This will create a pie graphic (set by type=5) with title as "Sex" and default skin. Let's see the other parameters: x1 = male y1 = 50 (quantity of males) x2 = female y2 = 55 (quantity of females) See how it's simple! :) For those who don't know, to create a query string you have to put an "?" at the end of the URL and join the parameters with "&". Example: "graphic.php?Parameter_1=Value_1&Parameter_2=Value_2" (and so on). You can set how many parameters you want. The boring step would be to create this query string. Well, "would be", if I didn't create a function to do that. :) Let's see an example of how you can use this function in a PHP document: ///// START OF EXAMPLE ///// title = "Sex"; $PG->type = "5"; $PG->x[0] = "male"; $PG->y[0] = "50"; $PG->x[1] = "female"; $PG->y[1] = "55"; echo ''; // If you're going to create more than 1 graphic, it'll be important to reset the values before // create the next query string: $PG->reset_values(); ?> ///// END OF EXAMPLE ///// Here is a list of all parameters you may set: title => Title of the graphic axis_x => Name of values from Axis X axis_y => Name of values from Axis Y graphic_1 => Name of Graphic_1 (only shown if you are gonna cross data from 2 different graphics) graphic_2 => Name of Graphic_2 (same comment of above) type => Type of graphic (values 1 to 6) 1 => Vertical bars (default) 2 => Horizontal bars 3 => Dots 4 => Lines 5 => Pie 6 => Donut skin => Skin of the graphic (values 1 to 3) 1 => Office (default) 2 => Matrix 3 => Spring credits => Only if you want to show my credits in the image. :) 0 => doesn't show (default) 1 => shows x[0] => Name of the first parameter in Axis X x[1] => Name of the second parameter in Axis X ... (etc) y[0] => Value from "graphic_1" relative for "x[0]" y[1] => Value from "graphic_1" relative for "x[1]" ... (etc) z[0] => Value from "graphic_2" relative for "x[0]" z[1] => Value from "graphic_2" relative for "x[1]" ... (etc) NOTE: You can't cross data between graphics if you use "pie" or "donut" graphic. Values for "z" won't be considerated. That's all! Hope you make a good use of it! It would be nice to receive feedback from others users. All comments are welcome! Regards, Carlos Reche */ require_once ''; $PowerGraphic = &Factory::newInstance('powergraphic'); $PowerGraphic->start(); class powergraphic { /** * @var float $x coordenate * @access public */ var $x; /** * @var float $y y coordenate * @access public */ var $y; /** * @var float $z z coordenate * @access public */ var $z; /** * @var string $title * @access public */ var $title; /** * @var float $axis_x * @access public */ var $axis_x; /** * @var float $axis_y * @access public */ var $axis_y; /** * @var $graphic_1 * @access public */ var $graphic_1; /** * @var $graphic_2 * @access public */ var $graphic_2; /** * @var string $type * @access public */ var $type; /** * @var string $skin * @access public */ var $skin; /** * @var $credits * @access public */ var $credits; /** * @var $latin_notation * @access public */ var $latin_notation; /** * @var int $width * @access public */ var $width; /** * @var float $height * @access public */ var $height; /** * @var float $height_title * @access public */ var $height_title; /** * @var float $alternate_x * @access public */ var $alternate_x; /** * @var float $total_parameters * @access public */ var $total_parameters; /** * @var float $sum_total * @access public */ var $sum_total; /** * @var float $biggest_value * @access public */ var $biggest_value; /** * @var float $biggest_parameter * @access public */ var $biggest_parameter; /** * @var array $available_types * @access public */ var $available_types; /** * Constructor of class powergraphic * @access public * @return object */ function powergraphic() { $this->x = $this->y = $this->z = array(); $this->biggest_x = NULL; $this->biggest_y = NULL; $this->alternate_x = false; $this->graphic_2_exists = false; $this->total_parameters = 0; $this->sum_total = 1; $this->title = (isset($_GET['title'])) ? $_GET['title'] : ""; $this->axis_x = (isset($_GET['axis_x'])) ? $_GET['axis_x'] : ""; $this->axis_y = (isset($_GET['axis_y'])) ? $_GET['axis_y'] : ""; $this->graphic_1 = (isset($_GET['graphic_1'])) ? $_GET['graphic_1'] : ""; $this->graphic_2 = (isset($_GET['graphic_2'])) ? $_GET['graphic_2'] : ""; $this->type = (isset($_GET['type'])) ? $_GET['type'] : 1; $this->skin = (isset($_GET['skin'])) ? $_GET['skin'] : 1; $this->credits = ((isset($_GET['credits'])) && ($_GET['credits'] == 1)) ? true : false; $this->latin_notation = ((isset($_GET['latin_notation'])) && ($_GET['latin_notation'] == 1)) ? true : false; $this->legend_exists = (preg_match('/(5|6)/', $this->type)) ? true : false; $this->biggest_graphic_name = (strlen($this->graphic_1) > strlen($this->graphic_2)) ? $this->graphic_1 : $this->graphic_2; $this->height_title = (!empty($this->title)) ? ($this->string_height(5) + 15) : 0; $this->space_between_bars = ($this->type == 1) ? 