']] = $value['wf_name']; unset($output['instances'][$key]['wf_name']); $output['instances'][$key]['wf_actions'] = array_search($value['wf_actions'], $actions); if (is_null($value['insname'])) $output['instances'][$key]['insname'] = ''; } $output['userNames'] = $userNames; $output['processesInfo'] = $processesInfo; $output['activityNames'] = $activityNames; $output['actions'] = $actions; /* load all the activities that have at least one instance */ $allActivities = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_list_user_activities($account_id, 0, -1, "ga.wf_name__ASC", '', "gia.wf_user = '$account_id' OR gia.wf_user = '*'", true); foreach ($allActivities['data'] as $activity) $list_process[$activity['wf_procname'] . " (v" . $activity['wf_version'] . ")"] = $activity['wf_p_id']; $this->disconnect_all(); foreach ($list_process as $processName => $processId) $output['processes'][] = array('name' => $processName, 'pid' => $processId); /* some extra params */ $output['params'] = $params; $output['light'] = $lightVersion; $output['instancesDigest'] = md5(serialize($output['instances'])); return $output; } /** * Fornece os dados para a contrução da interface de Tarefas Pendentes (quando os dados estão agrupados) * @return array Contendo os dados para construção da interface ou uma mensagem de erro * @access public */ function inbox_group() { $account_id = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id']; $result = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_list_user_instances($account_id, 0, -1, 'wf_procname__ASC,wf_name__ASC', '', "ga.wf_is_interactive = 'y'", false, 0, true, false, true, false, false, false); $output = array(); foreach ($result['data'] as $data) { if (($data['wf_user'] != $account_id) && ($data['wf_user'] != "*")) continue; if (isset($output[$data['wf_activity_id']])) $output[$data['wf_activity_id']]['wf_instances']++; else $output[$data['wf_activity_id']] = array('wf_p_id' => $data['wf_p_id'], 'wf_procname' => $data['wf_procname'], 'wf_version' => $data['wf_version'], 'wf_name' => $data['wf_name'], 'wf_instances' => 1); } $errorMessage = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false); if (!empty($errorMessage)) { $this->disconnect_all(); return array('error' => $errorMessage); } $this->disconnect_all(); return array_values($output); } /** * Envia uma instância para próxima atividade * @param $params Parâmetros advindos da chamada Ajax * @return mixed Array contendo uma mensagem de erro ou um booleano (true) informando que a ação foi feita com sucesso * @access public */ function inboxActionSend($params) { $instanceID = (int) $params['instanceID']; $activityID = (int) $params['activityID']; $result = true; if (!$GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_send_instance($activityID, $instanceID)) $result = array('error' => $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false) . "
Você não está autorizado a enviar esta instância."); $this->disconnect_all(); return $result; } /** * Libera uma instância (atribui a instância para *) * @param $params Parâmetros advindos da chamada Ajax * @return mixed Array contendo uma mensagem de erro ou um booleano (true) informando que a ação foi feita com sucesso * @access public */ function inboxActionRelease($params) { $instanceID = (int) $params['instanceID']; $activityID = (int) $params['activityID']; $result = true; if (!$GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_release_instance($activityID, $instanceID)) $result = array('error' => $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false) . "
Você não está autorizado a liberar esta instância."); $this->disconnect_all(); return $result; } /** * Captura uma instância (atribui a instância para o usuário atual) * @param $params Parâmetros advindos da chamada Ajax * @return mixed Array contendo uma mensagem de erro ou um booleano (true) informando que a ação foi feita com sucesso * @access public */ function inboxActionGrab($params) { $instanceID = (int) $params['instanceID']; $activityID = (int) $params['activityID']; $result = true; if (!$GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_grab_instance($activityID, $instanceID)) $result = array('error' => $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false) . "
Você não tem permissão para capturar esta instância."); $this->disconnect_all(); return $result; } /** * Transforma a instância em exceção * @param $params Parâmetros advindos da chamada Ajax * @return mixed Array contendo uma mensagem de erro ou um booleano (true) informando que a ação foi feita com sucesso * @access public */ function inboxActionException($params) { $instanceID = (int) $params['instanceID']; $activityID = (int) $params['activityID']; $result = true; if (!$GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_exception_instance($activityID, $instanceID)) $result = array('error' => $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false) . "
Você não tem permissão para transformar esta instância em exceção."); $this->disconnect_all(); return $result; } /** * Retira uma instância em exceção * @param $params Parâmetros advindos da chamada Ajax * @return mixed Array contendo uma mensagem de erro ou um booleano (true) informando que a ação foi feita com sucesso * @access public */ function inboxActionResume($params) { $instanceID = (int) $params['instanceID']; $activityID = (int) $params['activityID']; $result = true; if (!$GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_resume_instance($activityID, $instanceID)) $result = array('error' => $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false) . "
Você não tem permissão para retirar de exceção esta instância."); $this->disconnect_all(); return $result; } /** * Aborta uma instância * @param $params Parâmetros advindos da chamada Ajax * @return mixed Array contendo uma mensagem de erro ou um booleano (true) informando que a ação foi feita com sucesso * @access public */ function inboxActionAbort($params) { $instanceID = (int) $params['instanceID']; $activityID = (int) $params['activityID']; $result = true; if (!$GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_abort_instance($activityID, $instanceID)) $result = array('error' => $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false) . "
Você não tem permissão para abortar esta instância."); $this->disconnect_all(); return $result; } /** * Visualiza dados de uma instância * @param $params Parâmetros advindos da chamada Ajax * @return mixed Array contendo uma mensagem de erro ou um booleano (true) informando que a ação foi feita com sucesso * @access public */ function inboxActionView($params) { $instanceID = $params['instanceID']; $result = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->checkUserAction(0, $instanceID, 'view'); $errorMessage = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false); if (!empty($errorMessage)) { $this->disconnect_all(); return array('error' => $errorMessage); } $instance = new Instance($GLOBALS['workflow']['workflowObjects']->getDBGalaxia()->Link_ID); $instance->getInstance($instanceID); $process = new Process($GLOBALS['workflow']['workflowObjects']->getDBGalaxia()->Link_ID); $process->getProcess($instance->pId); $result = array( 'wf_status' => $instance->status, 'wf_p_id' => $instance->pId, 'wf_procname' => $process->name, 'wf_version' => $process->version, 'wf_instance_id' => $instance->instanceId, 'wf_priority' => $instance->priority, 'wf_owner' => $GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getName($instance->owner), 'wf_next_activity' => $instance->nextActivity, 'wf_next_user' => $GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getName($instance->nextUser), 'wf_name' => $instance->name, 'wf_category' => $instance->category, 'wf_started' => date('d/m/Y H:i', $instance->started) ); $viewActivityID = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_get_process_view_activity($instance->pId); if ($viewActivityID !== false) if ($GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->checkUserAction($viewActivityID, $instanceID, 'viewrun')) $result['viewRunAction'] = array('viewActivityID' => $viewActivityID, 'height' => $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->processesConfig[$instance->pId]['iframe_view_height'], 'useHTTPS' => (($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['use_https'] > 0) ? $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->processesConfig[$instance->pId]['execute_activities_using_secure_connection'] : 0)); if ($instance->ended > 0) $result['wf_ended'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $instance->ended); else $result['wf_ended'] = ""; $ldap = &$GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('WorkflowLDAP'); foreach ($instance->workitems as $line) { $line['wf_duration'] = $this->time_diff($line['wf_ended']-$line['wf_started']); $line['wf_started'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $line['wf_started']); $line['wf_ended'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $line['wf_ended']); $line['wf_user'] = $ldap->getName($line['wf_user']); $result['wf_workitems'][] = $line; } foreach ($instance->activities as $line) { $line['wf_started'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $line['wf_started']); if ($line['wf_ended'] > 0) $line['wf_ended'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $line['wf_ended']); else $line['wf_ended'] = ""; $line['wf_user'] = $ldap->getName($line['wf_user']); $result['wf_activities'][] = $line; } $show_properties = false; $current_user_id = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id']; /* check if the current user is a process admin */ $is_admin_process = $GLOBALS['ajax']->acl->check_process_access($current_user_id, $instance->pId); $is_admin_workflow = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user_is_admin']; $show_properties = ($is_admin_process || $is_admin_workflow); if($show_properties) { foreach ($instance->properties as $key => $value) { $result['wf_properties']['keys'][] = $key; $result['wf_properties']['values'][] = wordwrap(htmlspecialchars($value), 80, "