40 : 30; $this->space_between_dots = 40; $this->higher_value = 0; $this->higher_value_str = 0; $this->width = 0; $this->height = 0; $this->graphic_area_width = 0; $this->graphic_area_height = 0; $this->graphic_area_x1 = 30; $this->graphic_area_y1 = 20 + $this->height_title; $this->graphic_area_x2 = $this->graphic_area_x1 + $this->graphic_area_width; $this->graphic_area_y2 = $this->graphic_area_y1 + $this->graphic_area_height; $this->available_types = array( 1 => 'Vertical Bars', 2 => 'Horizontal Bars', 3 => 'Dots', 4 => 'Lines', 5 => 'Pie', 6 => 'Donut', ); $this->available_skins = array( 1 => 'Office', 2 => 'Matrix', 3 => 'Spring', ); } /** * Start the create of graphic * @access public * @return bool */ function start() { if ( (!isset($_GET['x0'])) || (!isset($_GET['y0'])) ) { if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'showform') { $this->html(); } return false; } // Defines array $temp foreach ($_GET as $parameter => $value) { if (preg_match("/^x\d+$/i", $parameter)) { if (strtolower($parameter{0}) == 'x') { if (empty($value)) { continue; } if (strlen($value) > strlen($this->biggest_x)) { $this->biggest_x = $value; } $num = substr($parameter, 1, (strlen($parameter)-1) ); $temp[$num] = $value; if ((!empty($_GET['z'.$num])) && (preg_match('/(1|2|3|4)/', $this->type))) { $this->graphic_2_exists = true; } } } } $i = 0; // Defines arrays $this->x, $this->y and $this->z (if exists) foreach ($temp as $index => $parameter) { $this->x[$i] = $parameter; $this->y[$i] = 0; if (!empty($_GET['y'.$index])) { $this->y[$i] = $_GET['y'.$index]; if ($_GET['y'.$index] > $this->biggest_y) { $this->biggest_y = number_format(round($_GET['y'.$index], 1), 1, ".", ""); } } if ($this->graphic_2_exists) { $value = (!empty($_GET['z'.$index])) ? $_GET['z'.$index] : 0; $this->z[$i] = $value; if ($value > $this->biggest_y) { $this->biggest_y = number_format(round($value, 1), 1, ".", ""); } } unset($temp[$index]); $i++; } if (($this->graphic_2_exists == true) && ((!empty($this->graphic_1)) || (!empty($this->graphic_2)))) { $this->legend_exists = true; } $this->total_parameters = count($this->x); $this->sum_total = array_sum($this->y); $this->space_between_bars += ($this->graphic_2_exists == true) ? 10 : 0; $this->calculate_higher_value(); $this->calculate_width(); $this->calculate_height(); $this->create_graphic(); } /** * Create and draw a graphic * @access public * @return void */ function create_graphic() { $this->img = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height); $this->load_color_palette(); // Fill background imagefill($this->img, 0, 0, $this->color['background']); // Draw title if (!empty($this->title)) { $center = ($this->width / 2) - ($this->string_width($this->title, 5) / 2); imagestring($this->img, 5, $center, 10, $this->title, $this->color['title']); } // Draw axis and background lines for "vertical bars", "dots" and "lines" if (preg_match('/^(1|3|4)$/', $this->type)) { if ($this->legend_exists == true) { $this->draw_legend(); } $higher_value_y = $this->graphic_area_y1 + (0.1 * $this->graphic_area_height); $higher_value_size = 0.9 * $this->graphic_area_height; $less = 7 * strlen($this->higher_value_str); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $higher_value_y, $this->graphic_area_x2, $higher_value_y, $this->color['bg_lines']); imagestring($this->img, 3, ($this->graphic_area_x1-$less-7), ($higher_value_y-7), $this->higher_value_str, $this->color['axis_values']); for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { $dec_y = $i * ($higher_value_size / 10); $x1 = $this->graphic_area_x1; $y1 = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $dec_y; $x2 = $this->graphic_area_x2; $y2 = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $dec_y; imageline($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bg_lines']); if ($i % 2 == 0) { $value = $this->number_formated($this->higher_value * $i / 10); $less = 7 * strlen($value); imagestring($this->img, 