", 1); } } $this->disconnect_all(); return $result; } /** * Retorna os idiomas * @return array * @access public */ function getLang(){ $keys = array(); $values = array(); $langs = array(); foreach($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['lang'] as $key => $value) { $keys[] = $key; $values[] = $value; } array_push($langs,$keys,$values); return $langs; } /** * Return a given duration in human readable form, usefull for workitems duration * * @param $to * @return string a given duration in human readable form, usefull for workitems duration */ function time_diff($to) { $days = (int)($to/(24*3600)); $to = $to - ($days*(24*3600)); $hours = (int)($to/3600); $to = $to - ($hours*3600); $min = date("i", $to); $to = $to - ($min*60); $sec = date("s", $to); return tra('%1 days, %2:%3:%4',$days,$hours,$min,$sec); } /** * Instances * @param $params * @return string a given duration in human readable form, usefull for workitems duration * @access public */ function instances($params) { $preferences = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user']['preferences']; $lightVersion = ((isset($preferences['use_light_interface']) ? $preferences['use_light_interface'] : 0) == 1); /* get some parameters */ $userID = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id']; $pid = (int) $params['pid']; $active = ($params['active'] == 1); $defaultSorting = ($active ? 'wf_act_started__DESC' : 'wf_started__DESC'); $availableSortings = $active ? array('wf_act_started', 'wf_procname', 'wf_name', 'insname') : array('wf_started', 'wf_ended', 'wf_procname', 'insname'); /* define the sorting */ $sort = $defaultSorting; if ($params['sort']) $sort = $params['sort']; /* make sure that the sorting parameter is one of the expected values */ $sortFields = explode('__', strtolower($sort)); if (count($sortFields) != 2) $sort = $defaultSorting; else if (!(in_array($sortFields[0], $availableSortings) && in_array($sortFields[1], array('desc', 'asc')))) $sort = $defaultSorting; $params['sort'] = $sort; /* retrieve the results */ $result = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_list_instances_by_owner($userID, 0, -1, $sort, '', '', false, 0, $active, !$active, $active, !$active); $errorMessage = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->get_error(false); if (!empty($errorMessage)) { $this->disconnect_all(); return array('error' => $errorMessage); } $output['params'] = $params; $output['instances'] = array(); $output['processes'] = array(); $list_process = array(); $cod_process = array(); $ldap = &$GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('WorkflowLDAP'); $viewActivitiesID = array(); foreach ($result['data'] as $row) { if (($pid == 0) || ($row['wf_p_id'] == $pid)) { $row['wf_started'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['wf_started']); if ($row['wf_ended']) $row['wf_ended'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['wf_ended']); if ($row['wf_act_started']) $row['wf_act_started'] = date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['wf_act_started']); $row['wf_user_fullname'] = ''; if ($row['wf_user'] != '*' && $row['wf_user'] != '') $row['wf_user_fullname'] = $ldap->getName($row['wf_user']); /* load information about the view activity */ if (!isset($viewActivitiesID[$row['wf_p_id']])) $viewActivitiesID[$row['wf_p_id']] = $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->gui_get_process_view_activity($row['wf_p_id']); if ($viewActivitiesID[$row['wf_p_id']] !== false) if ($GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->checkUserAction($viewActivitiesID[$row['wf_p_id']], $row['wf_instance_id'], 'viewrun')) $row['viewRunAction'] = array('viewActivityID' => $viewActivitiesID[$row['wf_p_id']], 'height' => $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->processesConfig[$instance->pId]['iframe_view_height']); $output['instances'][] = $row; } $processNameAndVersion = $row['wf_procname'] . " (v" . $row['wf_version'] . ")"; if (!isset($list_process[$processNameAndVersion])) $list_process[$processNameAndVersion] = array('total' => 1, 'pid' => $row['wf_p_id'], 'name' => $processNameAndVersion); else $list_process[$processNameAndVersion]['total']++; } ksort($list_process); $output['processes'] = array_values($list_process); $userNames = array(); $processesInfo = array(); $activityNames = array(); foreach ($output['instances'] as $key => $value) { $userNames[$value['wf_user']] = $value['wf_user_fullname']; unset($output['instances'][$key]['wf_user_fullname']); $processesInfo[$value['wf_p_id']] = array( 'name' => $value['wf_procname'] . ' (v' . $value['wf_version'] . ')', 'useHTTPS' => (($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['use_https'] > 0) ? $GLOBALS['ajax']->gui->wf_security->processesConfig[$value['wf_p_id']]['execute_activities_using_secure_connection'] : 0) ); if ($active) { $activityNames[$value['wf_activity_id']] = $value['wf_name']; unset($output['instances'][$key]['wf_name']); } if (is_null($value['insname'])) $output['instances'][$key]['insname'] = ''; } $output['userNames'] = $userNames; $output['processesInfo'] = $processesInfo; $output['activityNames'] = $activityNames; $output['light'] = $lightVersion; if (!isset($params['group_instances'])) { /* paginate the result */ $itemsPerPage = isset($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user']['preferences']['ui_items_per_page']) ? $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user']['preferences']['ui_items_per_page'] : 15; $paging = new Paging($itemsPerPage, $_POST); $output['instances'] = $paging->restrictItems($output['instances']); $output['paging_links'] = $paging->commonLinks(); } else