3, ($x1-$less-7), ($y2-7), $value, $this->color['axis_values']); } } // Axis X imagestring($this->img, 3, $this->graphic_area_x2+10, $this->graphic_area_y2+3, $this->axis_x, $this->color['title']); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->graphic_area_x2, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); // Axis Y imagestring($this->img, 3, 20, $this->graphic_area_y1-20, $this->axis_y, $this->color['title']); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y1, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } // Draw axis and background lines for "horizontal bars" else if ($this->type == 2) { if ($this->legend_exists == true) { $this->draw_legend(); } $higher_value_x = $this->graphic_area_x2 - (0.2 * $this->graphic_area_width); $higher_value_size = 0.8 * $this->graphic_area_width; imageline($this->img, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$higher_value_size), $this->graphic_area_y1, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$higher_value_size), $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['bg_lines']); imagestring($this->img, 3, (($this->graphic_area_x1+$higher_value_size) - ($this->string_width($this->higher_value, 3)/2)), ($this->graphic_area_y2+2), $this->higher_value_str, $this->color['axis_values']); for ($i = 1, $alt = 15; $i < 10; $i++) { $dec_x = number_format(round($i * ($higher_value_size / 10), 1), 1, ".", ""); imageline($this->img, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x), $this->graphic_area_y1, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x), $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['bg_lines']); if ($i % 2 == 0) { $alt = (strlen($this->biggest_y) > 4 && $alt != 15) ? 15 : 2; $value = $this->number_formated($this->higher_value * $i / 10); imagestring($this->img, 3, (($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x) - ($this->string_width($this->higher_value, 3)/2)), ($this->graphic_area_y2+$alt), $value, $this->color['axis_values']); } } // Axis X imagestring($this->img, 3, ($this->graphic_area_x2+10), ($this->graphic_area_y2+3), $this->axis_y, $this->color['title']); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->graphic_area_x2, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); // Axis Y imagestring($this->img, 3, 20, ($this->graphic_area_y1-20), $this->axis_x, $this->color['title']); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y1, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } // Draw legend box for "pie" or "donut" else if (preg_match('/^(5|6)$/', $this->type)) { $this->draw_legend(); } /** * Draw graphic: VERTICAL BARS */ if ($this->type == 1) { $num = 1; $x = $this->graphic_area_x1 + 20; foreach ($this->x as $i => $parameter) { if (isset($this->z[$i])) { $size = round($this->z[$i] * $higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $x1 = $x + 10; $y1 = ($this->graphic_area_y2 - $size) + 1; $x2 = $x1 + 20; $y2 = $this->graphic_area_y2 - 1; imageline($this->img, ($x1+1), ($y1-1), $x2, ($y1-1), $this->color['bars_2_shadow']); imageline($this->img, ($x2+1), ($y1-1), ($x2+1), $y2, $this->color['bars_2_shadow']); imageline($this->img, ($x2+2), ($y1-1), ($x2+2), $y2, $this->color['bars_2_shadow']); imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bars_2']); } $size = round($this->y[$i] * $higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $alt = (($num % 2 == 0) && (strlen($this->biggest_x) > 5)) ? 15 : 2; $x1 = $x; $y1 = ($this->graphic_area_y2 - $size) + 1; $x2 = $x1 + 20; $y2 = $this->graphic_area_y2 - 1; $x += $this->space_between_bars; $num++; imageline($this->img, ($x1+1), ($y1-1), $x2, ($y1-1), $this->color['bars_shadow']); imageline($this->img, ($x2+1), ($y1-1), ($x2+1), $y2, $this->color['bars_shadow']); imageline($this->img, ($x2+2), ($y1-1), ($x2+2), $y2, $this->color['bars_shadow']); imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bars']); imagestring($this->img, 3, ((($x1+$x2)/2) - (strlen($parameter)*7/2)), ($y2+$alt+2), $parameter, $this->color['axis_values']); } } /** * Draw graphic: HORIZONTAL BARS */ else if ($this->type == 2) { $y = 10; foreach ($this->x as $i => $parameter) { if (isset($this->z[$i])) { $size = round($this->z[$i] * $higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $x1 = $this->graphic_area_x1 + 1; $y1 = $this->graphic_area_y1 + $y + 10; $x2 = $x1 + $size; $y2 = $y1 + 15; imageline($this->img, ($x1), ($y2+1), $x2, ($y2+1), $this->color['bars_2_shadow']); imageline($this->img, ($x1), ($y2+2), $x2, ($y2+2), $this->color['bars_2_shadow']); imageline($this->img, ($x2+1), ($y1+1), ($x2+1), ($y2+2), $this->color['bars_2_shadow']); imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bars_2']); imagestring($this->img, 3, ($x2+7), ($y1+7), $this->number_formated($this->z[$i], 2), $this->color['bars_2_shadow']); } $size = round(($this->y[$i] / $this->higher_value) * $higher_value_size); $x1 = $this->graphic_area_x1 + 1; $y1 = $this->graphic_area_y1 + $y; $x2 = $x1 + $size; $y2 = $y1 + 15; $y += $this->space_between_bars; imageline($this->img, ($x1), ($y2+1), $x2, ($y2+1), $this->color['bars_shadow']); imageline($this->img, ($x1), ($y2+2), $x2, ($y2+2), $this->color['bars_shadow']); imageline($this->img, ($x2+1), ($y1+1), ($x2+1), ($y2+2), $this->color['bars_shadow']); imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bars']); imagestring($this->img, 3, ($x2+7), ($y1+2), $this->number_formated($this->y[$i], 2), $this->color['bars_shadow']); imagestring($this->img, 3, ($x1 - ((strlen($parameter)*7)+7)), ($y1+2), $parameter, $this->color['axis_values']); } } /** * Draw graphic: DOTS or LINE */ else if (preg_match('/^(3|4)$/', $this->type)) { $x[0] = $this->graphic_area_x1+1; foreach ($this->x as $i => $parameter) { if ($this->graphic_2_exists == true) { $size = round($this->z[$i] * $higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $z[$i] = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $size; } $alt = (($i % 2 == 0) && (strlen($this->biggest_x) > 5)) ? 15 : 2; $size = round($this->y[$i] * $higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $y[$i] = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $size; if ($i != 0) { imageline($this->img, $x[$i], ($this->graphic_area_y1+10), $x[$i], ($this->graphic_area_y2-1), $this->color['bg_lines']); } imagestring($this->img, 3, ($x[$i] - (strlen($parameter)*7/2 )), ($this->graphic_area_y2+$alt+2), $parameter, $this->color['axis_values']); $x[$i+1] = $x[$i] + 40; } foreach ($x as $i => $value_x) { if ($this->graphic_2_exists == true) { if (isset($z[$i+1])) { // Draw lines if ($this->type == 4) { imageline($this->img, $x[$i], $z[$i], $x[$i+1], $z[$i+1], $this->color['line_2']); imageline($this->img, $x[$i], ($z[$i]+1), $x[$i+1], ($z[$i+1]+1), $this->color['line_2']); } imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x[$i]-1, $z[$i]-1, $x[$i]+2, $z[$i]+2, $this->color['line_2']); } else { // Draw last dot imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x[$i-1]-1, $z[$i-1]-1, $x[$i-1]+2, $z[$i-1]+2, $this->color['line_2']); } } if (count($y) > 1) { if (isset($y[$i+1])) { // Draw lines if ($this->type == 4) { imageline($this->img, $x[$i], $y[$i], $x[$i+1], $y[$i+1], $this->color['line']); imageline($this->img, $x[$i], ($y[$i]+1), $x[$i+1], ($y[$i+1]+1), $this->color['line']); } imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x[$i]-1, $y[$i]-1, $x[$i]+2, $y[$i]+2, $this->color['line']); } else { // Draw last dot imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x[$i-1]-1, $y[$i-1]-1, $x[$i-1]+2, $y[$i-1]+2, $this->color['line']); } } } } /** * Draw graphic: PIE or DONUT */ else if (preg_match('/^(5|6)$/', $this->type)) { $center_x = ($this->graphic_area_x1 + $this->graphic_area_x2) / 2; $center_y = ($this->graphic_area_y1 + $this->graphic_area_y2) / 2; $width = $this->graphic_area_width; $height = $this->graphic_area_height; $start = 0; $sizes = array(); foreach ($this->x as $i => $parameter) { $size = $this->y[$i] * 360 / $this->sum_total; $sizes[] = $size; $start += $size; } $start = 270; // Draw PIE if ($this->type == 5) { // Draw shadow foreach ($sizes as $i => $size) { $num_color = $i%7 + 1; $color = 'arc_' . $num_color . '_shadow'; for ($i = 10; $i >= 0; $i -= 1) { imagearc($this->img, $center_x, ($center_y+$i), $width, $height, $start, ($start+$size), $this->color[$color]); } $start += $size; } $start = 270; // Draw pieces foreach ($sizes as $i => $size) { $num_color = $i%7 + 1; $color = 'arc_' . $num_color; imagefilledarc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, ($width+2), ($height+2), $start, ($start+$size), $this->color[$color], IMG_ARC_EDGED); $start += $size; } } // Draw DONUT else if ($this->type == 6) { foreach ($sizes as $i => $size) { $num_color = $i%7 + 1; $color = 'arc_' . $num_color; $color_shadow = 'arc_' . $num_color . '_shadow'; imagefilledarc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, $width, $height, $start, ($start+$size), $this->color[$color], IMG_ARC_PIE); $start += $size; } imagefilledarc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, 100, 100, 0, 360, $this->color['background'], IMG_ARC_PIE); imagearc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, 100, 100, 0, 360, $this->color['bg_legend']); imagearc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, ($width+1), ($height+1), 0, 360, $this->color['bg_legend']); } } if ($this->credits == true) { $this->draw_credits(); } header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($this->img); imagedestroy($this->img); exit; } /** * Calculate width of graphic elements * @access public * @return void */ function calculate_width() { switch ($this->type) { // Vertical bars case 1: $this->legend_box_width = ($this->legend_exists == true) ? ($this->string_width($this->biggest_graphic_name, 3) + 25) : 0; $this->graphic_area_width = ($this->space_between_bars * $this->total_parameters) + 30; $this->graphic_area_x1 += $this->string_width(($this->higher_value_str), 3); $this->width += $this->graphic_area_x1 + 20; $this->width += ($this->legend_exists == true) ? 50 : ((7 * strlen($this->axis_x)) + 10); break; // Horizontal bars case 2: $this->legend_box_width = ($this->legend_exists == true) ? ($this->string_width($this->biggest_graphic_name, 3) + 25) : 0; $this->graphic_area_width = ($this->string_width($this->higher_value_str, 3) > 50) ? (5 * ($this->string_width($this->higher_value_str, 3)) * 0.85) : 200; $this->graphic_area_x1 += 7 * strlen($this->biggest_x); $this->width += ($this->legend_exists == true) ? 60 : ((7 * strlen($this->axis_y)) + 30); $this->width += $this->graphic_area_x1; break; // Dots case 3: $this->legend_box_width = ($this->legend_exists == true) ? ($this->string_width($this->biggest_graphic_name, 3) + 25) : 0; $this->graphic_area_width = ($this->space_between_dots * $this->total_parameters) - 10; $this->graphic_area_x1 += $this->string_width(($this->higher_value_str), 3); $this->width += $this->graphic_area_x1 + 20; $this->width += ($this->legend_exists == true) ? 40 : ((7 * strlen($this->axis_x)) + 10); break; // Lines case 4: $this->legend_box_width = ($this->legend_exists == true) ? ($this->string_width($this->biggest_graphic_name, 3) + 25) : 0; $this->graphic_area_width = ($this->space_between_dots * $this->total_parameters) - 10; $this->graphic_area_x1 += $this->string_width(($this->higher_value_str), 3); $this->width += $this->graphic_area_x1 + 20; $this->width += ($this->legend_exists == true) ? 40 : ((7 * strlen($this->axis_x)) + 10); break; // Pie case 5: $this->legend_box_width = $this->string_width($this->biggest_x, 3) + 85; $this->graphic_area_width = 200; $this->width += 90; break; // Donut case 6: $this->legend_box_width = $this->string_width($this->biggest_x, 3) + 85; $this->graphic_area_width = 180; $this->width += 90; break; } $this->width += $this->graphic_area_width; $this->width += $this->legend_box_width; $this->graphic_area_x2 = $this->graphic_area_x1 + $this->graphic_area_width; $this->legend_box_x1 = $this->graphic_area_x2 + 40; $this->legend_box_x2 = $this->legend_box_x1 + $this->legend_box_width; } /** * Calculate height * @access public * @return void */ function calculate_height() { switch ($this->type) { // Vertical bars case 1: $this->legend_box_height = ($this->graphic_2_exists == true) ? 40 : 0; $this->graphic_area_height = 150; $this->height += 65; break; // Horizontal bars case 2: $this->legend_box_height = ($this->graphic_2_exists == true) ? 40 : 0; $this->graphic_area_height = ($this->space_between_bars * $this->total_parameters) + 10; $this->height += 65; break; // Dots case 3: $this->legend_box_height = ($this->graphic_2_exists == true) ? 40 : 0; $this->graphic_area_height = 150; $this->height += 65; break; // Lines case 4: $this->legend_box_height = ($this->graphic_2_exists == true) ? 40 : 0; $this->graphic_area_height = 150; $this->height += 65; break; // Pie case 5: $this->legend_box_height = (!empty($this->axis_x)) ? 30 : 5; $this->legend_box_height += (14 * $this->total_parameters); $this->graphic_area_height = 150; $this->height += 50; break; // Donut case 6: $this->legend_box_height = (!empty($this->axis_x)) ? 