unset($output['instances']); $this->disconnect_all(); return $output; } /** * Aplicacoes externas do usuario * @return array * @access public */ function externals() { $webserver_url = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['webserver_url']; $templateServer = &$GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('TemplateServer'); /* load the sites that the user can access */ $allowedSites = $this->so->getExternalApplications(); /* prepare the data for the javascript */ $output = array(); foreach ($allowedSites as $row) { if ($row['image'] == "") $row['image'] = $templateServer->generateImageLink('navbar.png'); else $row['image'] = $webserver_url . '/workflow/redirect.php?file=/external_applications/' . $row['image']; if ($row['authentication'] == 1) $row['wf_ext_link'] = (($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['use_https'] > 0) ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "$webserver_url/index.php?menuaction=workflow.external_bridge.render&site=" . $row['external_application_id']; else $row['wf_ext_link'] = $row['address']; $output[] = $row; } return $output; } /** * Verifica se o usuário tem acesso ao Organograma (e se o mesmo está ativo) * @return mixed true em caso de sucesso ou uma array contendo mensagens sobre o problema (não cadastrado ou organograma não ativo) * @access private */ private function checkOrgchartAccess() { $this->organizationInfo = $this->so->getUserOrganization($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id']); if ($this->organizationInfo === false) return array('warning' => 'Você não está cadastrado em nenhuma organização'); if ($this->organizationInfo['ativa'] == 'N') return array('warning' => 'Organograma indisponível'); return true; } /** * Organograma * @return array com as areas da organizacao * @access public */ function orgchart() { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; $this->organizationInfo['areas'] = $this->getHierarchicalArea(); return $this->organizationInfo; } /** * Retorna a lista de centros de custo * @return array Lista de centros de custo * @access public */ function getCostCenters() { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; return $this->so->getCostCenters($this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); } /** * Get the hierarchical Area * @return array * @access public */ function getHierarchicalArea() { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; return $this->so->getHierarchicalArea($this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); } /** * Retorna a lista de areas * @return array lista de areas * @access public */ function getAreaList() { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; $areas = $this->so->getAreaList($this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($areas); $i++) { $areas[$i]['children'] = false; $areas[$i]['depth'] = 1; } return $areas; } /** * Retorna a lista de categorias * @return array lista de categorias * @access public */ function getCategoriesList() { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; return $this->so->getCategoriesList($this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); } /** * Return the area of employee * @param $params parameters * @access public * @return array array of employees */ function getAreaEmployees($params) { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; $employees = $this->so->getAreaEmployees((int) $params['areaID'], $this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); if ($employees === false) return array('error' => 'Área não encontrada.'); return $employees; } /** * Return the area of employee * @param $params parameters * @access public * @return array array of employees */ function getCategoryEmployees($params) { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; $employees = $this->so->getCategoryEmployees((int) $params['categoryID'], $this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); if ($employees === false) return array('error' => 'Categoria não encontrada.'); usort($employees['employees'], create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'cn\'],$b[\'cn\']);')); return $employees; } /** * Search Employee * @param $params * @access public * @return array search result */ function searchEmployee($params) { if (!ereg('^([[:alnum:] -]+)$', $params['searchTerm'])) return array('error' => 'Parâmetro de busca inválido'); if (strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $params['searchTerm'])) < 2) return array('error' => 'Utilize ao menos duas letras em sua busca'); /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; $result = $this->so->searchEmployee($params['searchTerm'], $this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); $this->disconnect_all(); if ($result === false) return array('error' => 'O sistema de busca não pode ser utilizado para sua organização'); $sort_function = create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'cn\'],$b[\'cn\']);'); usort($result['employees'], $sort_function ); usort($result['bygroup'], $sort_function ); return $result; } /** * Busca informações sobre um funcionário. * @param array $params Uma array contendo o ID do funcionário cujas informações serão extraídas. * @return array Informações