30 : 5; $this->legend_box_height += (14 * $this->total_parameters); $this->graphic_area_height = 180; $this->height += 50; break; } $this->height += $this->height_title; $this->height += ($this->legend_box_height > $this->graphic_area_height) ? ($this->legend_box_height - $this->graphic_area_height) : 0; $this->height += $this->graphic_area_height; $this->graphic_area_y2 = $this->graphic_area_y1 + $this->graphic_area_height; $this->legend_box_y1 = $this->graphic_area_y1 + 10; $this->legend_box_y2 = $this->legend_box_y1 + $this->legend_box_height; } /** * Draw the graphic legend * @access public * @return void */ function draw_legend() { $x1 = $this->legend_box_x1; $y1 = $this->legend_box_y1; $x2 = $this->legend_box_x2; $y2 = $this->legend_box_y2; imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bg_legend']); $x = $x1 + 5; $y = $y1 + 5; // Draw legend values for VERTICAL BARS, HORIZONTAL BARS, DOTS and LINES if (preg_match('/^(1|2|3|4)$/', $this->type)) { $color_1 = (preg_match('/^(1|2)$/', $this->type)) ? $this->color['bars'] : $this->color['line']; $color_2 = (preg_match('/^(1|2)$/', $this->type)) ? $this->color['bars_2'] : $this->color['line_2']; imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x, $y, ($x+10), ($y+10), $color_1); imagerectangle($this->img, $x, $y, ($x+10), ($y+10), $this->color['title']); imagestring($this->img, 3, ($x+15), ($y-2), $this->graphic_1, $this->color['axis_values']); $y += 20; imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x, $y, ($x+10), ($y+10), $color_2); imagerectangle($this->img, $x, $y, ($x+10), ($y+10), $this->color['title']); imagestring($this->img, 3, ($x+15), ($y-2), $this->graphic_2, $this->color['axis_values']); } // Draw legend values for PIE or DONUT else if (preg_match('/^(5|6)$/', $this->type)) { if (!empty($this->axis_x)) { imagestring($this->img, 3, ((($x1+$x2)/2) - (strlen($this->axis_x)*7/2)), $y, $this->axis_x, $this->color['title']); $y += 25; } $num = 0; foreach ($this->x as $i => $parameter) { $num = $i%7 + 1; $color = 'arc_' . $num; $percent = number_format(round(($this->y[$i] * 100 / $this->sum_total), 2), 2, ".", "") . ' %'; $less = (strlen($percent) * 7); if ($num != 1) { imageline($this->img, ($x1+15), ($y-2), ($x2-5), ($y-2), $this->color['bg_lines']); } imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x, $y, ($x+10), ($y+10), $this->color[$color]); imagerectangle($this->img, $x, $y, ($x+10), ($y+10), $this->color['title']); imagestring($this->img, 3, ($x+15), ($y-2), $parameter, $this->color['axis_values']); imagestring($this->img, 2, ($x2-$less), ($y-2), $percent, $this->color['axis_values']); $y += 14; $num++; } } } /** * Calculate the string width * @access public * @return int string width */ function string_width($string, $size) { $single_width = $size + 4; return $single_width * strlen($string); } /** * Calculate the string height * @access public * @return int string height */ function string_height($size) { if ($size <= 1) { $height = 8; } else if ($size <= 3) { $height = 12; } else if ($size >= 4) { $height = 14; } return $height; } /** * Calculate the higher value * @access public * @return void */ function calculate_higher_value() { $digits = strlen(round($this->biggest_y)); $interval = pow(10, ($digits-1)); $this->higher_value = round(($this->biggest_y - ($this->biggest_y % $interval) + $interval), 1); $this->higher_value_str = $this->number_formated($this->higher_value); } /** * Number formated (Float to string representation) * @param float $number * @param int $dec_size * @access public * @return string */ function number_formated($number, $dec_size = 1) { if ($this->latin_notation == true) { return number_format(round($number, $dec_size), $dec_size, ",", "."); } return number_format(round($number, $dec_size), $dec_size, ".", ","); } /** * Number float * @param string $number * @return float */ function number_float($number) { if ($this->latin_notation == true) { $number = str_replace(".", "", $number); return (float)str_replace(",", ".", $number); } return (float)str_replace(",", "", $number); } /** * Draw the credits string * @param int $number * @return void * @access public */ function draw_credits() { imagestring($this->img, 1, ($this->width-120), ($this->height-10), "Powered by Carlos Reche", $this->color['title']); } /** * Load color palette * @return void * @access public */ function load_color_palette() { switch ($this->skin) { // Office case 1: $this->color['title'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 0, 0, 100); $this->color['background'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 220, 220, 220); $this->color['axis_values'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 50, 50, 50); $this->color['axis_line'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 100, 100); $this->color['bg_lines'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 240, 240, 240); $this->color['bg_legend'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 205, 205, 205); if (preg_match('/^(1|2)$/', $this->type)) { $this->color['bars'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 150, 200); $this->color['bars_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 50, 100, 150); $this->color['bars_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 250, 150); $this->color['bars_2_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 120, 170, 70); } else if (preg_match('/^(3|4)$/', $this->type)) { $this->color['line'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 150, 200); $this->color['line_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 230, 100, 100); } else if (preg_match('/^(5|6)$/', $this->type)) { $this->color['arc_1'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 150, 200); $this->color['arc_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 250, 150); $this->color['arc_3'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 200, 150); $this->color['arc_4'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 150, 150); $this->color['arc_5'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 250, 150); $this->color['arc_6'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 230, 180, 250); $this->color['arc_7'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 200, 150); $this->color['arc_1_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 60, 110, 170); $this->color['arc_2_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 120, 170, 70); $this->color['arc_3_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 180, 120, 70); $this->color['arc_4_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 170, 100, 100); $this->color['arc_5_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 180, 180, 110); $this->color['arc_6_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 160, 110, 190); $this->color['arc_7_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 140, 140, 100); } break; // Matrix case 2: $this->color['title'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 255, 255); $this->color['background'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 0, 0, 0); $this->color['axis_values'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 0, 230, 0); $this->color['axis_line'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 0, 200, 0); $this->color['bg_lines'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 100, 100); $this->color['bg_legend'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 70, 70, 70); if (preg_match('/^(1|2)$/', $this->type)) { $this->color['bars'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 50, 200, 50); $this->color['bars_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 0, 150, 0); $this->color['bars_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 255, 255); $this->color['bars_2_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 220, 220, 220); } else if (preg_match('/^(3|4)$/', $this->type)) { $this->color['line'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 220, 220, 220); $this->color['line_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 0, 180, 0); } else if (preg_match('/^(5|6)$/', $this->type)) { $this->color['arc_1'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 255, 255); $this->color['arc_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 220, 200); $this->color['arc_3'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 160, 200, 160); $this->color['arc_4'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 135, 180, 135); $this->color['arc_5'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 115, 160, 115); $this->color['arc_6'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 140, 100); $this->color['arc_7'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 90, 120, 90); $this->color['arc_1_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 220, 200); $this->color['arc_2_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 160, 200, 160); $this->color['arc_3_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 135, 180, 135); $this->color['arc_4_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 