sobre o funcionário. * @access public */ function getEmployeeInfo($params) { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; $result = $this->so->getEmployeeInfo((int) $params['funcionario_id'], $this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); if (is_array($result['info'])) { foreach ($result['info'] as $key => $value) { if ( $value['name'] == 'UIDNumber' ) { unset($result['info'][$key]); } } $result['info'] = array_values($result['info']); } return $result; } /** * Busca informações sobre uma área. * @param array $params Uma array contendo o ID da área cujas informações serão extraídas. * @return array Informações sobre a área. * @access public */ function getAreaInfo($params) { /* check for access */ if (($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess()) !== true) return $checkWarnings; return $this->so->getAreaInfo((int) $params['area_id'], $this->organizationInfo['organizacao_id']); } /** * Retorna a lista de telefones úteis da organização * @return array Lista de telefones * @access public */ function getUsefulPhones( ) { /* check for access */ if ( ($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess( ) ) !== true ) return $checkWarnings; return $this -> so -> getUsefulPhones( $this -> organizationInfo[ 'organizacao_id' ] ); } /** * Retorna a lista as áreas com substituição de chefia * @return array Lista das áreas com substituição de chefia * @access public */ function getAreaWithSubtituteBoss( ) { /* check for access */ if ( ($checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess( ) ) !== true ) return $checkWarnings; return $this -> so -> getAreaWithSubtituteBoss( $this -> organizationInfo[ 'organizacao_id' ] ); } /** * Retorna a lista de localidades * @return array lista de localidades * @access public */ function getManning( ) { /* check for access */ if ( ( $checkWarnings = $this->checkOrgchartAccess( ) ) !== true ) return $checkWarnings; return $this -> so -> getManning( $this -> organizationInfo[ 'organizacao_id' ] ); } /** * Return the employees of a manning * @param $params parameters * @access public * @return array array of employees */ function getManningEmployees( $params ) { /* check for access */ if ( ( $checkWarnings = $this -> checkOrgchartAccess( ) ) !== true ) return $checkWarnings; $employees = $this -> so -> getManningEmployees( ( int ) $params[ 'locationID' ], $this -> organizationInfo[ 'organizacao_id' ] ); if ( $employees === false ) return array( 'error' => 'Localidade não encontrada.' ); return $employees; } /** * Return the list of employees in alphabetical order * @access public * @return array array of employees */ function getAlphabeticalEmployees( ) { /* check for access */ if ( ( $checkWarnings = $this -> checkOrgchartAccess( ) ) !== true ) return $checkWarnings; $employees = $this -> so -> getAlphabeticalEmployees( $this -> organizationInfo[ 'organizacao_id' ] ); if ( $employees === false ) return array( 'error' => 'Localidade não encontrada.' ); return $employees; } function callVoipConnect($params) { $cachedLDAP = $GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->newInstance('CachedLDAP'); $cachedLDAP->setOperationMode($cachedLDAP->OPERATION_MODE_LDAP); $entry = $cachedLDAP->getEntryByID( $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id'] ); if ( $entry && ! is_null($entry['telephonenumber']) ) $fromNumber = $entry['telephonenumber']; if ( $fromNumber == false ) return false; $toNumber = $params['to']; $voipServer = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['voip_server']; $voipUrl = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['voip_url']; $voipPort = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['server']['voip_port']; if(!$voipServer || !$voipUrl || !$voipPort) return false; $url = "http://".$voipServer.":".$voipPort.$voipUrl."?magic=1333&acao=liga&ramal=".$fromNumber."&numero=".$toNumber; $sMethod = 'GET '; $crlf = "\r\n"; $sRequest = " HTTP/1.1" . $crlf; $sRequest .= "Host: localhost" . $crlf; $sRequest .= "Accept: */* " . $crlf; $sRequest .= "Connection: Close" . $crlf . $crlf; $sRequest = $sMethod . $url . $sRequest; $sockHttp = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if (!$sockHttp) { return false; } $resSocketConnect = socket_connect($sockHttp, $voipServer, $voipPort); if (!$resSocketConnect) { return false; } $resSocketWrite = socket_write($sockHttp, $sRequest, strlen($sRequest)); if (!$resSocketWrite) { return false; } $sResponse = ''; while ($sRead = socket_read($sockHttp, 512)) { $sResponse .= $sRead; } socket_close($sockHttp); $pos = strpos($sResponse, $crlf . $crlf); return substr($sResponse, $pos + 2 * strlen($crlf)); } function isVoipEnabled( ) { $voip_enabled = false; $voip_groups = array(); if ( $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['voip_groups'] ) { foreach ( explode(",",$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['voip_groups']) as $i => $voip_group ) { $a_voip = explode(";",$voip_group); $voip_groups[] = $a_voip[1]; } foreach($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user_groups'] as $idx => $group) { if(array_search($group,$voip_groups) !== FALSE) { $voip_enabled = true; break; } } } return ( $voip_enabled ) ? 'VoipIsEnabled' : 'VoipIsDisabled'; } } ?>