115, 160, 115); $this->color['arc_5_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 140, 100); $this->color['arc_6_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 90, 120, 90); $this->color['arc_7_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 85, 100, 85); } break; // Spring case 3: $this->color['title'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 50, 50); $this->color['background'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 250, 220); $this->color['axis_values'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 50, 150, 50); $this->color['axis_line'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 50, 100, 50); $this->color['bg_lines'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 224, 180); $this->color['bg_legend'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 230, 230, 200); if (preg_match('/^(1|2)$/', $this->type)) { $this->color['bars'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 170, 80); $this->color['bars_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 120, 30); $this->color['bars_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 230, 80); $this->color['bars_2_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 180, 150, 0); } else if (preg_match('/^(3|4)$/', $this->type)) { $this->color['line'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 230, 100, 0); $this->color['line_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 220, 200, 50); } else if (ereg("^(5|6)$", $this->type)) { $this->color['arc_1'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 150, 200); $this->color['arc_2'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 250, 150); $this->color['arc_3'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 200, 150); $this->color['arc_4'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 150, 150); $this->color['arc_5'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 250, 250, 150); $this->color['arc_6'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 230, 180, 250); $this->color['arc_7'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 200, 150); $this->color['arc_1_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 60, 110, 170); $this->color['arc_2_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 120, 170, 70); $this->color['arc_3_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 180, 120, 70); $this->color['arc_4_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 170, 100, 100); $this->color['arc_5_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 180, 180, 110); $this->color['arc_6_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 160, 110, 190); $this->color['arc_7_shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 140, 140, 100); } break; } } /** * Echo html code for powergraphic funcionalitty * @access public * @return void */ function html() { echo ' Power Graphic - by Carlos Reche
Powered by Carlos Reche

Axis X:
Axis Y:
Graphic 1:
Graphic 2:
Show values for Graphic 2
+ Parameter Value 1 '; for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { echo '
'.($i+1).'. '; echo ' '; echo '
'; } echo '
Show credits
'; } /** * Reset all graphics value * @access public * @return void */ function reset_values() { $this->title = NULL; $this->axis_x = NULL; $this->axis_y = NULL; $this->type = NULL; $this->skin = NULL; $this->graphic_1 = NULL; $this->graphic_2 = NULL; $this->credits = NULL; $this->x = $this->y = $this->z = array(); } /** * Create query string array * @param array $array * @return string * @access public */ function create_query_string_array($array) { if (!is_array($array)) { return false; } $query_string = array(); foreach ($array as $parameter => $value) { $query_string[] = urlencode($parameter) . '=' . urlencode($value); } return implode("&", $query_string); } /** * Create query string * @return string query string * @access public */ function create_query_string() { $graphic['title'] = $this->title; $graphic['axis_x'] = $this->axis_x; $graphic['axis_y'] = $this->axis_y; $graphic['type'] = $this->type; $graphic['skin'] = $this->skin; $graphic['graphic_1'] = $this->graphic_1; $graphic['graphic_2'] = $this->graphic_2; $graphic['credits'] = $this->credits; foreach ($this->x as $i => $x) { $graphic['x'.$i] = $x; if (isset($this->y[$i])) { $graphic['y'.$i] = $this->y[$i]; } if (isset($this->z[$i])) { $graphic['z'.$i] = $this->z[$i]; } } return $this->create_query_string_array($graphic); } } ?>